I normally make fun of predictions, but two sets issued this week are well worth the reading.

The first come from Mike Rothman, who just issued his 2008 Security Incites. Mike mixes in both technical and general market trends. Some predictions are clearly measurable, and others are there just to make a point. Mike covers everything from metrics and audits, to NAC and DLP.

On the other side are the more-technical predictions by Nate Lawson and Thomas Ptacek. These two researcher powerhouses range from digital watermarking and DRM, to NAC and new vulnerability classes.

And let’s not forget Hoff’s doublesized predictions, and Stiennon’s.

These aren’t the kinds of things will will drive your security spending (unless they come true), and plenty of predictions overlap or contradict each other. But the point is to get you thinking about the year to come, especially as you make tactical decisions.

My predictions? I don’t really play that game, but if you aren’t looking towards better ways to protect yourself from web application attacks and clientside vulnerabilities, you’ll probably have a bad year.


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