I have been working on this one quietly for a while. It is a massive update to my previous paper on iOS security.

It turns out Apple made a ton of very significant changes in iOS 7. So many that they have upended how we think of the platform. This paper digs into the philosophy behind Apple’s choices, details the security options, and then provides a detailed spectrum of approaches for managing enterprise data on iOS. It is 30 pages but you can focus on the sections that matter to you.

I would like to thank WatchDox for licensing the content, which enables us to release it for free.

Normally we publish everything as a blog series, but in this case I had an existing 30-page paper to update and it didn’t make sense to (re-)blog all the content. So you might have noticed me slipping in a few posts on iOS 7 recently with the important changes. I can do another revision if anyone finds major problems.

And with that, here is the landing page for the report.

And here is the direct download link: Defending Data on iOS 7 (PDF)

And lastly, the obligatory outline screenshot:
