Rich and I – with help from Chris Pepper – compiled the Understanding and Selecting a Database Security Platform series into a research paper, and provided it to a number of people for initial review. We got a lot of valuable feedback and observations back. Commenters felt several topics were under-served, they believe others were over-emphasized, and more we failed to mention. We’re not too proud to admit when we’re wrong, or when we failed to capture the essence of customer buying decisions, so we are happy to revisit these topics. We believe their feedback improves the paper quite a bit. In keeping with our Totally Transparent Research process we want all discussions that affect the paper out in the open, so we are posting those comments here for review. If you have additional comments, or responses to anything here, we encourage you to chime in.

This series took longer to produce than most of our other research papers, and some readers had trouble following along from beginning to end. For the sake of continuity I have listed all the blog posts:

  1. Understanding and Selecting a Database Security Platform: Introduction
  2. Defining DSP
  3. Core components and the evolution of DAM to DSP
  4. Event collection
  5. Technical architecture
  6. Core features
  7. Extended features
  8. Administration and management
  9. Use cases

And for reference, the original Understanding and Selecting a Database Activity Monitoring Solution research paper and the first DAM 2.0 posts offer additional insight. Once we have discussed all the comments and pulled all relevant feedback into the paper, we will release the final version.
