

How iMessage distributes security to block “phantom devices”

Last Friday I spent some time in a discussion with senior members of Apple’s engineering and security teams. I knew most of the technical content but they really clarified Apple’s security approach, much of which they have never explicitly stated, even on background. Most of that is fodder for my next post, but I wanted to focus on one particular technical feature I have never seen clearly documented before; which both highlights Apple’s approach to security, and shows that iMessage is more secure than I thought. It turns out you can’t add devices to an iCloud account without triggering an alert because that analysis happens on your device, and doesn’t rely (totally) on a push notification from the server. Apple put the security logic in each device, even though the system still needs a central authority. Basically, they designed the system to not trust them. iMessage is one of the more highly-rated secure messaging systems available to consumers, at least according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect or without flaws, but it is an extremely secure system, especially when you consider that its security is basically invisible to end users (who just use it like any other unencrypted text messaging system) and in active use on something like a billion devices. I won’t dig into the deep details of iMessage (which you can read about in Apple’s iOS Security Guide), and I highly recommend you look at a recent research paper by Matthew Green and associates at Johns Hopkins University which exposed some design flaws. Here’s a simplified overview of how iMessage security works: Each device tied to your iCloud account generates its own public/private key pair, and sends the public key to an Apple directory server. The private key never leaves the device, and is protected by the device’s Data Protection encryption scheme (the one getting all the attention lately). When you send an iMessage, your device checks Apple’s directory server for the public keys of all the recipients (across all their devices) based on their Apple ID (iCloud user ID) and phone number. Your phone encrypts a copy of the message to each recipient device, using its public key. I currently have five or six devices tied to my iCloud account, which means if you send me a message, your phone actually creates five or six copies, each encrypted with the public key for one device. For you non-security readers, a public/private keypair means that if you encrypt something with the public key, it can only be decrypted with the private key (and vice-versa). I never share my private key, so I can make my public key… very public. Then people can encrypt things which only I can read using my public key, knowing nobody else has my private keys. Apple’s Push Notification Service (APN) then sends each message to its destination device. If you have multiple devices, you also encrypt and send copies to all your own devices, so each shows what you sent in the thread. This is a simplification but it means: Every message is encrypted from end to end. Messages are encrypted using keys tied to your devices, which cannot be removed (okay, there is probably a way, especially on Macs, but not easily). Messages are encrypted multiple times, for each destination device belonging to the recipients (and sender), so private keys are never shared between devices. There is actually a lot more going on, with multiple encryption and signing operations, but that’s the core. According to that Johns Hopkins paper there are exploitable weaknesses in the system (the known ones are patched), but nothing trivial, and Apple continues to harden things. Keep in mind that Apple focuses on protecting us from criminals rather than governments (despite current events). It’s just that at some point those two priorities always converge due to the nature of security. It turns out that one obvious weakness I have seen mentioned in some blog posts and presentations isn’t actually a weakness at all, thanks to a design decision. iMessage is a centralized system with a central directory server. If someone could compromise that server, they could add “phantom devices” to tap conversations (or completely reroute them to a new destination). To limit this Apple sends you a notification every time a device is added to your iCloud account. I always thought Apple’s server detected a new entry and then pushed out a notification, which would mean that if they were deeply compromised (okay, forced by a government) to alter their system, the notification could be faked, but that isn’t how it works. Your device checks its own registry of keys, and pops up an alert if it sees a new one tied to your account. According to the Johns Hopkins paper, they managed to block the push notifications on a local network which prevented checking the directory and creating the alert. That’s easy to fix, and I expect a fix in a future update (but I have no confirmation). Once in place that will make it impossible to place a ‘tap’ using a phantom device without at least someone in the conversation receiving an alert. The way the current system works, you also cannot add a phantom recipient because your own devices keep checking for new recipients on your account. Both those could change if Apple were, say, forced to change their fundamental architecture and code on both the server and device sides. This isn’t something criminals could do, and under current law (CALEA) the US government cannot force Apple to make this kind of change because it involves fundamental changes to the operation of the system. That is a design decision I like. Apple could have easily decided to push the notifications from the server, and used that as the root authority for both keys and registered devices, but instead they chose to have the devices themselves detect new devices based on new key registrations (which is why the alerts pop up on everything you own when you add or re-add a device).

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