

The Business Justification for Data Security- Version 1.0

We’ve been teasing you with previews, but rather than handing out more bits and pieces, we are excited to release the complete version of the Business Justification for Data Security. This is version 1.0 of the report, and we expect it to continue to evolve as we get more public feedback. Based on some of that initial feedback, we’d like to emphasize something before you dig in. Keep in mind that this is a business justification tool, designed to help you align potential data security investments with business needs, and to document the justification to make a case with those holding the purse strings. It’s not meant to be a complete risk assessment model, although it does share many traits with risk management tools. We’ve also designed this to be both pragmatic and flexible- you shouldn’t need to spend months with consultants to build your business justification. For some projects, you might complete it in an hour. For others, maybe a few days or weeks as you wrangle business unit heads together to force them to help value different types of information. For those of you that don’t want to read a 38 page paper we’re going to continue to post the guts of the model as blog posts, and we also plan on blogging additional content, such as more examples and use cases. We’d like to especially thank our exclusive sponsor, McAfee, who also set up a landing page here with some of their own additional whitepapers and content. As usual, we developed the content completely independently, and it’s only thanks to our sponsors that we can release it for free (and still feed our families). This paper is also released in cooperation with the SANS Institute, will be available in the SANS Reading Room, and we will be delivering a SANS webcast on the topic on March 17th. This was one of our toughest projects, and we’re excited to finally get it out there. Please post your feedback in the comments, and we will be crediting reviewers that advance the model when we release the next version. And once again, thanks to McAfee, SANS, and (as usual) Chris Pepper, our fearless editor. Share:

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The Most Powerful Evidence That PCI Isn’t Meant To Protect Cardholders, Merchants, Or Banks

I just read a great article on the Heartland breach, which I’ll talk more about later. There is one quote in there that really stands out: End-to-end encryption is far from a new approach. But the flaw in today”s payment networks is that the card brands insist on dealing with card data in an unencrypted state, forcing transmission to be done over secure connections rather than the lower-cost Internet. This approach avoids forcing the card brands to have to decrypt the data when it arrives. While I no longer think PCI is useless, I still stand by the assertion that its goal is to reduce the risks of the card companies first, and only peripherally reduce the real risk of fraud. Thus cardholders, merchants, and banks carry both the bulk of the costs and the risks. And here’s more evidence of its fundamental flaws. Let’s fix the system instead of just gluing on more layers that are more costly in the end. Heck, let’s bring back SET! Share:

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Heartland Payment Systems Attempts To Hide Largest Data Breach In History Behind Inauguration

Brian Krebs of the Washington Post dropped me a line this morning on a new article he posted. Heartland Payment Systems, a credit card processor, announced today, January 20th, that up to 100 Million credit cards may have been disclosed in what is likely the largest data breach in history. From Brian’s article: Baldwin said 40 percent of transactions the company processes are from small to mid-sized restaurants across the country. He declined to name any well-known establishments or retail clients that may have been affected by the breach. Heartland called U.S. Secret Service and hired two breach forensics teams to investigate. But Baldwin said it wasn’t until last week that investigators uncovered the source of the breach: A piece of malicious software planted on the company’s payment processing network that recorded payment card data as it was being sent for processing to Heartland by thousands of the company’s retail clients. … “The transactional data crossing our platform, in terms of magnitude… is about 100 million transactions a month,” Baldwin said. “At this point, though, we don’t know the magnitude of what was grabbed.” I want you to roll that number around on your tongue a little bit. 100 Million transactions per month. I suppose I’d try to hide behind one of the most historic events in the last 50 years if I were in their shoes. “Due to legal reviews, discussions with some of the players involved, we couldn’t get it together and signed off on until today,” Baldwin said. “We considered holding back another day, but felt in the interests of transparency we wanted to get this information out to cardholders as soon as possible, recognizing of course that this is not an ideal day from the perspective of visibility.” In a short IM conversation Brian mentioned he called the Secret Service today for a comment, and was informed they were a little busy. We’ll talk more once we know more details, but this is becoming a more common vector for attack, and by our estimates is the most common vector of massive breaches. TJX, Hannaford, and Cardsystems, three of the largest previous breaches, all involved installing malicious software on internal networks to sniff cardholder data and export it. This was also another case that was discovered by initially detecting fraud in the system that was traced back to the origin, rather than through their own internal security controls. Share:

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Submit A Top Ten Web Hacking Technique

Last week Jeremiah Grossman asked if I’d be willing to be a judge to help select the Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques for 2008. Along with Chris Hoff (not sure who that is), H D Moore, and Jeff Forristal. Willing? Heck, I’m totally, humbly, honored. This year’s winner will receive a free pass to Black Hat 2009, which isn’t to shabby. We are up to nearly 70 submissions, so keep ‘em coming. Share:

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Inherent Role Conflicts In National Cybersecurity

I spent a lot of time debating with myself if I should wade into this topic. Early in my analyst career I loved to talk about national cybersecurity issues, but I eventually realized that, as an outsider, all I was doing was expending ink and oxygen, and I wasn’t actually contributing anything. That’s why you’ve probably noticed we spend more time on this blog talking about pragmatic security issues and dispensing practical advice than waxing poetic about who should get the Presidential CISO job or dispensing advice to President Obama (who, we hate to admit, probably doesn’t read the blog). Unless or until I, or someone I know, gets “the job”, I harbor no illusions that what I write and say reaches the right ears. But as a student of history, I’m fascinated by the transition we, of all nations, face due to our continuing reliance the Internet to run everything from our social lives, to the global economy, to national defense. Rather than laying out my 5 Point Plan for Solving Global Cyber-Hunger and Protecting Our Children, I’m going to talk about some more generic issues that I personally find compelling. One of the more interesting problems, and one that all nations face, is the inherent conflicts between the traditional roles of those that safeguard society. Most nations rely on two institutions to protect them- the military and the police. The military serves two roles: to protect the institution of the nation state from force, and to project power (protecting national assets, including lines of commerce, that extend outside national boundaries). Militaries are typically focused externally, even in fascist states, but do play a variable domestic role, even in the most liberal of democratic societies. Militaries are externally focused entities, who only turn internally when domestic institutions don’t have the capacity to manage situations. The police also hold dual roles: to enforce the law, and ensure public safety. Of course the law and public safety overlap to different degrees in different political systems. Seems simple enough, and fundamentally these institutions have existed since nearly the dawn of society. Even when it appears that the institutions are one and the same, that’s typically in name only since the skills sets involved don’t completely overlap, especially in the past few hundred years. Cops deal with crime, soldiers with war. The Internet is blasting those barriers, and we have yet to figure out how to structure the roles and responsibilities to deal with Internet-based threats. The Internet doesn’t respect physical boundaries, and its anonymity disguises actors. The exact same attack by the exact same threat actor could be either a crime, or an act of war, depending on the perspective. One of the core problems we face in cybersecurity today is structuring the roles and responsibilities for those institutions that defend and protect us. With no easy lines, we see ongoing turf battles and uncoordinated actions. The offensive role is still relatively well defined- it’s a responsibility of the military, should be coordinated with physical power projection capacity, and the key issue is over which specific department has responsibility. There’s a clear turf battle over offensive cyber operations here in the U.S., but that’s normal (explaining why every service branch has their own Air Force, for example). I do hope we get our *%$& together at some point, but that’s mere politics. The defensive role is a mess. Under normal circumstances the military protects us from external threats, and law enforcement from internal threats (yes, I know there are grey areas, but roll with me here). Many/most cyberattacks are criminal acts, but that same criminal act is maybe national security threat. We can usually classify a threat by action, intent, and actor. Is the intent financial gain? Odds are it’s a crime. Is the actor a nation state? Odds are it’s a national security issue. Does the action involve tanks or planes crossing a border? It’s usually war. (Terrorism is one of the grey areas- some say it’s war, others crime, and others a bit of both depending on who is involved). But a cyberattack? Even if it’s from China it might not be China acting. Even if it’s theft of intellectual property, it might not be a mere crime. And just who the heck is responsible for protecting us? Through all of history the military responds through use of force, but you don’t need me to point out how sticky a situation that is when we’re talking cyberspace. Law enforcement’s job is to catch the bad guys, but they aren’t really designed to protect national borders, never mind non-existent national borders. Intelligence services? It isn’t like they are any better aligned. And through all this I’m again shirking the issues of which agencies/branches/departments should have which responsibilities. This we need to start thinking a little differently, and we may find that we need to develop new roles and responsibilities and we drive deeper into the information age. Cybersecurity isn’t only a national security problem or a law enforcement problem, it’s both. We need some means to protect ourselves from external attacks of different degrees at the national level, since just telling every business to follow best practices isn’t exactly working out. We need a means of projecting power that’s short of war, since playing defense only is a sure way to lose. And right now, most countries can’t figure out who should be in charge or what they should be doing. I highly suspect we’ll see new roles develop, especially in the area of counter-intelligence style activity to disrupt offensive operations ranging from taking out botnets, to disrupting cybercrime economies, to counterespionage issues relating to private business. As I said in the beginning, this is a fascinating problem, and one I wish I was in a position to contribute towards, but Phoenix is a bit outside the Beltway, and no one will give me the President’s new Blackberry address. Even after I promised to stop sending all those LOLCatz forwards. Share:

