

Bastion (Transit) Networks Are the DMZ to Protect Your Cloud from Your Datacenter

In an earlier post I mentioning bastion accounts or virtual networks. Amazon calls these “transit VPCs” and has a good description. Before I dive into details, the key difference is that I focus on using the concept as a security control, and Amazon for network connectivity and resiliency. That’s why I call these “bastion accounts/networks”. Here is the concept and where it comes from: As I have written before, we recommend you use multiple account with a partitioned network architecture structure, which often results in 2-4 accounts per cloud application stack (project). This limits the ‘blast radius’ of an account compromise, and enables tighter security control on production accounts. The problem is that a fair number of applications deployed today still need internal connectivity. You can’t necessarily move everything up to the cloud right away, and many organizations have entirely legitimate reasons to keep some things internal. If you follow our multiple-account advice, this can greatly complicate networking and direct connections to your cloud provider. Additionally, if you use a direct connection with a monolithic account & network at your cloud provider, that reduces security on the cloud side. Your data center is probably the weak link – unless you are as good at security as Amazon/Google/Microsoft. But if someone compromises anything on your corporate network, they can use it to attack cloud assets. One answer is to create a bastion account/network. This is a dedicated cloud account, with a dedicated virtual network, fo the direct connection back to your data center. You then peer the bastion network as needed with any other accounts at your cloud provider. This structure enables you to still use multiple accounts per project, with a smaller number of direct connections back to the data center. It even supports multiple bastion accounts, which only link to portions of your data center, so they only gain access to the necessary internal assets, thus providing better segregation. Your ability to do this depends a bit on your physical network infrastructure, though. You might ask how this is more secure. It provides more granular access to other accounts and networks, and enables you to restrict access back to the data center. When you configure routing you can ensure that virtual networks in one account cannot access another account. If you just use a direct connect into a monolithic account, it becomes much harder to manage and maintain those restrictions. It also supports more granular restrictions from your data center to your cloud accounts (some of which can be enforced at a routing level – not just firewalls), and because you don’t need everything to phone home, accounts which don’t need direct access back to the data center are never exposed. A bastion account is like a weird-ass DMZ to better control access between your data center and cloud accounts; it enables multiple account architectures which would otherwise be impossible. You can even deploy virtual routing hardware, as per the AWS post, for more advanced configurations. It’s far too late on a Friday for me to throw a diagram together, but if you really want one or I didn’t explain clearly enough, let me know via Twitter or a comment and I’ll write it up next week. Share:

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Endpoint Advanced Protection: Remediation and Deployment

Now that we have gotten through 80% of the Endpoint Advanced Protection lifecycle we can focus on remediation, and then how to start getting value from these new alternatives. Remediation Once you have detailed information from the investigation, what are the key decision points? As usual, to simplify we step back to the who, what, where, when, and how of the situation. And yes, any time we can make difficult feel seem like being back in grade school, we do. Who? The first question is about organizational dynamics. In this new age, when advanced attackers seem to be the norm, who should take lead in remediation? Without delving into religion or other politics, the considerations are really time and effectiveness. Traditionally IT Operations has tools and processes for broad changes, reimaging, or network-based workarounds. But for advanced malware or highly sensitive devices, or when law enforcement is involved, you might also want a small Security team which can remediate targeted devices. What? This question is less relevant because you are remediating a device, right? There may be some question of whether to prevent further outbreaks at the network level by blocking certain sites, applications, users, or all of the above, but ultimately we are talking about endpoints. Where? One of the challenges of dealing with endpoints is that you have no idea where a device will be at any point in time. So remote remediation is critical to any Endpoint Advanced Protection lifecycle. There are times you will need to reimage a machine, and that’s not really feasible remotely. But having a number of different options for remediation depending on device location can ensure minimal disruption to impacted employees. When? This is one of the most challenging decisions, because there are usually reasonable points for both sides of the argument: whether to remediate devices immediately, or whether to quarantine the device and observe the adversary a bit to gain intelligence. We generally favor quick and full eradication, which requires leveraging retrospection to figure all impacted devices (even if they aren’t currently participating in the attack) and cleaning devices as quickly as practical. But there are times which call for more measured remediation. How? This question is whether reimaging the device, or purging malware without reimaging, is the right approach. We favor reimaging because of the various ways attackers can remain persistent on a device. Even if you think a device has been cleaned… perhaps it really wasn’t. But with the more granular telemetry gathered by today’s endpoint investigation and forensics tools (think DVR playback), it is possible to reliably back out all the changes made, even within the OS innards. Ultimately the decision comes back to the risk posed by the device, as well as disruption to the employee. The ability to both clean and reimage is key to the remediation program. There is a broad range of available actions, so we advocate flexibility in remediation – as in just about everything. We don’t think there is any good one-size-fits-all approach any more; each remediation needs to be planned according to risk, attacker sophistication, and the skills and resources available between Security and Operations teams. Taking all that into account, you can choose the best approach. EPP Replacement? One of the most frustrating aspects of doing security is having to spend money on things you know don’t really work. Traditional endpoint protection suites fit into that category. Which begs the question: are Endpoint Advanced Protection products robust enough, effective enough, and broad enough to replace the EPP incumbents? To answer this question you must consider it from two different standpoints. First, the main reason you renew your anti-malware subscription each year is for that checkbox on a compliance checklist. So get a sense of whether your assessor/auditor would you a hard time if you come up with something that doesn’t use signatures to detect malicious activity. If they are likely to push back, maybe find a new assessor. Kidding aside, we haven’t seen much pushback lately, in light of the overwhelming evidence that Endpoint Advanced Detection/Prevention is markedly more effective at blocking current attacks. That said, it would be foolish to sign a purchase order to swap out protection on 10,000 devices without at least putting a call into your assessor and understanding whether there is precedent for them to accept a new style of agent. You will also need to look at your advanced endpoint offering for feature parity. Existing EPP offerings have been adding features (to maintain price points) for a decade. A lot of stuff you don’t need has been added, but maybe there is some you do use. Make sure replacing your EPP won’t leave a gap you will just need to fill with another product. Keep in mind that some EPP features are now bundled into operating systems. For example, full disk encryption is now available free as part of the operating system. In some cases you need to manage these OS-level capabilities separately, but that weighs against an expensive renewal which doesn’t effectively protect endpoints. Finally, consider price. Pretty much every enterprise tells us they want to reduce the number of security solutions they need. And supporting multiple agents and management consoles to protect endpoints doesn’t make much sense. In your drive to consolidate, play off aggressive new EAP vendors against desperate incumbents willing to perform unnatural acts to keep business. Migration Endpoint protection has been a zero-sum game for a while. Pretty much every company has some kind of endpoint protection strategy. So every deal that one vendor wins is lost by at least one competitor. Vendors make it very easy to migrate to their products by providing tools and services to facilitate the transition. Of course you need to verify what’s involved in moving wholesale to a new product, but the odds are it will be reasonably straightforward. Many new EAP tools are managed in the cloud. Typically that saves you from needing to install an onsite management server to test and

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