

Insight 5/14/2020: Hugs

The pandemic is hard on everyone. (says the Master of the Obvious) It’s a combination of things. There are layers of fear — both from the standpoint of the health impact, as well as the financial challenges facing so many. We cannot underestimate the human toll, and unfortunately, the US has never prioritized mental health. As I mentioned last week in my inaugural new Insight, I’m not scared for myself, although too many people I care about are in vulnerable demographics. I’m lucky that (at least for now) the business is OK. I work in an industry that continues to be important and for a company that is holding its own. But it’s hard not to let the fear run rampant. The Eastern philosophies teach us to stay in the moment. To try to focus on what’s right in front of you. Do not fixate on decisions made or roads not taken. Do not think far ahead about all of the things that may or may not come to pass. Stay right here in the experience of the present. And I try. I really try to keep the things I control at the forefront. Yet there is so much I don’t control about this situation. And that creates a myriad of challenges. For example, I don’t control the behavior of others. I believe the courteous thing to do now is wear a mask when in public. There are certainly debates about whether the masks make a real difference in controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus. But when someone near me is wearing a mask, it’s a sign (to me anyway) that they care about other people. Maybe I’m immunocompromised (thankfully I’m not). Maybe I live with someone elderly. They don’t know. The fact is they likely don’t have the infection. But perhaps they do. It’s about consideration, not about personal freedoms. I have the right to approach someone sitting nearby and fart (from 6 feet away, of course). But I don’t do that because it’s rude. I put wearing a mask into the same category. But alas, I don’t control whether other people wear masks. I can only avoid those that don’t. NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said it pretty well. I don’t control who takes isolation seriously and who doesn’t. Many people have decided to organize small quarantine pods who isolate with each other because they don’t see anyone else. This arrangement requires discipline and trust and doesn’t scale much past 2 or 3 families. Being in a blended household means that I had my pod defined for me. There are my household and the households of both of our former spouses. It’s hard to keep everyone in sync. My kids were staying with their Mom in the early days of quarantine. But my son was seeing other kids in the neighborhood. Not a lot, but a few. And supposedly those kids were staying isolated – until they weren’t. One of the neighbors had a worker in the house and then had a visitor who was a healthcare professional in Canada. Sigh. So he goes into isolation for two weeks, and I can’t see my kids. Then my former spouse got religion about isolation and decided that she wasn’t comfortable with my pod, which includes Mira’s former spouse. She doesn’t know him, and in this situation, trust is challenging. Sigh. Another six weeks of not seeing my kids. Mira and I have done a few social distance walks with them, but it’s hard. You wonder if they are too close. So we adapted and set up chairs in a parking lot and hung out. It’s tough. All I wanted to do was hug my kids, but I couldn’t. To be clear, in the grand scheme of things, this is a minor problem. A point in time that will pass. Maybe in 6 months, or maybe in a year. But it will pass. And I’ve got it good, given my health and ability to still work. Many people don’t. They may be alone, or they may not have a job. Those are big problems. But I also don’t want to minimize my experience. It sucks not to be able to parent your kids. It’s getting more complicated by the day. Things in Georgia (where I live) are opening up. Many of the kid’s friends are getting together, and the reality is that we can’t keep them isolated forever. So their Mom and I decided we would keep things locked down through the end of May and then revisit our decision in June. My kids could stay with me for a little while. And that happened last week. When I went over to pick them up, I was overcome. It was only a hug, but it felt like a lot more than that. Over the past week, I got to wake them up, pester them to do online classes, eat with them, and sit next to them as we watched something on Netflix. We were going to figure out week by week where the kids would stay. I’m not going anywhere, so that would work great. But the best-laid plans… I found out that my oldest is seeing her friends. And isn’t socially distancing. Sigh. She’s an adult (if you call 19 an adult), and she made the decision. I’m unhappy but trying to be kind. I’m trying to understand her feelings as her freshman year in college abruptly ended. She went from the freedom of being independent (if you call college independent living) to being locked up in her Mom’s house. That when you are 19, you don’t really think about the impact of your actions on other people. That you can get depressed and forget about the rules and do anything to take a drive with a couple of friends. And now the other house where my kids live is no longer in my pod. One of the kids is with me, and she’ll stay for a couple of

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Insight 5/4/2020: Confessions

