

3 Envelopes

I really enjoyed Thom Langford’s recent post Three Envelopes, One CISO, on the old parable about preparing three envelopes to defer blame for bad things – until you cannot shift it, when you take the bullet. In the CISO’s case it is likely to be a breach. So first blame your predecessor, though I have found that only works for about 6 months. If you get that long a honeymoon, then by the time you have been in the seat for 6 months it is your problem. For the second breach, blame your team. Of course this is limiting – you need them to work for you, but it’s a question of survival at this point, right? When the third breach comes around, you prepare 3 new envelopes, because you are done. Though most folks only get one breach now – especially if they bungle the response. But that’s not Thom’s point, nor is it mine. He brings the discussion back around to the recent Sony breach. Everyone seems to want to draw and quarter a CISO for all sorts of ills. It may be well-deserved, but the rush to judgement doesn’t really help anything, does it? Especially now that it seems to have been a highly sophisticated attack, which Mandiant called ‘unprecedented’. So did the CISOs do themselves any favors? Probably not. But as Thom says, We seem to want to chop down the CISO as soon as something goes wrong, rather than seeing it in the context of the business overall. Let’s wait and see what actually happened before declaring his Career Is So Over, and also appreciate that security breaches are not always the result of poor information security, but often simply a risk taken by the business that didn’t pay off. And with that I open the second envelope Rich gave me when I started at Securosis… Photo credit: “tiny envelope set: radioactive flora” originally uploaded by Angela Share:

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Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud: Migration Planning

We will wrap up this series with a migration path to monitoring the hybrid cloud. Whether you choose to monitor the cloud services you consume, or go all the way and create your own SOC in the cloud, these steps will get you there. Let’s dive in. Phase 1: Deploy Collectors The first phase is to collect and aggregate the data. You need to decide how to deploy event collectors – including agents, ‘edge’ proxies, and reverse proxies – to gather information from cloud resources. Your goal is to gather events as quickly and easily as possible, so start with what you know. That basically means leveraging the capabilities of your current security solution(s) to get these new events into the existing system. The complexity is not around understanding these new data sources – flow data and syslog output are well understood. The challenge comes in adapting collection methods designed for on-premises services with a cloud model. If an agent or collector works with your cloud provider’s environment, either to consume cloud vendor logs or those created by your own cloud-based servers, you are in luck. If not you will likely find yourself rerouting traffic to and/or from the cloud into a network proxy to capture events. Depending on the type of cloud service (such as SaaS or IaaS) you will have various means to access event data (such as logs and API connectivity), as outlined in our solution architectures post. We suggest collecting data directly from the cloud provider whenever possible, because much of that data is unavailable from instances or applications running inside the cloud. Monitoring agents can be deployed in IaaS or private cloud environments, where you control the full stack. But in other cloud models, particularly PaaS and SaaS, agents are generally not viable. There you need to rely on proxies that can collect data from all types of cloud deployments, provided you can route traffic through their data-gathering choke points. It is decidedly suboptimal to insert choke points in your cloud network, but it may be necessary. Finally, you have might instead be able to use remote API calls from an on-premise collector to pull events directly from your cloud provider. Not all cloud providers offer this access, and if they do you will likely need to code something yourself from their API documentation. Once you understand what is available you can figure out whether your source provides sufficiently granular data. Each cloud provider/vendor API, and each event log, offer a slightly different set of events in a slightly different format. Be prepared to go back to the future – you may need to build a collector based on sample data from your provider, because not all of the cloud vendors/providers offer logs in syslog or a similarly convenient format. Also look for feed filter options to screen out events you are not interested in – cloud services are excellent at flooding systems with (irrelevant) data. Our monitoring philosophy hasn’t changed. Collect as much data as possible. Get everything the cloud vendor provides as the basis for security monitoring. Then fill in the deficiencies with agents, proxy filters, and cloud monitoring services as needed. This is a very new capability, so likely you will need to build API interface layers to your cloud service providers. Finally keep in mind that using proxies and/or forcing cloud traffic through appliances at the ‘edge’ of your cloud is likely to require re-architecting both on-premise and cloud networks to funnel traffic in and out of your collection point. This also requires that disconnected devices (phones/tablets and laptops not on the corporate network) be configured to send traffic through the choke points / gateways, and cloud services must be configured to reject any direct access which bypasses these portals. If an inspection point can be bypassed it cannot effectively monitor security. Now that you have figured out your strategy and deployed basic collectors, it is time to integrate these new data sources into the monitoring environment. Phase 2: Integrate and Monitor Cloud-based Resources To integrate these cloud-based event sources into the monitoring solution you need to decide which deployment model will best fit your needs. If you already have an on-premise SOC platform and supporting infrastructure it may make sense to simply feed the events into your existing SIEM, malware detection, or other monitoring systems. But a few considerations might change your decision. Capacity: Ensure the existing system can handle your anticipated event volume. SaaS and PaaS environments can be noisy, so expect a significant uptick in event volume, and account for the additional storage and processing overhead. Push vs. Pull: Log Management and SIEM systems can collect events as remote systems and agents push events to them. Then the collector grabs the events, possibly performing some event preprocessing, and forwards the stream to the main aggregation point. But what if you cannot run a remote agent to push the data to you? Most cloud events must be pulled from the cloud service via an active API request. While pull requests are secured across HTTPS, SSL, or even VPN connections, this doesn’t happen magically – a program or script must initiate the transfer. Additionally, the program (script) must supply credentials or identity tokens to the cloud service. You need to know whether your current system is capable of initiating the pull request, and whether it can securely manage the remote API service credentials necessary to collect data. Data Retention: Cloud services require network access, so you need to plan for when your connection is down – especially given the frequency of DoS attacks and network service outages. Make sure you understand the impact if you cannot collect remote events for a time. If the connection goes down, how long can relevant security data be retained or buffered? You don’t want to lose that data. The good news is that many PaaS and IaaS platforms provide easy mechanisms to archive event feeds to long-term storage, to avoid event data loss, but

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