Secure USB devices – ain’t they great? They offer us the ability to bring trusted devices into insecure networks, and perform trusted operations on untrusted computers. If I could drink out of one, maybe it would be the holy grail. Services like cryptographic key management, identity certificates and mutual authentication, sensitive document storage, and a pr0nsafe web browser platform. But over the last year, as I look at the mobile computing space – the place where people will want to use secure USB features – the more I think the secure USB market is in trouble. How many of you connect a USB stick to your Droid phone? How about your iPad?

My point is that when you carry your smart device with you, you are unlikely to carry a secure USB device with you as well. The security services mentioned above are necessary, but there has been little integration of these functions into the devices we carry. USB hardware does offer some security advantages, but USB sticks are largely part of the laptop model (era) of mobile computing, which is being marginalized by smart phones. Secure on-line banking, go-anywhere data security, and “The Key to the Cloud” are clever marketing slogans. Each attempts to reposition the technology to gain user preference – and fails. USB sticks are going the way of the zip drive and the CD – the need remains but they are rapidly being marginalized by more convenient media. That’s really the key: the security functions are strategic but the medium is tactical. So where does the Secure USB market segment go?

It should go with the users are: embrace the new platforms. And smart device users should look for these security features embedded in their mobile platforms. Just because the media is fading does not mean the security features aren’t just as important as we move on to the next big thing. These things all tend to cycles, but the current strong fashion is to get “an app for that” rather than carry another device. Lack of strong authenication won’t make users carry and use laptops rather than phones. It is unclear why USB vendors have been so slow to react, but they need to untie themselves from their fading medium to support user demand. I am not saying secure USB is dead, but saying the vendors need to provide their core value on today’s relevant platforms.
