

CipherCloud Loses Argument with Internet

There are two ways to respond to criticism of your security product, especially when encryption is involved. Respond cautiously, openly, and positively as demonstrated last week by AgileBits, the folks behind 1Password. Do what CipherCloud did. The TL;DR is that some people over on StackExchange were trying to figure out how CipherCloud works (specifically its homomorphic encryption, which CipherCloud states isn’t actually part of the product). Some public materials were posted, and then the CipherCloud legal team smacked StackExchange with a DMCA takedown notice over screenshots of the product as people tried to figure out how it works. They also issued a takedown request based on “false and misleading statements”, which does little more than fully engage the Streisand effect. CipherCloud has since issued a kinda-sorta apology and an update that, judging from the few comments doesn’t satisfy anyone. They apologize for the takedown requests and blame their legal department, but barely address the actual issue. First of all from what I have seen they have a good product which does what they claim it does. I have been briefed and know some large organizations evaluating or using it. The problem here isn’t the product – it’s their approach. When someone posts potentially unfavorable information about you on the Internet, trying to squash it always backfires. Also, if the posts are mostly trying to cut through your marketing material to see how the product works, that means people are interested in your product and you should treat them with respect. CipherCloud’s response to the DMCA takedown criticism is to state that the conclusions coming out of StackExchange were wrong and based on an older video demo. That’s totally fine, but they fail to actually fill the information gap with accurate information. There is a little about what they don’t do, the usual platitudes about FIPS-140, and that’s about it. They say they will provide this information to customers, prospects, and partners, but want to keep their IP otherwise out of the public eye: I understand and appreciate the interest in the market to better understand our technology, and I am happy to discuss additional details around our encryption implementation with our customers, prospects and partners. If you are interested in learning more, please contact CipherCloud directly via our website at This isn’t how to respond. I know their competitors, and trust me, they all have a good idea of how CipherCloud works. The ones who care set up straw buyers/prospects to get their hands on demos, however unethical that is. I don’t think they need to reveal everything, but this was a great opportunity to get some additional attention, explain why they feel they are better than the competition, and generate some goodwill among those interested in the product. Instead they look like they are hiding something. 1Password nailed it with their reasoned response to a security concern, and the industry is well trained to be skeptical of security vendors – especially in encryption – who aren’t transparent about their technology. Also, when you make a mistake like letting loose the legal dogs, you need to sound truly apologetic, not defensive. Anyway, big companies can get away from this, but now CipherCloud has to deal with negative coverage as the second result on their Google search. I am not a marketing exec, but that coverage is not good, and they will have to live with it for a while. Share:

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How to Use the 2013 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

