

Incident Response in the Cloud Age: In Action

When we do a process-centric research project, it works best to wrap up the series with a scenario that really illuminates the concepts we’ve discussed throughout the series and make things a bit more tangible. In this situation, imagine you work for a mid-sized retailer that uses a mixture of in-house technology, SaaS, and has recently moved a key warehousing system into an IaaS provider upon rebuilding the application for cloud computing. You’ve got a modest sized security team of 10, which is not enough, but a bit more than many of your peers have. Senior management understands why security is important (to a point) and gives you decent leeway, especially relative to the new IaaS application. In fact, you were consulted during the IaaS architecture phase and provided some guidance (with some help from your friends at Securosis) as to building a Resilient Cloud Network Architecture and how to secure the cloud control plane. You also had the opportunity to integrate some orchestration and automation technology into the cloud technology stack. ##The Trigger You have your team on pretty high alert because a number of your competitors have recently been targeted by an organized crime ring that has gained a foothold with the competitors and proceeded to steal a ton of information about customers, pricing, and merchandising strategies. Given that this isn’t your first rodeo, you know when there is smoke there is usually fire, you decide to task one of your more talented security admins to do a little proactive _hunting_ in your environment. Just to make sure there isn’t anything going on. The admin starts to poke around by searching internal security data with some of the more recent samples of malware found in the attacks on the other retailers. The malware sample was provided by the retail industry’s ISAC (information sharing and analysis center). The analyst got a hit on one of the samples, confirming what your gut told you. You’ve got an active adversary on the network. So now you need to engage the incident response process. ##Job 1: Initial Triage Now that you know there is a _situation_, you assemble the response team. There aren’t a lot of you and half of the team has to pay attention to operational tasks, since taking down the systems wouldn’t make you popular with senior management or the investors. You also don’t want to jump the gun until you know what you’re dealing with, so you inform the senior team of the situation, but don’t take any systems offline. Yet. Since the adversary is active on the internal network, they most likely entered via a phishing or other social engineering attack. The admin’s searches showed 5 devices showing indications of the malware, so those devices are taken off the network immediately. Not shut down, but put on a separate network with Internet access to not tip off the adversary to your discovery of their presence on your network. Then you check the network forensics tool, looking for indications that data has been leaking. There are a few suspicious file transfers and luckily you integrated the egress filtering capability on the firewall with the network forensics tool. So once the firewall showed that some anomalous traffic was being sent to known bad sites (via a threat intelligence integration on the firewall), you started capturing the network traffic originating from the devices triggering the firewall alert. Automatically. That automation stuff sure makes things easier than having to manually do everything. As part of your initial triage, you’ve got endpoint telemetry telling you there are issues and network forensics data to get a clue as to what’s leaking. This is enough to know that you not only have an active adversary, but also that you more than likely have lost data. So you fire up the case management system, which will structure the investigation and then store all the artifacts of the investigation. The team is tasked with their responsibilities and sent on their way to get things done. You make the trek to the executive floor to keep senior management updated on the incident. ##Check the Cloud The attack seems to have started on the internal network, but you don’t want to take chances and need to make sure the new cloud-based application isn’t at risk. A quick check of the cloud console shows strange activity on one of the instances. A device within the presentation layer of the cloud stack was flagged by the monitoring system of the IaaS provider because there was an unauthorized change on that specific instance. Looks like the time you spent setting up the configuration monitoring service was time well spent. Since security was involved in the architecture of the cloud stack, you are in good shape. The application was built to be isolated. Even though it seems the presentation layer has been compromised, the adversaries can’t get to anything of value. And the clean-up has _already happened_. Once the IaaS monitoring system threw an alert, the instance in question was taken offline, and put into a special security group only accessible by the investigators. A forensic server was spun up and some other analysis was done. Another example of orchestration and automation really facilitating the incident response process. The presentation layer has large variances in traffic it needs to handle, so it was built using auto-scaling technology and immutable servers. Once the (potentially) compromised instance was removed from the group, another instance with a clean configuration was spun up and took on the workloads. But it’s not clear if this attack is related to the other incident, so you take the information about the cloud attack and pull it down to feed it into the case management system. But the reality is that this attack, even if related, isn’t presenting danger at this point, so it’s put to the side so you can focus on the internal attack and probably exfiltration. ##Building the Timeline Now that you’ve done the initial triage, it’s

