

RSAC Guide 2015: IOWTF

Have you heard a vendor tell you about their old product, which now protects the Internet of Things? No, it isn’t a pull-up bar, it’s an Iron Bar Crossfit (TM) Dominator! You should be mentally prepared for the Official RSA Conference IoT Onslaught (TM). But when a vendor asks how you are protecting IoT, there’s really only one appropriate response: “I do not think that means what you think it means.” Not that there aren’t risks for Internet-connected devices. But we warned you this would hit the hype bandwagon, way back in 2013’s Securosis Guide to RSAC: We are only at the earliest edge of the Internet of Things, a term applied to all the myriad of devices that infuse our lives with oft-unnoticed Internet connectivity. This wonʼt be a big deal this year, nor for a few years, but from a security standpoint we are talking about a collection of wireless, Internet-enabled devices that employees wonʼt even think about bringing everywhere. Most of these wonʼt have any material security concerns for enterprise IT. Seriously, who cares if someone can sniff out how many steps your employees take in a day (maybe your insurance underwriter). But some of these things, especially the ones with web servers or access to data, are likely to become a much bigger problem. We’ve reached the point where IoT is the most under- or mis-defined term in common usage – among not just the media, but also IT people and random members of the public. Just as “cloud” spent a few years as “the Internet”, IoT will spend a few years as “anything you connect to the Internet”. If we dig into the definitional deformation you will see on the show floor, IoT seems to be falling into two distinct classes of product: (a) commercial/industrial things that used to be part of the Industrial Control world like PLCs, HVAC controls, access management systems, building controls, occupancy sensors, etc.; and (b) products for the consumer market – either from established players (D-Link, Belkin, etc.) or complete unknowns who got their start on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. There are real issues here, especially in areas like process control systems that predate “IoT” by about 50 years, but little evidence that most of these products are actually ready to address the issues, except for the ones which have long targeted those segments. As for the consumer side, like fitness bands? Security is risk management, and that is so low on their priority list that it is about as valuable as a detoxifying foot pad. We aren’t dismissing all consumer product risks, but worry about your web apps before your light bulbs. At RSAC this year we will see ‘IoT-washing’ in the same way that we have seen ‘cloud-washing’ over the last few years – lots of mature technology being rebranded as IoT. What we won’t see is any meaningful response to consumer IoT infiltration in the business. This lack of meaningful response nicely illustrates the other kinds of change we still need in the field: security people who can think about and understand IPv6, LoPAN, BLE, non-standard ISM radios, and proprietary protocols. Sci-Fi writers have told us what IoT is going to look like – everything connected, all the time – so now we’d better get the learning done so we can be ready for the change that is already underway, and make meaningful risk decisions, not based on fear-mongering. Share:

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Verizon DBIR 2014: Incident Classification Patterns