It’s a sunny late spring day. Mike steps into the dank building and can smell the must. It feels old but familiar. Strangely familiar. The building looks the same, but he knows it’s different. Too much time has passed. He steps into the confessional and starts to talk. Mike: Forgive me. It’s been almost 3 and a half years since I’ve been here. I’d say it was because I have been busy, which I have. But it’s not that. I spent close to 13 years here, and I had gone through a pretty significant personal transformation. As I was navigating the associated transitions, I guess I just wanted to live a bit and integrate a lot of the lessons I’ve learned behind the scenes for a while. Confessor: OK. That seems reasonable. How’s that been going? Mike: Pretty good, I’d say. I mentioned my new love (her name is Mira). We got married in mid-2017. I’ve packed my oldest daughter off to college last August and my step-son leaves for his college hopefully at the end of this summer. We’ve got a wonderful blended family and we’ve made some close friends as well. Physically I’m good as well. I’ve been able to maintain my fitness through intense workouts (thanks to OrangeTheory) and use the time in class as my mindfulness practice. And I just try to improve a little bit each day and live my life with kindness and grace. Confessor: How’s work going? You mentioned being busy, but what does that mean? Everyone is busy. Mike: That’s a good point. Culturally there is some kind of weird incentive to be busy. Or to look busy, anyway. Rich and I have been grinding away. Adrian decided to move on last December, so we’ve just kept pushing forward. Evidently cloud security is a thing, so we’ve benefited from being in the right place at the right time. But we spend a lot of time thinking about how work changes and the impact to security. We don’t quite know what it will look like, but we’re pretty sure it accelerates a lot of the trends we’ve been talking about for the past 5 years. I’m also happy to say DisruptOps is doing well (we closed a Series A back in late February). I guess I’m just grateful. I work with great people and I can still pay the bills, so no complaints. Confessor: Hmmm. So you are in a good spot personally and the business is doing well. It seems that you used the time away from here productively. Why come back now? Mike: I found that being here was a way of documenting my journey, for me. And that many of the people here enjoyed it and learned a thing or two. The fact is we are in the midst of a very uncertain time. Our society has undergone shocks to the system and we’re all trying to figure out what a “new normal” looks like. I don’t have any answers, to be clear, but I want to share my fears, my hopes, and my experiences and hope that we’ll all navigate these challenging and turbulent waters together. Confessor: Fear. That’s a good place to start. What are you scared of? Mike: Simply put, that COVID-19 impacts people that I love. We’ve been lucky so far, taking the quarantine seriously, but I am not taking that for granted and continuing to stay inside. Good thing I can come here virtually. Strangely enough, I have little fear regarding my own physical well-being. I made a deal with Mira that we’d be together for at least 44 years and I plan to make good on that deal. But our parents are old and in some cases, immunocompromised. We can’t control what other people do and whether they respect the threat or the science. So it’s definitely scary. Confessor: How are you holding up mentally? Mike: It’s tough. My head was spinning. I was consumed by the news and reacting to most every Tweet. It wasn’t productive. So I’ve started seated meditation again. I just needed to shut down my thoughts, even for a short time, and open up to possibility. To get into the habit of controlling my thoughts, my outlook, and my mood. Meditation helps me do that. And it’s hard to not be able to do the things we love and have no idea when things will return to some semblance of normal. You know, doing simple things that I took for granted, like travel. Mira and I love to travel and we’re very fortunate to go on very cool trips. We can’t see shows or live sports for the time being. That sucks. I also value the time I can spend with clients and at conferences. Who knew that the RSA Conference would be the last time many of us will travel for business for who knows how long? But you make the best of it. Confessor: We’ve changed a lot in the time that you were away. There are new people here. Some have moved on. Mike: It’s not like I’m the same person either. We’re all constantly changing. The goal is to navigate change in the most graceful way possible. I like to think my changes have been positive. I don’t need to act like a grump anymore, I was happy to leave that aspect of my persona behind. I think there is also something to be said about the wisdom of experience. I don’t claim to be wise, but I have a lot of experience. Mostly screwing things up. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue sharing that experience here and we can learn together. We’re in uncharted territory and that can be pretty exciting if you are open to the inevitable changes ahead. Confessor: So when will you be back? And I suspect it won’t look the same, will it? Mike: You are pretty perceptive. I always enjoyed that about being here. I’m going to aim to

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Understanding COVID, ARDS, and Mechanical Ventilation

