Nearly everyone in the United States (and probably elsewhere) is infected with the Epstein-Barr virus at some point in their life. Most people will never develop symptoms, although a few end up with mono. Even without symptoms you carry this invasive genetic material for life. There’s no cure, and EBV causes some people to develop cancers and possibly Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and other problems. Those later diseases are likely caused by some other precipitating even or infection that “triggers” a reaction with EBV. Look, I have most of a molecular biology degree and I’m a paramedic and I won’t pretend to fully understand it all. The tl;dr is EBV is genetic material floating around your body for life and at some point it activates or interacts with something else and causes badness. (Me write good! Use words!)
As I’ve been reading about the XZ Initiative (I’m using initiative deliberately due to the planning and premeditation) the same week that the CISA CSRB released their scathing report on Microsoft, it’s damn clear that our software supply chain issues are as deep as the emptiness of my cat’s soul. (I mean I love him, and I’m excited he’s coming back from the hospital this afternoon, but I couldn’t come up with a more-amusing analogy).
If you aren’t up to date on all things XZ I suggest reading Matt Johansen’s rollup in his Vulnerable U newsletter.
Here’s how EBV and XZ relate, at least in my twisted mind.
XZ was clearly premeditated, well planned, sophisticated, and designed to slowly spread itself under the radar for many years before being triggered. There is absolutely no chance this approach hasn’t already been used by multiple threat actors. As much as I hate FUD and hyperbole, I am 100% confident that there is code in tools and services I use that has been similarly compromised. We didn’t miraculously catch the first ever attempt, because a Microsoft dev is anal-retentive about performance. XZ is the first such exploit which got caught. If I were a cybercriminal or government operative, I would already have several of these long-term attacks underway. You are welcome to believe our record is 1 for 1. I think it’s 1 catch of N attacks, and N scares me.
I also do not believe we can eliminate this threat vector. I don’t think the best SAST/SCA tools and a signed SBOM have any chance at making this go away. Ever.
That doesn’t mean we give up and lose hope — we just change our perspective and focus more on resilience to these attacks than pure prevention. I don’t have all the answers — not even close — but there are three aspects I think we should explore more.
First, let’s make it harder on threat actors. Let’s increase their costs. How? Well, aside from all the improved security scanning over the past few years, I like the idea Daniel Miessler recently mentioned in a conversation and noted in his newsletter: use AI to automatically perform open source intel (OSINT) on OSS contributors. Do they have a history outside that code repo? Any real human interactions? This will be far from perfect, but will likely increase the cost of attack to build a persona which looks sufficiently real.
We also have compromises in commercial software (hello Solar Winds). Vendors need to explore better internal code controls, sourcing, and human processes. E.g. require YubiKeys from all devs, side channel notifications and approvals of commits, and I suspect there are some new and innovative scanning approaches we can take as AI evolves (until it evolves past humanity and enslaves us all). E.g. “this may not be a known security defect, but it looks weird compared to this developer’s history, so maybe ping another future energy source human to review it”. I’m also a fan of making critical devs work on dedicated machines separate from the ones they use for email and web browsing, to reduce phishing/malware as a vector. No, I haven’t ever had anyplace I’ve worked approve that, but I *have* heard of some shops which pulled it off.
The final part is preparing for the next XZ that slips through and is eventually triggered. Early detection, rapid remediation, and all the other hard expensive things. SBOM/SCA/DevSecOps are key here: you MUST be able to figure out where you are using any particular software package, and be able to implement compensating defenses (e.g., firewalls) and patch quickly. This is NOT SIMPLE AT SCALE, but it’s your best bet as the downstream customer for these things.
None of what I suggested is easy. I think this is the next phase of the Assume Breach mindset. You can’t cure EBV. You can’t prevent all possible negative outcomes. But you can reduce some risks, detect others earlier, and react aggressively when those first cancer cells show up.