

Do We Have a Right to Security?

Don’t be distracted by the technical details. The model of phone, the method of encryption, the detailed description of the specific attack technique, and even feasibility are all irrelevant. Don’t be distracted by the legal wrangling. By the timing, the courts, or the laws in question. Nor by politicians, proposed legislation, Snowden, or speeches at think tanks or universities. Don’t be distracted by who is involved. Apple, the FBI, dead terrorists, or common drug dealers. Everything, all of it, boils down to a single question. Do we have a right to security? This isn’t the government vs. some technology companies. It’s the government vs. your right to fundamental security in the digital age. Vendors like Apple have hit the point where some of the products they make, for us, are so secure that it is nearly impossible, if not impossible, to crack them. As a lifetime security professional, this is what my entire industry has been dreaming of since the dawn of computers. Secure commerce, secure communications, secure data storage. A foundation to finally start reducing all those data breaches, to stop China, Russia, and others from wheedling their way into our critical infrastructure. To make phones so secure they almost aren’t worth stealing, since even the parts aren’t worth much. To build the secure foundation for the digital age that we so lack, and so desperately need. So an entire hospital isn’t held hostage because one person clicked on the wrong link. The FBI, DOJ, and others are debating whether secure products and services should be legal. They hide this in language around warrants and lawful access, and scream about terrorists and child pornographers. What they don’t say, what they never admit, is that it is impossible to build in back doors for law enforcement without creating security vulnerabilities. It simply can’t be done. If Apple, the government, or anyone else has master access to your device, to a service, or communications, that is a security flaw. It is impossible for them to guarantee that criminals or hostile governments won’t also gain such access. This isn’t paranoia, it’s a demonstrable fact. No company or government is completely secure. And this completely ignores the fact that if the US government makes security illegal here, that destroys any concept of security throughout the rest of the world, especially in repressive regimes. Say goodbye to any possibility of new democracies. Never mind the consequences here at home. Access to our phones and our communications these days isn’t like reading our mail or listening to our phone calls – it’s more like listening to whispers to our partners at home. Like tracking how we express our love to our children, or fight the demons in our own minds. The FBI wants this case to be about a single phone used by a single dead terrorist in San Bernadino to distract us from asking the real question. It will not stop at this one case – that isn’t how law works. They are also teaming with legislators to make encrypted, secure devices and services illegal. That isn’t conspiracy theory – it is the stated position of the Director of the FBI. Eventually they want systems to access any device or form of communications, at scale. As they already have with our phone system. Keep in mind that there is no way to limit this to consumer technologies, and it will have to apply to business systems as well, undermining corporate security. So ignore all of that and ask yourself, do we have a right to security? To secure devices, communications, and services? Devices secure from criminals, foreign governments, and yes, even our own? And by extension, do we have a right to privacy? Because privacy without security is impossible. Because that is what this fight is about, and there is no middle ground, mystery answer hiding in a research project, or compromise. I am a security expert. I have spent 25 years in public service and most definitely don’t consider myself a social activist. I am amused by conspiracy theories, but never take them seriously. But it would be unconscionable for me to remain silent when our fundamental rights are under assault by elements within our own government. Share:

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Building a Threat Intelligence Program: Gathering TI

