

HP (Finally) Acquires Fortify

One of the great things about Twitter and iChat is their ability to fuel the rumor mill. The back-office chatter for the last couple months, both within and outside Securosis, has been about rumors of HP buying Fortify Software. So we weren’t surprised when HP announced this morning that they are acquiring Fortify Software for an “undisclosed sum.” Well, not publicly disclosed anyway. In our best KGB voice, “Ve have vays of making dem talk.” And talk they did. If you are not up to speed on Fortify, the core of their offering is “white box” application testing software. This basically means they automate several aspects of code scanning. But their business model is built on both products and services for secure software development processes as a whole – not only to help detect defects, but also helping modify processes to prevent poor coding practices, with tool integration to track development. Recently they have announced products for cloud deployments (who hasn’t?), with their Fortify360 and Fortify on Demand products designed to address potential weaknesses in network addressing and platform trust. New businesses aside, the white box testing products and services account for the bulk of their revenue. Fortify was one of the early players in this market, and focused on the high end of the large enterprise market. This means Fortify was subject to the vagaries of large value enterprise sales cycles, which tend to make revenues somewhat lumpy and unpredictable, and we heard sales were down a bit over the last couple quarters. Of course we can’t publicly substantiate this for a private company, but we believe it. To be clear, this is not an indicator of product quality issues or lack of a viable market – variations in Fortify’s numbers have more to do with their sales process than the market’s perceived value for white box testing or their products. Gary McGraw’s timely post on the Software Security Market reinforces this, and is a fair indication of the growing need for security testing software and services. Regardless of individual vendor numbers (which are less than precise), the market as a whole is trending upwards, but probably not at the rate we’d all like to see given the critical importance of developing secure software. The criticisms I most often hear about Fortify focus on their pricing and recommended development methodology – completely geared towards large enterprises, they introduce unneeded complexity for normal organizations. From an analyst perspective my criticisms of Fortify have also been that their enterprise focus made their offerings a non-starter for mid-market companies, which develop many web applications and have an even more pressing need for white box testing. Fortify’s recommended processes and methodologies may appeal to enterprises, but their maturity model and development lifecycles just don’t resonate outside the Fortune 500. The analysts who will not be named have placed Fortify’s product offering far in the lead for both innovation and effectiveness, but in my experience Fortify faces stiffer competition than those analysts would have you believe. Depending on market segment and the problem to be solved, there are equally compelling alternative products. But that’s all much less relevant under HP’s stewardship. Over the past few years HP has made significant investments to build a full suite of application security solutions, and now has the ability to package the needed application scanning pieces along with the rest of the tools and product integration features that enterprise clients demand. Fortify’s static analysis, assessment, and processes are far more compelling coupled with HP’s black box and back office testing, problem tracking, and application delivery (Mercury). And HP’s sales force is in a much better position to close the large enterprises where Fortify’s product excels. Yes, that means Fortify is a very good fit for HP, further solidifying its secure code strategy. So what does this mean to existing Fortify customers? In the short term I don’t think there will be many changes to the product. The “Hybrid 2.0” vision spelled out in February 2010 is a good indicator that for the first couple quarters the security product suites will merge without significant functionality changes. The changes will show up as necessary to compete with IBM and its recent acquisition of Ounce Labs – tighter integration with problem tracking systems and some features tuned for IBM development platforms. This means that the pricing model will be cleaned up, and aggressive discounts will be provided. This will also introduce some short-term disruptions to service and training as responsibilities are shuffled. But both IBM and HP will remain focused on large enterprise clients, which is good for those customers who demand a fully-integrated process-driven software testing suite. It’s natural to mesh the security testing features into existing QA and development tools, with IBM and HP uniquely positioned to take advantage of their existing platforms. Their push to dominate the high end of the market leaves huge opportunities for the entire mid-market, which has been prolific in its adoption of web application technologies. The good news is there is plenty of room for Veracode, Coverity, Klocwork, and Parasoft to gear their products to these customers and increase sales. The bad news is that if they don’t already have dynamic testing capabilities, they will need to add them quickly, continue to innovate their way out of HP and IBM’s shadow, and address platform support and ease-of-use issues that remain hurdles for the mid-market. You just cannot get very far if your software requires significant investment in professional services to be effective. As far as acquisition price goes, the rumor mill had the purchase price anywhere from $200 million on the low end to $270 million on the high end. With Fortify’s revenue widely thought to be in the $35-$50M range, that’s a pretty healthy multiple, especially in a buyer’s market. Despite the volatility of Fortify’s revenues, an established presence in enterprise sales makes a strong case that a higher multiple is warranted. Moreover, the sales teams were already collaborating heavily, which likely

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Tokenization: Selection Criteria

