Dell SecureWorks CTU published a cool research report published today. Joe Stewart and David Shear dug into the marketplace of attackers and found that the market for attack products, tools, and services is thriving. Here are a couple of their more interesting findings:

  • Bank account number with online credentials ($70-130K in account): $300 or less
  • 15,000 infected computer botnet: $250
  • DDoS attacks: $3-5 per hour; $90-100 per day
  • Exploit kit subscription: $1,500 per year

That’s pretty short money for those kinds of services, no? We are dealing with market forces, which means there is plenty of inventory. Yup, lots of credit cards, bank accounts, and bots out there waiting to be used. You know, supply and demand for the win. At least the computer crime folks haven’t screwed with the laws of economics. Not yet, anyway.

Photo credit: “Dig for Victory 33” originally uploaded by Aidan “Trig” Brooks
