

On Oracle World and Inference Attacks

Some days I feel the suffocating weight of travel more than others. Typically, those days are near the end of a long travel binge; one lasting about 3 months this time. When I first started traveling I was in my 20’s, effectively single (rotating girlfriends), and relatively unencumbered. At first it was an incredibly exciting adventure, but that quickly wore off as my social ties started to decay (friends call less if you’re never around) and my physical conditioning decayed faster. I dropped from 20 hours or more a week of activity and workouts to nearly 0 when on the road. It killed my progression in martial arts and previously heavy participation in rescues. Not that the travel was all bad; I managed to see the world (and circumnavigate it), hit every continent except Antarctica, and, more importantly, meet my wife. I learned how to hit every tourist spot in a city in about 2 days, pack for a 2-week multi-continental trip using only carry-on, and am completely comfortable being dropped nearly anywhere in the world. Eventually I hit a balance and for the most part keep my trips down to 1 or 2 a month, which isn’t so destructive as to ruin my body and piss off my family. But despite my best scheduling efforts sometimes things get out of control. That’s why I’m excited to finish off my last trip in the latest binge (Oracle World) for about a month and get caught up with blogging and the business. For those of you earlier in your careers I highly recommend a little travel, but don’t let it take over your life. I’ve been on the run for 8 years now and there is definitely a cost if you don’t keep it under control. As we say in martial arts, there is balance in everything, including balance. Now on to Oracle World and a little security. I’m consistently amazed at the scope of Oracle World. I go to a lot of shows at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, from Macworld to RSA, and Oracle World dwarfs them all. For those of you that know the area, they hold sessions in the center and every hotel in walking distance, close of the road between North and South, and effectively take over the entire area. Comparing it to RSA, it’s a strong reminder that we (security) are far from the center of the world. Not that Oracle is the center, but the business applications they, and competitors, produce. This year I was invited to speak on a panel on data masking/test data generation. As usual, it’s something we’ve talked about before, and it’s clearly a warming topic thanks to PCI and HIPAA. I’ve covered data masking for years, and was even involved in a real project long before joining Gartner, but it’s only VERY recently that interest really seems to be accelerating. You can read this post for my Five Laws of Data Masking. Two interesting points came out of the panel. The first was the incredible amount of interest people had in public source and healthcare data masking. Rather than just asking us about best practices (the panel was myself, someone from Visa, PWC, and Oracle), the audience seemed more focused on how organizations are protecting their personal financial and healthcare data. Yes, even DNA databases. The second, and more relevant point, is the problem of inference attacks. Inference attacks are where you use data mining and ancillary sources to compromise your target. For example, if you capture a de-identified healthcare database, you may still be able to reconstruct the record by mining other sources. For example, if you have a database of patient records where patient names and numbers have been scrambled, you might still be able to identify an individual by combining that with scheduling information, doctor lists, zip code, and so on. Another example was a real situation I was involved with. We needed to work with a company to de-identify a customer database that included deployment characteristics, but not allow inference attacks. The problem wasn’t the bulk of the database, but the outliers, which also happened to be the most interesting cases. If there are a limited number of companies of a certain size deploying a certain technology, competitors might be able to identify the source company by looking at the deals they were involved with, which ones they lost, and who won the deal. Match those characteristics, and they then identify the record and could mine deeper information. Bad guys could do the same thing and perhaps determine deployment specifics that aid an attack. If logic flaws are the bane of application security design, inference attacks are the bane of data warehousing and masking. Share:

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PDF Security Pain: We Told You So

Thanks to Slashdot, here’s a story on Adobe PDF vulnerabilities: The Portable Document Format (PDF) is one of the file formats of choice commonly used in today”s enterprises, since it’s widely deployed across different operating systems. But on a down-side this format has also known vulnerabilites which are exploited in the wild. I normally ignore stories coming out of vendor labs on new exploits that are coincidentally blocked by said vendor’s products, but on occasion they highlight something of interest. Back in February I mentioned three applications that are a real pain in our security behinds- IE/ActiveX, QuickTime, and Adobe Acrobat (the entire pdf format, to be honest). It’s nice to see a little validation. Each of these, in their own way, allows expansion of their formats. In the Adobe case they keep shoveling all sorts of media types and scripting into the format. This creates intense complexity that, more often than not, leads to security vulnerabilities. When you manage an open format, content validation/sanitization is an extremely nasty problem. Unless you design your code for it from the ground up, it’s nearly impossible to keep up and lock down a secure format. I suspect Adobe’s only real option at this point is to start failing with grace and focus on anti-exploitation and sandboxing (if that’s even possible, I’ll leave it up to smarter people than me). Truth is I should have also put Flash on the list. My bad. Share:

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The Breach Reporting Dillema

Over at Emergent Chaos, Adam raises the question of whether we are seeing more data breaches, or just more data breach reporting. His post is inspired by a release from the Identity Theft Resource Center stating that they’ve already matched the 2007 breach numbers this year. Personally, I think it’s a bit of both, and we’re many years away from any accurate statistics for a few reasons: Breaches are underreported. As shown in the TJX case, not every company performs a breach notification (TJX reported, other organizations did not). I know of a case where a payment processor was compromised, records lost for some financial services firms that ran through them, and only 1 of 3-4 of the companies involved performed their breach notification. Let’s be clear, they absolutely knew they had a legal requirement to report and that their customer information was breached, and they didn’t. Breaches are underdetected. I picked on some of the other companies fleeced along with TJX that later failed to report, but it’s reasonable that at least some of them never knew they were breached. I’d say less than 10% of companies with PII even have the means to detect a breach. Breaches do not correlate with fraud. Something else we’ve discussed here before. In short, there isn’t necessary any correlation between a “breach” notification and any actual fraud. Thus the value of breach notification statistics is limited. A lost backup tape may contain 10 million records, yet we don’t have a singe case that I can find where a lost tape correlated with fraud. My gut is that hacking attacks result in more fraud, but even that is essentially impossible to prove with today’s accounting. There’s no national standard for a breach, never mind an international standard. Every jurisdiction has their own definition. While many follow the California standard, many others do not. Crime statistics are some of the most difficult to gather and normalize on the planet. Cybercrime statistics are even worse. With all that said I need to go call Bank of America since we just got a breach notification letter from them, but it doesn’t reveal which third party lost our information. This is our third letter in the past few years, and we haven’t suffered any losses yet. Share:

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Our Take On The McAfee Acquisitions

I’ll be honest- it’s been a bit tough to stay up to date on current events in the security world over the past month or so. There’s something about nonstop travel and tight project deadlines that isn’t very conducive to keeping up with the good old RSS feed, even when said browsing is a major part of your job. Not that I’m complaining about being able to pay the bills. Thus I missed Google Chrome, and I didn’t even comment on McAfee’s acquisition of Reconnex (the DLP guys). But the acquisition gods are smiling upon me, and with McAfee’s additional acquisition of Secure Computing I have a second shot to impress you with my wit and market acumen. To start, I mostly agree with Rothman and Shimel. Rather than repeating their coverage, I’ll give you my concise take, and why it matters to you. McAfee clearly wants to move into network security again. SC didn’t have the best of everything, but there’s enough there they can build on. I do think SC has been a bit rudderless for a while, so keep a close eye on what starts coming out in about 6 months to see if they are able to pull together a product vision. McAfee’s been doing a reasonable job on the endpoint, but to hit the growth they want the network is essential. Expect Symantec to make some sort of network move. Let’s be honest: Cisco will mostly cream both these guys in pure network security, but that won’t stop them from trying. They (Symantec and McAfee) actually have some good opportunities here- Cisco still can’t figure out DLP or other non-pure network plays, and with virtualization and re-perimeterization the endpoint boys have some opportunities. Netsec is far from dead, but many of the new directions involve more than a straight network box. I expect we’ll see a passable UTM come out of this, but the real growth (if it’s to be had) will be in other areas. The combination of Reconnex, CipherTrust, and Webwasher will be interesting, but likely take 12-18 months to happen (assuming they decide to move in that direction, which they should). This positions them more directly against Websense, and Symantec will again likely respond with combining DLP with a web gateway since that’s the only bit they are missing. Maybe they’ll snag Palo Alto and some lower-end URL filter. SC is strong in federal. Could be an interesting channel to leverage the SafeBoot encryption product. What does this mean to the average security pro? Not much, to be honest. We’ll see McAfee and Symantec moving more into the network again, likely using email, DLP, and mid-market UTM as entry points. DLP will really continue to heat up once the McAfee acquisitions are complete and they start the real product integration (we’ll see products before then, but we all know real integration happens long after the pretty new product packaging and marketing brochures). I actually have a hard time getting overly excited about the SC deal. It’s good for McAfee, and we’ll see some of those SC products move back into the enterprise market, but there’s nothing truly game changing. The big changes in security will be around data protection/information centric security and virtualization. The Reconnex deal aligns with that, but the SC deal is more product line filler. But you can bet Webwasher, CipherTrust, and Reconnex will combine. If it doesn’t happen within the next year and a half, someone needs to be fired. Share:

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Behavioral Monitoring

A number of months ago when Rich released his paper on Database Activity Monitoring, one of the sections was on Alerting. Basically this is the analysis phase, where the collected data stream is analyzed in context of the policies that are to be enforced, and the generation of an alert when a policy is violated. In that section he mentioned the common types of analysis, and one other that is not typically available but makes a valuable addition: Heuristics. I feel this is an important tool for policy enforcement- not just for DAM, but also for DLP, SIM, and other security platforms- so I wanted to elaborate on this topic. When you look at DAM, the functional components are pretty simple: Collect data from one or more sources, analyze data in relation to a policy set, and alert when a policy has been violated. Sometimes data is collected from the network, sometimes from audit logs, and sometimes directly from the database’s in-memory data structures. But regardless of the source, the key pieces of information about who did what are culled from the source, and mapped to the policies, with alerts via email, log file entries, and/or SNMP traps (alerts). All pretty straightforward. So what are heuristics, or ‘behavioral monitoring’? Many policies are intended to detect abnormal activity. But in order to quantify what is abnormal, you first have to understand what is normal. And for the purposes of alerting, just how abnormal does something have to be before it warrants attention? As a simplified example, think about it this way; you could watch all cars passing down a road and write down the speed of the cars as they pass by. At the end of the day, you could take the average vehicle speed and reset the speed limit to that average; that would be a form of behavioral benchmarking. If we then started issuing tickets to passing motorists 10% over or under that average: a behavior-based policy. This is how behavioral monitoring helps with Database Activity Monitoring. Typical policy enforcement in DAM relies on straight comparisons; for example, if user X is performing Y operation, and location is not Z, then generate an alert. Behavioral monitoring builds a profile of activity first, and then compares events not only to the policy, but also to previous events. It is this historical profile that shows what is going on within the database, or what normal network activity against the database looks like, to set the baseline. This can be something as simple as failed login attempts over a 2-hour time period, so we could keep a tally of failed login attempts and then alert if the number is greater than three. But in a more interesting example, we might record the number of rows selected by a by a specific user on a daily basis for a period of a month, as well as an average number of rows selected by all users over the same of a month. In this case we can create a policy to alert if if a single user account selects more that 40% above the group norm, or 100% more than that user’s average selection. Building this profile comes at some expense in terms of processor overhead and storage, and this grows with the number of different behaviors traits to keep track of. However, behavior polices have an advantage in that they help us learn what is normal and what is not. Another advantage: as building the profile is dynamic and ongoing, thus the policy itself requires less maintenance, as it automatically self-adjusts over time as usage of the database evolves. The triggers adapt to changes without alteration of the policy. As with platforms like IDS, email, and web security, maintenance of policies and review of false positives forms the bulk of the administration time required to keep a product operational and useful. Implemented properly, behavior-based monitoring should both cut down on false positives and ease policy maintenance. This approach makes more sense, and provides greater value, when applied to application-level activity and analysis. Certain transaction types create specific behaviors, both per-transaction and across a day’s activity. For example, to detect call center employee misuse of customer databases, where the users have permission to review and update records, automatically constructed user profiles are quite effective for distinguishing legitimate from aberrant activity- just make sure you don’t baseline misbehavior as legitimate! You may be able to take advantage of behavioral monitoring to augment Who/What/When/Where policies already in place. There are a number of different products which offer this technology, with varying degrees of effectiveness. And for the more technically inclined, there are many good references: public white papers, university theses, patents, and patent submissions. If you are interested send me email, and I will provide specific references. Share:

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Stealth Photography

This is an off topic post. Most people don’t think of me as a photographer, but it’s true, I am. Not a good one, mind you, but a photographer. I take a lot of photos. Some days I take hundreds, and they all pretty much look the same. Crappy. Nor am I interested in any of the photos I take, rather I delete them from the camera as soon as possible. I don’t even own a camera; rather I borrow my wife’s cheap Canon with the broken auto-cover lens cap, and I take that little battery sucking clunker with me every few days, taking photos all over Phoenix. Some days it even puts my personal safety in jeopardy, but I do it, and I have gotten very stealthy at it. I am a Stealth Photographer. What I photograph is ‘distressed’ properties. Hundreds of them every month. In good neighborhoods and bad, but mostly bad. I drive through some streets where every third house is vacant or abandoned; foreclosed upon and bank owned in many cases, but often the bank simply has not had the time to process the paperwork. There are so many foreclosures that the banks cannot keep up, and values are dropping fast enough that the banks have trouble understanding what the real market value might be. So in order to assess value, in Phoenix it has become customary for banks to contract with real estate brokers to offer an opinion of value on a property. This is all part of what is called a Broker Price Opinion, or BPO for short. Think of it as “appraisal lite”. And as my wife is a real estate broker, she gets a lot of these requests to gauge relative market value. Wanting to help my wife out as much as possible, I take part in this effort by driving past the homes and taking photos of homes the banks are interested in. And when you are in a place where the neighbors are not so neighborly, you learn some tricks for not attracting attention. Especially in the late afternoon when there are 10-20 people hanging around, drinking beer, waiting for the Sherriff to come and evict them. This is not a real Kodak moment. You will get lots of unwanted attention if you are blatant about it and walk up and start shooting pictures of someone’s house. Best case scenario they throw a bottle at you, but it goes downhill from there quickly. So this is how I became a Stealth Photographer. I am a master with the tiny silver camera, sitting it on the top of the door of the silver car and surreptitiously taking my shots. How to hold the camera by the rear view mirror but pointing out the side window so it looks like I am adjusting the mirror. I have learned how to drive just fast enough not to attract attention, but slow enough so the autofocus works. I have learned how to set the camera on the roof with left hand, shooting across the roof of the car. My favorite maneuver is the ‘Look left, shoot right’ because it does not look like you are taking a picture if you are not looking at the property. Front, both sides, street, address and anything else the bank wants, so there are usually two passes to be made. There is a lot to be said about body language, when to make eye contact, and confidence in order to avoid confrontation for personal safety and security. I have done this often enough now that it is totally safe and seldom does anyone know what I am doing. Sometimes I go inside the homes to assess condition and provide interior shots. I count bedrooms, holes in the walls, determine if any appliances or air conditioning units still remain. Usually the appliances are gone, and occasionally the light fixtures, ceiling fans, light switches, garage door opener and everything else of value has disappeared. One home someone had even taken the granite counters. Whether it is a $30k farmer’s shack or a $2M dollar home in Scottsdale, the remains are remarkably consistent with old clothes, broken children’s toys, empty 1.75?s of vodka and beer bottles being what is left behind. For months now I have been hearing these ads on the radio about crime in Phoenix escalating. The Sherriff’s office attribute much of this to illegal immigration, with Mexican Mafia ‘Coyotes’ making a lot of money bringing people across the border, then dropping immigrants into abandon houses. The radio ads say if you suspect a home of being a ‘drop house’ for illegal immigrants to call the police. I had been ridiculing the ads as propaganda and not paying them much attention with immigration numbers were supposed to be way down in Arizona. Until this last week … when I walked into a drop house. That got my attention in a hurry! They thankfully left out the back door before I came in the front, leaving nothing save chicken wings, broken glass, beer and toiletries items. This could have been a very bad moment if the ‘Coyotes’ had still been inside. Believe me, this was a ‘threat model’ I had not considered, and blindly ignored some of the warnings right in front of my ears. So let’s just say I am now taking this very seriously and making some adjustments to my routine. Share:

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How To Tell If Your PCI Scanning Vendor Is Dangerous