[Note: Rich, Adrian, and Mike are all traveling today, so we asked Jamie Arlen to provide at least a little perspective on an aspect of the DBIR he found interesting. So thanks Jamie for this. We will also throw Gunnar under the bus a little because he has been very active on our email list, with all sorts of thoughts on the DBIR, but he doesn’t want to share them publicly. Maybe external shaming will work, but more likely he’ll retain his midwestern sensibilities and be too damn nice.] As usual, the gang over at Verizon have put a lot of information and effort into the 2014 edition of their DBIR (registration required). This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The awesome part is that there are historically very few places where incident information is available – leaving all too many professionals in the position of doing risk mitigation planning, based on anecdotes, prayer, and imagination. The DBIR offers some much-needed information to fill in the blanks. This year you will note the DBIR is different. Wade, Jay, and the gang have gone back to the data to provide a new set of viewpoints. They have also done a great job of putting together great graphics. Visualization for the win! Except that all the graphics are secondary to the high quality data tables. Of course graphics are sexy and tables are boring. Unless you have to make sense of the data, that is. So I will focus on one table in particular to illustrate my point.   This is Figure 19 (page 15 printed, 17 of 62 in the PDF) – click it to see a larger version. You may need to stare at it for a while for it to even begin to make sense. I have been staring at it since Friday and I’m still seeing new things. Obvious things Accommodation and Point of Sale Intrusion: No real surprise here. The problem of “the waiter taking the carbons” in the 70’s seems to be maintaining its strength into the future. Despite the efforts of the PCI Council, we have a whole lot of compliance but not enough security. And honestly, isn’t it time for the accommodation industry to make that number go down? Healthcare Theft/Loss: Based on the news it is no great surprise that about half the problems in healthcare are related to the loss or theft of information. We have pretty stringent regulation in place (and for years now). Is this a case of too much compliance and not enough security? It is time to take stock of what is really important (protecting the information of recipients of health care services) and build systems and staff capabilities to meet patient expectations! Interesting things Industry = Public: Biggest issue is “Misc. Error”. I didn’t know what a Misc Error was either. It turns out that it is due to the reporting requirements most of the public sector is under – they need to (and do) report everything. Things that would go completely unremarked in most organizations are reported. Things like, “I sent this email to the wrong person,” “I lost my personal phone (which had access to company data),” etc. I vaguely remember something from stats class about this. Incident = Denial of Service: The two industries reporting the largest impact are ‘Management’ and ‘Professional’. If you look at the NAICS listings for those two industry categories, you will see they are largely ‘offices’. I would love a deeper dive into those incidents to see what’s going on exactly and what industries they really represent. The text of the report talks primarily about the impact of DoS on the financial industry, but doesn’t go into any detail on the effects on Management and Professional. You can read into the report to see that the issue may have been the takeover of content management systems by the QCF / Brobot DoS attacks. Incident = Cyber Espionage: Just sounds cool. And something we have all spent lots of time talking about. It seems to affect Mining, Manufacturing, Professional and Transportation in greater proportion than others. Again, I’d love a look at the actual incidents – they are probably about 10% Sneakers and 90% Tommy Boy. If you are working in those industries you have something interesting to talk to your HR department about. There shouldn’t be any big surprises in this data, but there are plenty of obvious and interesting things. I am still staring at the table and waiting for the magic pattern moment to jump out at me. Though if I stare at the chart long enough, I think it’s a sailboat. Share:

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FireStarter: Certifications? We don’t need no stinkin’ certifications…

It’s time that the security industry stopped trying to play paramilitary games and started trying to do a good job (aka “best practices”.) It would be a very pleasant change. Currently, the three major information security religions – ISACA, ISC2, and SANS – offer a total of roughly 75 different certifications. This laundry list of certifications leads to a set of fairly serious problems: Security professionals need fold-out business cards Organizations need an equivalency look-up table for resume filtering These problems are entertaining to describe this way, but also present a real problem – how can you objectively determine whether or not a given candidate has the skills necessary to do the job that they’re being asked to do? Recently, The Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency released a fairly damning report entitled “A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity: Technical Proficiency Matters” available as a PDF which essentially calls out the old-line security certification bodies for producing really good compliance rubber-stampers but not functional security practitioners. A real gap that needs to be managed – outside of the scope of the pre-existing commercial security certifications. Then things get interesting, this requirement was speedily turned into the ‘National Board of Information Security Examiners’ and if you just glance under the covers, you’ll discover something very interesting. Report authors: Franklin S. Reeder, Karen Evans, James Lewis NBISE Leadership: Franklin S. Reeder, Karen Evans, James Lewis It’s almost like they were ready to go with all of the answers to the problems they created… I guess they had some insight into what the report was going to say. If you look around a little bit, you’ll likely reach the same conclusion that I did: SANS is a little miffed at EC-Council being named in the most recent DoD 8570 directive and someone specifically wanted to carve out a little bit of a government-regulated monopoly on security certifications – a permanent revenue stream. I don’t think that this response is any more useful or valid than the position of the traditional security certifications. It’s yet another organization which exists for the service of it’s self – not it’s members and certainly not the ultimate end-users of it’s membership. If you are a member of ISACA, ISC2 or SANS, I would encourage you to ask yourself what they’ve done for you lately, what they’ve done to make the information security profession more respectable, and most importantly how many hours has it been since they suggested to you that you need to help them get more members. After all, making a scarce resource less scarce is the best way to increase quality and make sure your value stays high. Share:

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