To wrap up our Understanding and Selecting a Tokenization Solution series, we now focus on the selection criteria. If you are looking at tokenization we can assume you want to reduce the exposure of sensitive data while saving some money by reducing security requirements across your IT operation. While we don’t want to oversimplify the complexity of tokenization, the selection process itself is fairly straightforward. Ultimately there are just a handful of questions you need to address: Does this meet my business requirements? Is it better to use an in-house application or choose a service provider? Which applications need token services, and how hard will they be to set up? For some of you the selection process is super easy. If you are a small firm dealing with PCI compliance, choose an outsourced token service through your payment processor. It’s likely they already offer the service, and if not they will soon. And the systems you use will probably be easy to match up with external services, especially since you had to buy from the service provider – at least something compatible and approved for their infrastructure. Most small firms simply do not possess the resources and expertise in-house to set up, secure, and manage a token server. Even with the expertise available, choosing a vendor-supplied option is cheaper and removes most of the liability from your end. Using a service from your payment processor is actually a great option for any company that already fully outsources payment systems to its processor, although this tends to be less common for larger organizations. The rest of you have some work to do. Here is our recommended process: Determine Business Requirements: The single biggest consideration is the business problem to resolve. The appropriateness of a solution is predicated on its ability to address your security or compliance requirements. Today this is generally PCI compliance, so fortunately most tokenization servers are designed with PCI in mind. For other data such as medical information, Social Security Numbers, and other forms of PII, there is more variation in vendor support. Map and Fingerprint Your Systems: Identify the systems that store sensitive data – including platform, database, and application configurations – and assess which contain data that needs to be replaced with tokens. Determine Application/System Requirements: Now that you know which platforms you need to support, it’s time to determine your specific integration requirements. This is mostly about your database platform, what languages your application is written in, how you authenticate users, and how distributed your application and data centers are. Define Token Requirements: Look at how data is used by your application and determine whether single use or multi-use tokens are preferred or required? Can the tokens be formatted to meet the business use defined above? If clear-text access is required in a distributed environment, are encrypted format-preserving tokens suitable? Evaluate Options: At this point you should know your business requirements, understand your particular system and application integration requirements, and have a grasp of your token requirements. This is enough to start evaluating the different options on the market, including services vs. in-house deployment. It’s all fairly straightforward, and the important part is to determine your business requirements ahead of time, rather than allowing a vendor to steer you toward their particular technology. Since you will be making changes to applications and databases it only makes sense to have a good understanding of your integration requirements before letting the first salesperson in the door. There are a number of additional secondary considerations for token server selection. Authentication: How will the token server integrate with your identity and access management systems? This is a consideration for external token services as well, but especially important for in-house token databases, as the real PAN data is present. You need to carefully control which users can make token requests and which can request clear text credit card or other information. Make sure your access control systems will integrate with your selection. Security of the Token Server: What features and functions does the token server offer for encryption of its data store, monitoring transactions, securing communications, and request verification. On the other hand, what security functions does the vendor assume you will provide? Scalability: How can you grow the token service with demand? Key Management: Are the encryption and key management services embedded within the token server, or do they depend on external key management services? For tokens based upon encryption of sensitive data, examine how keys are used and managed. Performance: In payment processing speed has a direct impact on customer and merchant satisfaction. Does the token server offer sufficient performance for responding to new token requests? Does it handle expected and unlikely-but-possible peak loads? Failover: Payment processing applications are intolerant of token server outages. In-house token server failover capabilities require careful review, as do service provider SLAs – be sure to dig into anything you don’t understand. If your organization cannot tolerate downtime, ensure that the service or system you choose accommodates your requirements. Share:

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Gunnar Peterson Joins Securosis As a Contributing Analyst

We are ridiculously excited to announce that Gunnar Peterson is the newest member of Securosis, joining us as a Contributing Analyst. For those who don’t remember, our Contributor program is our way of getting to work with extremely awesome people without asking them to quit their day jobs (contributors are full members of the team and covered under our existing contracts/NDAs, but aren’t full time). Gunnar joins David Mortman and officially doubles our Contributing Analyst team. Gunnar’s primary coverage areas are identity and access management, large enterprise applications, and application development. Plus anything else he wants, because he’s wicked smart. Gunnar can be reached at gpeterson at on top of his existing emails/Skype/etc. And now for the formal bio: Gunnar Peterson is a Managing Principal at Arctec Group. He is focused on distributed systems security for large mission critical financial, financial exchange, healthcare, manufacturer, and insurance systems, as well as emerging start ups. Mr. Peterson is an internationally recognized software security expert, frequently published, an Associate Editor for IEEE Security & Privacy Journal on Building Security In, a contributor to the SEI and DHS Build Security In portal on software security, a Visiting Scientist at Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, and an in-demand speaker at security conferences. He maintains a popular information security blog at Share:

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Friday Summary: August 13, 2010

