What was the famous Bill Gates quote? “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.” Well, we at Securosis actually can gauge that accurately given this is the TENTH annual RSA Conference Disaster Recovery Breakfast.

I think pretty much everything has changed over the past 10 years. Except that stupid users still click on things they shouldn’t. And auditors still give you a hard time about stuff that doesn’t matter. And breaches still happen. But we aren’t fighting for budget or attention much anymore. If anything, they beat a path to your door. So there’s that. It’s definitely a “be careful what you wish for” situation. We wanted to be taken seriously. But probably not this seriously.

We at Securosis are actually more excited for the next 10 years, and having been front and center on this cloud thing we believe over the next decade the status quo of both security and operations will be fundamentally disrupted. And speaking of disruption, we’ll also be previewing our new company – DisruptOPS – at breakfast, if you are interested.

We remain grateful that so many of our friends, clients, and colleagues enjoy a couple hours away from the insanity that is the RSAC. By Thursday it’s very nice to have a place to kick back, have some quiet conversations, and grab a nice breakfast. Or don’t talk to anyone at all and embrace your introvert – we get that too.

The DRB happens only because of the support of CHEN PRLaunchTechCyberEdge Group, and our media partner Security Boulevard. Please make sure to say hello and thank them for helping support your recovery.

As always the breakfast will be Thursday morning (April 19) from 8-11 at Jillian’s in the Metreon. It’s an open door – come and leave as you want. We will have food, beverages, and assorted non-prescription recovery items to ease your day. Yes, the bar will be open. You know how Mike likes the hair of the dog.

Please remember what the DR Breakfast is all about. No spin, no magicians (since booth babes were outlawed) and no plastic lightsabers (much to Rich’s disappointment) – it’s just a quiet place to relax and have muddled conversations with folks you know, or maybe even go out on a limb and meet someone new. We are confident you will enjoy the DRB as much as we do.

To help us estimate numbers, please RSVP to rsvp (at) securosis (dot) com.