April 7 Update: some research is emerging since I posted this that COVID related ARDS is not typical ARDS. Here’s the medical reference for providers but it’s very early evidence so far we should keep an eye on: COVID-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” ARDS. This was further validated by an article in MedScape that previews some emerging peer-reviewed research. Thus while my explanations of ARDS and ventilators is accurate, the ties to COVID-19 are not and new treatment protocols are emerging. Although this is a security blog, this post has absolutely nothing to do with security. No parallels from medicine, no mindset lessons, just some straight-up biology. As many readers know I am a licensed Paramedic. I first certified in the early 1990’s, dropped down to EMT for a while, and bumped back up to full medic two years ago. Recently I became interested in flight and critical care and completed an online critical care and flight medic course from the great team at FlightBridgeED. Paramedics don’t normally work with ventilators – it is an add-on skill specific for flight and critical care (ICU) transports. I’m a neophyte to ventilator management, with online and book training but no practice, but I understand the principles, and thanks to molecular biology back in college, have a decent understanding of cellular processes. COVID-19 dominates all our lives now, and rightfully so. Ventilators are now a national concern and one the technology community is racing to help with. Because of my background I’ve found myself answering a lot of questions on COVID-19, ARDS, and ventilators. While I’m a neophyte at running vents, I’m pretty decent at translating complex technical subjects for non-experts. Here’s my attempt to help everyone understand things a bit better. The TL;DR is that COVID-19 damages the lungs, which for some people triggers the body to overreact with too much inflammation. This extra fluid interferes with gas exchange in the lungs, and oxygen can’t as easily get into the bloodstream. You don’t actually stop breathing, so we use the ventilators to change pressure and oxygen levels, in an attempt to diffuse more oxygen through this barrier and into the lungs without, causing more damage by overinflating them. We start with respiration Before we get into COVID and ventilators we need to understand a little anatomy and physiology. Cells need oxygen to convert fuel into energy. Respiration is the process of getting oxygen into cells and removing waste products – predominantly CO2. We get oxygen from our environment and release CO2 through ventilation: air moving in and out of our lungs. Those gases are moved around in our blood, and the actual gas exchange occurs in super-small capillaries which basically wrap around our cells. The process of getting blood to tissues is called perfusion. Theis is all just some technical terminology to say: our lungs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, we move the gases around using our circulatory system, and we exchange gases in and out of cells in super-small capillaries. Pure oxygen is a toxin, and CO2 diffused in blood is an acid, so our bodies have all sorts of mechanisms to keep things running. Everything works thanks to diffusion and a few gas laws (Graham’s, Henry’s, and Dalton’s are the main ones). Our lungs have branches and end in leaves called alveoli. Alveoli are pretty wild – they have super-thin walls to allow gases to pass through, and are surrounded by capillaries to transfer gasses into and out of our blood. They look like clumps of bubbles, because they maximize surface area to facilitate the greatest amount of gas exchange in the smallest amount of space. Healthy alveoli are covered in a thin liquid called surfactant, which keeps them lubricated so they can open and close and slide around each other as we breathe. Want to know one reason smokers and vapers have bad lungs? All those extra chemicals muck up surfactant, thicken cell walls, and cause other damage. In smokers a bunch of the alveoli clump together, losing surface area, in a process called atelectasis (remember that word). Our bodies try to keep things in balance, and have a bunch of tools to nudge things in different directions. The important bit for our discussion today is that ventilation is managed through how much we breathe in for a given breath (tidal volume), and how many times a minute we breathe (respiratory rate). This combination is called our minute ventilation and is normally about 6-8 liters per minute. This is linked to our circulation (cardiac output), which is around 5 liters per minute at rest. The amount of oxygen delivered to our cells is a function of our cardiac output and the amount of oxygen in our blood. We need good gas exchange with our environment, good gas exchange into our bloodstream, and good gas exchange into our cells. COVID-19 screws up the gas exchange in our lungs, and everything falls apart from there. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ARDS is basically your body’s immune system gone haywire. It starts with lung damage – which can be an infection, trauma, or even metabolic. One of the big issues with ventilators is that they can actually cause ARDS with the wrong settings. This triggers an inflammatory response. A key aspect of inflammation is various chemical mediators altering cell walls, especially those capillaries – and then they start leaking fluid. In the lungs this causes a nasty cascade: Fluid leaks from the capillaries and forms a barrier/buffer of liquid between the alveoli and the capillaries, and separates them. This reduces gas exchange. Fluid leaks into the alveoli themselves, further inhibiting gas exchange. The cells are damage by all this inflammation, triggering another stronger immune response. Your body is now in a negative reinforcement cycle and making things worse by trying to make them better. This liquid and a bunch of the inflammation chemicals dilute the surfactant and damage the alveolar walls, causing atelectasis. In later stages of ARDS your

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Mastering the Journey—Building Network Manageability and Security for your Path

