No, we don’t mean vote for your favorite geriatric patriarch or matriarch, but for your favorite security blog.


While I’m a little late posting this (I blame being distracted by the impending, then final, arrival of my incredibly cute daughter), there’s still plenty of time to vote. The awards are all part of the Security Blogger’s Meetup, which started as a little gathering put together by Martin and myself 3 years ago, and is now a pretty big & impressive event, with an actual budget. At least I think it’s impressive- it’s hard to remember after all the free booze.

The Social Security Awards were an idea Alan Shimel came up with to recognize the best security bloggers out there and continue to build our community. You can vote in the following categories:

  • Best Security Podcast
  • Best Technical Security Blog
  • Best Corporate Security Blog
  • Best Non-Technical Security Blog
  • Most Entertaining Security Blog

We’ll tabulate the votes, and then the final winners will be selected by our all-star panel of tech journalists. We’ll be having an awards ceremony at the meetup, and giving out prizes courtesy of Seagate (encrypted hard drives, of course).

Those of us on the organizing committee are excluded from the awards, so please don’t vote for me. Really, it wouldn’t be fair to all the other bloggers if I were competing anyway.

So go vote. Now. I know how many of you are out there reading, and if you don’t vote I’ll tell your mom.

Also, special thanks to Jennifer Leggio for doing nearly all the hard work putting this together.
