

Evolving to Security Decision Support: Visibility is Job #1

To demonstrate our mastery of the obvious, it’s not getting easier to detect attacks. Not that it was ever really easy, but at least you used to know what tactics adversaries used, and you had a general idea of where they would end up, because you knew where your important data was, and which (single) type of device normally accessed it: the PC. It’s hard to believe we now long for the days of early PCs and centralized data repositories. But that is not today’s world. You face professional adversaries (and possibly nation-states) who use agile methods to develop and test attacks. They have ways to obfuscate who they are and what they are trying to do, which further complicate detection. They prey on the ever-present gullible employees who click anything to gain a foothold in your environment. Further complicating matters is the inexorable march towards cloud services – which moves unstructured content to cloud storage, outsources back-office functions to a variety of service providers, and moves significant portions of the technology environment into the public cloud. And all these movements are accelerating – seemingly exponentially. There has always been a playbook for dealing with attackers when we knew what they were trying to do. Whether or not you were able to effectively execute on that playbook, the fundamentals were fairly well understood. But as we explained in our Future of Security series, the old ways don’t work any more, which puts practitioners behind the 8-ball. The rules have changed and old security architectures are rapidly becoming obsolete. For instance it’s increasingly difficult to insert inspection bottlenecks into your cloud environment without adversely impacting the efficiency of your technology stack. Moreover, sophisticated adversaries can use exploits which aren’t caught by traditional assessment and detection technologies – even if they don’t need such fancy tricks often. So you need a better way to assess your organization’s security posture, detect attacks, and determine applicable methods to work around and eventually remediate exposures in your environment. As much as the industry whinges about adversary innovation, the security industry has also made progress in improving your ability to assess and detect these attacks. We have written a lot about threat intelligence and security analytics over the past few years. Those are the cornerstone technologies for dealing with modern adversaries’ improved capabilities. But these technologies and capabilities cannot stand alone. Just pumping some threat intel into your SIEM won’t help you understand the context and relevance of the data you have. And performing advanced analytics on the firehose of security data you collect is not enough either, because you might be missing a totally new attack vector. What you need is a better way to assess your organizational security posture, determine when you are under attack, and figure out how to make the pain stop. This requires a combination of technology, process changes, and clear understanding of how your technology infrastructure is evolving toward the cloud. This is no longer just assessment or analytics – you need something bigger and better. It’s what we now call Security Decision Support (SDS). Snazzy, huh? In this blog series, “Evolving to Security Decision Support”, we will delve into these concepts to show how to gain both visibility and context, so you can understand what you have to do and why. Security Decision Support provides a way to prioritize the thousands of things you can do, enabling you to zero in on the few things you must. As with all Securosis’ research developed using our Totally Transparent methodology, we won’t mention specific vendors or products – instead we will focus on architecture and practically useful decision points. But we still need to pay the bills, so we’ll take a moment to thank Tenable, who has agreed to license the paper once it’s complete. Visibility in the Olden Days Securing pretty much anything starts with visibility. You can’t manage what you can’t see – and a zillion other overused adages all illustrate the same point. If you don’t know what’s on your network and where your critical data is, you don’t have much chance of protecting it. In the olden days – you know, way back in the early 2000s – visibility was fairly straightforward. First you had data on mainframes in the data center. Even when we started using LANs to connect everything, data still lived on a raised floor, or in a pretty simple email system. Early client/server systems started complicating things a bit, but everything was still on networks you controlled in data centers you had the keys to. You could scan your address space and figure out where everything was, and what vulnerabilities needed to be dealt with. That worked pretty well for a long time. There were scaling issues, and a need (desire) to scan higher in the technology stack, so we started seeing first stand-alone and then integrated application scanners. Once rogue devices started appearing on your network, it was no longer sufficient to scan your address space every couple weeks, so passive network monitoring allowed you to watch traffic and flag (and assess) unknown devices. Those were the good old days, when things were relatively simple. Okay – maybe not really simple, but you could size the problem. That is no longer the case. Visibility Challenged We use a pretty funny meme in many of our presentations. It shows a man from the 1870s, remembering blissfully the good old days when he knew where his data was. That image always gets a lot of laughs from audiences. But it’s brought on by pain, because everyone in the room knows it illustrates a very real problem. Nowadays you don’t really know where your data is, which seriously compromises your capability to determine the security posture of the systems with access to it. These challenges are a direct result of a number of key technology innovations: SaaS: Securosis talks about how SaaS is the New Back Office, and that has rather drastic ramifications for visibility. Many organizations deploy CASB just to figure out which SaaS services they are using, because it’s not like business folks ask permission to use a business-oriented

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Firestarter: Architecting Your Cloud with Accounts

We are taking over our own Firestarter and kicking off a new series of discussions on cloud security… from soup to nuts (whatever that means). Each week for the next few months we will cover, in order, how to build out your cloud security program. We are taking our assessment framework and converting it into a series of discussions talking about what we find and how to avoid issues. This week we start with architecting your account structures, after a brief discussion of the impact of the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities since they impact cloud (at least for now) more than your local computer. Watch or listen: Share:

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This Security Shit’s Hard and It Ain’t Gonna Get Any Easier

In case you couldn’t tell from the title, this line is your official EXPLICIT tag. We writers sometimes need the full spectrum of language to make a point. Yesterday Microsoft released a patch to roll back a patch that fixed the slightly-unpatchable Intel hardware bug because the patch causes reboots and potential data loss. Specifically, Intel’s Spectre 2 variant microcode patch is buggy. Just when we were getting a decent handle on endpoint security with well secured operating systems and six-figure-plus bug bounties, this shit happened. Plus, we probably can’t ever fully trust our silicone or operating systems in the first place. Information security is hard. Information security is wonderful. Working in security is magical… if you have the proper state of mind. I decided this year would be a good one for my mid-life crisis before I miss the boat and feel left out. The problem is that my life is actually pretty damn awesome, so I think I’m just screwing up my crisis pre-requisites. I like my wife, am already in pretty good physical shape, and don’t feel the need for a new car. Which appears to knock out pretty much all my options. The best I could come up with was to re-up my paramedic certification, expired for 20 years. After working at the paramedic level again during my deployment to Puerto Rico it felt like time to go through the process and become official again. One of my first steps was to take a week off infosec and attend a paramedic refresher class. A refresher class is an entirely different world than initial training. It’s a room full of experienced medics who are there to knock out the list of certifications they need to maintain every two years. Quite a few of the attendees in my class started working around the same time as me in the early 1990’s. Unlike me they stuck with it full-time and racked up 25 years or more of direct field experience. There are no illusions among experienced medics (or firefighters or cops). If you go in thinking you are there to save lives you are usually out of the job in less than five years. You can’t possibly survive mentally if you think you are there to save the world, because once you actually meet the world, you realize it doesn’t want saving. The best you can usually do is offer someone a little comfort on the worst day of their life, and, maybe, sometimes help someone breathe a little longer. You certainly aren’t going to change the string of bad life decisions that led you to their door. Bad diet, smoking, drugs, couch potatoitis, whatever. Not that everyone dials 911 as the result of seemingly irreversible decisions, but they do seem to take a disproportionate amount of our time. You either learn how to compartmentalize and survive, or process and survive, or you get another job. Even then it sometimes catches up to you and you eventually leave or kill yourself. Suicide is a very real occupational hazard. Then there are new illnesses, antibacterial resistance, new ways of damaging the human body (vaping, exploding phones, airbags, hoverboards), the latest drug crisis, the latest drug shortage, ad infinitum. On the other side we have new drugs, new monitoring tools, new procedures, and new science. For me this maps directly to the information security professional mindset. As long as there are human beings and computer chips we will never win. There will never be an end. We face an endless stream of challenges and opportunities. Some years things are better. Other years things are worse. The challenge for us as professionals is to decide the role we want to play and how we want to play it. There are EMS systems which still use proven bad techniques because someone in charge learned it, then decided they don’t want to change. Maybe due to sunk cost bias, maybe due to stubbornness. I know it was hard to learn that the technique I used to help the 14-year-old massive head injury patient 20+ years ago likely contributed to his permanent mental deficit. Not that I did anything wrong at the time, but because the science and our knowledge and understanding of the physiological mechanisms in play changed. I hurt that patient, while providing the best standard of care at the time. Our password policies made sense at the time, but now we need to move past encoding unmemorable 8-character passwords rotated every 90 days into standards, and update our standards to reflect the widespread adoption of MFA and the latest password hashing mechanisms. We don’t need to accept that there is literally no need for a DMZ in the cloud we just need to architect properly for the cloud. We need to accept that Meltdown, ,Spectre and whatever new hardware vulnerabilities appear are out of our control, but we still need to do our best to mitigate the risk. The bad medics aren’t the new medics or the old medics, but the medics who can’t accept that people don’t really change, and everything else does. Security is no different. In both professions the best leaders are those who continue to push themselves and adapt without burning out permanently. This is especially true for security today, as we face the biggest technology shifts in the history of our profession, while nation-states and extremely well-funded criminals keep raising the stakes. But there is one key difference between being a paramedic and being a security professional (beyond pay). As a paramedic I may help someone with pain during the worst 10 to 60 minutes of their life, then move on to the next call. As a security professional I can help millions, if not billions (hello Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Google Security), at a time. I find this especially rewarding and exciting, especially as we build new products we think can have major impacts at scale – but even if that doesn’t work, I know that

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Wrangling Backoffice Security in the Cloud Age: Part 2

