

Summary: Modifying rsyslog to Add Cloud Instance Metadata

Rich here. Quick note: I basically wrote an entire technical post for Tool of the Week, so feel free to skip down if that’s why you’re reading. Ah, summer. As someone who works at home and has children, I’m learning the pains of summer break. Sure, it’s a wonderful time without homework fights and after-school activities, but it also means all 5 of us in the house nearly every day. It’s a bit distracting. I mean do you have any idea how to tell a 3-year-old you cannot ditch work to play Disney Infinity on the Xbox? Me neither, which explains my productivity slowdown. I’ve actually been pretty busy at ‘real work’, mostly building content for our new Advanced Cloud Security course (it’s sold out, but we still have room in our Hands-On class). Plus a bunch of recent cloud security assessments for various clients. I have been seeing some interesting consistencies, and will try to write those up after I get these other projects knocked off. People are definitely getting a better handle on the cloud, but they still tend to make similar mistakes. With that, let’s jump right in… Top Posts for the Week I haven’t read this entire paper because I hate registering for things, but the public bits look interesting: DevOpsSec: Securing software through continuous delivery Yeah, I’m on a logging kick. Here’s SANS on Docker container logging: Docker Containers Logging The folks at Signal Sciences are running a great series on Rugged DevOps. They’re starting to build out a reference model, and this first post hits some key areas to get you thinking: A Reference Model for DevOps I hesitated a bit on whether to include this post in from because it’s a bit promotional, but it has some good content on changes you need to deal with around assessment in cloud computing. Keep in mind our Trinity platform (which we have in the labs) might potentially compete with Evident (but maybe not), so I’m also pretty biased on this content. Cloud Security: This Isn’t Your Father’s Datacenter While the bulk of the market is AWS, Google and Microsoft are pushing hard and innovating like mad. The upside is that any cloud provider who focuses on the enterprise needs to meet certain security baselines. Diane Greene wants to put the enterprise front and center in Google Cloud strategy Tool of the Week I’m going to detour a bit and focus on something all you admin types are very familiar with: rsyslog. Yes, this is the default system logger for a big chunk of the Linux world, something most of us don’t think that much about. But as I build out a cloud logging infrastructure I found I needed to dig into it to make some adjustments, so here is a trick to insert critical Amazon metadata into your logs (usable on other platforms, but I can only show so many examples). Various syslog-compatible tools generate standard log files and allow you to ship them off to a remote collector. That’s the core of a lot of performance and security monitoring. By default log lines look something like this: Jun 24 00:21:27 ip-172-31-40-72 sudo: ec2-user : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/var/log ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/cat secure That’s the line outputting the security log from a Linux instance. See a problem? This log entry includes the host name (internal IP address) of the instance, but in the cloud a host name or IP address isn’t nearly as canonical as in traditional infrastructure. Both can be quite ephemeral, especially if you use auto scale groups and the like. Ideally you capture the instance ID or equivalent on other platforms, and perhaps also some other metadata such as the internal or external IP address currently associated with the instance. Fortunately it isn’t hard to fix this up. The first step is to capture the metadata you want. In AWS just visit: To get it all. Or use something like: curl to get the instance ID. Then you have a couple options. One is to change the host name to be the instance ID. Another is to append it to entries by changing the rsyslog configuration (/etc/rsyslog.conf on CentOS systems), as in the below to add a %INSTANCEID% environment variable to the hostname (yes, this means you need to set INSTANCEID as an environment variable, and I haven’t tested this because I need to post the Summary before I finish, so you might need a little more text manipulation to make it work… but this should be close): template(name=”forwardFormat” type=”string” string=”<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %INSTANCEID%-%HOSTNAME% %syslogtag:1:32%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg%” ) There are obviously a ton of ways you could slice this, and you need to add it to your server build configurations to make it work (using Ansible/Chef/Puppet/packer/whatever). But the key is to capture and embed the instance ID and whatever other metadata you need. If you don’t care about strict syslog compatibility, you have more options. The nice thing about this approach is that it will capture all messages from all the system sources you normally log, and you don’t need to modify individual message formats. If you use something like the native Amazon/Azure/Google instance logging tools… you don’t need to bother with any of this. Those tools tend to capture the relevant metadata for you (e.g., using Amazon’s CloudWatch logs agent, Azure’s Log Analyzer, or Google’s StackDriver). Check the documentation to make sure you get them correct. But many clients want to leverage existing log management, so this is one way to get the essential data. Securosis Blog Posts this Week Shining a Light on Shadow Devices [New Paper] Understanding and Selecting RASP: Buyers Guide Getting the SWIFT Boot Other Securosis News and Quotes Another quiet week… Training and Events We are running two classes at Black Hat USA. Early bird pricing ends in a month – just a warning: Black Hat USA 2016 | Cloud Security Hands-On (CCSK-Plus) Black Hat USA 2016 | Advanced Cloud Security and Applied SecDevOps Share:

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