

The Future of Security Operations: Regaining Balance

The first post in this series, Behind the 8 Ball, raised a number of key challenges practicing security in our current environment. These include continual advancement and innovation by attackers seeking new ways to compromise devices and exfiltrate data, increasing complexity of technology infrastructure, frequent changes to said infrastructure, and finally the systemic skills shortage which limits our resources available to handle all the challenges created by the other issues. Basically, practitioners are behind the 8-ball in getting their job done and protecting corporate data. As we discussed in that earlier post, thinking differently about security entails you changing things up to take a (dare we say it?) more enlightened approach, basically focusing the right resources on the right functions. We know it seems obvious that having expensive staff focused on rote and tedious functions is a suboptimal way to deploy resources. But most organizations do it anyway. We prefer to have our valuable, constrained, and usually highly skilled humans doing what humans are good at, such as: identifying triggers that might indicate malicious activity drilling into suspicious activity to understand the depth of attacks and assess potential damage figuring out workarounds to address attacks Humans in these roles generally know what to look for, but aren’t very good at looking at huge amounts of data to find those patterns. Many don’t like doing the same things over and over again – they get bored and less effective. They don’t like graveyard shifts, and they want work that teaches them new things and stretches their capabilities. Basically they want to work in an environment where they do cool stuff and can grow their skills. And (especially in security) they can choose where they work. If they don’t get the right opportunity in your organization, they will find another which better suits their capabilities and work style. On the other hand machines have no problem working 24/7 and don’t complain about boring tasks – at least not yet. They don’t threaten to find another place to work, nor do they agitate for broader job responsibilities or better refreshments in the break room. We’re being a bit facetious here, and certainly don’t advocate replacing your security team with robots. But in today’s asymmetric environment, where you can’t keep up with the task list, robots may be your only chance to regain balance and keep pace. So we will expand a bit on a couple concepts from our Intro to Threat Operations paper, because over time we expect our vision of threat operations to become a subset of SecOps. Enriching Alerts: The idea is to take an alert and add a bunch of common information you know an analyst will want to the alert, before to sending it to an analyst. This way the analyst doesn’t need to spend time gathering information from those various systems and information sources, and can get right to work validating the alert and determining potential impact. Incident Response: Once an alert has been validated, a standard set of activities are generally part of response. Some of these activities can be automated via integration with affected systems (networks, endpoint management, SaaS, etc.) and the time saved enables responders to focus on higher-level tasks such as determining proliferation and assessing data loss. Enriching Alerts Let’s dig into enriching alerts from your security monitoring systems, and how this can work without human intervention. We start with a couple different alerts, and some educated guesses as to what would be useful to an analyst. Alert: Connection to a known bad IP: Let’s say an alert fires for connectivity to a known bad IP address (thanks, threat intel!). With source and destination addresses, an analyst would typically start gathering basic information. 1. Identity: Who uses the device? With a source IP it’s usually straightforward to see who the address is allocated to, and then what devices that person tends to use. Target: Using a destination IP external site comes into focus. An analyst would probably perform geo-location to figure out where the IP is and a whois query to figure out who owns it. They could also figure out the hosting provider and search their threat intel service to see if the IP belongs to a known botnet, and dig up any associated tactics. Network traffic: The analyst may also check out network traffic from the device to look for strange patterns (possibly C&C or reconnaissance) or uncharacteristically large volumes to or from that device over the past few days. Device hygiene: The analyst also needs to know specifics about the device, such as when it was last patched and does it have a non-standard configuration? Recent changes: The analyst would probably be interested in software running on the device, and whether any programs have been installed or configurations changed recently. Alert: Strange registry activity: In this scenario an alert is triggered because a device has had its registry changed, but it cannot be traced back to authorized patches or software installs. The analyst could use similar information to the first example, but device hygiene and recent device changes would be of particular interest. The general flow of network traffic would also be of interest, given that the device may have been receiving instructions or configuration changes from external devices. In isolation registry changes may not be a concern, but in close proximity of a larger inbound data transfer the odds of trouble increase. Additionally, checking out web traffic logs from the device could provide clues to what they were doing that might have resulted in compromise. Alert: Large USB file transfer: We can also see the impact of enrichment in an insider threat scenario. Maybe an insider used their USB port for the first time recently, and transferred 1GB of data in a 3-hour window. That could generate a DLP alert. At that point it would be good to know which internal data sources the device has been communicating with, and any anomalous data volumes over the past few days, which

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