This is the second part in a two-part series (later paper) on managing increased use and reliance on SaaS for traditional back-office applications. See Part 1. This will also be included in a webcast with Box on March 6, and you can register here. Where to Start Moving back office applications to the cloud is a classic frog-in-a-frying-pan scenario. Sure, a few organizations plan everything out ahead of time, but for most of the companies and agencies we work with, things tend to be far less controlled. Multiple business units run into the cloud on their own – especially since all you need for SaaS is a web browser and a credit card – and next thing you know, your cloud footprint is much bigger than you expected. This is a challenge for security teams, who are often tasked with fixing one cloud at a time as requests come in, without time or support to take a step back and build out a program to support the transition. We don’t recommend putting the brakes on and pissing everyone off, but we do recommend a first step of building a program, instead of just blocking and tackling. Here’s how to pull that off when things are already in motion. Build an “Embrace and Extend” Program The first step isn’t so much a “do this”, as it is “adopt this way of thinking”. It’s also probably our most important piece of advice for you. There are two ways to approach the problem of enforcing your security needs on an external platform. Either wedge in a standard stack of security controls across the board, or evaluate the cloud provider, embrace their security capabilities, extend them where you can, and wedge in controls where you can’t. The first option looks best on the surface because you gain the appearance of consistency, but the practical reality is that the only way to pull it off is to break some cloud functionality, and the advantages are mostly illusory anyway due to major underlying technical differences. We recommend a dual-path approach. Where possible build security controls and management you can extend to the cloud, while embracing your cloud platform’s security capabilities, but also have a wedge stack (usually a CASB in man-in-the-middle/proxy mode) available for providers which don’t offer effective security capabilities. SaaS is the Wild West of the cloud – it offers a mixture of amazing best-of-breed security, alongside providers whose negligence will set your hair on fire. Start by Updating Your Risk Assessment Process The next step is to use some rigor to choose which cloud providers you can support. Your objective is to select a supported SaaS platform for each major back office application category, minimizing the likelihood of employees trying to use unsanctioned and insecure providers. There is no need to rip apart your existing risk assessment process for new tools and technologies, but you do need to tune it with a few specifics to handle SaaS: Build a registry of sanctioned applications in major categories, such as file storage and collaboration, CRM, ERP, HR, communications, etc. Assessing applications can be tough, but usually involves: See if it supports our recommended Critical Security Capabilities for Cloud Providers. This list is a good starting point for components you need to integrate a cloud provider into your security program. Know your compliance requirements and check each provider’s compliance certifications. You might only approve some providers for specific types of data. Obtain the cloud provider’s security and compliance documentation. Many now post this information in the Cloud Security Alliance’s STAR Registry and use the standardized CSA Common Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ), so you can compare apples to apples. Review the provider’s security documentation and validate features and capabilities. If you use a CASB (Cloud Access and Security Broker), it may include internal risk ratings you can use to help with selection. Once you pick a provider, document which kinds of data it is approved for in your registry. Ideally you want only one major provider per application category, and new requests can be steered to your preferences. But be open to diverging business unit needs which might require a second provider in a category. Include fast and slow assessment paths, with the fast path for providers which won’t access any sensitive data (e.g., marketing without PII). You don’t want to slow the business down if you can avoid it, or you just might learn the limits of your control and popularity. Build a Federated Identity Management Program Few things push you toward full federated identity and single sign-on than the cloud. It’s pretty much the only way to operate. Although you can handle things with direct federation to your directory servers, we have seen that a commercial tool can be a big help here. We recommend building around a federated identity broker, and including three key pieces in your plan: For every cloud provider, have a non-federated administrative account. That way when your federated identity broker has an issue you can still get into the cloud. Don’t hide your entire back office behind a single appliance. Use a high-availability service (and push hard for real uptime numbers) or multiple on-premise appliances. You do not want to be the one answering the help desk when the entire organization loses access to every back-office, application because your broker borked an update. Require MFA at least for all administrative users, and ideally all users. When possible further enforce MFA by requiring it as an attribute for authentication to the cloud platform (the cloud can require an MFA attribute from the identity broker – this isn’t separate MFA). Create a SaaS Security Program Notice that we only get into the security meat in our third step. That’s because your security program will be crippled without starting from a good process for selecting providers and solid identity management to handle users. Technologies and options change constantly, and vary widely between SaaS providers and security toolsets, but we can build a program

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Wrangling Backoffice Security in the Cloud Age