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Summary: June 3, 2016

Adrian here. Unlike my business partners who have been logging thousands of air miles, speaking at conferences and with clients around the country, I have been at home. And with the mildest spring in Phoenix’s recored history, it’s been a blessing as we’re 45 days past the point we typically encounter 100 degree days. Bike rides. Hiking. Running. That is, when I get a chance to sneak outdoors and enjoy it. With our pivot there is _even more_ writing and research going on than normal, if that’s even possible. You will begin to see the results of this work within the next couple of weeks, and we are looking forward to putting a fresh face on the business. That launch will coincide with us posting lots more hands on advice for cloud security and migrations. And as a heads up, I’m going to be talking Big Data security over at SC Magazine on the 20th. I’ll tweet out a link (follow at @AdrianLane) next week if you’re interested. If you want to subscribe directly to the Friday Summary only list, just [click here]( ​ ## Top Posts for the Week ​ * [Salesforce to Piggyback on Amazon’s Growing Cloud]( * [Ex-VMWare CEO now EVP of GCP]( * [Insights on Container Security with Azure Container Service (ACS)]( * [Comparing IAAS providers]( * In ‘not cloud’ news, [Oracle accused of ‘improper accounting’ in attempt to pump-up cloud sales]( * [The Business Value of DevOps]( ​ ## Tool of the Week “Server-less computing? What do you mean?” Rich and I were discussing cloud deployment options with one of the smartest engineering managers I know, and he was totally unaware server-less cloud computing architectures. If he was unaware of this capability, odds are lots of people are as well. So in this week’s ‘tool of the week’ section we will not discuss a single tool, but rather a functional paradigm offered by multiple cloud service vendors. What are they? Stealing from Google’s GCP page on the subject as they best capture the idea, essentially it’s a “lightweight, event-based, asynchronous solution that allows you to create small, single-purpose functions that respond to Cloud events without the need to manage a server or a runtime environment.” What Google did not mention is that these functions tend to be very fast, and you can run multiple copies in parallel to scale up capacity. It’s really the embodiment of micro-services. You can, in fact, construct and entire application from these functions. For example, take a stream of data and run it through a series of functions to process it. It could be audio or image file processing, or real time event data inspection, data transformation, data enrichment, data comparisons or any combination you can think of. The best part? There is _no server_. There is no OS to set up. No CPU or disk capacity to specify. No configuration files. No network ports to manage. It’s simply a logical function running out there in the ‘ether’ of your public cloud. Google’s version on GCP is called [cloud functions]( Amazon’s version on AWS is called (lambda functions]( Microsofts version on Azure is simply called [functions]( Check the API documents as they all work slightly differently, and some have specific storage requirements to act as endpoints, but the idea is the same. And the pricing for these services is pretty low; with lambda for example, the first million requests are free, and it’s 20 cents for every million requests thereafter. This feature is one of the many reasons we tell companies to reconsider application architectures when moving to cloud services. We’ll post some tidbits on security for these services in future blog posts. For now, we recommend you check it out! ​ ## Securosis Blog Posts this Week ​ * [Incident Response in the Cloud Age: In Action]( * [Understanding and Selecting RASP: Integration]( * []( * [Incident Response in the Cloud Age: Addressing the Skills Gap]( ​ ​ ## Training and Events ​ * We are running two classes at Black Hat USA: * [Black Hat USA 2016 | Cloud Security Hands-On (CCSK-Plus)]( * [Black Hat USA 2016 | Advanced Cloud Security and Applied SecDevOps]( Share:

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