If you read saw the press release title Symantec Introduces New Security Solutions to Counter Advanced Persistent Threats, what would you expect? Perhaps a detailed security monitoring solution, or maybe they bought a full packet capture solution, or perhaps really innovated with something interesting? Now what if told you that it’s actually about the latest version of Symantec’s endpoint protection product, with a management console for AV and DLP? You’d probably crap your pants from laughing so hard. I know that’s what I did, and my laundromat is not going to be happy.

It seems someone within Symantec believes that you can stop an APT attack with a little dose of centrally managed AV and threat intelligence. If the NFL was in season right now, Symantec would get a personal foul for ridiculous use of APT. And then maybe another 15 yards for misdirection and hyperbole. To continue my horrible NFL metaphor, Symantec’s owners (shareholders) should lock the folks responsible for this crap announcement out of any marketing meetings, pending appeals that should take at least 4-5 years.

From a disclosure standpoint, we got a briefing last week on Big Yellow’s Symantec Protection Center, its answer to McAfee’s Enterprise Policy Orchestrator (ePO). Basically the product is where ePO was about 5 years ago. It doesn’t even gather information from all of Symantec’s products. But why would that stop them from making outlandish claims about countering APT?

Rich tore them into little pieces, politely rubbishing, in a variety of ways, their absurd claims that endpoint protection is an answer to stopping persistent attackers. He did it nicely. He told them they would lose all credibility with anyone who actually understands what an APT really is. The folks from Symantec thanked us for the candid feedback. Then they promptly ignored it. Ultimately their need to jump on a bandwagon outweighed their desire to have a shred of truth or credibility in an announcement. Sigh.

Symantec contends that its “community and cloud-based reputation technology” blocks new and unknown threats missed by other security solutions. You know, like the Excel file that pwned RSA/EMC. AV definitely would have caught that, because another company would have been infected using the exact same malware, so the reputation system would kick into gear. Oh! Uh-oh… It seems Symantec cannot tell mass attacks from targeted 0-day attacks. So let me be crystal clear. You cannot stop a persistent attacker with AV. Not gonna happen. I wonder if anyone who actually does security for a living looked at these claims. As my boys on ESPN Sunday Countdown say, “Come on, man!”

I’m sure this won’t make me many friends within Big Yellow. But I’m not too worried about that. If I were looking for friends I’d get a dog. I can only hope some astute security marketing person will learn that using APT in this context doesn’t help you sell products – it makes you look like an ass.

And that’s all I have to say about that.
