

SOC 2025: Detection/Analytics

We spent the last post figuring out how to aggregate security data. Alas, a lake of security data doesn’t find attackers, so now we have to use it. Security analytics has been all the rage for the past ten years. In fact, many security analytics companies have emerged promising to make sense of all of this security data. It turns out analytics aren’t a separate thing; they are part of every security thing. That’s right, analytics drive endpoint security offerings. Cloud security products? Yup. Network security detection? Those too. It’s hard to envision a security company of scale without analytics playing a central role in providing value to their customers. As a security leader, what do you have to know about analytics and detection as you figure out how the SOC should evolve? First, it’s not about [analytics technique A] vs. [analytics technique B]. It’s about security outcomes, and to get there you’ll need to start thinking in terms of the SOC platform. Defining the SOC “Platform” The initial stab at the SOC platform already exists with some overlapping capabilities. You already have a security monitoring capability, maybe an on-prem SIEM. As discussed in the last post, the SOC platform should include threat intelligence. Currently, some organizations use a separate threat intel platform (TIP) to curate and prioritize the incoming external data. The third leg of the SOC platform is operations, where validating, verifying, and ultimately addressing any alerts happens. We’ll have a lot to say about security operations in the next post. Though it may seem the evolved security operations platform is just bolting together a bunch of stuff you already have, we are advocating for an evolutionary approach in the SOC. You certainly could ditch the existing toolset and start from scratch, and as liberating as that may be, it’s not practical for most organizations. For instance, you’ve spent years tuning your on-prem SIEM to handle existing infrastructure, and you have to keep the SOC operating, given the attackers aren’t going to give you a break to accommodate your platform migration. Thus, it may not make sense to scrap it. Yet. Although you do have to decide where the SOC platform will run, here are some considerations: Data Location: It’s better to aggregate data as close to the originating platform as possible, so you keep cloud-based security data in the cloud, and on-prem systems go into an on-prem repository. That minimizes latency and cost. In addition, you can centralize alerts and context if your operational motions dictate. Operations Approach: Once the alert fires, what then? If you have an operations team that handles both cloud and on-prem issues, then you’ll need to centralize. The next question becomes do you consolidate the raw security data, or just the alerts and context? Care and Feeding: How much time and resource do you want to spend keeping the monitoring system up and running? There are advantages to using a cloud-based, managed platform that gets you out of the business of scaling and operating the infrastructure. The long-term trend is towards a managed offering in the cloud, but how quickly you get there depends on your migration strategy. If you’ve decided that your existing SIEM is not salvageable, then you are picking a new platform for everything and migrating as quickly as possible. But we see many organizations taking a more measured approach, focusing on building the foundation of a new platform that can handle the distributed and hybrid nature of computing in the cloud age while continuing to use the legacy platform during the migration. Analysis Once you have internal and external data collected and aggregated, you analyze the data to identify the attacks. Easy, right? Unfortunately, there is a lot of noise and vendor puffery for how the analytics actually work, making it confusing to figure out the best approach. Let’s work through the different types of techniques used by SOC tools. Rules and Reputation: Let’s start with signature-based controls, the old standard. You know, the type of correlation your RDBMS-based SIEM performed for decades. Adding patterns enumerated in the ATT&CK framework (which will discuss later in this post) helps narrow the scope of what you need to look for, but you still need to recognize the attack. You’ll need to know what you are looking for. Machine Learning: The significant evolution from simple correlation is the ability to detect an attack you haven’t seen. Advanced analytics can be used to define an activity baseline, and with that baseline defining normal behavior within your environment, your detection engine can look for anomalies. Getting into the grungy math of different machine learning models and cluster analyses probably won’t help you find attackers faster and more effectively. Continue to focus on the security outcomes during your evaluation. Does it find attacks you are likely to see? How much time and effort will it take to isolate the most impactful alerts? What’s involved in keeping the platform current? And ultimately, how will the platform’s analytics make the team more efficient? Stay focused on ensuring any new platform makes the team better, not on who’s math is better. Use Cases You may be bored (and maybe frustrated) with our constant harping on the importance of use cases in detecting attacks. There is a method to our madness in that use cases make a pretty nebulous concept more tangible. So let’s dig into a handful of use cases to get a sense of how a SOC platform will favorably impact your detection efforts. Ransomware Ransomware doesn’t seem to get as many headlines nowadays, but don’t be fooled by the media’s short attention span. Ransomware continues to be a scourge, and every company remains vulnerable. Let’s examine how an evolved SOC handles detects ransomware? First, ransomware isn’t new, particularly not the attacks — it typically uses commodity malware for the initial compromise. Attackers are more organized and proficient — once they have a foothold within a victim’s network, they perform extensive reconnaissance to find and destroy

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