I kind of get a chuckle from articles like this recent series at Dark Reading on phishing, spam and malware. First came the contradictory posts, both posting that Phishing Attacks are reaching record highs, while simultaneously trumpeting that the king of spam and botnets had been shut down. I don’t suppose it dawned on the editors that if the channel that conveys the phishing attacks is “shut down”, then we are not likely to see “Record Highs.”

Then there is the headline that November 24th, the biggest shopping day of the year, could be a “Black Monday” in terms of malware threats …

“PC Tools predicted Nov. 24 would be the most active day for malware threats after analyzing worldwide virus data on more 500,000 machines and data from last year’s holiday season”.

Then again, maybe not:

“And while spam and malware typically surge during the holiday season, this year may actually be a little less active than in years past, says Roger Thompson, chief research officer at AVG Technologies. No one should be especially worried about Nov. 24 …”.

Um, yeah. I am all for articles with interesting & topical information, and I understand the need to balance both sides of an issue, but if you are going to use attention grabbing headlines about some huge threat, you should at least provide some links or direction on what to do about it. Missing from all of this was a singularly relevant piece of useful information that most end users could easily use to help themselves in the battle against phishing and malware attacks, namely: DON’T CLICK EMBEDDED EMAIL LINKS.