A couple days ago I was talking with the masters swim coach I’ve started working with (so I will, you know, drown less) and we got to that part of the relationship where I had to tell him what I do for a living. Not that I’ve ever figured out a good answer to that questions, but I muddled through. Once he found out I worked in infosec he started ranting, as most people do, about all the various spam and phishing he has to deal with. Aside from wondering why anyone would run those scams (easily answered with some numbers) he started in on how much of a pain in the ass it is to do anything online anymore. The best anecdote was asking his wife why there were problems with their Bank of America account. She gently reminded him that the account is in her name, and the odds were pretty low that B of A would be emailing him instead of her. When he asked what he should do I made sure he was on a Mac (or Windows 7), recommended some antispam filtering, and confirmed that he or his wife check their accounts daily. I’ve joked in the past that you need the equivalent of a black belt to survive on the Internet today, but I’m starting to think it isn’t a joke. The majority of my non-technical friends and family have been infected, scammed, or suffered fraud at least once. This is just anecdote, which is dangerous to draw assumptions from, but the numbers are clearly higher than people being mugged or having their homes broken into. (Yeah, false analogy – get over it). I think we only tolerate this for three reasons: Individual losses are still generally low – especially since credit cards losses to a consumer are so limited (low out of pocket). Having your computer invaded doesn’t feel as intrusive as knowing someone was rummaging through your underwear drawer. A lot of people don’t notice that someone is squatting on their computer… until the losses ring up. I figure once things really get bad enough we’ll change. And to be honest, people are a heck of a lot more informed these days than five or ten years ago. On another note we are excited to welcome Gunnar Peterson as our latest Contributing Analyst! Gunnar’s first post is the IAM entry in our week-long series on security commoditization, and it’s awesome to already have him participating in research meetings. And on yet another note it seems my wife is more than a little pregnant. Odds are I’ll be disappearing for a few weeks at some random point between now and the first week of September, so don’t be offended if I’m slow to respond to email. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences The official Defcon Security Jam waffle iron is up for auction! Not only was this used by David Mortman to produce mouth watering morsels of joy on stage, but Chris Hoff ensured the waffle iron attended the exclusive Ninja Networks party! (Proceeds benefit the EFF). Adrian on How to Protect Oracle Database Vault at Dark Reading. Rich wrote an article on iOS security over at TidBITS. Rich, Martin, and Zach on the Network Security Podcast. Favorite Securosis Posts Gunnar: Anton Chuvakin in depth SIEM Use Cases. Written from a hands on perspective, covers core SIEM workflows inlcuding Server user activity monitoring, Tracking user actions across systems, firewall monitoring (security + network), Malware protection, and Web server attack detection. The Use Cases show the basic flows and they are made more valuable by Anton’s closing comments which address how SIEM enables Incident Response activities. Adrian Lane: FireStarter: Why You Care about Security Commoditization. Maybe no one else liked it, but I did. Mike Rothman: The Yin and Yang of Security Commoditization. Love the concept of “covering” as a metaphor for vendors not solving customer problems, but trying to do just enough to beat competition. This was a great series. Rich: Gunnar’s post on the lack of commoditization in IAM. A little backstory – I was presenting my commoditization thoughts on our internal research meeting, and Gunnar was the one who pointed out that some markets never seem to reach that point… which inspired this week’s series. Other Securosis Posts Gunnar Peterson Joins Securosis as a Contributing Analyst. Incite 8/11/2010: No Goal! Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 3. iOS Security: Challenges and Opportunities. Tokenization Topic Roundup. When Writing on iOS Security, Stop Asking AV Vendors Whether Apple Should Open the Platform to AV. Commoditization and Feature Parity on the Perimeter. Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 2. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: Researchers Hack Your Vehicle (again). Looks like the auto industry will continue making idiotic decisions regarding computers and control systems until they walk head-on into a major hack. Mike Rothman: Fuel Not Powerpoint. From our newest contributing analyst Gunnar. Funny how in some industries a cool PowerPoint is not enough. Pepper: Anatomy Of An Attempted Malware Scam. I’ve never thought much about ‘badvertising’, but I enjoyed this detective story. Rich: National Geographic’s awesome story on DefCon. The reporter really captured the essence of the event. Project Quant Posts NSO Quant: Manage Firewall Process Revisited. NSO Quant: Manage Firewall – Audit/Validate. NSO Quant: Manage Firewall – Deploy. NSO Quant: Manage Firewall – Test and Approve. NSO Quant: Manage Firewall – Process Change Request. Research Reports and Presentations White Paper: Endpoint Security Fundamentals. Understanding and Selecting a Database Encryption or Tokenization Solution. Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins with Data Loss Prevention. Top News and Posts Critical Updates for Windows, Flash Player. Questions and Answers on the [iPhone] JailbreakMe Vulnerability. Wireshark review. RBS WorldPay ringleader being extradited to the US. Illogical cloud positivism. Google CEO says no anonymity on the web. First clue to crack the Verizon DBIR contest. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes

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Incite 8/11/2010: No Goal!

The Boss is a saint. Besides putting up with me every day, she recently reconnected with a former student of hers. She taught him in 5th grade and now the kid is 23. He hasn’t had the opportunities that I (or the Boss) had, and she is working with him to help define what he wants to do with his life and the best way to get there. This started me thinking about my own perspectives on goals and achievement. I’m in the middle of a pretty significant transition relative to goal setting and my entire definition of success. I’ve spent most of my life going somewhere, as fast as I can. I’ve always been a compulsive goal setter and list maker. Annually I revisit my life goals, which I set in my 20s. They’ve changed a bit, but not substantially, over the years. Then I’ve tried to structure my activities to move towards those goals on a daily and monthly basis. I fell into the trap that I suspect most of the high achievers out there stumble on: I was so focused on the goal, I didn’t enjoy the achievement. For me, achievement wasn’t something to celebrate. It was something to check off a list. I rarely (if ever) thought about what I had done and patted myself on the back. I just moved to the next thing on the list. Sure, I’ve been reasonably productive throughout my career, but in the grand scheme of things does it even matter if I don’t enjoy it? So I’m trying a new approach. I’m trying to not be so goal oriented. Not long-term goals, anyway. I’d love to get to the point where I don’t need goals. Is that practical? Maybe. I don’t mean tasks or deliverables. I still have clients and I have business partners, who need me to do stuff. My family needs me to provide, so I can’t become a total vagabond and do whatever I feel like every day. Not entirely anyway. I want to be a lot less worried about the destination. I aim to stop fixating on the end goal and then eventually to not aim at all. Kind of like sailing, where the wind takes you where it will and you just go with it. I want to enjoy what I am doing and stop worrying about what I’m not doing. I’ll toss my Gantt chart for making a zillion dollars and embrace the fact that I’m very fortunate to really enjoy what I do every day and who I work with. Like the Zen Habit’s post says, I don’t want to be limited to what my peer group considers success. But it won’t be an easy journey. I know that. I’ll have to rewire my brain. The journey started with a simple action. I put “have no goals” on the top of my list of goals. Yeah, I have a lot of work to do. – Mike. Photo credits: “No goal for you!” originally uploaded by timheuer Recent Securosis Posts Security Commoditization Series: FireStarter: Why You Care about Security Commoditization Commoditization and Feature Parity on the Perimeter The Yin and Yang of Security Commoditization iOS Security: Challenges and Opportunities When Writing on iOS Security, Stop Asking AV Vendors Whather Apple Should Open the Platform to AV Friday Summary: August 6, 2010 Tokenization Series: Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 1 Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 2 Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 3 Tokenization Topic Roundup NSO Quant: Manage Firewall Process: Updated Process Map Policy Review Define/Update Policies & Rules Document Policies/Rules Process Change Request Test and Approve Deploy Incite 4 U Yo Momma Is Good, Fast, and Cheap… – I used to love Yo Momma jokes. Unless they were being sent in the direction of my own dear mother – then we’d be rolling. But Jeremiah makes a great point about having to compromise on something relative to website vulnerability assessments. You need to choose two of: good, fast, or cheap. This doesn’t only apply to website assessments – it goes for pretty much everything. You always need got to balance speed vs. cost vs. quality. Unfortunately as overhead, we security folks are usually forced to pick cheap. That means we either compromise on quality or speed. What to do? Manage expectations, as per usual. And be ready to react faster and better because you’ll miss something. – MR With Great Power Comes Great… Potential Profit? – I don’t consider myself a conspiracy nut or a privacy freak. I tend to err on the skeptical side, and I’ve come around to thinking there really was a magic bullet, we really did land on the moon, most government agents are simple folks trying to make a living in public service, and although the CIA doped up and infected a bunch of people for MK Ultra, we still don’t need to wear the tinfoil hats. But as a historian and wannabe futurist I can’t ignore the risks when someone – anyone – collects too much information or power. The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on some of the internal privacy debates over at Google. You know, the company that has more information on people than any government or corporation ever has before? It seems Sergey and Larry may respect privacy more than I tend to give them credit for, but in the long term is it even possible for them to have all that data and still protect our privacy? I guess their current CEO doesn’t think so. Needless to say I don’t use many Google services. – RM KISS the Botnet – Very interesting research from Damballa coming out of Black Hat about how folks are monetizing botnets and how they get started. It’s all about Keeping It Small, Stupid (KISS) – because they need to stay undetected and size draws attention. There’s a large target on every large botnet – as well as lots of little ones, on all the infected computers. Other interesting tidbits

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Identity and Access Management Commoditization: a Tale of Two Cities