Over a year ago we first published our series on Tidal Forces: The Trends Tearing Apart Security As We Know It. We called out three megatrends in technology with deep and lasting impact on security practice: Endpoints are different, often more secure, and frequently less open. If we look at the hardening of operating systems, exemplified by the less-open-but-more-secure model of Apple’s iOS, the cost of exploiting endpoints is trending much higher. At least it was before Meltdown and Spectre, but fortunately those are (admittedly major) blips, not a permanent direction. Software as a Service (SaaS) is the new back office. Organizations continue to push more and more of their supporting applications into SaaS – especially capabilities such as document management, CRM, and ERP which aren’t core to their mission. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the new data center. The growth of public IaaS has exceeded even our aggressive expectations. It’s the home of most new applications, and a large number of organizations are shifting existing application stacks to IaaS – even when it doesn’t make sense. The fundamental precept of the “Tidal Forces” concept is that these trends act like gravity wells. We are all pulled inexorably towards them, at a rate that increases as we get closer – until we are ripped apart because some parts of the organization move more quickly while others are left behind, but teams like infrastructure and security are must attempt to support both ends of the spectrum simultaneously. Since publication, nothing has dissuaded us from believing these trends will only continue to accelerate and increase internal pressures. This migration of the back office into an ever-growing menagerie of remote services has many practical security implications. It’s more than just losing physical control – different services have different capabilities, and they all demand new security management models, tools, and techniques. The more you try to force the lessons of the past into the future, the more painful the transition. It isn’t that we throw all our knowledge and skills away, but we need to translate them before we can provide security in the new environment. This short paper will highlight some of the top ways security operations are being affected, then offer recommendations for managing the problem over time. How the SaaS Transition Impacts Security Moving your most sensitive data to an outside provider quickly shatters the illusion that physical control matters any more. But the shift doesn’t absolve you of overall security accountability. The transition creates both advantages and challenges, with a wide range of variability depending on how you manage it. The biggest challenge with Software as a Service is the sheer range of capabilities across even similar-seeming providers. Some top-notch SaaS providers understand that major security incidents are existential threats to their business, so they invest heavily in security capabilities and features. Other companies are fast-moving startups which care more about customer acquisition than customer safety – but eventually they will learn, painfully. Aside from their inherent security, these services are all effectively remote applications, each with its own internal security models and capabilities which need to be managed. Risk assessment and platform knowledge are high priorities for security teams managing SaaS. It doesn’t help that these platforms are all inherently Internet accessible. Which mean your data can be too, if you fail to configure them properly. Nearly all the services default to secure options, but the news is filled with examples of… exceptions. Existing tools and techniques rarely apply directly or cleanly to the cloud. You don’t manage a firewall – instead you need to federate for identity management – and just about every traditional monitoring tool breaks. For example consider log management for monitoring and incident response. You generally only have access to the logs provided by your cloud platform, if any, and they are most likely in a custom format and are only accessible via API calls within the cloud provider’s user interface, or as data dumps. Planning on just sniffing ‘your’ traffic? Aside from having almost no context for it, ongoing adoption of TLS 1.3 forces you to drop to less secure encryption options (if they are even available) to capture traffic. Or you can engage in a man-in-the-middle attack against your own users, reducing security to improve monitoring. Last, and for some of you most important, is compliance. You are fully reliant on your SaaS provider’s compliance, and then need to ensure you configure and use everything correctly. With IaaS we can get around some of these restrictions, but with SaaS that usually isn’t an option. When a provider offers baseline compliance with a regulation or standard we call that compliance inheritance, but that only means their baseline is compliant – if you decide to make all your PII records publicly shareable… good luck with the auditors. Every new technology comes with tradeoffs. In the end our job as security practitioners is to decide whether any decision produces a net improvement or loss in risk, and how to best mitigate that risk to the level our organization desires. The cloud comes with tremendous potential security benefits – particularly outsourcing our applications and data to providers with far stronger incentive to keep it secure – but we need to select the right provider, determine the right configuration, and use the right security processes and tools to manage it all. Share:

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Container Security 2018: Logging and Monitoring

