Before I dive into this week’s sermon, just a quick note that our posting will be a bit off through the end of the year. As happens from time to time, our collective workloads and travel are hitting insanity levels, which impedes our ability to push out more consistent updates. But, you know, gotta feed the kids and dogs.

A couple weeks ago I got to abandon my family during the weekend and spend my time in a classroom renewing my Emergency Medical Technician certification. I was close to letting it go, but my wife made it abundantly clear that she would rather lose me for a weekend than deal with the subsequent years of whining.

I never look forward to my recert classes. It is usually 2-3 days in a classroom, followed by a written and psychomotor (practical) test. I first certified as an EMT in 1991, and then became a paramedic in 1993 (which is an insane amount of training – no comparison). I won’t say I don’t learn anything in the every-two-year refresher classes, but I have been doing this for a very long time. But this year I learned more than expected, and some of it relates directly to my current work in security.

Five or six years ago I started hearing about some new trends in CPR. A doctor here in Phoenix started a research study to try a completely nonconventional approach to CPR. The short version is that the human body, when dead, isn’t using a ton of oxygen. Even when alive we inhale air with 21% O2 and exhale air with 16% O2. Stop all muscular activity and the brain will mostly suck out whatever O2 is circulated when you compress someone’s chest. This doc had some local fire departments use hands-only CPR and 300 compressions with no ventilations. This keeps the blood pressure up and blood circulating, and the action of pushing the chest generates more than enough air exchange.

The results? Something like 3x the survival rates.

The CPR you learn today probably isn’t there yet, but definitely emphasizes compressions more than mouth-to-mouth, which I suspect will be dropped completely for adults if the research holds. There’s more to it, but you get the idea.

All right, interesting enough, but what does this have to do with security?

I found myself instinctively clinging to my old concepts of the ‘right’ way to do CPR despite clear evidence to the contrary. I understand the research, and immediately adopted the changes, but something felt wrong to me. I have been certified in what are basically the same essential techniques for nearly 30 years. Part of me didn’t want to let go, and that wasn’t a feeling I expected. I later had the same reaction to changes in the treatment of certain closed head injuries, but that more due to specific cases where I used techniques now known to harm patients.

I am an evidence-based guy. I roll with the times and try not to cling to convention, but somewhere in me, especially as I get older, part of the brain reacts negatively to changing old habits. Fortunately, my higher-order functions know to tell that part to shut the hell up.

We have a tendency to imprint on whatever we first learn as ‘correct’. Perhaps it was the act of discovery, or forming those brain pathways. In security we see this all the time. I once had an IT director tell me he would rather allow Windows XP on his network over iPads, because “we know XP”. Wrong answer.

The rate of change in security exceeds that of nearly every other profession. Even developers can often cling to old languages and constructs, and that profession is probably the closest. I like to think of myself as an enlightened guy capable of assimilating the latest and greatest within the context of what’s known to work, and I still found myself clinging to a convention after it was scientifically proven wrong.

I don’t think any of us are in a position to blame others for “not getting it”. All of us are luddards – you just need to hunt for the right frame of reference. That is not an excuse, but it is life.

On to the Summary:

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  • Nada. Unless Google and Bing are both lying to me. Like I said, busy week.

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