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The Network Security Podcast, Episode 136

I managed to constrain my rants this week, staying focused on the issue as Martin and I covered our usual range of material. I think we were in top form in the first part of the show where we focus on the economics of breaches and discussed loss numbers, vs. breach notification statistics. Here are the show notes, and as usual the episode is here: Network Security Podcast, Episode 136, January 27, 2009 Time: 27:43 Show Notes: Maine surveys banks to determine some of the losses associated with major data breaches. It isn’t a small number. loses some data. They don’t tell us who’s data they loss, or how or why, but they definitely lost some stuff. The White House homeland security agenda. There’s a cyber section. Which is cool, because someone can at least spell cyber. Phishers change URLs. We’re not sure why this is news, but we use it as an excuse to talk about other, more important things. A man buys a used MP3 player in New Zealand, with personal info on US soldiers in Iraq. WTF? Maybe it was a Zune? Tonight’s Music: Mexicolas with Big in Japan Share:

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The Business Justification For Data Security: Data Valuation

Man, nothing feels better than finishing off a few major projects. Yesterday we finalized the first draft of the Business Justification paper this series is based on, and I also squeezed out my presentation for IT Security World (in March) where I’m talking about major enterprise software security. Ah, the thrills and spills of SAP R/3 vs. Netweaver security! In our first post we provided an overview of the model. Today we’re going to dig into the first step- data valuation. For the record, we’re skipping huge chunks of the paper in these posts to focus on the meat of the model- and our invitation for reviewers is still open (official release date should be within 2 weeks). We know our data has value, but we can”t assign a definitive or fixed monetary value to it. We want to use the value to justify spending on security, but trying to tie it to purely quantitative models for investment justification is impossible. We can use educated guesses but they”re still guesses, and if we pretend they are solid metrics we”re likely to make bad risk decisions. Rather than focusing on difficult (or impossible) to measure quantitative value, let”s start our business justification framework with qualitative assessments. Keep in mind that just because we aren”t quantifying the value of the data doesn’t mean we won”t use other quantifiable metrics later in the model. Just because you cannot completely quantify the value of data, that doesn’t mean you should throw all metrics out the window. To keep things practical, let”s select a data type and assign an arbitrary value to it. To keep things simple you might use a range of numbers from 1 to 3, or “Low”, “Medium”, and “High” to represent the value of the data. For our system we will use a range of 1-5 to give us more granularity, with 1 being a low value and 5 being a high value. Another two metrics help account for business context in our valuation: frequency of use and audiences. The more often the data is used, the higher its value (generally). The audience may be a handful of people at the company, or may be partners & customers as well as internal staff. More use by more people often indicates higher value, as well as higher exposure to risk. These factors are important not only for understanding the value of information, but also the threats and risks associated with it – and so our justification for expenditures. These two items will not be used as primary indicators of value, but will modify an “intrinsic” value we will discuss more thoroughly below. As before, we will assign each metric a number from 1 to 5 , and we suggest you at least loosely define the scope of those ranges. Finally, we will examine three audiences that use the data: employees, customers, and partners; and derive a 1-5 score. The value of some data changes based on time or context, and for those cases we suggest you define and rate it differently for the different contexts. For example, product information before product release is more sensitive than the same information after release. As an example, consider student records at a university. The value of these records is considered high, and so we would assign a value of five. While the value of this data is considered “High” as it affects students financially, the frequency of use may be moderate because these records are accessed and updated mostly during a predictable window – at the beginning and end of each semester. The number of audiences for this data is two, as the records are used by various university staff (financial services and the registrar”s office), and the student (customer). Our tabular representation looks like this: < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Student Record 5 2 2 In our next post (later today) we’ll give you more examples of how this works. Share:

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The Business Justification for Data Security: Information Valuation Examples

In our last post, we mentioned that we’d be giving a few examples for data valuation. This is the part of the post where I try and say something pithy, but I’m totally distracted by the White House press briefing on MSNBC, so I’ll cut to the chase: As a basic exercise, let”s take a look at several common data types, discuss how they are used, and qualify their value to the organization. Several of these clearly have a high value to the organization, but others vary. Frequency of use and audience are different for every company. Before you start deriving values, you need to sit down with executives and business unit managers to find out what information you rely on in the first place, then use these valuation scenarios to help rank the information, and then feed the rest of the justification model. Credit card numbers Holding credit card data is essential for many organizations – a common requirement for dispute resolution; because most merchants sell products on the Internet, card data is subject to PCI DSS requirements. In addition to serving this primary function, customer support and marketing metrics derive value from the data. This information is used by employees and customers, but not shared with partners. < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Credit Card Number 4 2 3 Healthcare information (financial) Personally Identifiable Information is a common target for attackers, and a key element for fraud since it often contains financial or identifying information. For organizations such as hospitals, this information is necessary and used widely for treatment. While the access frequency may be moderate (or low, when a patient isn”t under active treatment), it is used by patients, hospital staff, and third parties such as clinicians and insurance personnel. < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Healthcare PII 5 3 4 Intellectual property Intellectual Property can take many forms, from patents to source code, so the values associated with this type of data vary from company to company. In the case of a publicly traded company, this may be project-related or investment information that could be used for insider trading. The value would be moderate for the employees that use this information, but high near the end of the quarter and other disclosure periods, when it’s also exposed to a wider audience. < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Financial IP (normal) 3 2 1 Financial IP (disclosure period) 5 2 2 Trade secrets Trade secrets are another data type to consider. While the audience may be limited to a select few individuals within the company, with low frequency of use, the business value may be extraordinarily high < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Trade Secrets 5 1 1 < p> Sales data The value of sales data for completed transactions varies widely by company. Pricing, customer lists, and contact information, are used widely throughout and between companies. In the hands of a competitor, this information could pose a serious threat to sales and revenue. < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Sales Data 2 5 4 < p> Customer Metrics The value of customer metrics varies radically from company to company. Credit card issuers, for example, may rate this data as having moderate value as it is used for fraud detection as well as sold to merchants and marketers. The information is used by employees and third party purchasers, and provided to customers to review spending. < p style=”font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px”> Data Value Frequency Audience Customer Metrics 4 2 3 You can create more more categories, and even bracket dollar value ranges if you find them helpful in assigning relative value to each data type in your organization. But we want to emphasize that these are qualitative and not quantitative assessments, and they are relative within your organization rather than absolute. The point is to show that your business uses many forms of information. Each type is used for different business functions and has its own value to the organization, even if it is not in dollars. Share:

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Credit Card (Paper) Security Fail

I’m consistently impressed with the stupidity of certain financial institutions. Take credit card companies and the issuing banks. We’re in the middle of a financial meltdown driven by failures in the credit system and easy credit, yet you still can’t check out at Target (or nearly anyplace else) without the annoying offer for your 10% discount if you just apply for a card on the spot. I also hate the “checks” they are always mailing me to transfer balances or otherwise use a credit for something I might use cash for. Any fraudster getting his or her hands on them can have a field day. That’s why I’m highly amused by the latest offer to my wife. The envelope arrived with her name and address on the outside, and some else’s pre-printed checks on the inside. I guess the sorting machine ended up, and hopefully her checks went to someone trustworthy. Share:

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Friday Summary- January 23, 2009

