Last week there was a #secchat on security burnout. Again. Yeah, it’s a bit like groundhog day – we keep having the same conversation over and over again. Nothing changes. And not much will change. Security is not going to become the belle of the ball. That is not our job. It’s not our lot in life.

If you want public accolades become a salesperson or factory manager or developer of cool applications. Something that adds perceived value to the business. Security ain’t it. Remaining in security means if you succeed at your job you will remain in the background. It’s Bizarro World, and you need to be okay with that. Attention whores just don’t last as security folks. When security gets attention it’s a bad day.

That said, security is harder to practice in some places than others. The issues were pretty well summed up by Tony on his Pivots n Divots blog, where he announced he is moving on from being an internal security guy to become a consultant.

Tony has a great list of things that just suck about being a security professional, which you have all likely experienced. Just check out the first couple which should knock the wind out of you.

  • Compliance-driven Security Programs that hire crappy auditors that don’t look very hard
  • Buying down risk with blinky lights – otherwise known as “throw money at the problem”

Ouch! And he has 9 more similarly true problems, including the killer: “Information Security buried under too many levels of management – No seat at the Executive or VIP level.” It’s hard to succeed under those circumstances – but you already knew that.

So Tony is packing it in and becoming a consultant. That will get him out of the firing line, and hopefully back to the stuff he likes about security. He wraps up with a pretty good explanation of a fundamental issue with doing security:

“The problem is we care. When things don’t improve or they are just too painful we start feeling burnt out. Thankfully everywhere I’ve worked has been willing to make some forward progress. I guess I should feel thankful. But it’s too slow. It’s too broken. It’s too painful. And I care too much.”

Good luck, man. I hope it works out for you. Unfortunately many folks discover the grass isn’t really greener; now Tony will have to deal with many of the same issues with even less empowerment, murkier success criteria, and the same whack jobs calling the shots. Or not calling the shots. And the 4-5 days/week on the road is much fun.

Hmmm, maybe Starbucks is hiring…

Photo credit: “(179/365) white flag of surrender” originally uploaded by nanny snowflake
