

Stop Using Internet Explorer 7 (For Now), Or Deploy Workarounds

There is an unpatched vulnerability for Internet Explorer 7 being actively exploited in the wild. The details are public, so any bad guy can take advantage of this. It’s a heap overflow in the XML parser, for you geeks out there. It affects all current versions of Windows. Microsoft issued an advisory with workarounds that prevent exploitation: Set Internet and Local intranet security zone settings to “High” to prompt before running ActiveX Controls and Active Scripting in these zones. Configure Internet Explorer to prompt before running Active Scripting or to disable Active Scripting in the Internet and Local intranet security zone. Enable DEP for Internet Explorer 7. Use ACL to disable OLEDB32.DLL. Unregister OLEDB32.DLL. Disable Data Binding support in Internet Explorer 8. Share:

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Friday Summary: 12-12-2008

When I was little, I remember seeing an interview on television of a Chicago con man who made his living by scheming people out of their money. Back when the term was in vogue, the con man was asked to define what a ‘Hustle’ was. His reply was “Get get as much as you can, as fast as you can for as little as you can”. December is the month when the hustlers come to my neighborhood. I live in a remote area where most of the roads are dirt, and the houses are far apart, so we never see foot traffic unless it is December. And every year at this time the con men, hucksters, and thieves come around, claiming they are selling some item or collecting for some charity. Today was an example, but our con man was collecting for a dubious sounding college fund dressed as a Mormon missionary, which was not a recipe for success. Rich had a visitor this week claiming to be a student from ASU, going door to door for bogus charity efforts. Last year’s prize winner at my place was a guy with a greasy old spray bottle, half-filled with water and Pinesol, claiming he was selling a new miracle cleaning product. He was more interested in looking into the windows of the houses, and we guess he was casing places to rob during Christmas as he neither had order forms nor actual product to sell. Kind of a tip off, one which gets my neighbors riled enough to point firearms. The good hustlers know all the angles, have a solid cover story & reasonable fake credentials, and dress for the part. And they are successful as there are plenty of trusting people out there, and hustlers work hard at finding ways to exploit your trust. If you read this blog, you know most of the good hustlers are not walking door to door, they work the Internet, extending their reach, reducing their risk, and raising their payday. All they need are a few programming skills and a little creativity. I was not surprised by the McDonald’s phish scam this week, for no other reason than that I expect it this time of year. The implied legitimacy of a URL coupled with a logo is a powerful way to leverage recognition and trust. Sprinkle in the lure of an easy $75, and you have enough to convince some to enter their credit card numbers for no good reason. This type of scam is not hard to do, as this mini How-To discussion on GNUCitizen shows how simple psychological sleight-of-hand , when combined with a surfjacking attack, is an effective method of distracting even educated users from noticing what is going on. If you want to give your non-technical relatives an inexpensive gift this holiday season, help them stay safe online. On a positive note I have finally created a Twitter account this month. Yeah, yeah, keep the Luddite jokes to yourself. Never really interested in talking about what I am doing at any given moment, but I confess I am actually enjoying it; both for meeting people and as an outlet to share some of the bizarre %!$@ I see on any given week. Here is the week’s security summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences: On the Network Security Podcast this week, with Martin in absentia, Rich and Chris Hoff discuss CheckFree, Microsoft, and EMC, plus a few other topics of interest. Chris makes some great points about outbound proxies and security about halfway through, and how it would be great to have bookmarks into these podcasts so we can fast forward when he goes off on some subject no one is interested in. Worth a listen! Favorite Securosis Posts: Rich: Is it too narcissistic to pick my own post? How the Cloud Destroys Everything I Love (About Web Application Security). Adrian: As it encapsulates the program we are working on and I am happy with the content overall, Part 4: The Web Application Lifecycle. Favorite Outside Posts: Adrian: And not because the title was one of my favorite Monty Python skits, this discussion was a very interesting give and take on Pen Testing on Rich: A two parter from me. First, Amrit on Amazon AWS security. Then, Hoff on virtualized network security in the cloud. Top News and Posts: A 50 BILLION dollar Ponzi scheme? How does this go unnoticed? The Automaker bail-out dies in the Senate. Hack A Day provided nice coverage on the WordPress update. Koobface worm targets MySpace and other social networking sites. This is the future of malware, folks. An Internet Explorer 7 0day on Windows XP is being exploited in the wild. Anton has a must read short post on HIPAA. HP and Symantec lose unencrypted laptops. Both companies are in the process of deploying encryption, but too late for these incidents. Blog Comment of the Week: Skott on our Building a Web Application Security Program series (too long for the entire comment, here’s the best bit): Tools and plain old testing are going to run into the same void without risk analysis (showing what’s valuable) and policy (defining what needs to be done for everything that’s valuable). Without them, you’re just locking the front door and leaving the windows, and oh, by the way, you probably forgot to put on the roof. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research And Sponsorship

Things seem a little strange over here at Securosis HQ- we’re getting a ton of feedback on an old post from November of 2006, but so far only one person has left us any real comments on our Building a Web Application Security Program series. Just to make it clear, once we are done with the series we will be pulling the posts together, updating them to incorporate feedback, and publishing it as a whitepaper. We already have some sponsorship lined up, with slots open for up to two more. This is a research process we like to call “Totally Transparent Research”. One of the criticisms against many analysts is that the research is opaque and potentially unduly influenced by vendors. The concern of vendor influence is especially high when the research carries a vendor logo on it somewhere. It’s an absolutely reasonable and legitimate worry, especially when the research comes from a small shop like ours. To counter this, we decided from the start to put all our research out there in the open. Not just the final product, but the process of writing it in the first place. With few exceptions, all of our whitepaper research, sponsored or otherwise, is put out as a series of blog posts as we write it. At each stage we leave the comments wide open for public peer review- and we never delete or filter comments unless they are both off topic and objectionable (not counting spam). Vendors, competitors, users, or anyone else can call us on our BS or complement our genius. This is all of our pre-edited content that eventually comes together for the papers. We also require that even sponsored papers always be freely available here on the site. Sponsors may get to request a topic, but they don’t get to influence the content (we do provide them with a rough outline so they know what to expect). We write the contracts so that if they don’t like the content in the end, they can walk without penalties and we’ll publish the work anyway. We do take the occasional suggestion from a sponsor when they catch something we miss, and it’s still objective (hey, it happens). While we realize this won’t fully assuage the concerns of everyone out there, we really hope that by following a highly transparent process we can provide free research that’s as objective as possible. We also find that public peer review is invaluable and produces less insular results than us just reviewing internally. Yes, we take end user and vendor calls like every other analyst, but we also prefer to engage in a direct dialog with our readers, friends, and others. We also like Open Source, kittens, and puppies. Not that we’ll be giving everything away for free- we have some stuff in development we’ll be charging for (that won’t be sponsored). But either we get sponsors, or we have to charge for everything. It’s not ideal, but that’s how the world works. Adrian has something like 12 dogs and I’m about to have a kid on top of 3 cats, and that food has to come from someplace. So go ahead and correct us, insult us, or tell us a better way. We can handle it, and we won’t hide it. And if you want to sponsor a web application security paper… Share:

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How The Cloud Destroys Everything I Love (About Web App Security)