This is the third post in our series, “Network Operations and Security Professionals’ Guide to Managing Public Cloud Journeys”, which we will release as a white paper after we complete the draft and have some time for public feedback. You might want to start with our first and second posts. Special thanks to Gigamon for licensing. As always, the content is being developed completely independently using our Totally Transparent Research methodology. Learning cloud adoption patterns doesn’t just help us identify key problems and risks – we can use them to guide operational decisions to address the issues they consistently raise. This research focuses on managing networks and network security, but the patterns include broad security and operational implications which cover all facets of your cloud journey. Governance issues aside, we find that networking is typically one of the first areas of focus for organizations, so it’s a good target for our first focused research. (For the curious, IAM and compliance are two other top areas organizations focus on, and struggle with, early in the process). Recommendations for a Safe and Smooth Journey Developer Led Mark sighed with relief and satisfaction as he validated the VPN certs were propagated and approved the ticket for firewall rule change. The security group was already in good shape and they managed to avoid having to add any kind of direct connect to the AWS account for the formerly-rogue project. He pulled up their new cloud assessment dashboard and all the critical issues were clear. It would still take the IAM team and the project’s developers a few months to scale down unneeded privileges but… not his problem. The federated identity portal was already hooked up and he would get real time alerts on any security group changes. “Now onto the next one,” he mumbled after he glanced at his queue and lost his short-lived satisfaction. “Hey, stop complaining!” remarked Sarah, “We should be clear after this backlog now that accounting is watching the credit cards for cloud charges; just run the assessment and see what we have before you start complaining.” Having your entire organization dragged into the cloud thanks to the efforts of a single team is disconcerting, but not unmanageable. The following steps will help you both wrangle the errant project under control, and build a base for moving forward. This was the first adoption pattern we started to encounter a decade ago as cloud starting growing, so there are plenty of lessons to pull from. Based on our experiences, a few principles really help manage the situation: Remember that to meet this pattern you should be new to either the cloud in general, or to this cloud platform specifically. These are not recommendations for unsanctioned projects covered by your existing experience and footprint. Don’t be antagonistic. Yes, the team probably knew better and shouldn’t have done it… but your goal now is corrective actions, not punitive. You goal is to reduce urgent risks while developing a plan to bring the errant project into the fold. Don’t simply apply your existing policies and tooling from other environments to this one. You need tooling and processes appropriate for this cloud provider. In our experience, despite the initial angst, these projects are excellent opportunities to learn your initial lessons on this platform, and to start building out for a larger supported program. If you keep one eye on immediate risks and the other on long-term benefits, everything should be fine. The following recommendations go a long way towards reducing risks and increasing your chances of success. But before the bullet points we have one overarching recommendation: As you gain control over the unapproved project, use it to learn the particulars of this cloud provider and build out your core cloud management capabilities. When you assess, set yourself up to support your next ten assessments. When you enable monitoring and visibility, do so in a way which supports your next projects. Wherever possible build a core service rather than a one-off. Step one is to figure out what you are dealing with: How many environments are involved? How many accounts, subscriptions, or projects? How are the environments structured? This involves mapping out the application, the PaaS services offered by the provider (they offer PaaS services such as load balancers and serverless capabilities), the IAM, the network(s), and the data storage. How are the services configured? How are the networks structured and connected? The Software Defined Networks (SDN) used by all major cloud platforms only look the same on the surface – under the hood they are quite a bit different. And, most importantly, Where does this project touch other enterprise resources and data?!? This is essential for understanding your exposure. Are there unknown VPN connections? Did someone peer through an existing dedicated network pipe? Is the project talking to an internal database over the Internet? We’ve seen all these and more. Then prioritize your biggest risks: Internet exposures are common and one of the first things to lock down. We commonly see resources such as administrative servers and jump boxes exposed to the Internet at large. In nearly every single assessment we find at least one instance or container with port 22 exposed to the world. The quick fix for these is to lock them down to your known IP address ranges. Cloud providers’ security groups are very effective because they just drop traffic which doesn’t meet the rules, so they are an extremely effective security control and a better first step than trying to push everything through an on-premise firewall or virtual appliance. Identity and Access Management is the next big piece to focus on. This research is focused more on networking, so we won’t spend much time on this here. But when developers build out environments they almost always over-privilege access to themselves and application components. They also tend to use static credentials, because unsanctioned projects are unlikely to integrate into your federated identity management. Sweep out static credentials, enable federation, and turn

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Defining the Journey—the Four Cloud Adoption Patterns

