

Introducing Threat Operations: TO in Action

As we wrap up our Introduction to Threat Operations series, let’s recap. We started by discussing why the way threats are handled hasn’t yielded the results the industry needs and how to think differently. Then we delved into what’s really required to keep pace with increasingly sophisticated adversaries: accelerating the human. To wrap up let’s use these concepts in a scenario to make them more tangible. We’ll tell the story of a high-tech component manufacturer named ComponentCo. Yes, we’ve been working overtime on creative naming. ComponentCo (CCo) makes products that go into the leading smartphone platform, making their intellectual property a huge target of interest to a variety of adversaries with different motives. Competitors: Given CCo’s presence inside a platform that sells hundreds of millions of units a year, the competition is keenly trying to close the technology gap. A design win is worth hundreds of millions in revenue, so it’s not above these companies to gain parity any way they can. Stock manipulators: Confidential information about new products and imminent design wins is gold to unscrupulous traders. But that’s not the only interesting information. If they can see manufacturing plans or unit projections, they will gain insight into device sales, opening up another avenue to profit from non-public information. Nation-states: Many people claim nation-states hack to aid their own companies. That is likely true, but just as attractive is the opportunity to backdoor hundreds of millions of devices by manipulating their underlying components. ComponentCo already invests heavily in security. They monitor critical network segments. They capture packets in the DMZ and data center. They have a solid incident response process. Given the money at stake, they have pretty much every new, shiny object that promises to detect advanced attackers. But they are not naive. They are very clear about how vulnerable they are, mostly due to the sophistication of the various adversaries they face. As with many organizations, fielding a talented team to execute on their security program is challenging. There is a high-level CISO, as well as enough funding to maintain a team of dozens of security practitioners. But it’s not enough. So CCo is building a farm team. They recruit experienced professionals, but also high-potential system administrators from other parts of the business who they train in security. Bringing on less experienced folks has had mixed results – some of them have been able to figure it out, but others haven’t… as they expected when they started the farm team. They want to provide a more consistent training and job experience for these junior folks. Given that backdrop, what should ComponentCo do? They understand the need to think differently about attacks, and how important it is to move past a tactical view of threats to see the threat operation more broadly. They understand this way of looking at threats will help existing staff reach their potential, and more effectively protect information. This is what that looks like. Harness Threat Intel The first step in moving to a threat operations mindset is to make better use of threat intelligence, which starts with understanding adversaries. As described above, CCo contends with a variety of adversaries – including competitors, financially motivated hackers, and nation-states. That’s a wide array of threats, so CCo decided to purchase a number of threat feeds, each specializing in a different aspect of adversary activities. To leverage external threat data they aggregate it all into a platform built to reduce, normalize, and provide context. They looked at pumping the data directly into their SIEM, but at this time the flood of external data would have overwhelmed the existing SIEM. So they need yet another product to handle external threat data. They use their TI platform to alert based on knowledge of adversaries and likely attacks. But these alerts are not smoking guns – each is only the first step in a threat validation process which sends the alert back to the SIEM looking for supporting evidence of an actual attack. Given their confidence in this threat data, alerts from these sources have higher priority because they match known real-world attacks. Given what is at stake for CCo, they don’t want to miss anything. So they also integrate TI into some of their active controls – notably egress filters, IPS, and endpoint protection. This way they can quarantine devices communicating with known malicious sites or otherwise indicating a compromise before data is lost. Enrich Alerts We mentioned how an alert coming from the TI platform can be pushed to the SIEM for further investigation. But that’s only part of the story. The connection between SIEM and TI platform should be bidirectional, so when the SIEM fires an alert, information is pulled from the TI platform which corresponds to the adversary and attack. In case of an attack on CCo, an alert involving network reconnaissance, brute force password attacks, and finally privilege escalation would clearly indicate an active threat actor. So it would be helpful for the analyst performing initial validation to have access to all the IP addresses the potentially compromised device communicated with over the past week. These addresses may point to a specific bot network, and can provide a good clue to the most likely adversary. Of course it could be a false flag, but it still provides the analyst a head start when digging into the alert. Additional information useful to an analyst includes known indicators used by this adversary. This information helps to understand how an actor typically operates, and their likely next step. You can also save manual work by including network telemetry to/from the device for clues to whether the adversary has moved deeper into the network. Using destination network addresses you can also have a vulnerability scanner assess other targets to give the analyst what they need to quickly determine if any other devices have been compromised. Finally, given the indicators seen on the first detected device, internal security data could be mined to look for other instances of that

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