I got an interesting email right before I ran off on vacation from Mark on a PCI issue he blogged about: 13. Arrangements must be made to configure the intrusion detection system/intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS) to accept the originating IP address of the ASV. If this is not possible, the scan should be originated in a location that prevents IDS/IPS interference. snip… I understand what the intention of this requirement is. If your IPS is blacklisting the scanner IP’s then ASVs don’t get a full assessment because they are a loud and proud scan rather than a targeted attack… However, blindly accepting the originating IP of the scanner leaves the hosts vulnerable to various attacks. Attackers can simply reference various public websites to see what IP addresses they need to use to bypass those detective or preventive controls. I figured no assessor would ask their client to open up big holes just to do a scan, but lo and behold, after a little bit of research it turns out this is surprisingly common. Back to email: It came up when I was told by my ASV “Authorized scanning vendor” that I had to do exclude their IPs. They also provided me with the list of IP’s to exclude. Both [redacted] and [redacted] have told me I needed to do bypass the IDS. When I asked about the exposure they were creating, both told me that their “other customers” do this and it isn’t a problem for them. If your ASV can’t perform a scan/test without having you turn off your IDS/IPS, it might be time to look for a new one. Especially if their source IPs are easy to figure out. For the record, “everyone else does it” is the dumbest freaking reason in the book. Remember the whole jumping off a bridge thing your mom taught you? Share:

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Design for Failure

A very thought-provoking ‘Good until Reached For’ post over on Gunnar Peterson’s site this week. Gunnar is tying together a number of recent blog threads to exemplify through the current financial crisis of how security and risk management best practices were not applied. There are many angles to this post, and Gunnar is covering a lot of ground, but the concept that really resonated with me is automation of process without verification. From a personal angle, having a wife who is a real estate broker and many friends in the mortgage and lending industries, I have been hearing quiet complaints for several years now that buyers were not meeting the traditional criteria. People with $40k a year in household income were buying half million dollar homes. A lot of this was attributed to having the entire loan approval process being automated in order to keep up with market demands. Banks were automating the verification process to improve throughput and turnaround because there was demand for home loans. Mortgage brokers steered their clients to banks that were known to have the fastest turnaround, and mostly that was because those were the institutions that were not closely scrutinizing loans. This pushed more banks to further streamline and cutting corners for faster turnaround in order to be competitive; the business was to originate the loans as that is how they made money. The other angle that was quite common was many mortgage brokers had further learned to ‘game the system’ to get questionable loans through. For example, if a lender was known to have a much higher approval rating for college graduates than non-college graduates given equal FICO scores, the mortgage brokers would state the buyer had a college degree knowing full well that no one was checking the details. Verification of ‘Stated Income’ was minimal and thus often fudged. Property appraisers were often pushed to come up with valuations that were not in line with reality as banks were not independently managing this portion of the verification process. When it came right down to it the data was simply not trustworthy. The quote of the Ian Grigg about is interesting as well. I wonder if the comments are ‘tongue in cheek’ as I am not sure that it killed the core skill, rather automation detached personal supervision in some cases, and others overwhelmed the individuals responsible because they could not be competitive and perform the necessary checks. As with software development, if it comes down to adding new features or being secure, new features almost always win. With competitions between banks to make money in this GLBA  fueled land grab, good practices were thrown out the door as they are an impediment to revenue. If you look at the loan process and the various checkpoints and verifications that occur along the way, it is very similar in nature to the goal with Sarbanes-Oxley in verification of accounting practices within IT. But rather than protecting investors from accounting oversight, these controls are in place to protect the banks from risk. To bypass these controls is very disconcerting as these banks understand better than anyone financial history and risk exposure. I think that capture the gist of much of why sanity checks in the process are so important; to make sure we are not fundamentally missing the point of the effort and destroying all the safeguards for security and risk going in. And more and more, we will see business processes automated for efficiency and timeliness, however, software not only needs to meet the functional specifications but risk specifications as well. Ultimately this is why I believe that securing business processes is an inside out game. Rather and rather than bolt security and integrity onto the infrastructure, checks and balances need to be built into the software. This concept is not all that far from what we do today with unit testing and building in debugging capabilities into software, but needs to encompass audit and risk safeguards as well. Gunnar’s point of ‘Design For Failure’ really hits home when viewed in context of the current crisis. Share:

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Reminder- There Are No Trusted Sites

Just a short, friendly reminder that there is no such thing as a trusted website anymore, as demonstrated by BusinessWeek. We continue to see trusted websites breached, and rather than leaving a little graffiti on the site the attackers now use that as a platform to attack browsers. It’s one reason I use FireFox with NoScript and only enable the absolute minimum to get a site running. Share:

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The Fallacy of Complete and Accurate Risk Quantification

