

Building Security Into DevOps: Tools and Testing in Detail

Thus far I’ve been making the claim that security can be woven into the very fabric of your DevOps framework; now it’s time to show exactly how. DevOps encourages testing at all phases in the process, and the earlier the better. From the developers desktop prior to check-in, to module testing, and against a full application stack, both pre and post deployment – it’s all available to you. Where to test Unit testing: Unit testing is nothing more than running tests again small sub-components or fragments of an application. These tests are written by the programmer as they develop new functions, and commonly run by the developer prior to code checkin. However, these tests are intended to be long-lived, checked into source repository along with new code, and run by any subsequent developers who contribute to that code module. For security, these be straightforward tests – such as SQL Injection against a web form – to more complex attacks specific to the function, such as logic attacks to ensure the new bit of code correctly reacts to a users intent. Regardless of the test intent, unit tests are focused on specific pieces of code, and not systemic or transactional in nature. And they intended to catch errors very early in the process, following the Deming ideal that the earlier flaws are identified, the less expensive they are to fix. In building out your unit tests, you’ll need to both support developer infrastructure to harness these tests, but also encourage the team culturally to take these tests seriously enough to build good tests. Having multiple team member contribute to the same code, each writing unit tests, helps identify weaknesses the other did not not consider. Security Regression tests: A regression test is one which validates recently changed code still functions as intended. In a security context this it is particularly important to ensure that previously fixed vulnerabilities remain fixed. For DevOps regression tests can are commonly run in parallel to functional tests – which means after the code stack is built out – but in a dedicated environment security testing can be destructive and cause unwanted side-effects. Virtualization and cloud infrastructure are leveraged to aid quick start-up of new test environments. The tests themselves are a combination of home-built test cases, created to exploit previously discovered vulnerabilities, and supplemented by commercial testing tools available via API for easy integration. Automated vulnerability scanners and dynamic code scanners are a couple of examples. Production Runtime testing: As we mentioned in the Deployment section of the last post, many organizations are taking advantage of blue-green deployments to run tests of all types against new production code. While the old code continues to serves user requests, new code is available only to select users or test harnesses. The idea is the tests represent a real production environment, but the automated environment makes this far easier to set up, and easier to roll back in the event of errors. Other: Balancing thoroughness and timelines is a battle for most organization. The goal is to test and deploy quickly, with many organizations who embrace CD releasing new code a minimum of 10 times a day. Both the quality and depth of testing becomes more important issue: If you’ve massaged your CD pipeline to deliver every hour, but it takes a week for static or dynamic scans, how do you incorporate these tests? It’s for this reason that some organizations do not do automated releases, rather wrap releases into a ‘sprint’, running a complete testing cycle against the results of the last development sprint. Still others take periodic snap-shops of the code and run white box tests in parallel, but do gate release on the results, choosing to address findings with new task cards. Another way to look at this problem, just like all of your Dev and Ops processes will go through iterative and continual improvement, what constitutes ‘done’ in regards to security testing prior to release will need continual adjustment as well. You may add more unit and regression tests over time, and more of the load gets shifted onto developers before they check code in. Building a Tool Chain The following is a list of commonly used security testing techniques, the value they provide, and where they fit into a DevOps process. Many of you reading this will already understand the value of tools, but perhaps not how they fit within a DevOps framework, so we will contrast traditional vs. DevOps deployments. Odds are you will use many, if not all, of these approaches; breadth of testing helps thoroughly identify weaknesses in the code, and better understand if the issues are genuine threats to application security. Static analysis: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) examine all code – or runtime binaries – providing a thorough examination for common vulnerabilities. These tools are highly effective at finding flaws, often within code that has been reviewed manually. Most of the platforms have gotten much better at providing analysis that is meaningful to developers, not just security geeks. And many are updating their products to offer full functionality via APIs or build scripts. If you can, you’ll want to select tools that don’t require ‘code complete’ or fail to offer APIs for integration into the DevOps process. Also note we’ve seen a slight reduction in use as these tests often take hours or days to run; in a DevOps environment that may eliminate in line tests as a gate to certification or deployment. Most organizations, as we mentioned in the above section labelled ‘Other’, teams are adjusting to out of band testing with static analysis scanners. We highly recommend keeping SAST testing as part of the process and, if possible, are focused on new sections of code only to reduce the duration of the scan. Dynamic analysis: Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), rather than scan code or binaries as SAST tools above, dynamically ‘crawl’ through an application’s interface, testing how the application reacts to inputs. While these scanners do not see what’s going

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