

Wrangling Backoffice Security in the Cloud Age

Over a year ago we first published our series on Tidal Forces: The Trends Tearing Apart Security As We Know It. We called out three megatrends in technology with deep and lasting impact on security practice: Endpoints are different, often more secure, and frequently less open. If we look at the hardening of operating systems, exemplified by the less-open-but-more-secure model of Apple’s iOS, the cost of exploiting endpoints is trending much higher. At least it was before Meltdown and Spectre, but fortunately those are (admittedly major) blips, not a permanent direction. Software as a Service (SaaS) is the new back office. Organizations continue to push more and more of their supporting applications into SaaS – especially capabilities such as document management, CRM, and ERP which aren’t core to their mission. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the new data center. The growth of public IaaS has exceeded even our aggressive expectations. It’s the home of most new applications, and a large number of organizations are shifting existing application stacks to IaaS – even when it doesn’t make sense. The fundamental precept of the “Tidal Forces” concept is that these trends act like gravity wells. We are all pulled inexorably towards them, at a rate that increases as we get closer – until we are ripped apart because some parts of the organization move more quickly while others are left behind, but teams like infrastructure and security are must attempt to support both ends of the spectrum simultaneously. Since publication, nothing has dissuaded us from believing these trends will only continue to accelerate and increase internal pressures. This migration of the back office into an ever-growing menagerie of remote services has many practical security implications. It’s more than just losing physical control – different services have different capabilities, and they all demand new security management models, tools, and techniques. The more you try to force the lessons of the past into the future, the more painful the transition. It isn’t that we throw all our knowledge and skills away, but we need to translate them before we can provide security in the new environment. This short paper will highlight some of the top ways security operations are being affected, then offer recommendations for managing the problem over time. How the SaaS Transition Impacts Security Moving your most sensitive data to an outside provider quickly shatters the illusion that physical control matters any more. But the shift doesn’t absolve you of overall security accountability. The transition creates both advantages and challenges, with a wide range of variability depending on how you manage it. The biggest challenge with Software as a Service is the sheer range of capabilities across even similar-seeming providers. Some top-notch SaaS providers understand that major security incidents are existential threats to their business, so they invest heavily in security capabilities and features. Other companies are fast-moving startups which care more about customer acquisition than customer safety – but eventually they will learn, painfully. Aside from their inherent security, these services are all effectively remote applications, each with its own internal security models and capabilities which need to be managed. Risk assessment and platform knowledge are high priorities for security teams managing SaaS. It doesn’t help that these platforms are all inherently Internet accessible. Which mean your data can be too, if you fail to configure them properly. Nearly all the services default to secure options, but the news is filled with examples of… exceptions. Existing tools and techniques rarely apply directly or cleanly to the cloud. You don’t manage a firewall – instead you need to federate for identity management – and just about every traditional monitoring tool breaks. For example consider log management for monitoring and incident response. You generally only have access to the logs provided by your cloud platform, if any, and they are most likely in a custom format and are only accessible via API calls within the cloud provider’s user interface, or as data dumps. Planning on just sniffing ‘your’ traffic? Aside from having almost no context for it, ongoing adoption of TLS 1.3 forces you to drop to less secure encryption options (if they are even available) to capture traffic. Or you can engage in a man-in-the-middle attack against your own users, reducing security to improve monitoring. Last, and for some of you most important, is compliance. You are fully reliant on your SaaS provider’s compliance, and then need to ensure you configure and use everything correctly. With IaaS we can get around some of these restrictions, but with SaaS that usually isn’t an option. When a provider offers baseline compliance with a regulation or standard we call that compliance inheritance, but that only means their baseline is compliant – if you decide to make all your PII records publicly shareable… good luck with the auditors. Every new technology comes with tradeoffs. In the end our job as security practitioners is to decide whether any decision produces a net improvement or loss in risk, and how to best mitigate that risk to the level our organization desires. The cloud comes with tremendous potential security benefits – particularly outsourcing our applications and data to providers with far stronger incentive to keep it secure – but we need to select the right provider, determine the right configuration, and use the right security processes and tools to manage it all. Share:

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Container Security 2018: Logging and Monitoring