On Tuesday, Chris Hoff joined me to guest host the Network Security Podcast and we got into a deep discussion on cloud security. And as you know, for the past couple of weeks we’ve been building our series on web application security. This, of course, led to all sorts of impure thoughts about where things are headed. I wouldn’t say I’m ready to run around in tattered clothes screaming about the end of the Earth, but the company isn’t called Securosis just because it has a nice ring to it. If you think about it a certain way, cloud computing just destroys everything we talk about for web application security. And not just in one of those, “oh crap, here’s one of those analysts spewing BS about something being dead” ways. Before jumping into the details, in this case I’m talking very specifically of cloud based computing infrastructure- e.g., Amazon EC2/S3. This is where we program our web applications to run on top of a cloud infrastructure, not dedicated resources in a colo or a “traditional” virtual server. I also sprinkle in cloud services- e.g., APIs we can hook into using any application, even if the app is located on our own server (e.g., Google APIs). Stealing from our yet incomplete series on web app sec and our discussions of ADMP, here’s what I mean: Secure development (somewhat) breaks: we’re now developing on a platform we can’t fully control- in a development environment we may not be able to isolate/lock down. While we should be able to do a good job with our own code, there is a high probability that the infrastructure under us can change unexpectedly. We can mitigate this risk more than some of the other ones I’ll mention- first, through SLAs with our cloud infrastructure provider, second by adjusting our development process to account for the cloud. For example, make sure you develop on the cloud (and secure as best you can) rather than completely developing in a local virtual environment that you then shift to the cloud. This clearly comes with a different set of security risks (putting development code on the Internet) that also need to be, and can be, managed. Data de-identification becomes especially important. Static and dynamic analysis tools (mostly) break: We can still analyze our own source code, but once we interact with cloud based services beyond just using them as a host for a virtual machine, we lose some ability to analyze the code (anything we don’t program ourselves). Thus we lose visibility into the inner workings of any third party/SaaS APIs (authentication, presentation, and so on), and they are likely to randomly change under our feet as the providing vendor continually develops them. We can still perform external dynamic testing, but depending on the nature of the cloud infrastructure we’re using we can’t necessarily monitor the application during runtime and instrument it the same way we can in our test environments. Sure, we can mitigate all of this to some degree, especially if the cloud infrastructure service providers give us the right hooks, but I don’t hold out much hope this is at the top of their priorities. (Note for testing tools vendors- big opportunity here). Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing… mostly don’t break: So maybe the cloud doesn’t destroy everything I love. This is one reason I like VA and pen testing- they never go out of style. We still lose some ability to test/attack service APIs. Web application firewalls really break: We can’t really put a box we control in front of the entire cloud, can we? Unless the WAF is built into the cloud, good luck getting it to work. Cloud vendors will have to offer this as a service, or we’ll need to route traffic through our WAF before it hits the back end of the cloud, negating some of the reasons we switch to the cloud in the first place. We can mitigate some of this through either the traffic routing option, virtual WAFs built into our cloud deployment (we need new products for it), or cloud providers building WAF functionality into their infrastructure for us. Application and Database Activity Monitoring break: We can no longer use external monitoring devices or services, and have to integrate any monitoring into our cloud-based application. As with pretty much all of this list it’s not an impossible problem, just one people will ignore. For example, I highly doubt most of the database activity monitoring techniques will work in the cloud- network monitoring, memory monitoring, or kernel extensions. Native audit might, but not all database management systems provide effective audit logs, and you still need a way to collect them as your app and db shoot around the cloud for resource optimization. I could write more about each of these areas, but you get the point. When we run web applications on cloud based infrastructure, using cloud based software services, we break much of the nascent web application security models we’re just starting to get our fingers around. The world isn’t over*, but it sure just moved out from under our feet. *This doesn’t destroy the world, but it’s quite possible that the Keanu Reeves version of The Day the Earth Stood Still will. Share:

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The Hoff Co-Hosts The Network Security Podcast

Martin was out of town this week and put our fine show into my trustworthy hands. A trust I quickly dashed as I invited Chris Hoff to join the show. We managed to avoid any significantly bad language, and both of use were completely sober. I think. Chris and I started with a discussion of the latest national cybersecurity recommendations, moving on to the CheckFree attack, the DNSChanger trojan, DLP/DRM advances by Microsoft/EMC and McAfee/Liquid Machines, and finishing with one of our pontificating discussions about the cloud. Here’s the show, and the show notes: The Network Security Podcast, Episode 131, December 9, 2008. Show Notes: The Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency releases their long-awaited report. CheckFree online bill payment redirected to a malicious site. The DNS Changer trojan starts it’s own internal DHCP server. The future of DLP/information-centric security as Microsoft and EMC partner, then McAfee and Liquid Machines (and a few other vendors we talk about). Share:

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A Good (Potential) Risk Management IQ Test For Management