A few hours after this post goes live, the Verizon Enterprise risk team will release their 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report. This is a watershed year for the report, as they are now up to 19 contributing organizations including law enforcement agencies, multiple emergency response teams (CERTs), and even potential competitors. The report covers 47,000 incidents, among which there were 621 confirmed data disclosures. This is the best data set since the start of the report, so it provides the best insight into what is going on out there. We were fortunate enough to get a preview of the report and permission to post this a few hours before the report is released. In the next 24-72 hours you will see a ton of articles; as analysts we aren’t here to make a story or nab a headline, but to help you get your job done. We offer a very brief overview of the interesting things we saw in the report, but our main focus for this post is to save you a little time in using the results to improve security in your own organization. The best part this year is that the data reflects a more balanced demographic than in the past, and the Verizon risk team did a great job of breaking things out so you can focus on the pieces that matter to you. The report does an excellent job of showing how different demographics face different security risks, from different attackers, using different attack techniques. Instead of a bunch of numbers jumbled together, you can focus on the incidents most likely to affect your organization based on your size and industry. You probably know that from the beginning, but now you have numbers to back you up. But first: If you are an information security professional, you must read this report. Don’t make decisions based on news articles, this post, or any other secondary analysis. It’s a quick read, and well worth your time, even if you only skim it. Got it? There is a ton of good analysis in the report, and no outside summaries will cover the important things you need for making your own risk decisions. Not even ours. We could easily write a longer analysis of the DBIR than the DBIR itself. Key context Before we get any deeper, Verizon made two laudable decisions when compiling the report that might cause some hand wringing among those who don’t understand why: They almost completely removed references to lost record counts such as the number of credit card numbers lost. The report is much more diverse this year, and record counts (which are never particularly useful in breach analysis) were just being misused and misunderstood. Only 15% of confirmed incidents had anything close to a measurable lost records count, so it made no sense to mention counts. The report focuses on the 621 confirmed data loss incidents, not the 47,000 total incidents. Another great decision – most organizations have different definitions of ‘incident’, which made data normalization a nightmare. This is the Data Breach Investigations Report, not an analysis of every infected desktop on your network. These two great decisions make the report much more focused and useful for making risk decisions. A third piece of context is usually lost in much of the press coverage: When the DBIR says something like “password misuse was involved in an incident”, it means it was one of multiple factors in the incident – not necessarily the root cause. Later in the report they tie in the first of the chain of attacks used, but you can’t read, “76% of network intrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials” as “76% of incidents were the result of weak or stolen credentials”. Attacks use chains of techniques, and these are only one factor. Context really is king because your goal is to break the attack chain at the most efficient and cost effective point. The last piece of context is an understanding of what happens when 19 organizations participate. Some use VERIS (the open incident recording methodology published by Verizon) and others use their own frameworks. The Verizon risk team converts between methodologies as needed, and usually excludes data if there isn’t enough to cover the core needed to merge the data sets. This means they sometimes have more or less detail on incidents, and they are clear about this in the report. There is no way to completely avoid survey bias in a sample set like this – incidents must be detected to be reported, and a third party response team or law enforcement must be engaged for Verizon to get the data. This is why, for example, lost and stolen devices are practically nonexistent in this report. You don’t call Verizon or Deloitte for a forensics investigation when a salesperson loses a laptop. Then again, we know of approximately zero cases where a lost device resulted in fraud. They definitely incur costs due to loss reporting and customer notification, but we can’t find any ties to fraud. There is one choice we disagree with, and one area we hope they will drop, but they probably have to keep: The DBIR includes many incidents of ATM skimming and other physical attacks that don’t involve network intrusion. These are less useful to the infosec audience, and we believe the banking community already has these numbers from other places. Tampering with ATMs in order to install skimmers is the vast majority of the ‘Physical’ threat action, which represents 35% of the breaches in the DBIR. Year-over-year trends are nearly worthless now, due to the variety of contributors. It is a very different sample set from last year, the year before, or previous years. Perhaps if they filtered out only Verizon incidents, they could offer more useful trends. But people love these trend charts, despite the big changes in the sample set. ATM skimming attacks are still data breaches, but the security controls to mitigate them are managed outside information security in most financial institutions. For the most part this doesn’t negatively affect the data too much, but

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On password hashing and how to respond to security flaws

I have been learning a lot lately about password hashing since we realized our own site used an inadequate mechanism (SHA256). I am also a major fan of 1Password for password generation and management. So I held my breath while reading how to use Hashcat on 1Password data: The reason for the high speed is what I think this might be a design flaw. Here is why: But if you take a close look now you see these both mechanisms do not match in combination. To find out if the masterkey is correct, all we need is to match the padding, so all we need to satisfy the CBC is the previous 16 byte of data of the 1040 byte block. This 16 byte data is provided in the keychain! In other words, there is no need to calculate the IV at all. I have an insanely long random master password, so this isn’t a risk for me (it sucks to type on my iPhone), but it’s darn creative and interesting. The folks at AgileBits posted a great response in the comments. Rather than denying the issue, they discussed the risk around it and how they already have an alternative because they recognized issues with their implementation: I could plead that we were in reasonably good company in making that kind of error, but as I’ve since learned, research in academic cryptography had been telling people not to use unauthenticated encryption for more than a decade. This is why today we aren’t just looking at the kinds of attacks that seem practical, but we are also paying attention to security theorems. In other words, they owned up and didn’t deny it, which is what we should all do. For more details, read this deeper response on the AgileBits site. It’s worth it for a sense of these password hashing issues, which are something all security pros need to start absorbing. Share:

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Safari enables per-site Java blocking

