One of the things that smacked me upside the head at a recent IANS Forum, where I run the CISO track, is the clear merging of the security and privacy functions under the purview of one executive. Of the 15 or so CISOs in the room, at least half also had responsibility for privacy. And many of them got this new responsibility as part of a recent reorganization.

So once again be careful what you wish for. It was a lot more fun to be able to rail at the wacky privacy folks working for the CFO or General Counsel, wasn’t it? Not so much now that it’s your problem. To be fair this evolution is logical – you cannot really separate out the two if you accept that it’s all about protecting customers. Not only do you have to keep customer data private, but you could make the case that protecting intellectual property ensures you can deliver value to those customers.

Malcolm Harkins, CISO (and now CPO) of Intel appeared on a podcast to explain why his organization recently gave him responsibility for the privacy function as well.

Intel has added privacy to the portfolio of its top information security executive, Malcolm Harkins, who says too many information security professionals are “color blind or tone deaf” to privacy, wrongly thinking strong data protection provides privacy safeguards.

Most security types didn’t want to deal with the policies and other squishy things privacy folks must deal with. It was easier to focus on technology and leave the softer stuff to other folks. We don’t have that choice any more, and if you’re at the CISO level and still largely focused on technology, you’re doing it wrong.

But if you thought responsibility for privacy wasn’t bad enough, a few CISOs are now taking on responsibility for management of building access systems as well (as part of physical security), as they are increasingly integrated with existing IAM systems. The fun never ends…

Photo credit: “Privacy” originally uploaded by PropagandaTimes