Warning- today’s introduction includes my political views. History Whatever your political persuasion, there’s no denying the magnitude of this week. While we are far from eliminating racism and bias in this country, or the world at large, we passed an incredibly significant milestone in civil rights. My (pregnant) wife and I were sitting on the couch, watching a replay of President Obama’s speech, when she turned to me and said, “you know, our child will never know a world where we didn’t have a black president”. Change One thing I think we here in the US forget is just how much we change with the transition to each new administration, especially when control changes hands between parties. We see it as the usual continuity of progress, but it’s very different to the outside world. In my travels to other countries I’m amazed at their amazement at just how quickly we, as a nation, flip and flop. In the matter of a day our approach to foreign policy completely changes- never mind domestic affairs. We have an ability to completely remake ourselves to the world. It’s a hell of a strategic advantage, when you really think about it. In a matter of 3 days we’re seeing some of the most material change since the days of Nixon. Our government is reopening, restoring ethical boundaries, and reintroducing itself to the world. Faith When Bush was elected in 2000 I was fairly depressed. He seemed so lacking in capacity I couldn’t understand his victory. Then, after 9/11, I felt like I was living in a different country. An angry country, that no longer respected diversity of belief or tolerance. A country where abuse of power and disdain for facts and transparency became the rule of our executive branch, if not (immediately) the rule of law. I was in Moscow during the election and was elated when Obama won, despite the almost surreal experience of being in a rival nation. When I watched the inauguration I felt, for the first time in many years, that I again lived in the country I thought I grew up in- my faith restored. Talking with my friends of all political persuasions, it’s clear that this is also a transition of values. Transparency is back; something sorely lacking from both the public and private sector for far longer than Bush was in office. Accountability and sacrifice are creeping their heads over the wall. And lurking along the edges of the dark clouds above us is self sacrifice and unity of purpose. I’m excited. I’m excited more about what this mean to our daily and professional lives than just our governance. Will my hopes be dashed by reality? Probably, but I’d rather plunge in head first than cower at home, shopping off Amazon. Oh- and there was like this really huge security breach this week, some worm is running rampant and taking over all our computers, and some idiots keep downloading pirated software with a Mac trojan. Here is the week’s security summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences: Martin and I talk a bit about all sorts of things- including Obama’s tech agenda, on The Network Security Podcast. I seem to run off on 3 separate rants. I wrote up the Heartland data breach for Dark Reading. I did a few interviews on the breach, including the MIT Technology Review, SearchSecurity, and SC Magazine. Favorite Securosis Posts: Rich: My Heartland post, because it got Slashdotted. Adrian: Perhaps it is the contrarian in me, but my favorite post is The Business Justification for Data Security. There is a lot of information here. Favorite Outside Posts: Adrian: Hoff’s ruminating on Cloud security of Core services. The series of posts has been interesting. I follow many of these blog posts made on dozens of different web sites, but only for the occasionally humorous debate. Not because I care about the nuts and bolts of how Cloud computing will work, how we define it, or where it is going. The CIO in me loves the thought of minimal risk for trying & adopting software and services. I am interested in the flexibility of adoption. I do not need to perform rigorous evaluations of hardware, software, and environmental considerations- just determine how it meets my business needs, how easy is it to use, and does the pricing model work for me. After a while if I don’t like it, I switch. Stickiness is no longer an investment issue, but a contract issue. And I am only afraid of these services not being in my core if I run out of choices in the vendor community. I know there are a lot more things I do need to consider, and I cannot assume 100% divestiture of responsibilities for compliance and whatnot, but wow, the perception of risk reduction in platform selection drops so much that I am likely to jump forward without a full understanding of other risks I may inherit because of these percieved benefits. Not that it’s ideal, but it is likely. Rich: Sharon on Wwll the Real PII Stand Up? He raises a great issue that there are a bunch of definitions of PII in different contexts, and an increasingly complex regulatory environment with multiple standards. Top News and Posts: Barack Obama’s inauguration stopped all activity at Securosis as Adrian came over to watch for a couple hours. His speech is worth a reread even if you watched it live. A lot of trusted websites are serving malware. The NSA spied on everyone. Except you, of course- you’re too boring. Conficker worm bad. I thought you Windows users figured out that patching thing? Actually, I highly suspect the infection numbers are inflated. Blog Comment of the Week: We didn’t post much, but the comments were great this week. Merchantgrl on the Heartland Breach post: They were breached a while ago and they just happened to pick that day to finally announce it? Several people have brought up the Trustwave audit of

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