How to Use the 2013 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report
A few hours after this post goes live, the Verizon Enterprise risk team will release their 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report. This is a watershed year for the report, as they are now up to 19 contributing organizations including law enforcement agencies, multiple emergency response teams (CERTs), and even potential competitors. The report covers 47,000 incidents, among which there were 621 confirmed data disclosures. This is the best data set since the start of the report, so it provides the best insight into what is going on out there. We were fortunate enough to get a preview of the report and permission to post this a few hours before the report is released. In the next 24-72 hours you will see a ton of articles; as analysts we aren’t here to make a story or nab a headline, but to help you get your job done. We offer a very brief overview of the interesting things we saw in the report, but our main focus for this post is to save you a little time in using the results to improve security in your own organization. The best part this year is that the data reflects a more balanced demographic than in the past, and the Verizon risk team did a great job of breaking things out so you can focus on the pieces that matter to you. The report does an excellent job of showing how different demographics face different security risks, from different attackers, using different attack techniques. Instead of a bunch of numbers jumbled together, you can focus on the incidents most likely to affect your organization based on your size and industry. You probably know that from the beginning, but now you have numbers to back you up. But first: If you are an information security professional, you must read this report. Don’t make decisions based on news articles, this post, or any other secondary analysis. It’s a quick read, and well worth your time, even if you only skim it. Got it? There is a ton of good analysis in the report, and no outside summaries will cover the important things you need for making your own risk decisions. Not even ours. We could easily write a longer analysis of the DBIR than the DBIR itself. Key context Before we get any deeper, Verizon made two laudable decisions when compiling the report that might cause some hand wringing among those who don’t understand why: They almost completely removed references to lost record counts such as the number of credit card numbers lost. The report is much more diverse this year, and record counts (which are never particularly useful in breach analysis) were just being misused and misunderstood. Only 15% of confirmed incidents had anything close to a measurable lost records count, so it made no sense to mention counts. The report focuses on the 621 confirmed data loss incidents, not the 47,000 total incidents. Another great decision – most organizations have different definitions of ‘incident’, which made data normalization a nightmare. This is the Data Breach Investigations Report, not an analysis of every infected desktop on your network. These two great decisions make the report much more focused and useful for making risk decisions. A third piece of context is usually lost in much of the press coverage: When the DBIR says something like “password misuse was involved in an incident”, it means it was one of multiple factors in the incident – not necessarily the root cause. Later in the report they tie in the first of the chain of attacks used, but you can’t read, “76% of network intrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials” as “76% of incidents were the result of weak or stolen credentials”. Attacks use chains of techniques, and these are only one factor. Context really is king because your goal is to break the attack chain at the most efficient and cost effective point. The last piece of context is an understanding of what happens when 19 organizations participate. Some use VERIS (the open incident recording methodology published by Verizon) and others use their own frameworks. The Verizon risk team converts between methodologies as needed, and usually excludes data if there isn’t enough to cover the core needed to merge the data sets. This means they sometimes have more or less detail on incidents, and they are clear about this in the report. There is no way to completely avoid survey bias in a sample set like this – incidents must be detected to be reported, and a third party response team or law enforcement must be engaged for Verizon to get the data. This is why, for example, lost and stolen devices are practically nonexistent in this report. You don’t call Verizon or Deloitte for a forensics investigation when a salesperson loses a laptop. Then again, we know of approximately zero cases where a lost device resulted in fraud. They definitely incur costs due to loss reporting and customer notification, but we can’t find any ties to fraud. There is one choice we disagree with, and one area we hope they will drop, but they probably have to keep: The DBIR includes many incidents of ATM skimming and other physical attacks that don’t involve network intrusion. These are less useful to the infosec audience, and we believe the banking community already has these numbers from other places. Tampering with ATMs in order to install skimmers is the vast majority of the ‘Physical’ threat action, which represents 35% of the breaches in the DBIR. Year-over-year trends are nearly worthless now, due to the variety of contributors. It is a very different sample set from last year, the year before, or previous years. Perhaps if they filtered out only Verizon incidents, they could offer more useful trends. But people love these trend charts, despite the big changes in the sample set. ATM skimming attacks are still data breaches, but the security controls to mitigate them are managed outside information security in most financial institutions. For the most part this doesn’t negatively affect the data too much, but