Wow. The American taxpayer now owns AIG. Does that mean I can get a cheap rate? The economic events of the past few days transitioned the months-long saga of financial irresponsibility past merely sturn ing into the realm of truly terrifying. We’ve leaped past the predictable into a maelstrom of uncertainty edging on a black hole of unknowable repercussions. True, the system could stabilize soon; allowing us to rebuild before the shock waves topple the relatively stable average family. But right now it seems the global economy is so convoluted we’re all moving forward like a big herd navigating K2 in a blinding snowstorm with the occasional avalanche. Yeah, I’m scared. Frightened and furious that, yet again, the group think of the financial community placed the future of my family at risk. That we, as taxpayers, will have to bail them out like Chrysler in the 70’s, and the savings and loan institutions of the 80’s. That, in all likelihood, no one responsible for the decisions will be held accountable and they will all go back to lives of luxury. One lesson I’m already taking to heart is that I believe these events are disproving the myth of the reliability of risk management in financial services. On the security side, we often hold up financial services as the golden child of risk management. In that world, nearly everything is quantifiable, especially with credit and market risk (operational is always a bit more fuzzy). Complex equations and tables feed intelligent risk decisions that allow financial institutions to manage their risk portfolios while maximizing profitability. All backed by an insurance industry, also using big math, big heads, and big computers; capable of accepting and distributing the financial impact of point failures. But we are witnessing the failure of that system of risk management on an epic scale. Much of our financial system revolves around risk- distributing, transferring, and quantifying risk to fuel the economy. The simplest savings and loan bank is nothing more than a risk management tool. It provides a safe haven for our assets, and in return is allowed to use those assets for it’s own profitability. Banks make loans and charge interest. They do this knowing a certain percentage of those loans will default, and using risk models decide which are safest, which are riskiest, and what interest rate to charge based on that level of risk. It’s just a form of gambling, but one where they know the odds. We, the banks customers, are protected from bad decisions through a combination of diversification (spreading the risk, rather than just one big loan to one big customer), and insurance (the FDIC here in the US). It’s a system that’s failed before; once spectacularly (the Depression), and again in the 80’s, but overall works well. Thus we have empirical proof that even the simplest form of financial risk management can fail. Fast forward to today. Our system is infinitely more complex than a simple S&L; interconnected in ways that we now know no one completely understands. But we do know some of the failures: Risk ratings firms knowingly under-rated risks to avoid losing the business of financial firms wanting to make those investments. Insurance firms, like AIG, backed these complex financial tools without fully understanding them. Financial firms themselves traded in these complex assets without fully understanding them. The entire industry engaged in massive group think which ignored clear risks of relying on a single factor (the mortgage industry) to fuel other investments. Lack of proper oversight (government, risk rating companies, and insurance companies) allowed this to play out to an extreme. Reduced compartmentalization in the financial system allowed failures to spread across multiple sectors (possibly a deregulation failure). Let’s tie this back to information security risk management. First, please don’t take this as a diatribe against security metrics- of which I’m a firm supporter. My argument is that these events show that complete and accurate risk quantification isn’t really possible, for two big reasons. It is impossible to avoid introducing bias into the system; even a purely mathematical system. The metrics we choose, how we measure them, and how we rate them will always be biased. As with recent events, individual (or group) desires can heavily influence that bias and the resulting conclusions. We always game the system. Complexity is the enemy of risk, yet everything is complex. It’s nearly impossible to fully understand any system worth measuring risk on. Which leads to my message of the day. Quantified risk is no more or less valuable or effective than qualified risk. Let’s stop pretending we can quantify everything, because even when we can (as in the current economic fiasco) the result isn’t necessarily reliable, and won’t necessarily lead to better decisions. I actually think we often abuse quantification to support bad decisions that a qualified assessment would prevent. Now I can’t close without injecting a bit of my personal politics, so stop reading here if you don’t want my two sentence rant… rant I don’t see how anyone can justify voting for a platform of less regulation and reduced government oversight. Now that we own AIG and a few other companies, it seems that’s just a good way to socialize big business. It didn’t work in the 80’s, and it isn’t working now. I support free markets, but damn, we need better regulation and oversight. I’m tired of paying for big business’s big mistakes and people pretending that this time it was just a mistake and it won’t happen again if we just get the government out of the way and lower corporate taxes. Enough of the fracking corporate welfare! /rant Share:

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  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.