We close out this research paper with two key areas: Monitoring and Auditing. We want to draw attention to them because they are essential to security programs, but have received only sporadic coverage in security blogs and the press. When we go beyond network segregation and network policies for what we allow, the ability to detect misuse is extremely valuable, which is where monitoring and logging come in. Additionally, most Development and Security teams are not aware of the variety of monitoring options available, and we have seen a variety of misconceptions and outright fear of the volume of audit logs to capture, so we need to address these issues. Monitoring Every security control discussed so far can be classed as preventative security. These efforts remove vulnerabilities or make them hard to exploit. We address known attack vectors with well-understood responses such as patching, secure configuration, and encryption. But vulnerability scans can only take you so far. What about issues you are not expecting? What if a new attack variant gets by your security controls, or a trusted employee makes a mistake? This is where monitoring comes in: it is how you discover unexpected problems. Monitoring is critical to any security program – it’s how you learn what works, track what’s really happening in your environment, and detect what’s broken. Monitoring is just as important for container security, but container providers don’t offer it today. Monitoring tools work by first collecting events, then comparing them to security policies. Events include requests for hardware resources, IP-based communication, API requests to other services, and sharing information with other containers. Policy types vary widely. Deterministic policies address areas such as which users and groups can terminate resources, which containers are disallowed from making external HTTP requests, and which services a container is allowed to run. Dynamic (also called ‘behavioral’) policies address issues such as containers connecting to undocumented ports, using more memory than normal, or exceeding runtime thresholds. Combining deterministic white and black lists with dynamic behavior detection offers the best of both worlds, enabling you to detect both simple policy violations and unexpected variations from the ordinary. We strongly recommend you include monitoring container activity in your security program. A couple container security vendors offer monitoring tools. Popular evaluation criteria include: Deployment Model: How does the product collect events? What events and API calls can it collect for inspection? Typically these products use one of two models for deployment: either an agent embedded in the host OS, or a fully privileged container-based monitor running in the Docker environment. How difficult are collectors to deploy? Do host-based agents require a host reboot to deploy or update? You need to assess what types of events can be captured. Policy Management: You need to evaluate how easy it is to build new policies or modify existing ones. You will want a standard set of security policies from the vendor to speed deployment, but you will also stand up and manage your own policies, so ease of management is key to long-term happiness. Behavioral Analysis: What, if any, behavioral analysis capabilities are available? How flexible are they – what types of data are available for use in policy decisions? Behavioral analysis starts with system monitoring to determine ‘normal’ behavior. The pre-built criteria for detecting aberrations are often limited to a few sets of indicators, such as user ID or IP address, but more advanced tools offer a dozen or more choices. The more you have available – such as system calls, network ports, resource usage, image ID, and inbound and outbound connectivity – the more flexible your controls can be. Activity Blocking: Does the vendor offer blocking of requests or activity? Blocking policy violations helps ensure containers behave as intended. Care is required because such policies can disrupt new functionality, causing friction between Development and Security, but blocking is invaluable for maintaining Security’s control over what containers can do. Platform Support: You need to verify your monitoring tool supports your OS platforms (CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat, Windows, etc.) and orchestration tool (Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos, or ECS). Audit and Compliance What happened with the last build? Did we remove sshd from that container? Did we add the new security tests to Jenkins? Is the latest build in the repository? You may not know the answers off the top of your head, but you know where to get them: log files. Git, Jenkins, JFrog, Docker, and just about every development tool creates log files, which we use to figure out what happened – and all too often, what went wrong. There are people outside Development – namely Security and Compliance – with similar security-related questions about what is going on in the container environment, and whether security controls are functioning. Logs are how you get answers for these teams. Most of the earlier sections in this paper, covering areas such as build environments and runtime security, carry compliance requirements. These may be externally mandated like PCI-DSS or GLBA, or internal requirements from internal audit or security teams. Either way, auditors will want to see that security controls are in place and working. And no, they won’t just take your word for it – they will want audit reports for specific event types relevant to their audit. Similarly, if your company has a Security Operations Center, they will want all system and activity logs some time period to reconstruct events, and, investigate alerts, and/or determine whether a breach occurred. You really don’t want to get too deep into that stuff – just get them the data and let them worry about the details. CIS offers benchmarks and security checklists for container security, orchestration manager security, and most compliance initiatives. These are a good starting point for conducting basic security and compliance assessments of your container environment. In addition ‘vendors’ – both open source teams and cloud service providers – offer security deployment and architecture recommendations to help produce dependable environments. Finally, we see configuration checkers arriving in the

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Container Security 2018: Runtime Security Controls

After the focus on tools and processes in previous sections, we can now focus on containers in production systems. This includes which images are moved into production repositories, selecting and running containers, and the security of underlying host systems. Runtime Security The Control Plane: Our first order of business is ensuring the security of the control plane: tools for managing host operating systems, the scheduler, the container client, engine(s), the repository, and any additional deployment tools. As we advised for container build environment security, we recommend limiting access to specific administrative accounts: one with responsibility for operating and orchestrating containers, and another for system administration (including patching and configuration management). On-premise we recommend network and physical segregation, and for cloud and virtual systems we prefer logical segregation. The good news is that several third-party tools offer full identity and access management, LDAP/AD integration, and token-based SSO (i.e.: SAML) across systems. Resource Usage Analysis: Many readers are familiar with this for performance, but it can also offer insight into basic code security. Does the container allow port 22 (administration) access? Does the container try to update itself? What external systems and utilities does it depend upon? Any external resource usage is a potential attack point for attackers, so it’s good hygiene to limit ingress and egress points. To manage the scope of what containers can access, third-party tools can monitor runtime access to environment resources – both inside and outside the container. Usage analysis is basically automated review of resource requirements. This is useful in a number of ways – especially for firms moving from a monolithic architecture to microservices. Analysis can help developers understand which references they can remove from their code, and help operations narrow down roles and access privileges. Selecting the Right Image: We recommend establishing a trusted image repository and ensuring that your production environment can only pull containers from that trusted source. Ad hoc container management makes it entirely too easy for engineers to bypass security controls, so we recommend establishing trusted central repositories for production images. We also recommend scripting deployment to avoid manual intervention, and to ensure the latest certified container is always selected. This means checking application signatures in your scripts before putting containers into production, avoiding manual verification overhead or delay. Trusted repository and registry services can help by rejecting containers which are not properly signed. Fortunately many options are available, so pick one you like. Keep in mind that if you build many containers each day, a manual process will quickly break down. It is okay to have more than one image repository – if you are running across multiple cloud environments there are advantages to leveraging the native registry in each one. Immutable Images: Developers often leave shell access to container images so they can log into containers running in production. Their motivation is often debugging and on-the-fly code changes, both bad for consistency and security. Immutable containers – which do not allow ssh connections – prevent interactive real-time manipulation. They force developers to fix code in the development pipeline, and remove a principal attack path. Attackers routinely scan for ssh access to take over containers, and leverage them to attack underlying hosts and other containers. We strongly suggest use of immutable containers without ‘port 22’ access, and making sure that all container changes take place (with logging) in the build process, rather than in production. Input Validation: At startup containers accept parameters, configuration files, credentials, JSON, and scripts. In more aggressive scenarios ‘agile’ teams shove new code segments into containers as input variables, making existing containers behave in fun new ways. Validate that all input data is suitable and complies with policy, either manually or using a third-party security tool. You must ensure that each container receives the correct user and group IDs to map to the assigned view at the host layer. This can prevent someone from forcing a container to misbehave, or simply prevent dumb developer mistakes. Blast Radius: The cloud enables you to run different containers under different cloud user accounts, limiting the resources available to any given container. If an account or container set is compromised, the same cloud service restrictions which prevent tenants from interfering with each other will limit damage between your different accounts and projects. For more information see our reference material on limiting blast radius with user accounts. Container Group Segmentation: One of the principal benefits of container management systems is help scaling tasks across pools of shared servers. Each management platform offers a modular architecture, with scaling performed on node/minion/slave sub-groups, which in turn include a set of containers. Each node forms its own logical subnet, limiting network access between sets of containers. This segregation limits ‘blast radius’ by restricting which resources any container can access. It is up to application architects and security teams to leverage this construct to improve security. You can enforce this with network policies on the container manager service, or network security controls provided by your cloud vendor. Over and above this orchestration manager feature, third-party container security tools – whether running as an agent inside containers, or as part of underlying operation systems – can provide a type of logical network segmentation which further limits network connections between groups of containers. All together this offers fine-grained isolation of containers and container groups from each another. Platform Security Until recently, when someone talked about container security, they were really talking about how to secure the hypervisor and underlying operating system. So most articles and presentations on container security focuses on this single – admittedly important – facet. But we believe runtime security needs to encompass more than that, and we break the challenge into three areas: host OS hardening, isolation of namespaces, and segregation of workloads by trust level. Host OS/Kernel Hardening: Hardening is how we protect a host operating system from attacks and misuse. It typically starts with selection of a hardened variant of the operating system you will use. But while these versions