This is the second post in our series, “Network Operations and Security Professionals’ Guide to Managing Public Cloud Journeys”, which we will release as a white paper after we complete the draft and have some time for public feedback. You might want to start with our first post. Special thanks to Gigamon for licensing. As always, the content is being developed completely independently using our Totally Transparent Research methodology. Understanding Cloud Adoption Patterns Cloud adoption patterns represent the most common ways organizations move from traditional operations into cloud computing. They contain the hard lessons learned by those who went before. While every journey is distinct, hands-on projects and research have shown us a broad range of consistent experiences, which organizations can use to better manage their own projects. The patterns won’t tell you exactly which architectures and controls to put in place, but they can serve as a great resource to point you in the right general direction and help guide your decisions. Another way to think of cloud adoption patterns is as embodying the aggregate experiences of hundreds of organizations. To go back to our analogy of hiking up a mountain, it never hurts to ask the people who have already finished the trip what to look out for. Characteristics of Cloud Adoption Patterns We will get into more descriptive detail as we walk through each pattern, but we find this grid useful to define the key characteristics. Characteristics Developer Led Data Center Transformation Snap Migration Native New Build Size Medium/Large Large Medium/Large All (project-only for mid-large) Vertical All (minus financial and government) All, including Financial and Government Variable All Speed Fast then slow Slow (2-3 years or more) 18-24 months Fast as DevOps Risk High Low(er) High Variable Security Late Early Trailing Mid to late Network Ops Late Early Early to mid Late (developers manage) Tooling New + old when forced Culturally influenced; old + new Panic (a lot of old) New, unless culturally forced to old Budget Owner Project based/no one IT, Ops, Security IT or poorly defined Project-based, some security for shared services Size: The most common organization sizes. For example developer-led projects are rarely seen in small startups, because they can skip directly to native new builds, but common in large companies. Vertical: We see these patterns across all verticals, but in highly-regulated ones like financial services and government, certain patterns are less common due to tighter internal controls and compliance requirements. Speed: The overall velocity of the project, which often varies during the project lifetime. We’ll jump into theis more, but an example is developer-led, where initial setup and deployment are very fast, but then wrangling in central security and operational control can take years. Risk: This is an aggregate of risk to the organization and of project failure. For example in a snap migration everything tends to move faster than security and operations can keep up, which creates a high chance of configuration error. Security: When security is engaged and starts influencing the project. Network Ops: When network operations becomes engaged and starts influencing the project. While the security folks are used to being late to the party, since developers can build their own networks with a few API calls, this is often a new and unpleasant experience for networking professionals. Tooling: The kind of tooling used to support the project. “New” means new, cloud-native tools. “Old” means the tools you already run in your data centers. Budget Owner: Someone has to pay at some point. This is important because it represents potential impact on your budget, but also indicates who tends to have the most control over a project. Characteristics of Cloud Adoption Patterns In this section we will describe what the patterns look like, and identify some key risks. In our next section we will offer some top-line recommendations to improve your chances of success. One last point before we jump into the patterns themselves: while they focus on the overall experiences of an organization, patterns also apply at the project level, and an organization may experience multiple patterns at the same time. For example it isn’t unusual for a company with a “new to cloud” policy to also migrate existing resources over time as a long-term project. This places them in both the data center transformation and native new build patterns. Developer Led Mark was eating a mediocre lunch at his desk when a new “priority” ticket dropped into his network ops queue. “Huh, we haven’t heard from that team in a while… weird.” He set the microwaved leftovers to the side and clicked open the request… Request for firewall rule change: Allow port 3306 from IP Mission critical timeline. “What the ?!? That’s not one of our IPs?” Mark thought as he ran a lookup. “ You have GOT to be kidding me? We shouldn’t have anything up there. Mark fired off emails to his manager and the person who sent the ticket, but he had a bad feeling he was about to get dragged into the kind of mess that would seriously ruin his plans for the next few months. Developer-led projects are when a developer or team builds something in a cloud on their own, and central IT is then forced to support it. We sometimes call this “developer tethering”, because these often unsanctioned and/or uncoordinated projects anchor an organization to a cloud provider, and drag the rest of the organization in after them. These projects aren’t always against policy – this pattern is also common in mergers and acquisitions. This also isn’t necessarily a first step into the cloud overall – it can also be a project which pulls an enterprise into a new cloud provider, rather than their existing preferrred cloud provider. This creates a series of tough issues. To meet the definition of this pattern we assume you can’t just shut the project down, but actually need to support it. The project has been developed and deployed without the input of security or

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Your Cloud Journeys is Unique, but Not Unknown

This is the first post in a new series, our “Network Operations and Security Professionals’ Guide to Managing Public Cloud Journeys”, which we will release as a white paper after we complete the draft and have some time for public feedback. Special thanks to Gigamon for licensing. As always, the content is being developed completely independently using our Totally Transparent Research methodology. Cloud computing is different, disruptive, and transformative. It has no patience for traditional practices or existing architectures. The cloud requires change, and there is a growing body of documentation on end states you should strive for, but a lack of guidance on how to get there. Cloud computing may be a journey, but it’s one with many paths to what is often an all-too-nebulous destination. Although every individual enterprise has different goals, needs, and capabilities for their cloud transition, our experience and research has identified a series of fairly consistent patterns. You can think of moving to cloud as a mountain with a single peak, with everyone starting from the same trailhead. But this simplistic view, which all too often underlies conference presentations and tech articles, fails to capture the unique opportunities and challenges you will face. At the other extreme, we can think of the journey as involving a mountain range with innumerable peaks, starting points, and paths… and a distinct lack of accurate maps. This is the view that tends to end with hands thrown up in the air, expressions of impossibility, and analysis paralysis. But our research and experience guide us between those extremes. Instead of a single constrained path which doesn’t reflect individual needs, or totally individualized paths which require you to build everything and learn every lesson from scratch, we see a smaller set of common options, with consistent characteristics and experiences. Think of it as starting from a few trailheads, landing on a few peaks, and only dealing with a handful of well-marked trails. These won’t cover every option, but can be a surprisingly useful way to help structure your journey, move up the hill more gracefully, and avoid falling off some REALLY sharp cliff edges. Introducing Cloud Adoption Patterns Cloud adoption patterns represent a consolidated set of cloud adoption journeys, compiled through discussions with hundreds of enterprises and dozens of hands-on projects. Less concrete than specific cloud controls, they are a more general way of predicting and understanding the problems facing organizations when moving to cloud, based on starting point and destination. These patterns have different implications across functional teams, and are especially useful for network operations and network security, because they tend to fairly accurately predict many architectural implications, which then map directly to management processes. For example there are huge differences between a brand-new startup or cloud project without any existing resources, a major data center migration, and a smaller migration of key applications. Even a straight-up lift and shift migration is extremely different if it’s a one-off vs. a smaller project vs. wrapped up in a massive data center move with a hard cutoff deadline (often thanks to an hosting contract which is not being renewed). Each case migrates an existing application stack into the cloud, but the different scope and time constraints dramatically affect the actual migration process. We’ll cover them in more detail in our next post, but the four patterns we have identified are: Developer led: A development team starts building something in the cloud outside normal processes, and then pulls the rest of the organization behind them. Data center transformation: An operations-led process defined by an organization planning a methodical migration out of existing data centers and into the cloud, sometimes over a decade or more. Snap migration: An enterprise is forced out of some or all their data centers on a short timeline, due to contract renewals or other business drivers. Native new build: The organization plans to build a new application or several completely in the cloud using native technologies. You likely noticed we didn’t mention some common terms like “refactor” and “new to cloud”. Those are important concepts but we consider them options on the journey, not to define the journey. Our four patterns are about the drivers for your cloud migration and your desired end state. Using Cloud Adoption Patterns The adoption patterns offer a framework for thinking about your upcoming (or in-process) journey, and help identify both strategies for success and potential failure points. These aren’t proscriptive like the Cloud Security Maturity Model or the Cloud Controls Matrix; they won’t tell you exactly which controls to implement, but are more helpful when choosing a path, defining priorities, mapping architectures, and adjusting processes. Going back to our mountain-climbing analogy, the cloud adoption patterns point you down the right path and help you decide which gear to take, but it’s still up to you to load your pack, know how to use the gear, plan your stops, and remember your sunscreen. These patterns represent a set of characteristics we consistently see based on how organizations move to cloud. Any individual organization might experience multiple patterns across different projects. For example a single project might behave more like a startup, even while you concurrently run a larger data center migration. Our next post will detail the patterns with defining characteristics. You can use it to determine your overall organizational journey, as well as to plan out individual projects with their own characteristics. To help you better internalize these patterns, we will offer fictional examples based on real experiences and projects. Once you know which path you are on, our final sections will include top-line recommendations for network operations and security, and tie back to our examples to show how they play out in real life. We will also highlight the most common pitfalls and their potential consequences. This research should help you better understand what approaches will work best for your project in your organization. We are focusing this first round on networking, but future work will build on this basis to

