

EMV and the Changing Payment Space: Systemic Tokenization

This post covers why I think tokenization will radically change payment security. EMV-compliant terminals offer several advantages over magnetic stripe readers – notably the abilities to communicate with mobile devices, validate chipped credit cards, and process payment requests with tokens rather than credit card numbers. Today’s post focuses on use of tokens in EMV-compliant payment systems. This is critically important, because when you read the EMV tokenization specification it becomes clear that its security model is to stop passing PAN around as much as possible, thereby limiting its exposure. You do not need to be an expert on tokenization to benefit fully from today’s discussion, but you should at least know what a token is and that it can fill in for a real credit card number without requiring significant changes to payment processing systems. For those of you reading this paper who need to implement or manage payment systems, you should be familiar with two other documents: the EMV Payment Tokenization Specification version 1.0 provides a detailed technical explanation of how tokenization works in EMV-compliant systems, and the Payment Account Reference addendum to the specification released in May 2015. If you want additional background, we have written plenty about tokenization here at Securosis. It is one of our core coverage areas because it’s relatively new for data security, poorly understood by the IT and security communities, but genuinely promising technology. If you’re not yet up to speed and want a little background before we dig in, there dozens of posts on the Securosis blog. Free full research papers available include Understanding and Selecting Tokenization as a primer, Tokenization Guidance to help firms understand how tokenization reduces PCI scope, Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance to help firms understand how these technologies fit into a compliance program, and Cracking the Confusion: Encryption and Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers and Application to help build these technologies into systems. Merchant Side Tokenization Tokenization has proven its worth to merchants by reducing the scope of PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) audits. Merchants, and in some cases their payment processors, use tokens instead of credit card numbers. This means that they do not need to store the PAN or any associated magstripe data, and a token is only a reference to a transaction or card number, so they don’t need to worry that it might be lost of stolen. The token is sufficient for a merchant to handle dispute resolution, refunds, and repayments, but it’s not a real credit card number, so it cannot be used to initiate new payment requests. This is great for security, because the data an attacker needs to commit fraud is elsewhere, and the merchant’s exposure is reduced. We are focused on tokenization because the EMV specification relies heavily on tokens for payment processing. These tokens will come from issuing banks via a Token Service Provider (rather than from a merchant); the TSP tracks tokens globally. That is good security, but a significant departure from the way things work today. Additionally, many merchants have complained because without a PAN or some way to uniquely identify users, many of their event processing and analytics systems break. This has created significant resistance to EMV adoption, but this barrier is about to be broken. With Draft Specification Bulletin No. 167 of May 2015, EMVCo introduced the Payment Account Reference. This unique identification token solves many of the transparency issues that merchants have with losing access to the PAN. The Payment Account Reference and Global Tokenization Merchants, payment gateways, and acquirers want – and in some cases need – to link customers to a payment instrument presented during a transaction. This helps with fraud detection, risk analytics, customer loyalty programs, and various other business operations. But if a PAN is sensitive and part of most payment fraud, how can we enable all those use cases while limiting risk? Tokenization. EMVCo’s Payment Account Reference (PAR) is essentially a token to reference a specific bank account. It is basically a random value representing a customer account at an issuing bank, but cannot be reverse-engineered back to a real account number. In addition to this token, the EMV Payment Tokenization Specification also specifies token replacement for each PAN to reduce the use and storage of credit card numbers throughout the payment ecosystem. This will further reduce fraud by limiting the availability of credit card numbers for attackers to access. Rather than do this on a merchant-by-merchant basis, it is global and built into the system. The combination of these two tokens enables unambiguous determination of a customer’s account and payment card, so everyone in the payment ecosystem can leverage their current anti-fraud and analytics systems – more on this later. Let’s look at PARs in more detail: PAR is a Payment Account Reference, or a pointer to (what people outside the banking industry call) your bank account. PAR is itself a token with a one-to-one mapping to the bank account, intended to last as long as the bank account. You may have multiple mobile wallets, smart cards or other device, but that PAR will be consistent across each. The PAR will remain the same for each value of PAN; as a payment account may have multiple PANs associated with it, the PAR will always be the same. The PAR token will be passed, along with the credit card number or token, to the merchant’s bank or payment processor. A PAR should be present for all transactions, regardless of whether the PAN is tokenized or not. PAR tokens are generated from a Token Service Provider, requested from and provided via the issuing bank. A PAR will enable merchants and acquirers to consistently link transactions globally, and to confirm that a Primary Account Number (PAN) (your credit card number) is indeed associated with that account. A PAR has a one-to-one relationship with the issuing bank account, but a one-to-many relationship with payment cards or mobile devices. For the geeks out there, a PAR cannot be reverse-engineered into a bank account number or a credit card number, and cannot be used to find either of those values without special knowledge. Token Service

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