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Container Security 2018: Securing Container Contents

Testing the code and supplementary components which will execute within containers, and verifying that everything conforms to security and operational practices, is core to any container security effort. One of the major advances over the last year or so is the introduction of security features for the software supply chain, from container engine providers including Docker, Rocket, OpenShift and so on. We also see a number of third-party vendors helping to validate container content, both before and after deployment. Each solution focuses on slightly different threats to container construction – Docker, for example, offers tools to certify that a container has gone through your process without alteration, using digital signatures and container repositories. Third-party tools focus on security benefits outside what engine providers offer, such as examining libraries for known flaws. So while things like process controls, digital signing services to verify chain of custody, and creation of a bill of materials based on known trusted libraries are all important, you’ll need more than what is packaged with your base container management platform. You will want to consider third-party to help harden your container inputs, analyze resource usage, analyze static code, analyze library composition, and check for known malware signatures. In a nutshell, you need to look for risks which won’t be caught by your base platform. Container Validation and Security Testing Runtime User Credentials: We could go into great detail here about user IDs, namespace views, and resource allocation; but instead we’ll focus on the most important thing: don’t run container processes as root, because that would provide attackers too-easy access to the underlying kernel and a direct path to attack other containers and the Docker engine itself. We recommend using specific user ID mappings with restricted permissions for each class of container. We understand roles and permissions change over time, which requires ongoing work to keep kernel views up to date, but user segregation offers a failsafe to limit access to OS resources and virtualization features underlying the container engine. Security Unit Tests: Unit tests are a great way to run focused test cases against specific modules of code – typically created as your development teams find security and other bugs – without needing to build the entire product every time. They cover things such as XSS and SQLi testing of known attacks against test systems. As the body of tests grows over time it provides an expanding regression testbed to ensure that vulnerabilities do not creep back in. During our research we were surprised to learn that many teams run unit security tests from Jenkins. Even though most are moving to microservices, fully supported by containers, they find it easier to run these tests earlier in the cycle. We recommend unit tests somewhere in the build process to help validate the code in containers is secure. Code Analysis: A number of third-party products perform automated binary and white box testing, rejecting builds when critical issues are discovered. We also see several new tools available as plug-ins to common Integrated Development Environments (IDE), where code is checked for security issues prior to check-in. We recommend you implement some form of code scanning to verify the code you build into containers is secure. Many newer tools offer full RESTful API integration within the software delivery pipeline. These tests usually take a bit longer to run but still fit within a CI/CD deployment framework. Composition Analysis: Another useful security technique is to check libraries and supporting code against the CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) database to determine whether you are using vulnerable code. Docker and a number of third parties – including some open source distributions – provide tools for checking common libraries against the CVE database, and can be integrated into your build pipeline. Developers are not typically security experts, and new vulnerabilities are discovered in common tools weekly, so an independent checker to validate components of your container stack is both simple and essential. Hardening: Over and above making sure what you use is free of known vulnerabilities, there are other tricks for securing containers before deployment. This type of hardening is similar to OS hardening, which will we discuss in the next section; removal of libraries and unneeded packages reduces attack surface. There are several ways to check for unused items in a container, and you can then work with the development team to verify and remove unneeded items. Another hardening technique is to check for hard-coded passwords, keys, and other sensitive items in the container – these breadcrumbs makes things easy for developers, but help attackers even more. Some firms use manual scanning for this, while others leverage tools to automate it. Container Signing and Chain of Custody: How do you know where a container came from? Did it complete your build process? These techniques address “image to container drift”: addition of unwanted or unauthorized items. You want to ensure your entire process was followed, and that nowhere along the way did a well-intentioned developer subvert your process with untested code. You can accomplish this by creating a cryptographic digest of all image contents, and then track it though your container lifecycle to ensure that no unapproved images run in your environment. Digests and digital fingerprints help you detect code changes and identify where each container came from. Some conatiner management platfroms offer tools to digitially fingerprint code at each phase of the development process, alongside tools to validate the signature chain. But these capabilities are seldom used, and platforms such as Docker may only optionally produce signatures. While all code should be checked prior to being placed into a registry or container library, signing images and code modules happens during building. You will need to create specific keys for each phase of the build, sign code snippets on test completion but before code is sent on to the next step in the process, and (most important) keep these keys secured so attackers cannot create their own trusted code signatures. This offers some assurance that your