It looks like China is thinking about requiring in-depth technical information on all foreign technology products before they will be allowed into China. I highly suspect this won’t actually happen, but you never know. If it does, here is a simple risk related IQ test for management: Will you reveal your source code and engineering documents to a government with a documented history of passing said information on to domestic producers who often clone competitive technologies and sell at lower than the market value you like? Do you have the risk tolerance to accept domestic Chinese abuse of your intellectual property should you reveal it? If the answer to 1 is “yes” and 2 is “no”, the IQ is “0”. Any other answer shows at least as basic understanding of risk tolerance and management. I worked a while back with an Indian company that engaged in a partnership with China to co-produce a particular high value product. That information was promptly stolen and spread to other local manufacturers. I don’t have a problem with China, but not only do they culturally view intellectual property differently than us, there is a documented history of what the western world would consider abuse of IP. If you can live with that, you should absolutely engage with that market. If can’t accept the risk of IP theft, stay away. (P.S.- This is also true of offshore development. Stop calling me after you have offshored and asking how to secure your date. You know, closing barn doors and cows and all). Share:

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Building a Web Application Security Program, Part 5: Secure Development

Now that we’ve laid out the big picture for a web application security program, it’s time to dig into the individual details. In this part (see also Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4) we’re going to discuss how to implement security during the development phases of the web application lifecycle, including which tools we recommend. In web application security, process modification, education, and development tool choices are all typically undeserved. Security is frequently bolted on as an afterthought, rather than built in by design. The intention in this section is to illuminate your best options for integrating security during pre-deployment phases of application development (i.e., requirements gathering, design, implementation, and QA). Web Application Security: Training and the SDLC Most web applications today were designed, built, and deployed before web application security was considered. Secure coding practices are just now entering the consciousness of most web development teams, and usually only after a security ‘event’. Project Management and Assurance teams typically take on security only when a compliance requirement is dropped into their laps. News may have raised awareness of SQL injection attacks, but many developers remain unaware of how reflected Cross Site Scripting and Cross Site Request Forgeries are conducted, much less what can be done to protect against them. Secure Application Development practices, and what typically become part of a Secure Software Development Lifecycle, are in their infancy- in terms of both maturity and adoption. Regardless of what drives your requirements, education and process modification are important first steps for producing secure web applications. Whether you are developing a new code base or retrofitting older applications, project managers, developers, and assurance personnel need to be educated about security challenges to address and secure design and coding techniques. The curriculum should cover both the general threats that need to be accounted for and the methods that hackers typically employ to subvert systems. Specialized training is necessary for each sub-discipline, including process modification options, security models for the deployment platform, security tools, and testing methodologies. Project management needs to be aware of what types of threats are relevant to the web application they are responsible for, and how to make trade-offs that minimize risk while still providing desired capabilities. Developers & QA need to understand how common exploits work, how to test for them, and how to address weaknesses. Whether your company creates its own internal training program, organizes peer educational events, or invests in third party classes, this is key for producing secure applications. Threat modeling, secure design principles, functional security requirements, secure coding practices, and security review/testing form the core of an effective secure SDLC, and are relatively straightforward to integrate into nearly all development processes. Process also plays an important role in code development, and affects security in much the same way it affects employee productivity and product quality. If the product’s specification lacks security requirements, you can’t expect it to be secure. A product that doesn’t undergo security testing, just like a product that skips functional testing, will suffer from flaws and errors. Modification to the Software Development Lifecycle to include security considerations is called Secure-SDLC, and includes simple sanity checks throughout the process to help discover problems early. While Secure-SDLC is far too involved for any real discussion in this post, our goal is instead to highlight the need for development organizations to consider security as a requirement during each phase of development. Tools and test cases, as we will discuss below, can be used to automate testing and assurance, but training and education are essential for taking advantage of them. Using them to augment the development and assurance process reduces overhead compared to ad hoc security adoption, and cuts down on vulnerabilities within the code. Team members educated on security issues are able to build libraries of tests that help catch typical flaws across all newer code. Extreme Programming techniques can be used to help certify that modules and components meet security requirements as part of unit testing, alongside non-security functional testing and regression sweeps provided by assurance teams. Remember- you are the vendor, and your team should know your code better than anyone, including how to break it. Static Analysis Tools There are a number of third party tools, built by organizations which understand the security challenges of web app development, to help with code review for security purposes. Static analysis examines the source code of a web application, looking for common vulnerabilities, errors, and omissions within the constructs of the language itself. This serves as an automated counterpart to peer review. Among other things, these tools generally scan for un-handled error conditions, object availability or scope, and potential buffer overflows. The concept is called “static analysis” because it examines the source code files, rather than either execution flow of a running program or executable object code. These products run during the development phase to catch problems prior to more formalized testing procedures. The earlier a problem is found the easier (and cheaper) it is to fix. Static analysis supplements code review performed by developers, speeding up scans and finding bugs more quickly and cheaply than humans. The tools can hook into source code management for automated execution on a periodic basis, which again helps with early identification of issues. Static analysis is effective at discovering ‘wetware’ problems, or problems in the code that are directly attributable to programmer error. The better tools integrate well with various development environments (providing educational feedback and suggesting corrective actions to programmers); can prioritize discovered vulnerabilities based on included or user-provided criteria; and include robust reporting to keep management informed, track trends, and engage the security team in the development process without requiring them double as programmers. Static analysis tools are only moderately effective against buffer overruns, SQL injection, and code misuse. They do not account for all of the pathways within the code, and are blind to certain types of vulnerabilities and problems that are only apparent at runtime. To fill this gap, dynamic