Identity and access management are generally 1) staffed out of the same IT department, 2) sold in vendor suites, and 3) covered by the same analysts. So this naturally lumps them together in people’s minds. However, their capabilities are quite different. Even though identity and access management capabilities are frequently bought as a package, what identity management and access management offer an enterprise are quite distinct. More importantly, successfully implementing and operating these tools requires different organizational models. Yesterday, Adrian discussed commoditization vs. innovation, where commoditization means more features, lower prices, and wider availability. Today I would like to explore where we are seeing commoditization and innovation play out in the identity management and access management spaces. Identity Management: Give Me Commoditization, but Not Yet Identity management tools have been widely deployed for the last 5 years and that are characterized in many respects as business process workflow tools with integration into somewhat arcane enterprise user repositories such as LDAP, HR, ERP, and CRM systems. So it is reasonable to expect that over time we will see commoditization (more features and lower prices), but so far this has not happened. Many IDM systems still charge per user account, which can appear cheap – especially if the initial deployment is a small pilot project – grow to a large line item over time. In IDM we have most of the necessary conditions to drive features up and prices down, but there are three reasons this has not happened yet. First, there is a small vendor community – it is not quite a duopoly, but the IDM vendors can be counted on one hand – and the area has not attracted open source on any large scale. Next there is a suite effect, where the IDM products that offer features such as provisioning are also tied to other products like entitlements, role management, and so on. Last and most important, the main customers which drove initial investment in IDM systems were not feature-hungry IT but compliance-craving auditors. Compliance reports around provisioning and user account management drove initial large-scale investments – especially in large regulated enterprises. Those initial projects are both costly and complex to replace, and more importantly their customers are not banging down vendor doors for new features. Access Management – Identity Innovation The access management story is quite different. The space’s recent history is characterized by web application Single Sign On products like SiteMinder and Tivoli Webseal. But unlike IDM the story did not end there. Thanks to widespread innovation in the identity field, as well as standards like SAML, OpenID, oauth, information cards, XACML and WS-Security, we see considerable innovation and many sophisticated implementations. These can be seen in access management efforts that extend the enterprise – such as federated identity products enabling B2B attribute exchange, Single Sign On, and other use cases; as well as web facing access management products that scale up to millions of users and support web applications, web APIs, web services, and cloud services. Access management exhibits some of the same “suite effect” as identity management, where incumbent vendors are less motivated to innovate, but at the same time the access management tools are tied to systems that are often direct revenue generators such as ecommerce. This is critical for large enterprise and the mid-market, and companies have shown no qualms about “doing whatever it takes” when moving away from incumbent suite vendors and to best of breed, in order to enable their particular usage models. Summary We have not seen commoditization in either identity management or access management. For the former, large enterprises and compliance concerns combine to make it a lower priority. In the case of access management, identity standards that enable new ways of doing business for critical applications like ecommerce have been the primary driver, but as the mid-market adopts these categories beyond basic Active Directory installs – if and when they do – we should see some price pressure.   Share:

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The Yin and Yang of Security Commoditization

Continuing our thread on commoditization, I want to extend some of Rich’s thoughts on commoditization and apply them to back-office data center products. In all honesty I did not want to write this post, as I thought it was more of a philosophical FireStarter with little value to end users. But as I thought about it I realized that some of these concepts might help people make better buying decisions, especially the “we need to solve this security problem right now!” crowd. Commoditization vs. Innovation In sailboat racing there is a concept called ‘covering’. The idea is that you don’t need to finish the race as fast as you possibly can – just ahead of the competition. Tactically this means you don’t place a bet and go where you think the wind is best, but instead steer just upwind of your principal competitors to “foul their air”. This strategy has proven time and again a lower-risk way to slow the competition and improve your own position to win the race. The struggles between security vendors are no different. In security – as in other areas of technology – commoditization means more features, lower prices, and wider availability. This is great, because it gets a lot of valuable technology into customers’ hands affordably. Fewer differences between products mean buyers don’t care which they purchase, because the options are effectively equivalent. Vendors must bid against each other to win deals during their end-of-quarter sales quota orgies. They throw in as many features as they can, appeal to the largest possible audience, and look for opportunities cut costs: the very model of efficiency. But this also sucks, because is discourages innovation. Vendors are too busy ‘covering’ the competition to get creative or explore possibilities. Sure, you get incremental improvements, along with ever-increasing marketing and sales investment, to avoid losing existing customers or market share. Regardless of the quality or relevance of features and functions the vendor has, they are always vigorously marketed as superior to all the competition. Once a vendor is in the race, more effort goes into winning deals than solving new business problems. And the stakes are high: fail to win some head-to-head product survey, or lose a ‘best’ or ‘leader’ ranking to a competitor, and sales plummet. Small vendors look for ‘clean air’. They innovate. They go in different directions, looking to solve new problems, because they cannot compete head to head against the established brands on their own turf. And in most cases the first generation or two of products lack quality and maturity. But they offer something new, and hopefully a better/faster/cheaper way to solve a problem. Once they develop a new technology customers like, about six milliseconds later they have a competitor, and the race begins anew. Innovation, realization, maturity, and finally commoditization. To me, this is the Yin and Yang between innovation and commoditization. And between the two is the tipping point – when start-ups evolve their features into a viable market, and the largest security vendors begin to acquire features to fold into their answering ‘solution’. Large Enterprises and Innovation Large customers drive innovation; small vendors provide it. Part of the balancing act on the innovation-vs.-commoditization continuum is that many security startups exist because some large firm (often in financial services) had a nasty problem they needed solved. Many security start-ups have launched on the phrase “If you can do that, we’ll pay you a million dollars”. It may take a million in development to solve the problem, but the vendor bets on selling their unique solution to more than one company. The customers for these products are large organizations who are pushing the envelope with process, technology, security, and compliance. They are larger firms with greater needs and more complex use requirements. Small vendors are desperate for revenue and a prestigious customer to validate the technology, and they cater to these larger customers. You need mainframe, Teradata, or iSeries security tools & support? You want to audit and monitor Lotus Notes? You will pay for that. You want alerts and reports formatted for your workflow system? You need your custom policies and branding in the assessment tool you use? You will pay more because you are locked into those platforms, and odds are you are locked into one of the very few security providers who can offers what your business cannot run without. You demand greater control, greater integration, and broader coverage – all of which result in higher acquisition costs, higher customization costs, and lock-in. But there is less risk, and it’s usually cheaper, to get small security firms to either implement or customize products for you. Will Microsoft, IBM, or Oracle do this? Maybe, but generally not. As Mike pointed out, enterprises are not driven by commoditization. Their requirements are unique and exacting, and they are entrenched into their investments. Many firms can’t switch between Oracle and SAP, for example, because they depend on extensive customizations in forms, processes, and applications – all coded to unique company specifications. Database security, log management, SIEM, and access controls all show the effects of commoditization. Application monitoring, auditing, WAF, and most encryption products just don’t fit the interchangeable commodity model. On the whole, data security for enterprise back office systems is as likely to benefit for sponsoring an innovator as from buying commodity products. Mid-Market Data Center Commoditization This series is on the effects of commoditization, and many large enterprise customers benefit from pricing pressure. The more standardized their processes are, the more they can take advantage of off-the-shelf products. But it’s mid-market data center security is where we see the most benefit from commoditization. We have already talked about price pressures in this series, so I won’t say much more than “A full-featured UTM for $1k? Are you kidding me?” Some of the ‘cloud’ and SaaS offerings for email and anti-spam are equally impressive. But there’s more … Plug and Play Two years ago Rich and I had a couple due-diligence projects in