I missed this during all my travels, but the team at Intego posted a great overview: Meanwhile, Apple also released Safari 6.0.4 for Mountain Lion and Lion, as well as Safari 5.1.9 for Snow Leopard. The new versions of Safari give users more granular control over which sites may run Java applets. If Java is enabled, the next time a site containing a Java applet is visited, the user will be asked whether or not to allow the applet to load, with buttons labeled Block and Allow: Your options are always allow, always block, or prompt. I still highly recommend disabling Java entirely in all browsers, but some of you will need it and this is a good option without having to muck with plugins. Share:

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No news is just plain good: Friday Summary, April 18, 2013

I know the exact moment I stopped watching local news. It was somewhere around 10-15 years ago. A toddler had died after being left locked in a car on a hot day. I wasn’t actually watching the news, but one of the screamers for the upcoming broadcast came on during a commercial break for whatever I was watching. A serious looking female reporter, in news voice, mentioned the death and how hot cars could get in the Colorado sun. Then she threw a big outdoor thermometer in a car, slammed the door, and reminded me to watch the news at 10 to see the results. I threw up a little bit, I think. I don’t remember the exact moment I gave up on cable news, but it was sometime within the past year or two. I have a TV in my office I use for background noise; one of those little things you do when you have been working at home for a decade or so. I used to keep it on MSNBC but the bias finally went too over the top for me. Fox is out of the question, and I was trying out CNN. That lasted for less than an hour before I realized that Fox is for the right, MSNBC for the left, and CNN for the stupid. It was nothing other than sensational exploitative drivel. As an emergency responder I know what we see at night rarely correlates to actual events. I have been on everything from national incidents to smaller events that still attracted the local press. Even responders and commanders don’t always have the full picture – never mind a reporter hovering at the fringe. Once I was on the body recovery of a 14-year-old who died after falling off a cliff while taking a picture. I showed up on the third day of the search, right around when one of our senior members finally located him due to the green gloss of a disposable camera. He used a secondary radio channel to report his location and finding because we know the press scans all the emergency frequencies. I was quietly sent up and we didn’t stop the rest of the search, to provide a little decorum. Around the time the very small group of us arrived at the scene, the press finally figured it out. The next thing I knew there was a helicopter headed our way to get video. Of a dead kid. Who had been in the Colorado sun, outdoors, for 3 days. I used my metallic emergency blanket to cover him him and protect his family. Years later I was on another call to recover the body of a suicide in one of the most popular mountain parks in Boulder. Gunshot to the head. When we got to the scene one of the police investigators mentioned we that needed to watch what we said because the local station had a new boom mike designed to pick up our conversations at a distance. I never saw it, so maybe it wasn’t true. I don’t watch local news. I don’t watch cable news. Even this week I avoid it. They both survive only on exploitation and emotional manipulation. I do occasionally watch the old-school national news shows, where they still behave like journalists. I read. A lot. Sources with as little bias as I can find. According to the Guardian, research shows the news is bad for you. Right now I find it hard to disagree. On to the Summary: Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Run faster or you’ll catch privacy. Managing privacy in large firms is its own private hell. Hello, EU privacy laws! Mike Rothman: Sorry for Security Rocking. LMFAO applied to security FTW. And evidently I slighted our contributor Gal, who believes he’s up to provide the definitive Security LMFAO version. Name that tune, brother! Rich: The CISO’s Guide to Advanced Attacks. I am jealous I’m not writing this one. David Mortman: Run faster or you’ll catch privacy Other Securosis Posts Intel Buys Mashery, or Why You Need to Pay Attention to API Security. On password hashing and how to reply to security flaws. Safari enables per-site Java blocking. Incite 4/17/2013: Tipping the balance between good and evil. Why you still need security groups with host firewalls. Is it murder if the victim is already dead?. Unused security intelligence is, well… dumb. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: Agilebits 1Password support and Design Flaw?. Good discussion of the flaw and a good response from AgileBits. Now… patch, please! Mike Rothman: Patton Oswalt on the Boston Marathon Attack. I linked to this in the Incite but it’s worth mentioning again. Great context about taking a long-term view, even when the wounds are fresh. David Mortman: NIST: It’s Time To Abandon Control Frameworks As We Know Them. Rich: EmergentChaos on the 1Password design flaw issue. Don’t just read the post – read the first comment. The guys at AgileBits show yet again why I trust them. Research Papers Email-based Threat Intelligence: To Catch a Phish. Network-based Threat Intelligence: Searching for the Smoking Gun. Understanding and Selecting a Key Management Solution. Building an Early Warning System. Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Top News and Posts ColdFusion hack used to steal hosting provider’s customer data. Wait, people still use Cold Fusion? (Rich – I used to totally rock CF, back in the day!) Oracle Patches 42 Java Flaws. House approves cybersecurity overhaul in bipartisan vote. Cloudscaling licenses Juniper virty networking for new OpenStack distro. Microsoft deploys 2-factor to all services. Obama threatens to veto CISPA. Get your popcorn. Update: DARPA Cyber Chief Peiter “Mudge” Zatko Heads To Google. Google does so many great security things, but their views on privacy kill their usefulness to me. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment goes to fatbloke, in response

