

Evolving to Security Decision Support: Visibility is Job #1

To demonstrate our mastery of the obvious, it’s not getting easier to detect attacks. Not that it was ever really easy, but at least you used to know what tactics adversaries used, and you had a general idea of where they would end up, because you knew where your important data was, and which (single) type of device normally accessed it: the PC. It’s hard to believe we now long for the days of early PCs and centralized data repositories. But that is not today’s world. You face professional adversaries (and possibly nation-states) who use agile methods to develop and test attacks. They have ways to obfuscate who they are and what they are trying to do, which further complicate detection. They prey on the ever-present gullible employees who click anything to gain a foothold in your environment. Further complicating matters is the inexorable march towards cloud services – which moves unstructured content to cloud storage, outsources back-office functions to a variety of service providers, and moves significant portions of the technology environment into the public cloud. And all these movements are accelerating – seemingly exponentially. There has always been a playbook for dealing with attackers when we knew what they were trying to do. Whether or not you were able to effectively execute on that playbook, the fundamentals were fairly well understood. But as we explained in our Future of Security series, the old ways don’t work any more, which puts practitioners behind the 8-ball. The rules have changed and old security architectures are rapidly becoming obsolete. For instance it’s increasingly difficult to insert inspection bottlenecks into your cloud environment without adversely impacting the efficiency of your technology stack. Moreover, sophisticated adversaries can use exploits which aren’t caught by traditional assessment and detection technologies – even if they don’t need such fancy tricks often. So you need a better way to assess your organization’s security posture, detect attacks, and determine applicable methods to work around and eventually remediate exposures in your environment. As much as the industry whinges about adversary innovation, the security industry has also made progress in improving your ability to assess and detect these attacks. We have written a lot about threat intelligence and security analytics over the past few years. Those are the cornerstone technologies for dealing with modern adversaries’ improved capabilities. But these technologies and capabilities cannot stand alone. Just pumping some threat intel into your SIEM won’t help you understand the context and relevance of the data you have. And performing advanced analytics on the firehose of security data you collect is not enough either, because you might be missing a totally new attack vector. What you need is a better way to assess your organizational security posture, determine when you are under attack, and figure out how to make the pain stop. This requires a combination of technology, process changes, and clear understanding of how your technology infrastructure is evolving toward the cloud. This is no longer just assessment or analytics – you need something bigger and better. It’s what we now call Security Decision Support (SDS). Snazzy, huh? In this blog series, “Evolving to Security Decision Support”, we will delve into these concepts to show how to gain both visibility and context, so you can understand what you have to do and why. Security Decision Support provides a way to prioritize the thousands of things you can do, enabling you to zero in on the few things you must. As with all Securosis’ research developed using our Totally Transparent methodology, we won’t mention specific vendors or products – instead we will focus on architecture and practically useful decision points. But we still need to pay the bills, so we’ll take a moment to thank Tenable, who has agreed to license the paper once it’s complete. Visibility in the Olden Days Securing pretty much anything starts with visibility. You can’t manage what you can’t see – and a zillion other overused adages all illustrate the same point. If you don’t know what’s on your network and where your critical data is, you don’t have much chance of protecting it. In the olden days – you know, way back in the early 2000s – visibility was fairly straightforward. First you had data on mainframes in the data center. Even when we started using LANs to connect everything, data still lived on a raised floor, or in a pretty simple email system. Early client/server systems started complicating things a bit, but everything was still on networks you controlled in data centers you had the keys to. You could scan your address space and figure out where everything was, and what vulnerabilities needed to be dealt with. That worked pretty well for a long time. There were scaling issues, and a need (desire) to scan higher in the technology stack, so we started seeing first stand-alone and then integrated application scanners. Once rogue devices started appearing on your network, it was no longer sufficient to scan your address space every couple weeks, so passive network monitoring allowed you to watch traffic and flag (and assess) unknown devices. Those were the good old days, when things were relatively simple. Okay – maybe not really simple, but you could size the problem. That is no longer the case. Visibility Challenged We use a pretty funny meme in many of our presentations. It shows a man from the 1870s, remembering blissfully the good old days when he knew where his data was. That image always gets a lot of laughs from audiences. But it’s brought on by pain, because everyone in the room knows it illustrates a very real problem. Nowadays you don’t really know where your data is, which seriously compromises your capability to determine the security posture of the systems with access to it. These challenges are a direct result of a number of key technology innovations: SaaS: Securosis talks about how SaaS is the New Back Office, and that has rather drastic ramifications for visibility. Many organizations deploy CASB just to figure out which SaaS services they are using, because it’s not like business folks ask permission to use a business-oriented

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