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Mortality, Integrity, and Risk Management

I despise the very concept of mortality. That everything we were, are, and can be comes to a crashing close at some arbitrary deadline. I’ve never been one to accept someone telling me to do something just because “that’s the way it is”, and I feel pretty much the same way about death. Having seen far more than my fair share of it, I consider it nothing but random and capricious. For those that follow Twitter, yesterday afternoon mortality bitch slapped me upside the head. I found out that my cholesterol is two points shy of the thin black line that defines “high”. Being thirty seven, a lifetime athlete, and relatively healthy eater since my early twenties, my number shouldn’t even be on the same continent as “high”, never mind the same zip code. I clearly have my parent’s genes to blame, and since my father passed away many years ago of something other than heart disease, I get to have a long conversation with mother this weekend on her poor gene selection. I might bring up the whole short thing while I’m at it (seriously, all I asked for was 5’9”). I tend to look at situations like this as risk management problems. With potential mitigating actions, all of which come at a cost, and a potential negative consequence (well, negative for me), it slots nicely into a risk-based approach. It also highlights what is the single most important factor in any risk analysis- integrity. If you deceive yourself (or others) you can never make an effective risk decision. Let’s map it out: Asset Valuation – Really fracking high for me personally, $2M to the insurance company (time limited to 20 years), and somewhere between zero and whatever for the rest of the world (and, I suspect, a few negative values circulating out there). Risk Tolerance – Low. Oh sure, I’d like to say “none”, but the reality is if my risk tolerance was really 0, I’d mentally implode in a clash of irreconcilable risk factors as fear of my house burning around me conflicts with the danger of a meteor smashing open my skull like a ripe pumpkin when I walk outside. Since anything over 100 years old isn’t realistically quantifiable (and 80 is more reasonable), I’ll call 85 the low end of my tolerance, with no complaints if I can double that. Risk/Threat Factors – Genetics, lifestyle, and medication. This one is pretty easy, since there are really only 3 factors that effect the outcome (in this dimension, I’m skipping cancer, accidents, and those freaky brain eating bacteria found in certain lakes). I can only change two of the factors, each of which comes with both a financial cost, and, for lack of a better word, a “pleasure” cost. Risk Analysis – I’m going to build three scenarios: Since some of my cholesterol is good to normal (HDL and triglycerides), and only part of it bad (LDL and total serum), I can deceive myself into thinking I don’t need to do anything today and ignore the possibility of slowly clogging my arteries until a piece of random plaque breaks off and kills me in excruciating pain at an inconvenient moment. Since that’s what everyone else tends to do, we’ll call this option “best practices”. I can meet with my doctor, review the results, and determine which lifestyle changes and/or medication I can start today to reduce my long term risks. I can reduce the intake of certain foods, switch to things like Egg Beaters, and increase my intake of high fiber food and veggies. I’ll pay an additional financial cost for higher quality food, a time cost for the extra workouts, and a “pleasure” cost for fewer chocolate chip cookies. In exchange for those french fries and gooey burritos I’ll be healthier overall and live a higher quality of life until I’m disemboweled by an irate ostrich while on safari in Africa. I can immediately switch to a completely heart-healthy diet and disengage from any activity that increases my risk of premature death (and isn’t all death premature?). I’ll never eat another cookie or french fry, and I’ll move to a monastery in a meteor-free zone to eliminate all stress from my life as I engage in whatever the latest medical journals define as the optimum diet and exercise plan. I will lead a longer, lower quality life until I’m disemboweled by an irate monk who is sick of my self righteous preaching and mid-chant calisthenics. We’ll call this option the “consultant/analyst” recommendations. Risk Decision and Mitigation Plan – Those three scenarios represent the low, middle, and high option. In every case there is a cost- but the cost is either in the short term or the long term. None of the scenarios guarantees success. This is where the integrity comes in- I’ve tried to qualify all the appropriate costs in each scenario, and don’t try and fool myself into thinking I can avoid those costs to steer myself towards the easy decision. It would be easy to look at my various cholesterol levels and current lifestyle, then decide that maybe if I read the numbers from a certain angle nothing bad will happen. Or maybe I can just hang out without making changes until the numbers get worse, and fix things then. On the other end, I could completely deceive myself and decide that a bunch of extreme efforts will fix everything and I can completely control the end result, ignoring the cost and all the other factors out there. But if I’m really honest to myself, I know that despite my low tolerance for an early death, I’m unwilling to pay the costs of extreme actions. Thus I’m going to make immediate changes to my diet that I know I can tolerate in the long term, I’ll meet with my doctor and start getting annual tests, and I’ll slip less on my fitness plan when work gets out of control. I’m putting metrics in place