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Why you still need security groups with host firewalls

Security groups are the basic firewall rules associated with instances in various compute clouds. Different platforms may use different names but security group is the most common so that’s the term we will use. Basically, it is a way of defining hypervisor firewall rules. Of course this is a gross simplification – different cloud platforms enforce groups at other layers of the virtual or physical network, but you get the point. You assign instances to a security group and they inherit that rule set, which applies at a per instance level. This is key because you need to do some deeper thinking about what access rules should apply to an individual instance, which is distinctly not like a network segment with a firewall in front of it. For example you can set security group rules that restrict traffic between all instances assigned to the same security group. Thus it has traits of both a host firewall and network firewall, which is kinda cool. I was teaching our cloud security class last week and one student asked why we don’t just use IP tables or another host firewall. The answer is pretty basic. Security groups allow you to decouple network security from the operating system on the instance. This provides a few advantages: Security for specific instances can be managed without needing to instantiate or access them. Network security rules can be managed via the cloud API and management plane, supporting better automation. Security groups apply no matter the boot or security state of an instance, so if your instance is compromised you can isolate it easily with a quick security group rule change. This does not mean you don’t still need host firewalls. They still play a valuable role when you need extra granularity, such as protecting instances when they move between different security groups. Another use for a host firewall is to provide the administrator with control over the specific instance’s security without requiring cloud management layer changes. Security group capabilities vary widely between platforms but the basic principles are pretty consistent. They also don’t necessarily substitute (yet) for more advanced firewall/IPS setups, which is when virtual appliances or some of the fancy integrated technologies (such as what VMWare is doing with vShield) come into play to inspect inter-VM traffic. The more I use them the more I am becoming a big fan of security groups, even with their limitations. They are pretty dumb, without even basic stateful packet inspection capabilities. Long term, any network security tools that want to play well with the cloud will need to adopt the same degree of integration with security groups implemented via the cloud platform, as well as access to those controls via robust cloud APIs. Share:

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IaaS Encryption: Protecting Volume Storage

