

Assembling a Container Security Program: Monitoring and Auditing

Our last post in this series covers two key areas: Monitoring and Auditing. We have more to say, in the first case because most development and security teams are not aware of these options, and in the latter because most teams hold many misconceptions and considerable fear on the topic. So we will dig into these two areas essential to container security programs. Monitoring Every security control we have discussed so far had to do with preventative security. Essentially these are security efforts that remove vulnerabilities or make it hard from anyone to exploit them. We address known attack vectors with well-understood responses such as patching, secure configuration, and encryption. But vulnerability scans can only take you so far. What about issues you are not expecting? What if a new attack variant gets by your security controls, or a trusted employee makes a mistake? This is where monitoring comes in: it’s how you discover the unexpected stuff. Monitoring is critical to a security program – it’s how you learn what is effective, track what’s really happening in your environment, and detect what’s broken. For container security it is no less important, but today it’s not something you get from Docker or any other container provider. Monitoring tools work by first collecting events, and then examining them in relation to security policies. The events may be requests for hardware resources, IP-based communication, API requests to other services, or sharing information with other containers. Policy types are varied. We have deterministic policies, such as which users and groups can terminate resources, which containers are disallowed from making external HTTP requests, or what services a container is allowed to run. Or we may have dynamic – also called ‘behavioral’ – policies, which prevent issues such as containers calling undocumented ports, using 50% more memory resources than typical, or uncharacteristically exceeding runtime parameter thresholds. Combining deterministic white and black list policies with dynamic behavior detection provides the best of both worlds, enabling you to detect both simple policy violations and unexpected variations from the ordinary. We strongly recommend that your security program include monitoring container activity. Today, a couple container security vendors offer monitoring products. Popular evaluation criteria for differentiating products and determining suitability include: Deployment Model: How does the product collect events? What events and API calls can it collect for inspection? Typically these products use either of two models for deployment: an agent embedded in the host OS, or a fully privileged container-based monitor running in the Docker environment. How difficult is it to deploy collectors? Do the host-based agents require a host reboot to deploy or update? You will need to assess what type of events can be captured. Policy Management: You will need to evaluate how easy it is to build new policies – or modify existing ones – within the tool. You will want to see a standard set of security policies from the vendor to help speed up deployment, but over the lifetime of the product you will stand up and manage your own policies, so ease of management is key to your-long term happiness. Behavioral Analysis: What, if any, behavioral analysis capabilities are available? How flexible are they, meaning what types of data can be used in policy decisions? Behavioral analysis requires starting with system monitoring to determine ‘normal’ behavior. The criteria for detecting aberrations are often limited to a few sets of indicators, such as user ID or IP address. The more you have available – such as system calls, network ports, resource usage, image ID, and inbound and outbound connectivity – the more flexible your controls can be. Activity Blocking: Does the vendor provide the capability to block requests or activity? It is useful to block policy violations in order to ensure containers behave as intended. Care is required, as these policies can disrupt new functionality, causing friction between Development and Security, but blocking is invaluable for maintaining Security’s control over what containers can do. Platform Support: You will need to verify your monitoring tool supports the OS platforms you use (CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat, etc.) and the orchestration tool (such as Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos, or ECS) of your choice. Audit and Compliance What happened with the last build? Did we remove sshd from that container? Did we add the new security tests to Jenkins? Is the latest build in the repository? Many of you reading this may not know the answer off the top of your head, but you should know where to get it: log files. Git, Jenkins, JFrog, Docker, and just about every development tool you use creates log files, which we use to figure out what happened – and often what went wrong. There are people outside Development – namely Security and Compliance – who have similar security-related questions about what is going on with the container environment, and whether security controls are functioning. Logs are how you get these external teams the answers they need. Most of the earlier topics in this research, such as build environment and runtime security, have associated compliance requirements. These may be externally mandated like PCI-DSS or GLBA, or internal security requirements from internal audit or security teams. Either way the auditors will want to see that security controls are in place and working. And no, they won’t just take your word for it – they will want audit reports for specific event types relevant to their audit. Similarly, if your company has a Security Operations Center, in order to investigate alerts or determine whether a breach has occurred, they will want to see all system and activity logs over a period of time to in order reconstruct events. You really don’t want to get too deep into this stuff – just get them the data and let them worry about the details. The good news is that most of what you need is already in place. During our investigation for this series we did not speak with any firms which did not have

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