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The Biggest Difference Between Web Applications And Traditional Applications.

Adrian and I have been hard at work on our web application security overview series, and in a discussion we realized we left something off part 3 of the series when we dig into the differences between web applications and traditional applications. In most applications we program the user display/interface. With web applications, we rely on an external viewer (the browser) we can’t completely control, that can be interacting with other applications at the same time. Which is stupid, because it’s the biggest, most obvious difference of them all. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
  • Comments are enabled for posts. All comments are kept except for spam, personal insults of a clearly inflammatory nature, and completely off-topic content that distracts from the discussion. We welcome comments critical of the work, even if somewhat insulting to the authors. Really.
  • Anyone can comment, and no registration is required. Vendors or consultants with a relevant product or offering must properly identify themselves. While their comments won’t be deleted, the writer/moderator will “call out”, identify, and possibly ridicule vendors who fail to do so.
  • Vendors considering licensing the content are welcome to provide feedback, but it must be posted in the comments - just like everyone else. There is no back channel influence on the research findings or posts.
    Analysts must reply to comments and defend the research position, or agree to modify the content.
  • At the end of the post series, the analyst compiles the posts into a paper, presentation, or other delivery vehicle. Public comments/input factors into the research, where appropriate.
  • If the research is distributed as a paper, significant commenters/contributors are acknowledged in the opening of the report. If they did not post their real names, handles used for comments are listed. Commenters do not retain any rights to the report, but their contributions will be recognized.
  • All primary research will be released under a Creative Commons license. The current license is Non-Commercial, Attribution. The analyst, at their discretion, may add a Derivative Works or Share Alike condition.
  • Securosis primary research does not discuss specific vendors or specific products/offerings, unless used to provide context, contrast or to make a point (which is very very rare).
    Although quotes from published primary research (and published primary research only) may be used in press releases, said quotes may never mention a specific vendor, even if the vendor is mentioned in the source report. Securosis must approve any quote to appear in any vendor marketing collateral.
  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.