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The Future of Security Operations: Embracing the Machines

To state the obvious, traditional security operations is broken. Every organization faces more sophisticated attacks, the possibility of targeted adversaries, and far more complicated infrastructure; compounding the problem, we have fewer skilled resources to execute on security programs. Obviously it’s time to evolve security operations by leveraging technology to both accelerate human work and take care of rote, tedious tasks which don’t add value. So security orchestration and automation are terms you will hear pretty consistently from here on out. Some security practitioners resist the idea of automation, mostly because if done incorrectly the ramifications are severe and likely career-limiting. So we’ve advocated a slow and measured approach, starting with use cases that won’t crater the infrastructure if something goes awry. We discussed two of those in depth: enriching alerts and accelerating incident response, in our Regaining Balance post. The value of being able to respond to more alerts, better, is obvious. So we expect technologies focused on this (small) aspect of security operations to become pervasive over the next 2-3 years. But the real leverage lies not just in making post-attack functions work better. The question is: How can you improve your security posture and make your environment more resilient by orchestrating and automating security controls? That’s what this post will dig into. But first we need to set some rules of engagement for what automation of this sort looks like. And more importantly, how you can establish trust in what you are automating. Ultimately the Future of Security Operations hinges on this concept. Without trust, you are destined to remain in the same hamster wheel of security pain (h/t to Andy Jaquith). Attack, alert, respond, remediate, repeat. Obviously that hasn’t worked too well, or we wouldn’t continue having the same conversations year after year. The Need for Trustable Automation It’s always interesting to broach the topic of security automation with folks who have had negative experiences with early (typically network-centric) automation. They instantaneously break out in hives when discussing automatically reconfiguring anything. We get it. When there is downtime or another adverse situation, ops people get fired and can’t pay their mortgages. Predictably, survival instincts kick in, limiting use of automation. Thus our focus on Trustable Automation – which means you tread carefully, building trust in both your automated processes and the underlying decisions that trigger them. Iterate your way to broader use of automation with a simple phased approach. Human approval: The first step is to insert a decision point into the process where a human takes a look and ensures the proper functions will happen as a result of automation. This is basically putting a big red button in the middle of the process and giving an ops person the ability to perform a few checks and then hit it. It’s faster but not really fast, because it still involves waiting on a human. Accept that some processes are so critical they never get past human approval, because the organization just cannot risk a mistake. Automation with significant logging: The next step is to take the training wheels off and let functions happen automatically, while making sure to log pretty much everything and have humans keep close tabs on it. Think of this as taking the training wheels off, but staying within a few feet of the bike, just in case it tips over. Or running an application in Debug mode so you can see exactly what is happening. If something does happen which you don’t expect, you’ll be right there to figure out what didn’t work as expected and correct it. As you build trust in the process, we recommend you continue to scrutinize logs, even when things go perfectly. This helps you understand the frequency of changes, and which changes are made. Basically you are developing a baseline of your automated process, which you can use in the next phase. Automation with guardrails: Finally you reach the point where you don’t need to step through every process. The machines are doing their job. That said, you still don’t want things to go haywire. Now you leverage the baseline you developed using automation with logging. With these thresholds you can build guardrails to make sure nothing happens outside your tolerances. For example, if you are automatically adding entries to an egress IP blacklist to stop internal traffic going to known bad locations, and all of a sudden your traffic to your SaaS CRM system is due to be added to your blacklist due to a fault threat intel update, you can prevent that update and alert administrators to investigate the threat intel update. Obviously this requires a fundamental understanding of the processes being automated and an ability to distinguish between low-risk changes which should be made automatically from those which require human review. But that level of knowledge is what engenders trust, right? Once you have built some trust in your automated process, you still want a conceptual net to make sure you don’t go splat if something doesn’t work as intended. The second requirement for trustable automation is rollback. You need to be able to quickly and easily get back to a known good configuration. So when rolling out any kind of automation (whether via scripting or a platform), you’ll want to make sure you store state information, and have the capability to reverse any changes quickly and completely. And yes, this is something you’ll want to test extensively, both as you select an automation platform and once you start using it. The point is that as you design orchestration and automation functions, you have a lot of flexibility to get there at your own pace. Some folks have a high threshold for pain and jump in with both feet, understanding at some point they will likely need to clean up a mess. Others choose to tiptoe toward an automated future, adding use cases as they build comfort in the ability of their controls to work without human involvement. There is no right answer

