

Securing SAP Clouds [New Series]

Every enterprise uses cloud computing services to some degree – tools such as Gmail, Twitter, and Dropbox are ubiquitous; as are business applications like Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Quickbooks. Cost savings, operational stability, and reduced management effort are all proven advantages. But when we consider moving back-office infrastructure – systems at the heart of business – there is significant angst and uncertainty among IT and security professionals. For big and complex applications like SAP, they wonder if cloud services are a viable option. The problem is that security is not optional, but actually critical. For folks operating in a traditional on-premise environment, it is often unclear how to adapt the security model to an unfamiliar environment where they only have partial control. We have been receiving an increasing number of questions on SAP cloud security, so today we are kicking off a new research effort to address major questions on SAP cloud deployment. We will examine how cloud services are different and how to adapt to produce secure deployments. Out main focus areas will be the division of responsibility between you and your cloud vendor, which tools and approaches are viable, changes to the operational model, and advice for putting together a cloud security program for SAP. Cloud computing infrastructure faces many of the same challenges as traditional on-premise IT. We are past legitimately worrying that the cloud is “less secure”. Properly implemented, cloud services are as secure – in many cases more secure – than on-premise applications. But “proper implementation” is tricky – if you simply “lift and shift” your old model into the cloud, we know from experience that it will be less secure and cost more to operate. To realize the advantages of the cloud you need to leverage its new features and capabilities – which demands a degree of re-engineering for architecture, security program, and process. SAP cloud security is tricky. The main issue is that there is no single model for what an “SAP Cloud” looks like. From many, it’s Hana Enterprise Cloud (HEC), a private cloud within the existing on-premise domain. Customers who don’t modify or extend SAP’s products can leverage SAP’s Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. But a growing number of firms we speak with are moving to SAP’s Hana Cloud Platform (HCP), a Platform as a Service (PaaS) bundle of the core SAP Hana application with data management features. Alternatively, various other cloud services can be bundled or linked to build a cloud plastform for SAP – often including mobile client access ‘enablement’ services and supplementary data management (think big data analytics and data mining). But we find customers do not limit themselves only to SAP software – they blend SAP cloud services with other major IaaS providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure to create ‘best-of-breed’ solutions. In response, SAP has published widely on its vision for cloud computing architectures, so we won’t cover that in detail here, but they promote hybrid deployments centered around Hana Cloud Platform (HCP) in conjunction with on-premise and/or public IaaS clouds. There is a lot to be said for the flexibility of this model – it enables customers to deploy applications into the cloud environments they are comfortable with, or to choose one optimal for their applications. But this flexibility comes at the price of added complexity, making it more difficult to craft a cohesive security model. So we will focus on the use of the HCP service, discussing security issues around hybrid architectures as appropriate. We will cover the following areas: Division of Responsibility: This post will discuss the division of responsibility between the cloud provider and you, the tenant. We will talk about where the boundary lands in different cloud service models (specifically SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS). We will discuss new obligations (particularly the cloud provider’s responsibilities), the need to investigate which security tools and information they provide, and where you need to fill in the gaps. Patching, configuration, breach analysis, the ability to assess installations, availability of event data, and many other considerations come into play. We will discuss the importance of contracts and service definitions, as well as what to look for when addressing compliance concerns. We will briefly address issues of jurisdiction and data privacy when considering where to deploy SAP servers and failover systems. Cloud Architectures and Security Models: SAP’s cloud service offers many feature which are similar to their on-premise offerings. But cloud deployments disrupt traditional security controls, and reliance on old-school network scanning and monitoring no longer works in multi-tenant environments on virtual networks. So this post will discuss how to evolve your approach for security, particularly in application architecture and the security selection process. We will cover the major areas you need to address when mapping your security controls to cloud-enabled security technologies. We will explore some issues with current preventive security controls, cluster configuration, and logging. Application Security: Cloud deployments free us of many burdens of patching, server maintenance, and physical network segregation. But we are still responsible for many application-layer security controls – including SAP applications, your application code, and supporting databases. And many cloud vendor services impact application configuration. This post will discuss preventive security controls in areas such as configuration, assessment, and identity management; as well as how to approach patch management. We will also discuss real-time security in monitoring, data security, logging, and analytics. And we will discuss security controls missing from SAP cloud services. Security Operations in Cloud Environments: The cloud fundamentally changes IT operations, for the better. Traditional concepts of how to provide reliability and security are turned on their ear in cloud environments. Most IT and security personnel don’t fully grasp the challenges – or opportunities. This post will present the advantages of ephemeral servers, automation, virtual networks, API enablement, and fine-grained authorization. We will discuss automation and orchestration of security tasks through APIs and scripts, how to make patching less painful, and how to deploy security as part of your application

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