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Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 3

Not every use case for tokenization involves PCI-DSS. There are equally compelling implementation options, several for personally identifiable information, that illustrate different ways to deploy token services. Here we will describe how tokens are used to replace Social Security numbbers in human resources applications. These services must protect the SSN during normal use by employees and third party service providers, while still offering authorized access for Human Resources personnel, as well as payroll and benefits services. In our example an employee uses an HR application to review benefits information and make adjustments to their own account. Employees using the system for the first time will establish system credentials and enter their personal information, potentially including Social Security number. To understand how tokens work in this scenario, let’s map out the process: The employee account creation process is started by entering the user’s credentials, and then adding personal information including the Social Security number. This is typically performed by HR staff, with review by the employee in question. Over a secure connection, the presentation server passes employee data to the HR application. The HR application server examines the request, finds the Social Security number is presnt, and forwards the SSN to the tokenization server. The tokenization server validates the HR application connection and request. It creates the token, storing the token/Social Security number pair in the token database. Then it returns the new token to the HR application server. The HR application server stores the employee data along with the token, and returns the token to the presentation server. The temporary copy of the original SSN is overwritten so it does not persist in memory. The presentation server displays the successful account creation page, including the tokenized value, back to the user. The original SSN is overwritten so it does not persist in token server memory. The token is used for all other internal applications that may have previously relied on real SSNs. Occasionally HR employees need to look up an employee by SSN, or access the SSN itself (typically for payroll and benefits). These personnel are authorized to see the real SSN within the application, under the right context (this needs to be coded into the application using the tokenization server’s API). Although the SSN shows up in their application screens when needed, it isn’t stored on the application or presentation server. Typically it isn’t difficult to keep the sensitive data out of logs, although it’s possible SSNs will be cached in memory. Sure, that’s a risk, but it’s a far smaller risk than before. The real SSN is used, as needed, for connections to payroll and benefits services/systems. Ideally you want to minimize usage, but realistically many (most?) major software tools and services still require the SSN – especially for payroll and taxes.Applications that already contain Social Security numbers undergo a similar automated transformation process to replace the SSN with a token, and this occurs without user interaction. Many older applications used SSN as the primary key to reference employee records, so referential key dependencies make replacement more difficult and may involve downtime and structural changes.Note than as surrogates for SSNs, tokens can be formatted to preserve the last 4 digits. Display of the original trailing four digits allows HR and customer service representatives to identify the employee, while preserving privacy by masking the first 5 digits. There is never any reason to show an employee their own SSN – they should already know it – and non-HR personnel should never see SSNs either. The HR application server and presentation layers will only display the tokenized values to the internal web applications for general employee use, never the original data.But what’s really different about this use case is that HR applications need regular access to the original social security number. Unlike a PCI tokenization deployment – where requests for original PAN data are somewhat rare – accounting, benefits, and other HR services regularly require the original non-token data. Within our process, authorized HR personnel can use the same HR application server, through a HR specific presentation layer, and access the original Social Security number. This is performed automatically by the HR application on behalf of validated and authorized HR staff, and limited to specific HR interfaces. After the HR application server has queried the employee information from the database, the application instructs the token server to get the Social Security number, and then sends it back to the presentation server.Similarly, automated batch jobs such as payroll deposits and 401k contributions are performed by HR applications, which in turn instruct the token server to send the SSN to the appropriate payroll/benefits subsystem. Social Security numbers are accessed by the token server, and then passed to the supporting application over a secured and authenticated connection. In this case, the token appears seen at the presentation layer, while third party providers receive the SSN via proxy on the back end. Share:

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FireStarter: Why You Care about Security Commoditization

This is the first in a series we will be posting this week on security markets. In the rest of this series we will look at individual markets, and discuss how these forces work to help with buying decisions. Catching up with recent news, Check Point has joined the crowd and added application control as a new option on their gateway products. Sound like you’ve heard this one before? That’s because this function was pioneered by Palo Alto, then added by Fortinet and even Websense (on their content gateways). Yet again we see multiple direct and indirect competitors converge on the same set of features. Feature parity can be problematic, because it significantly complicates a customer’s ability to differentiate between solutions. I take a ton of calls from users who ask, “should I buy X or Y” – and I’m considerate enough to mute the phone so they don’t hear me flipping my lucky coin. During last week’s Securosis research meeting we had an interesting discussion on the relationship between feature parity, commoditization, and organization size. In nearly any market – both security and others – competitors tend to converge on a common feature set rather than run off in different innovative directions. Why? Because that’s what the customers think they need. The first mover with the innovative feature makes such a big deal of it that they manage to convince customers they need the feature (and that first product), so competitors in that market must add the feature to compete. Sometimes this feature parity results in commoditization – where prices decline in lockstep with the reduced differentiation – but in other cases there’s only minimal impact on price. By which I mean the real price, which isn’t always what’s advertised. What we tend to find is that products targeting small and mid-sized organizations become commoditized (prices and differentiation drop); but those targeting large organizations use feature parity as a sales, upgrade, and customer retention tool. So why does this matter to the average security professional? Because it affects what products you use and how much you pay for them, and because understanding this phenomenon can make your life a heck of a lot easier. Commoditization in the Mid-Market First let’s define organization size – we define ‘mid’ as anything under about 5,000 employees and $1B in annual revenue. If you’re over $1B you’re large, but this is clearly a big bucket. Very large tends to be over 50K employees. Mid-sized and smaller organizations tend to have more basic needs. This isn’t an insult, it’s just that the complexity of the environment is constrained by the size. I’ve worked with some seriously screwed up mid-sized organizations, but they still pale in comparison to the complexity of a 100K + employee multinational. This (relative) lack for complexity in the mid-market means that when faced with deciding among a number of competing products – unless your situation is especially wacky – you pick the one that costs less, has the easiest management interface (reducing the time you need to spend in the product), or simply strikes your fancy. As a result the mid-market tends to focus on the lowest cost of ownership: base cost + maintenance/support contract + setup cost + time to use. A new feature only matters if it solves a new problem or reduces costs. Settle down, mid-market folks! This isn’t an insult. We know you like to think you are different and special, but you probably aren’t. Since mid-market customers have the same general needs and desire to save costs, vendors converge on the lowest common denominator feature set and shoot for volume. They may keep one-upping each other with prettier dashboards or new tweaks, but unless those result in filling a major need or reducing cost, they can’t really charge a lot more for them. Will you really pay more for a Coke than a Pepsi? The result is commoditization. Not that commoditization is bad – vendors make it up in volume and lower support costs. I advise a ton of my vendor clients to stop focusing on the F100 and realize the cash cow once they find the right mid-market product fit. Life’s a lot easier when you don’t have 18-month sales cycles, and don’t have to support each F100 client with its own sales team and 82 support engineers. Feature Parity in the Large Enterprise Market This doesn’t really play out the same when playing with the big dogs. Vendors still tend to converge on the same feature sets, but it results in less overt downward price pressure. This is for a couple reasons: Larger organizations are more locked into products due to higher switching costs. In such complex environments, with complicated sales cycles involving multiple competitors, the odds are higher that one niche feature or function will be critical for success, making effective “feature equivalence” much tougher for competitors. I tend to see switching costs and inertia as the biggest factor, since these products become highly customized in large environments and it’s hard to change existing workflows. Retraining is a bigger issue, and a number of staff specialize in how the vendor does things. These aren’t impossible to change, but make it much harder to embrace a new provider. But vendors add the features for a reason. Actually, 3 reasons: Guard the henhouse: If a new feature is important enough, it might cause either a customer shift (loss), or more likely in the customer deploying a competitive product in parallel for a while – vendors, of course, are highly motivated to keep the competition away from their golden geese. Competitive deployments, either as evaluations or in small niche roles, substantially raise the risk of losing the customer – especially when the new sales guy offers a killer deal. Force upgrade: The new features won’t run on existing hardware/software, forcing the customers to upgrade to a new version. We have seen a number of infrastructure providers peg new features to the latest codebase or appliance,