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Container Security 2018: Build Pipeline Security

Most people fail to consider the build environment when thinking about container security, but it is critical. The build environment is traditionally the domain of developers, who don’t share much detail with outsiders (meaning security teams). But with Continuous Integration (CI) or full Continuous Deployment (CD), we’re shooting new code into production… potentially several times a day. An easy way for an attacker to hack an application is get into its development or build environment – usually far less secure than production – and alter code or add new code to containers. The risk is aggravated by DevOps rapidly breaking down barriers between groups, and operations and security teams given access so they can contribute to the process. Collaboration demands a more complex and distributed working environment, with more stakeholders. Better controls are needed to restrict who can alter the build environment and update code, and an audit process to validate who did what. It’s also prudent to keep in mind the reasons developers find containers so attractive, lest you try to adopt security controls which limit their usefulness. First, a container simplifies building and packaging application code – abstracting the app from its physical environment – so developers can worry about the application rather than its supporting systems. Second, the container model promotes lightweight services – breaking large applications down into small pieces, easing modification and scaling… especially in cloud and virtual environments. Finally, a very practical benefit is that container startup is nearly instant, allowing agile scaling up and down in response to demand. It is important to keep these feature in mind when considering security controls, because any control that reduces one of these core advantages is likely to be rejected or ignored. Build pipeline security breaks down into two basic areas. The first is application security: essentially testing your code and its container to ensure it conforms to security and operational practices. This includes tools such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, composition analysis, scanners built into the IDE, and tools which monitor runtime behavior. We will cover these topics in the next section. The second area of concern is the tools used to build and deploy applications – including source code control, build tools, the build controller, container registries, container management facilities, and runtime access control. At Securosis we often call this the “management plane”, as these interfaces – whether API or GUI – are used to set access policies, automate behaviors, and audit activity. Let’s dive into build tool security. Securing the Build The problem is conceptually simple, but there are many tools used for building software, and most have several plug-ins which alter how data flows, so environments can get complicated. You can call this Secure Software Delivery, Software Supply Chain Management, or Build Server Security – take your pick, because these terms are equivalent for our purpose. Our goal is to shed light on the tools and processes developers use to build application, so you can better gauge the threats, as well as security measures to secure these systems. Following is a list of recommendations for securing platforms in the build environment to ensure secure container construction. We include tools from Docker and others to automate and orchestrate source code, building, the Docker engine, and the repository. For each tool you select some combination of identity management, roles, platform segregation, secure storage of sensitive data, network encryption, and event logging. Source Code Control: Stash, Git, GitHub, and several variants are common. Source code control has a wide audience because it is now common for Security, Operations, and Quality Assurance to all contribute code, tests, and configuration data. Distributed access means all traffic should run over SSL or VPN connections. User roles and access levels are essential for controlling who can do what, but we recommend requiring token-based or certificate-based authentication, or two-factor authentication at a minimum, for all administrative access. This is good housekeeping whether you are using containers or not, but containers’ lack of transparency, coupled with automated processes pushing them into production, amplifies the need to protect the build. Build Tools and Controllers: The vast majority of development teams we speak with use build controllers like Bamboo and Jenkins, with these platforms becoming an essential part of their automated build processes. They provide many pre-, post-, and intra-build options, and can link to a myriad of other facilities. This is great for integration flexibility but can complicate security. We suggest full network segregation of the build controller system(s), and locking network connections to limit what can communicate with them. If you can deploy build servers as on-demand containers without administrative access to ensure standardization of the build environment and consistency of new containers. Limit access to the build controllers as tightly as possible, and leverage built-in features to restrict capabilities when developers need access. We also suggest locking down configuration and control data to prevent tampering with build controller behavior. Keep any sensitive data, including ssh keys, API access keys, database credentials, and the like in a secure database or data repository (such as a key manager, encrypted .dmg file, or vault) and pulling credentials on demand to ensure sensitive data never sits on-disk unprotected. Finally, enable the build controller’s built-in logging facilities or logging add-ons, and stream output to a secure location for auditing. Container Platform Security: Whether you use Docker or another tool to compose and run containers, your container manager is a powerful tool which controls what applications run. As with build controllers like Jenkins, you’ll want to limit access to specific container administrator accounts. Limit network access to only build controller systems. Make sure Docker client access is segregated between development, test, and production, to limit who and which services can launch containers in production. Container Registry Security: We need to discuss container registries, because developers and IT teams often make the same two mistakes. The first is to allow anyone to add containers to the registry, regardless of whether they have been vetted. In such an

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