I want to announce a couple webcasts I’ll be on this week regarding tokenization: one will focus on the grey areas of compliance with tokenization, and the other will offer buyers a list of key evaluation criteria.

The first will be Tuesday March 20th, Selecting a Tokenization Solution – a Tokenization Buyer’s Guide. This is the last of a three-part series, and I will focus on all the questions you need to ask vendors. As with most security technologies, there are plenty of little ‘gotchas’ to look out for, and pricing options that are not always apparent. There will be a ton of content – some covered in the research paper, some completely new.

On Thursday March 22nd, it will be What the Task Force Did Not Say, focusing on critical compliance issues which the PCI Council’s Tokenization Guidelines skirted. I will highlight key issues left dangling by the council, as well as specific areas merchants need to consider when using tokenization for PCI scope reduction. I will include advice on how to comply and address the most common questions I get from merchants considering tokenization.

And bring your questions – we’ll leave time for your specific inquires about the official Guidance or the white paper.