Now that we have covered all the pesky background information, we can start delving into the best ways to actually protect data. Securing the Storage Infrastructure and Management Plane Your first step is to lock down the management plane and the infrastructure of your cloud storage. Encryption can compensate for many configuration errors and defend against many management plane attacks, but that doesn’t mean you can afford to skip the basics. Also, depending on which encryption architecture you select, a poorly-secured cloud deployment could obviate all those nice crypto benefits by giving away too much access to portions of your encryption implementation. We are focused on data protection so we don’t have space to cover all the ins and outs of management plane security, but here are some data-specific pieces to be aware of: Limit administrative access: Even if you trust all your developers and administrators completely, all it takes is one vulnerability on one workstation to compromise everything you have in the cloud. Use access controls and tiered accounts to limit administrative access, as you do for most other systems. For example, restrict snapshot privileges to a few designated accounts, and then restrict those accounts from otherwise managing instances. Integrate all this into your privileged user management. Compartmentalize: You know where flat networks get you, and the same goes for flat clouds. Except that here we aren’t talking about having everything on one network, but about segregation at the management plane level. Group systems and servers, and limit cloud-level access to those resources. So an admin account for development systems shouldn’t also be able to spin up or terminate instances in the production accounting systems. Lock down the storage architecture: Remember, all clouds still run on physical systems. If you are running a private cloud, make sure you keep everything up to date and configured securely. Audit: Keep audit logs, if your platform or provider supports them, of management-plane activities including starting instances, creating snapshots, and altering security groups. Secure snapshot repositories: Snapshots normally end up in object storage, so follow all the object storage rules we will offer later to keep them safe. In private clouds, snapshot storage should be separate from the object storage used to support users and applications. Alerts: For highly sensitive applications, and depending on your cloud platform, you may be able to generate alerts when snapshots are created, new instances are launched from particular instances, etc. This isn’t typically available out of the box but shouldn’t be hard to script, and may be provided by an intermediary cloud broker service or platform if you use one. There is a whole lot more to locking down a management plane, but focusing on limiting admin access, segregating your environment at the cloud level with groups and good account privileges, and locking down the back-end storage architecture, together make a great start. Encrypting Volumes As a reminder, volume encryption protects from the following risks: Protects volumes from snapshot cloning/exposure Protects volumes from being explored by the cloud provider, including cloud administrators Protects volumes from being exposed by physical drive loss (more for compliance than a real-world security issue) IaaS volumes can be encrypted three ways: Instance-managed encryption: The encryption engine runs within the instance and the key is stored in the volume but protected by a passphrase or keypair. Externally managed encryption: The encryption engine runs in the instance but keys are managed externally and issued to instances on request. Proxy encryption: In this model you connect the volume to a special instance or appliance/software, and then connect the application instance to the encryption instance. The proxy handles all crypto operations and may keep keys either onboard or external. We will dig into these scenarios next week. Share:

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Cybersh** just got real

Huawei not expecting growth in US this year due to national security concerns (The Verge). U.S. to scrutinize IT system purchases with ties to China (PC World): U.S. authorities will vet all IT system purchases made from the Commerce and Justice Departments, NASA, and the National Science Foundation, for possible security risks, according to section 516 of the new law. “Cyber-espionage or sabotage” risks will be taken into account, along with the IT system being “produced, manufactured, or assembled” by companies that are owned, directed or funded by the Chinese government. This is how you fight asymmetric espionage. Expect the consequences to continue until the attacks taper off to an acceptable level (yes, there is an acceptable level). Share:

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Proposed California Data Law *Will* Affect Security

Threatpost reports that California is considering a law requiring companies to show consumers what data is collected on them. Known as the “Right to Know Act of 2013,” AB 1291 was amended this week to boost its chances of success after being introduced in February by state Assembly member Bonnie Lowenthal. If passed, it would require any business that retains customer data to give a copy of that information, including who it has been shared with, for the past year upon request. It applies to companies that are both on – and offline. The claim is that it doesn’t add data protection requirements, but it does. Here is how: You will need mechanisms to securely share the data with customers. This will likely be the same as what healthcare and financial institutions do today (generally email encryption). You will need better auditing of who data is shared with. Depending on interpretation of the law, you might need better auditing of how it is used internally. Right now this doesn’t seem to be a requirement – I am just paranoid from experience. What to do? For now? Nothing. Remember the Compliance Lifecycle. Laws are proposed, then passed, then responsibility is assigned to an enforcement body, then they interpret the law, then they start enforcement, then we play the compensating controls game, then the courts weigh in, and life goes on. Vendors will likely throw AB 1291 into every presentation deck they can find, but there is plenty of time to see how this will play out. But if this goes through, there will definitely be implications for security practitioners. Share:

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Brian Krebs outs possible Flashback malware author

Brian Krebs thinks he may have identified the author of the Flashback Mac malware that caused so much trouble last year. Brian is careful with accusations but displays his full investigative reporting chops as he lays out the case: Mavook asks the other member to get him an invitation to Darkode, and Mavook is instructed to come up with a brief bio stating his accomplishments, and to select a nickname to use on the forum if he’s invited. Mavook replies that the Darkode nick should be not be easily tied back to his BlackSEO persona, and suggests the nickname “Macbook.” He also states that he is the “Creator of Flashback botnet for Macs,” and that he specializes in “finding exploits and creating bots.” Brian has started to expose more detailed information from his access to parts of the cybercrime underground, and it’s damn compelling to read. Share:

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