[Note: We received some feedback on the series that prompted us to clarify what we meant by scale and context towards the end of the post. See? We do listen to feedback on the posts. – Mike] We started documenting how to build a Threat Intelligence program in our first post, so now it’s time to dig into the mechanics of thinking more strategically and systematically about how to benefit from the misfortune of others and make the best use of TI. It’s hard to use TI you don’t actually have yet, so the first step is to gather the TI you need. Defining TI Requirements A ton of external security data available. The threat intelligence market has exploded over the past year. Not only are dozens of emerging companies offering various kinds of security data, but many existing security vendors are trying to introduce TI services as well, to capitalize on the hype. We also see a number of new companies with offerings to help collect, aggregate, and analyze TI. But we aren’t interested in hype – what new products and services can improve your security posture? With no lack of options, how can you choose the most effective TI for you? As always, we suggest you start by defining your problem, and then identifying the offerings that would help you solve it most effectively. Start with your the primary use case for threat intel. Basically, what is the catalyst to spend money? That’s the place to start. Our research indicates this catalyst is typically one of a handful of issues: Attack prevention/detection: This is the primary use case for most TI investments. Basically you can’t keep pace with adversaries, so you need external security data to tell you what to look for (and possibly block). This budget tends to be associated with advanced attackers, so if there is concern about them within the executive suite, this is likely the best place to start. Forensics: If you have a successful compromise you will want TI to help narrow the focus of your investigation. This process is outlined in our Threat Intelligence + Incident Response research. Hunting: Some organizations have teams tasked to find evidence of adversary activity within the environment, even if existing alerting/detection technologies are not finding anything. These skilled practitioners can use new malware samples from a TI service effectively, then can also use the latest information about adversaries to look for them before they act overtly (and trigger traditional detection). Once you have identified primary and secondary use cases, you need to look at potential adversaries. Specific TI sources – both platform vendors and pure data providers – specialize in specific adversaries or target types. Take a similar approach with adversaries: understand who your primary attackers are likely to be, and find providers with expertise in tracking them. The last part of defining TI requirements is to decide how you will use the data. Will it trigger automated blocking on active controls, as described in Applied Threat Intelligence? Will data be pumped into your SIEM or other security monitors for alerting as described in Threat Intelligence and Security Monitoring? Will TI only be used by advanced adversary hunters? You need to answer these questions to understand how to integrate TI into your monitors and controls. When thinking about threat intelligence programmatically, think not just about how you can use TI today, but also what you want to do further down the line. Is automatic blocking based on TI realistic? If so that raises different considerations that just monitoring. This aspirational thinking can demand flexibility that gives you better options moving forward. You don’t want to be tied into a specific TI data source, and maybe not even to a specific aggregation platform. A TI program is about how to leverage data in your security program, not how to use today’s data services. That’s why we suggest focusing on your requirements first, and then finding optimal solutions. Budgeting After you define what you need from TI, how will you pay for it? We know, that’s a pesky detail, but it is important, as you set up a TI program, to figure out which executive sponsors will support it and whether that funding source is sustainable. When a breach happens, a ton of money gets spent on anything and everything to make it go away. There is no resistance to funding security projects, until there is – which tends to happen once the road rash heals a bit. So you need to line up support for using external data and ensure you have got a funding source that sees the value of investment now and in the future. Depending on your organization security may have its own budget to spend on key technologies; in that case you just build the cost into the security operations budget because TI is be sold on a subscription basis. If you need to associate specific spending with specific projects, you’ll need to find the right budget sources. We suggest you stay as close to advanced threat prevention/detection as you can because that’s the easiest case to make for TI. How much money do you need? Of course that depends on the size of your organization. At this point many TI data services are priced at a flat annual rate, which is great for a huge company which can leverage the data. If you have a smaller team you’ll need to work with the vendor on lower pricing or different pricing models, or look at lower cost alternatives. For TI platform expenditures, which we will discuss later in the series, you will probably be looking at a per-seat cost. As you are building out your program it makes sense to talk to some TI providers to get preliminary quotes on what their services cost. Don’t get these folks engaged in a sales cycle before you are ready, but you need a feel for current pricing – that is something any potential executive sponsor needs to know. While we are discussing money, this is a good point to start thinking about how to quantify the

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Summary: Law Enforcement and the Cloud