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The TWELFTH Annual Disaster Recovery Breakfast: (IM)MATURITY

For Rich and me, it seems like forever that we’ve been doing this cloud thing. We previewed the first CCSK class back at RSAC 2011, so we’re closing in on 10 years of hands-on, in the weeds cloud stuff. It’s fundamentally changed Securosis, and we ended up as founders of DisruptOps as well. Yet as the cloud giveth, it also taketh away. Adrian’s unique perspective on application and cloud security made him a great candidate to join Bank of America, so he did. It’s a great opportunity, but we’ll certainly miss having him around during RSAC week. Especially since it means I’ll have to get the aspirin and Tums for you derelicts. But that’s not this year’s DRB theme. We picked (IM)MATURITY because it’s hard to keep in mind that we’re still in the very early stages of the cloud disruption on IT. The questions we get now are less _ “what is this cloud thing?”_ and more ” what does the journey look like?” We didn’t have a decent answer, so we set out to find one. That led us to partner with our friends at IANS to develop a Cloud Security Maturity Model that gives you a sense of the cloud journey and helps you understand how to increase your cloud security capability and maturity. At this year’s DRB, we’ll have the model on hand, as well as an online diagnostic where you can do a self-assessment against the model. We may even have a new strategic relationship to announce at the breakfast. (hush, hush – don’t tell anyone) Let’s celebrate both our maturity in the security space (yes, this is my 24th RSA Conference) while acknowledging the immaturity of securing the cloud by once again holding the most kick-ass breakfast of the year. There are breakfast impostors now, filling up the TableTop Tap House on the other mornings of the conference. But we are the true breakfast innovators of the security industry. There can be only ONE Disaster Recovery Breakfast. check out the full invite Kidding aside, the DRB happens only because of the support of our long-time supporters LaunchTech and DisruptOps, and our media partner Security Boulevard. We’re excited to welcome IANS, Cloud Security Alliance, Highwire PR, and AimPoint Group to the family as well. Please make sure to say hello and thank them for helping support your recovery. As always, the breakfast will be Thursday morning of RSA Week (February 27) from 8-11 at Tabletop Tap House in the Metreon (fka Jillian’s). It’s an open door – come and leave as you want. The breakfast spread will be awesome (it always is), and the bar will be open. I am still drinking Decaf, but I’ve traded in my Bailey’s for a little Amarula after sampling the nectar on my recent trip to South Africa. Please always always always remember what the DR Breakfast is all about. There will be no spin, no magicians, and we’re pretty sure Rich will keep his pants on -– it’s just a place to find a bit of respite amongst the maelstrom of RSAC. To help us estimate numbers, RSVP to rsvp (at) securosis (dot) com. Share:

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Saying Goodbye

I never thought I would say this, but I am leaving Securosis. By the time you read this I will have started a new position with Bank of America. I have been asked to help out with application and cloud security efforts. I have been giving a lot of thought to what I like to do, what makes me happy, and what I want to do with the rest of my career, and I came to the realization it is time for a change. There are aspects of the practice of security which I can never explore with Securosis or DisruptOps. The bank offers many challenges – and operates at a scale – which I have never experienced. That, and I will get to work with a highly talented team already in place. I could not really have written a better job description for myself, so I am jumping at this opportunity. 12 years ago I sat down with Rich to discuss, “What comes next?” when the demise of my former company was imminent. When he asked me to consider joining him, I asked, “What exactly is it you do?” I really didn’t know what analysts actually do, nor how the profession works. Mike will tell you I still don’t, and he is probably right. When I joined, friends and associates asked, “What the hell are you doing?” and said, “That is not what you are good at!”, and told me Securosis would never survive – there was no way we could compete against the likes of Gartner, Forrester, and IDC. But Securosis has been an amazing success. After a few years I think we proved that “No Bullshit” research, and our open Totally Transparent Research model, both work. We have been very lucky to have found such a workable niche, and had so much fun filling it. But more than anything I am very thankful for being able to work with Mike and Rich over the last decade. I simply could not ask for better business partners. Both are smart to the point of being prescient, tremendously supportive, and have an intuitive grasp of the security industry. And when we get it wrong – which have have done more than we like to admit – we learn from our mistakes and move on. I recently read a quote from Chuck Akre: “Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.” We always wondered how three guys with big egos and aspiration could coexist, but I think our ability to work as a team has been due in large part to learning from each other, learning from our mistakes, and constantly trying to improve the business. And we have constantly pushed this business to improve and move in new directions: from pure research, to training, to the research Nexus, to cloud security, security consulting, investment due diligence, and eventually launching DisruptOps. Each and every change was to address something in the industry we felt was not being served. Even the Disaster Recovery Breakfast stems from that ethos – another way we wanted to do things differently. And we have gained a lot of – ahem – experience along the way. It has been one hell of a ride! Thank you, Rich and Mike. &nbsp A hearty thank you to Chris Pepper for enduring my writing style and lack of grammar all these years. Early on one reader went so far as to compare my writing to Nazi atrocities against the English language, which was uncalled for, but perhaps not so far off the mark. Chris has helped me get a lot better, and for that I am very grateful. Finally, I wanted to thank all the readers of the posts, Friday Summaries, Incites, and research papers we have produced over the years. Some 15,000 blog posts, hundreds of research papers, and more webcasts than I can count. The support of the security community has made this work so rewarding. Thank you all for participating and helping us make Securosis a success. -Adrian Share:

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Understanding and Selecting RASP 2019: New Paper

Today we are launching our 2019 updated research paper from our recent series, Understanding and Selecting RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection). RASP was part of the discussion on application security in just about every one of the hundreds of calls we have taken, and it’s clear that there is a lot of interest – and confusion – on the subject, so it was time to publish a new take on this category. And we would like to heartily thank you to Contrast Security for licensing this content. Without this type of support we could not bring this level of research to you, both free of charge and without requiring registration. We think this research paper will help developers and security professionals who are tackling application security from within understand what other security measures are at their disposal to protect application stacks from attack. And to be honest we were surprised by the volume of questions being asked. Each team was either considering RASP, or already engaged in a proof-of-concept with a RASP vendor. This was typically in response to difficulties with existing Web Application Firewalls (WAF) as those platforms have not fared well as development has gotten more agile. Since 2017 we have engaged in over 250 additional conversations on what has turned into a ‘DevSecOps’ phenomena, with both security and development groups asking about RASP, how it deploys and the realistic benefits it might provide. And make no mistake, it was not just IT security asking about WAF replacements, but security and development – facing a mountain of ‘technical debt’ with security defects – asking about monitoring/blocking malicious requests while in production. In this paper we cover what RASP is, how it works, use cases and how to differentiate one RASP product from another. And we address the perspectives and specific concerns of IT, application security and developer audiences. Again, thank you to Contrast Security for licensing this research. You can download from the attachment link below, or from the research library. And you can tune into our joint webcast on November 19 by registering here: Evaluating RASP Platforms. Understanding_RASP_2019_Final2.pdf Share:

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Enterprise DevSecOps: Security’s Role In DevOps

