

Endpoint Defense Essential Practices

The area of security has the most increased focus recently is protecting the endpoint. Once you stop snickering, it makes some sense. For years (or decades, depending on how cynical you want to be) endpoint security was the beneficiary of the compliance driver. Whether the technologies actually protected anything was beside the point. Assessors would show up, and you needed to have AV. Then advanced attackers happened and the industry started innovating, starting with network security, leaving the endpoint largely unprotected. But that’s no longer a defensible strategy. Endpoints are more likely untethered than not, so these devices are no longer within the corporate perimeter. You could route all traffic through your corporate network, but that defeats the purpose of the cloud and the Internet. We have seen a renaissance of sorts with lots of interesting technologies designed to protect endpoints. We covered many of these developments in our Advanced Endpoint and Server Protection paper. But the fact remains: many organizations are not even prepared to deal with unsophisticated attackers. You know, that dude in the basement banging on your stuff with Metasploit. Those organizations don’t really need advanced security – their needs are more fundamental. They need to understand what really needs to get done – not the hot topic at industry conferences. They cannot do everything to fully protect endpoints, so they need to start with the essentials. So this post is all about these Essential Practices of Endpoint Defense. Thanks to our friends at Viewfinity, we will turn this post into a short paper. Securing Endpoints Is Hard Why is this still a discussion? Endpoints have been around for decades, and organizations have spent tens of billions of {name your favorite currency} to protect these devices. But every minute more devices are compromised, breaches result, and your Board of Directors wants an explanation of why this keeps happening. Two issues underlie the difficulties of endpoint protection. First, let’s be candid. It’s a software issue – software has defects, which attackers exploit. Second, employees routinely fall for simplistic social engineering attacks, resulting in a software install or clicked link – the beginning of a successful attack. And you are a target, regardless of the size of your organization. You have something someone else wants to steal, and they will try. Complicating the situation, adversaries continue to automate their reconnaissance and attack efforts. You are not protected by resource constraints – the entire Internet can be scanned for common vulnerabilities daily. The status quo doesn’t work for our side. We need to take a step back, and look at protecting endpoints with fresh eyes. This provides an opportunity to determine what’s really essential. Defending Endpoints As we have alluded, there are two aspects to defending endpoints: hygiene and threat management. They are co-dependent – you cannot just address either on and expect your endpoints to be protected.   Endpoint Hygiene: The operational aspects of reducing device attack surface are an integral aspect of endpoint security strategy. You need to ensure you have sufficient capabilities to manage patches and enforce security configuration policies. Additionally, you should ensure employees have the least privilege necessary on each device to prevent privilege escalation, and lock down device ports. Endpoint Threat Management: Advanced attackers are only as advanced as they need to be: they take the path of least resistance. But the converse is also true. When these adversaries need advanced techniques, they use them. Traditional malware defenses such as antivirus don’t stand much chance against a zero-day attack. An effective threat management process incorporates people, processes, and technology. Now let’s dig into both aspects of endpoint defense to identify these essential practices. Endpoint Hygiene Consistent and effective hygiene practices are elusive, both personally (look at your dentist’s fancy car) and within security. It is not a lack of desire – everyone wants to ensure their devices are difficult to compromise. It has been a challenge of operational excellence. To be clear, effective hygiene practices don’t completely protect endpoints, but they certainly make them much harder targets. The essential practices we lump into the hygiene bucket include: Patch Management Configuration Management Device Control Least Privilege Patch Management Patch managers install fixes from software vendors to address vulnerabilities. The most well-known patching process is Microsoft’s monthly Patch Tuesday, when the company issues a variety of software fixes to address defects in its products – many of which could result in system exploitation. Other vendors have adopted similar approaches, with a periodic patch cycle and out-of-cycle patches for more serious issues. Once a patch is issued your organization needs to assess it, figure out which devices need to be patched, and install it within the window specified by policy – typically a few days. A patch management product scans devices, installs patches, and reports on the success or failure of the process. Our Patch Management Quant research provides a detailed view of the patching process, so refer to it for more information. Configuration Management Configuration management enables an organization to define an authorized set of configurations for devices. These configurations can control pretty much everything that happens on the device, including: applications installed, device settings, running services, and on-device security controls. Another aspect of configuration management is the ability to assess configurations and identify changes, which is valuable because unauthorized configuration changes may indicate malware execution or an exploitable operational error. Additionally, configuration management can help ease the provisioning burden of setting up and reimaging devices after infection. Device Control End users love the flexibility USB ports provide for ‘productivity’. Unfortunately USB doesn’t just enable employees to share music with buddies – it also lets them download your entire customer database onto their phones. It all became much easier once the industry standardized on USB a decade ago. The ability to easily share data has facilitated employee collaboration, while also greatly increasing the risks of data leakage and malware proliferation. Device control technology enables you to enforce policy – both who can use USB ports and how – and capture whatever is copied to and from USB devices. As an active control, monitoring

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New! Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers, & Applications

Woo Hoo! It’s New Paper Friday! Over the past month or so you have seen Adrian and myself put together our latest work on encryption. This one is a top-level overview designed to help people decide which approach should work best for datacenter projects (including servers, storage, applications, cloud infrastructure, and databases). Now we have pieced it together into a full paper. We’d like to thank Vormetric for licensing this content. As always we wrote it using our Totally Transparent Research process, and the content is independent and objective. Download the full paper. Here’s an excerpt from the opening: Today we see encryption growing at an accelerating rate in data centers, for a confluence of reasons. A trite way to summarize them is “compliance, cloud, and covert affairs”. Organizations need to keep auditors off their backs; keep control over data in the cloud; and stop the flood of data breaches, state-sponsored espionage, and government snooping (even by their own governments). Thanks to increasing demand we have a growing range of options, as vendors and even free and Open Source tools address this opportunity. We have never had more choice, but with choice comes complexity – and outside your friendly local sales representative, guidance can be hard to come by. For example, given a single application collecting an account number from each customer, you could encrypt it in any of several different places: the application, the database, or storage – or use tokenization instead. The data is encrypted (or substituted), but each place you might encrypt raises different concerns. What threats are you protecting against? What is the performance overhead? How are keys managed? Does it all meet compliance requirements? This paper cuts through the confusion to help you pick the best encryption options for your projects. In case you couldn’t guess from the title, our focus is on encrypting in the data center: applications, servers, databases, and storage. Heck, we will even cover cloud computing (IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service), although we covered it in depth in another paper. We will also cover tokenization and discuss its relationship with encryption. We would like to thank Vormetric for licensing this paper, which enables us to release it for free. As always, the content is completely independent and was created in a series of blog posts (and posted on GitHub) for public comment. Share:

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