While the big story this week was the FBI vs. Apple, I’d like to highlight something a little more relevant to our focus on the cloud. You probably know about the DOJ vs. Microsoft. This is a critically important case where the US government wants to assert access on the foreign branch of a US company, putting it in conflict with local privacy laws. I highly recommend you take a look, and we will post updates here. Beyond that, I’m sick and shivering with a fever, so enough small talk and time to get to the links. Posting is slow for us right now because we are all cramming for RSA, but you are probably used to that. BTW – it’s hard to find good sources for cloud and DevOps news and tutorials. If you have links, please email them to <>. If you want to subscribe directly to the Friday Summary only list, just click here. And don’t forget: The EIGHTH Annual Disaster Recovery Breakfast: Clouds Ahead. Top Posts for the Week Huge HUGE vulnerability you need to start patching. Magnitude of glibc Vulnerability Coming to Light Cloud Security Alliance hackathon offers $10,000 prize This is for the Software Defined Perimeter project. Another great CloudAcademy post. This is something we work on in every single client engagement. Down the road we will detail our process and recommendations. Centralized Log Management with AWS CloudWatch: Part 1 of 3 We’ve posted a bit on this ourselves, and I talk about it a lot in presentations, but a very cogent view of some of the security advantages of the cloud. Bill Shinn and I will be going more in-depth in our RSA presentation. How the Cloud Simplifies Security Oops. VMware re-issues patch after vCenter fix fails to ‘completely’ fix bug Designed for mobile apps, but also has cloud implications: Tidas: a new service for building password-less apps Last week we talked about logging in our Tool of the Week. Here’s a slightly-older AWS post on building everything cloud-native. Personally, I’m still torn on which pattern I like better. I think it will largely come down to costs, because you can also build alerts based on Kinesis events. Tool of the Week This is a new section highlighting a cloud, DevOps, or security tool we think you should take a look at. We still struggle to keep track of all the interesting tools that can help us, and if you have submissions please email them to One issue that comes up a lot in client engagements is the best “unit of deployment” to push applications into production. That’s a term I might have made up, but I’m an analyst, so we do that. Conceptually there are three main ways to push application code into production: Update code on running infrastructure. Typically using configuration management tools (Chef/Puppet/Ansible/Salt), code-specific deployment tools like Capistrano, or a cloud-provider specific tool like AWS CodeDeploy. The key is that a running server is updated. Deploy custom images, and use them to replace running instances. This is the very definition of immutable because you never log into or change a running server, you replace it. This relies heavily on auto scaling. It is a more secure option, but it can take time for the new instances to deploy depending on complexity and boot time. Containers. Create a new container image and push that. It’s similar to custom images, but containers tend to launch much more quickly. As you can guess, I prefer the second two options because I like locking down my instances and disabling any changes. That can really take security to the next level. Which brings us to our tool this week, Packer by HashiCorp. Packer is one of the best tools to automate creation of those images. It integrates with nearly everything, works on multiple cloud and container platforms, and even includes its own lightweight engine to run deployment scripts. Packer is an essential tool in the DevOps / cloud quiver, and can really enhance security because it enables you to adopt immutable infrastructure. Securosis Blog Posts this Week Firestarter: RSA Conference – the Good, Bad, and the Ugly. Securing Hadoop: Technical Recommendations. Securing Hadoop: Enterprise Security For NoSQL. Other Securosis News and Quotes I posted a piece at Macworld on the FBI vs. Apple that has gotten a lot of attention. It got linked all over the place and I did a bunch of interviews, but I won’t spam you with them. We are posting all our RSA Conference Guide posts over at the RSA Conference blog – here are the latest: Securosis Guide: Training Security Jedi Securosis Guide: The Beginning of the End(point) for the Empire Securosis Guide: Escape from Cloud City Training and Events We are giving multiple presentations at the RSA Conference: Rich and Mike are giving Cloud Security Accountability Tour Rich is co-presenting with Bill Shinn of AWS: Aspirin as a Service: Using the Cloud to Cure Security Headaches David Mortman is presenting: Learning from Unicorns While Living with Legacy Docker: Containing the Security Excitement Docker: Containing the Security Excitement (Focus-On) Leveraging Analytics for Data Protection Decisions Rich is giving a presentation on Rugged DevOps at Scale at DevOps Connect the Monday of RSAC We are running two classes at Black Hat USA: Cloud Security Hands-On (CCSK-Plus) Advanced Cloud Security and Applied SecDevOps Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

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