As we mentioned earlier, DevOps is not all about tools and technology – much of its success lies in how people work within the model. We have already gone into great detail about tools and process, and we approached much of this content from the perspective of security practitioners getting onboard with DevOps. This paper is geared toward helping security folks, so here we outline their role in a DevOps environment. We hope to help you work with other teams and reduce friction. And while we deliberately called this paper “Enterprise DevSecOps”, please keep in mind that your development and IT counterparts likely think there is no such thing. To them security becomes part of the operational process of integrating and delivering code. We call security out as a separate thing because, even woven into the DevOps framework, it’s substantially more difficult for security personnel to fit in. You need to consider how you can improve delivery of secure code without waste and without introducing bottlenecks in a development process you may not be intimately familiar with. The good news is that security fits nicely within a DevOps model, but you need to tailor things to work within your organization’s automation and orchestration to be successful. The Security Pro’s Responsibilities Learn the DevOps model: We have not even touched on theory or practice of DevOps in this series. There is a lot for you to learn on base concepts and practices. To work in a DevOps environment you need to understand what it is and how it works. You need to understand cultural and philosophical changes as well as how they effect process, tooling, and priorities. You need to understand your organization’s approach to optimally integrate security tooling and metrics. Once you understand the mechanics of the development team, you’ll have a better idea of how to work with them in their process. Learn how to be agile: Your participation in a DevOps team means you need to fit into DevOps – not the other way around. The goal of DevOps is fast, faster, fastest: small iterative changes which offer quick feedback, ultimately reducing Work In Progress (WIP). Small, iterative changes to improve security fit this model. Prioritize things which accelerate delivery of secure software over delivery of new features – keeping in mind that it is a huge undertaking to change culture away from “feature first”. You need to adjust requirements and recommendations so they fit into the process, often simplified into small steps, with enough information for tasks to be both automated and monitored. You can recommend manual code reviews or fuzz testing, so long as you understand where they fit within the process, and what can – and cannot – gate releases. Educate: Our experience shows that one of the best ways to bring a development team up to speed in security is training: in-house explanations or demonstrations, third-party experts to help with application security or threat modeling, eLearning, or various commercial courses. The historical downside has been cost, with many classes costing thousands of dollars. You’ll need to evaluate how best to use your resources – the answer typically includes some eLearning for all employees, and select people attending classes and then teaching peers. On-site experts can be expensive, but an entire group can participate in training. Grow your own support: There is simply no way for security teams to scale out their knowledge without help. This does not mean hundreds of new security employees – it means deputizing developers to help with product security. Security teams are typically small and outnumbered by developers 100:1. What’s more, security people are not present at most development meetings, so they lack visibility into day-to-day agile activities. To help extend the reach of the security team, see if you can get someone on each development team – a “security champion” – to act as a security advocate. This helps not only extend the security team’s reach, but also expand security awareness. Help DevOps team understand threats: Most developers don’t fully grasp how attackers approach systems, or what it means when a code or SQL injection attack is possible. The depth and breadth of security threats is outside their experience and most firms do not teach threat modeling. The OWASP Top Ten is a good guide to the types of code deficiencies which plague development teams, but you should map these threats back to real-world examples, show the damage that a SQL injection attack can cause, and explain how a Heartbleed type vulnerability can completely expose customer credentials. You can these real-world use cases as “shock and awe” to help developers “get it”. Advise on remediation practices: Your security program is inadequate if it simply says to “encrypt data” or “install WAF”. All too often, developers and IT have a singular idea of what constitutes security, centered on a single tool they want to set and forget. Help build out the elements of the security program, including both in-code enhancements and supporting tools. Teach how those each help to address specific threats, and offer help with deployment and policy setup. In the past, firms used to produce code style guides to teach younger developers what properly written code looked like. Typically these are not online. Consider a wiki page for security coding practices and other reference materials which are easily discovered and readable by people without a security background. Help evaluate security tools: It is unusual for people outside security to fully understand what security tools do or how they work. So you can help in two ways; first, help developers select tools. Misconceptions are rampant, and not just because vendors over-promise. Additionally it is uncommon for developers to evaluate code scanners, activity monitors, or even patch management system effectiveness. In your role as advisor it is your responsibility to help DevOps understand what the tools can provide and what fits within your shared testing framework. Sure, you might not be able to evaluate the quality of the API, but

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
  • Comments are enabled for posts. All comments are kept except for spam, personal insults of a clearly inflammatory nature, and completely off-topic content that distracts from the discussion. We welcome comments critical of the work, even if somewhat insulting to the authors. Really.
  • Anyone can comment, and no registration is required. Vendors or consultants with a relevant product or offering must properly identify themselves. While their comments won’t be deleted, the writer/moderator will “call out”, identify, and possibly ridicule vendors who fail to do so.
  • Vendors considering licensing the content are welcome to provide feedback, but it must be posted in the comments - just like everyone else. There is no back channel influence on the research findings or posts.
    Analysts must reply to comments and defend the research position, or agree to modify the content.
  • At the end of the post series, the analyst compiles the posts into a paper, presentation, or other delivery vehicle. Public comments/input factors into the research, where appropriate.
  • If the research is distributed as a paper, significant commenters/contributors are acknowledged in the opening of the report. If they did not post their real names, handles used for comments are listed. Commenters do not retain any rights to the report, but their contributions will be recognized.
  • All primary research will be released under a Creative Commons license. The current license is Non-Commercial, Attribution. The analyst, at their discretion, may add a Derivative Works or Share Alike condition.
  • Securosis primary research does not discuss specific vendors or specific products/offerings, unless used to provide context, contrast or to make a point (which is very very rare).
    Although quotes from published primary research (and published primary research only) may be used in press releases, said quotes may never mention a specific vendor, even if the vendor is mentioned in the source report. Securosis must approve any quote to appear in any vendor marketing collateral.
  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.