We close out this research paper with two key areas: Monitoring and Auditing. We want to draw attention to them because they are essential to security programs, but have received only sporadic coverage in security blogs and the press. When we go beyond network segregation and network policies for what we allow, the ability to detect misuse is extremely valuable, which is where monitoring and logging come in. Additionally, most Development and Security teams are not aware of the variety of monitoring options available, and we have seen a variety of misconceptions and outright fear of the volume of audit logs to capture, so we need to address these issues. Monitoring Every security control discussed so far can be classed as preventative security. These efforts remove vulnerabilities or make them hard to exploit. We address known attack vectors with well-understood responses such as patching, secure configuration, and encryption. But vulnerability scans can only take you so far. What about issues you are not expecting? What if a new attack variant gets by your security controls, or a trusted employee makes a mistake? This is where monitoring comes in: it is how you discover unexpected problems. Monitoring is critical to any security program – it’s how you learn what works, track what’s really happening in your environment, and detect what’s broken. Monitoring is just as important for container security, but container providers don’t offer it today. Monitoring tools work by first collecting events, then comparing them to security policies. Events include requests for hardware resources, IP-based communication, API requests to other services, and sharing information with other containers. Policy types vary widely. Deterministic policies address areas such as which users and groups can terminate resources, which containers are disallowed from making external HTTP requests, and which services a container is allowed to run. Dynamic (also called ‘behavioral’) policies address issues such as containers connecting to undocumented ports, using more memory than normal, or exceeding runtime thresholds. Combining deterministic white and black lists with dynamic behavior detection offers the best of both worlds, enabling you to detect both simple policy violations and unexpected variations from the ordinary. We strongly recommend you include monitoring container activity in your security program. A couple container security vendors offer monitoring tools. Popular evaluation criteria include: Deployment Model: How does the product collect events? What events and API calls can it collect for inspection? Typically these products use one of two models for deployment: either an agent embedded in the host OS, or a fully privileged container-based monitor running in the Docker environment. How difficult are collectors to deploy? Do host-based agents require a host reboot to deploy or update? You need to assess what types of events can be captured. Policy Management: You need to evaluate how easy it is to build new policies or modify existing ones. You will want a standard set of security policies from the vendor to speed deployment, but you will also stand up and manage your own policies, so ease of management is key to long-term happiness. Behavioral Analysis: What, if any, behavioral analysis capabilities are available? How flexible are they – what types of data are available for use in policy decisions? Behavioral analysis starts with system monitoring to determine ‘normal’ behavior. The pre-built criteria for detecting aberrations are often limited to a few sets of indicators, such as user ID or IP address, but more advanced tools offer a dozen or more choices. The more you have available – such as system calls, network ports, resource usage, image ID, and inbound and outbound connectivity – the more flexible your controls can be. Activity Blocking: Does the vendor offer blocking of requests or activity? Blocking policy violations helps ensure containers behave as intended. Care is required because such policies can disrupt new functionality, causing friction between Development and Security, but blocking is invaluable for maintaining Security’s control over what containers can do. Platform Support: You need to verify your monitoring tool supports your OS platforms (CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat, Windows, etc.) and orchestration tool (Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos, or ECS). Audit and Compliance What happened with the last build? Did we remove sshd from that container? Did we add the new security tests to Jenkins? Is the latest build in the repository? You may not know the answers off the top of your head, but you know where to get them: log files. Git, Jenkins, JFrog, Docker, and just about every development tool creates log files, which we use to figure out what happened – and all too often, what went wrong. There are people outside Development – namely Security and Compliance – with similar security-related questions about what is going on in the container environment, and whether security controls are functioning. Logs are how you get answers for these teams. Most of the earlier sections in this paper, covering areas such as build environments and runtime security, carry compliance requirements. These may be externally mandated like PCI-DSS or GLBA, or internal requirements from internal audit or security teams. Either way, auditors will want to see that security controls are in place and working. And no, they won’t just take your word for it – they will want audit reports for specific event types relevant to their audit. Similarly, if your company has a Security Operations Center, they will want all system and activity logs some time period to reconstruct events, and, investigate alerts, and/or determine whether a breach occurred. You really don’t want to get too deep into that stuff – just get them the data and let them worry about the details. CIS offers benchmarks and security checklists for container security, orchestration manager security, and most compliance initiatives. These are a good starting point for conducting basic security and compliance assessments of your container environment. In addition ‘vendors’ – both open source teams and cloud service providers – offer security deployment and architecture recommendations to help produce dependable environments. Finally, we see configuration checkers arriving in the

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