We are proud to announce a new research paper on Pragmatic Web Application Firewall Management. This paper has been a long time coming – we have been researching this topic for three years, looking for the right time to discuss WAF’s issues.

Our key finding is that Web Application Firewalls can genuinely raise the bar on application security. Properly set up they block many attacks such as SQL injection and, just as importantly, ‘virtually’ patch applications faster than code fixes can be implemented. There is ample evidence that building security into applications from the get-go is more efficient, but unfortunately it may not be practical or even realistic. Most firms already have dozens – if not thousands – of vulnerable web apps that will take years to fix. So the real answer is both: “build security in” and “bolt security on”. And that is how WAFs help protect web applications when timely code fixes are not an option.

During our research we heard a lot of negative feedback from various security practitioners – specifically pen testers – about how WAFs barely slow skilled attackers down. We heard many true horror stories, but they were not due to any specific deficiency in WAF technology. The common theme among critics was that problems stemmed from customers’ ineffective management practices in WAF deployment and tuning of rules. We also heard many stories about push-back from development teams who refused to wade through the reams of vulnerability output generated by WAFs. Some of this was due to poor report quality of WAF products, and some was due to internal politics and process issues. But in both cases we concluded from hundreds of conversations that WAF provides a unique value, and its issues can be mitigated through effective management. For more detailed information on our recommendations, as well as how we reached our conclusions, we encourage you to grab a copy of the white paper.

Finally, Securosis provides the vast bulk of our research for free and without user registration. Our goal, as always, is to help organizations understand security issues and products, and to help get your job done with as little headache as possible. But it’s community support that enables us to produce our research, so we want to make special mention of those firms who have sponsored this paper: Alert Logic, Barracuda Networks, and Fortinet. We want to thank our sponsors as well as those of you who took time to discuss your WAF stories and provide feedback during this project!

The paper is available to download: Pragmatic WAF Management (PDF).