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Commoditization and Feature Parity on the Perimeter

Following up on Rich’s FireStarter on Security Commoditization earlier today, I’m going to apply a number of these concepts to the network security space. As Rich mentioned innovation brings copycats, and with network-based application control we have seen them come out of the woodwork. But this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this kind of innovation rapidly adopted within the network security market. We just need to jump into the time machine and revisit the early days of Unified Threat Management (UTM). Arguably, Fortinet was the early mover in that space (funny how 10 years of history provide lots of different interpretations about who/what was first), but in short order a number of other folks were offering UTM-like devices. At the same time the entrenched market leaders (read Cisco, Juniper, and Check Point) had their heads firmly in the sand about the need for UTM. This was predictable – why would they want to sell one box while they could still sell two? But back to Rich’s question: Is this good for customers? We think commoditization is good, but even horribly over-simplified market segmentation provides different reasons. Mid-Market Perimeter Commoditization Continues Amazingly, today you can get a well-configured perimeter network security gateway for less than $1,000. This commoditization is astounding, given that organizations which couldn’t really afford it routinely paid $20,000 for early firewalls – in addition to IPS and email gateways. Now they can get all that and more for $1K. How did this happen? You can thank your friend Gordon Moore, whose law made fast low-cost chips available to run these complicated software applications. Combine that with reasonably mature customer requirements including firewall/VPN, IDS/IPS, and maybe some content filtering (web and email) and you’ve nailed the requirements of 90%+ of the smaller companies out there. That means there is little room for technical differentiation that could justify premium pricing. So the competitive battle is waged with price and brand/distribution. Yes, over time that gets ugly and only the biggest companies with broadest distribution and strongest brands survive. That doesn’t mean there is no room for innovation or new capabilities. Do these customers need a WAF? Probably. Could they use an SSL VPN? Perhaps. There is always more crap to put into the perimeter, but most of these organizations are looking to write the smallest check possible to make the problem go away. Prices aren’t going up in this market segment – there isn’t customer demand driving innovation, so the selection process is pretty straightforward. For this segment, big (companies) works. Big is not going away, and they have plenty of folks trained on their products. Big is good enough. Large Enterprise Feature Parity But in the large enterprise market prices have stayed remarkably consistent. I used the example of what customers pay for enterprise perimeter gateways as my main example during our research meeting hashing out commoditization vs. feature parity. The reality is that enterprises are not commodity driven. Sure, they like lower costs. But they value flexibility and enhanced functionality far more – quite possibly need them. And they are willing to pay. You also have the complicating factor of personnel specialization within the large enterprise. That means a large company will have firewall guys/gals, IPS guys/gals, content security guys/gals, and web app firewall guys/gals, among others. Given the complexity of those environments, they kind of need that personnel firepower. But it also means there is less need to look at integrated platforms, and that’s where much of the innovation in network security has occurred over the last few years. We have seen some level of new features/capabilities increasingly proving important, such as the move towards application control at the network perimeter. Palo Alto swam upstream with this one for years, and has done a great job of convincing several customers that application control and visibility are critical to the security perimeter moving forward. So when these customers went to renew their existing gear, they asked what the incumbent had to say about application control. Most lied and said they already did it using Deep Packet Inspection. Quickly enough the customers realized they were talking about apple and oranges – or application control and DPI – and a few brought Palo Alto boxes in to sit next to the existing gateway. This is the guard the henhouse scenario described in Rich’s post. At that point the incumbents needed that feature fast, or risk their market share. We’ve seen announcements from Fortinet, McAfee, and now Check Point, as well as an architectural concept from SonicWall in reaction. It’s only a matter of time before Juniper and Cisco add the capability either via build or (more likely) buy. And that’s how we get feature parity. It’s driven by the customers and the vendors react predictably. They first try to freeze the market – as Cisco did with NAC – and if that doesn’t work they actually add the capabilities. Mr. Market is rarely wrong over sufficient years. What does this mean for buyers? Basically any time a new killer feature emerges, you need to verify whether your incumbent really has it. It’s easy for them to say “we do that too” on a PowerPoint slide, but we continue to recommend proof of concept tests to validate features (no, don’t take your sales rep’s word for it!) before making large renewal and/or new equipment purchases. That’s the only way to know whether they really have the goods. And remember that you have a lot of leverage on the perimeter vendors nowadays. Many aggressive competitors are willing to deal, in order to displace the incumbent. That means you can play one off the other to drive down your costs, or get the new features for the same price. And that’s not a bad thing. Share:

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