

Friday Summary: March 23, 2012

This should not matter: The Square Register. But it does. What do I mean by that? Check out the picture: There’s something catchy and slick about the set-up of an iPad cash register and the simple Square device. It looks like something Apple would produce. It seems right at home with – almost a natural extension of – the iPad. I run into small shop owners and independent business people who are using Square everywhere. It’s at Target, right next to the Apple products, and the salesperson said they have been flying off the shelves. People say “Wow, that’s cool.” And that’s how Square is going to win this part of the burgeoning personal payment space. The new competitor, PayPal’s Here, is marketing the superiority of their device, better service, and lower costs. Much of that ‘superiority’ is in the device’s security features – such as encrypting data inside the device – which early Square devices currently deployed do not. That’s a significant security advantage. But it won’t matter – next to its competitor, ‘Here’ looks about as modern and relevant as a Zip drive. Being in the field of security, and having designed mobile payment systems and digital wallets in the past, I care a great deal about the security of these systems. So I hate to admit that marketing the security of Here is doomed to fail. Simplicity, approachability, and ease of use are more important to winning the customers Square and PayPal are targeting. The tiny cost savings offered by Paypal do not matter to small merchants, and they’re not great enough to make a difference to many mid-sized merchants. A fast, friendly shopping experience is. I’m sure Paypal’s position in the market will help a lot to drag along sales, but they need to focus more on experience and less on technical features if they want to win in this space. While I’m sharing my stream of consciousness, there’s something else I want to share with readers that’s not security related. As someone who writes for a living these days, I appreciate good writers more than ever. Not just skilled use of English, but styles of presentation and the ability to blend facts, quality analysis, and humor. When I ran across Bill Simmons’ post on How to Annoy Fans in 60 Easy Steps on the Grantland web site I was riveted to the story. I confess to being one of the long-suffering fans he discusses – in fact it was the Run TMC Warriors teams, circa 1992, that started my interest in sports. But even if you’re not a Warriors fan, this is a great read for anyone who likes basketball. If you’re a statistician you understand what a special kind of FAIL it is when you consistently snatch defeat from the jaws of victory – for 35 years. It’s a great piece – like a narration of a train wreck in slow motion – and highly recommended. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich quoted on the 2012 DBIR report. Rich quoted in IT Security News. Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Incite 3/21/2012: Wheel Refresh. I’ve been there. Twice. My wife was so frustrated with my waffling that she bought me a car. Mike Rothman: Last week’s Friday Summary. Rich shows he’s human, and not just a Tweetbot automaton. Kidding aside, anyone with kids will understand exactly where Rich is coming from. Rich: Watching the Watchers: The Privileged User Lifecycle. Mike’s new series is on Privileged User Management – which is becoming a major issue with the increasing complexity of our environments. Not that it wasn’t a big issue before. Other Securosis Posts How to Read and Act on the 2012 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). Understanding and Selecting DSP: Technical Architecture. iOS Data Security: Protecting Data on Unmanaged Devices. iOS Data Security: Secure File Apps for Unmanaged Devices. Talkin’ Tokenization. Favorite Outside Posts Dave Lewis: Too many passwords? Just one does the trick. Adrian Lane: The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say). There is so much interesting stuff in this article that I don’t know where to start. Great read. Mike Rothman: Give it five minutes. This is great advice from 37Signals’ Jason Fried. People rarely remember you because of how smart you are. But they definitely remember you if you are an know-it-all, and not in a good way. Rich: Verizon DBIR 2012: Automated large-scale attacks taking down SMBs. Mike Mimoso’s article on the DBIR. He provides a little more context, and the report is a must-read. Project Quant Posts Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Monitor for Reinfection. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Remediate. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Find Infected Devices. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Define Rules and Search Queries. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–The Malware Profile. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Dynamic Analysis. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Static Analysis. Research Reports and Presentations Network-Based Malware Detection: Filling the Gaps of AV. Tokenization Guidance Analysis: Jan 2012. Applied Network Security Analysis: Moving from Data to Information. Tokenization Guidance. Security Management 2.0: Time to Replace Your SIEM? Fact-Based Network Security: Metrics and the Pursuit of Prioritization. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Top News and Posts Google Hands Out $4500 in Rewards for Chrome 17.0.963.83. Adam’s analysis of 1Password findings in Secure Password Managers report. Report: Hacktivists Out-Stole Cybercriminals in 2011. Three times during my career I have heard “20XX was the year of the breach.” And for 2011 that again looks like a legitimate statement. Bredolab Botmaster ‘Birdie’ Still at Large via Krebs. Microsoft Donates Software To Protect Exploited Children. NSA Chief Denies Domestic Spying But Whistleblowers Say Otherwise. Confirm nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations. When you see this from a government, you know you hit the nail on the head. BBC attacked by Iran? Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to Ryan, in response to iOS Data Security: Secure File Apps for Unmanaged Devices. Great post, Rich. Another thing to note about mobile EDRM is that the better solutions will allow you to

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Watching the Watchers: The Privileged User Lifecycle

As we described in the Introduction to this series, organizations can’t afford ignore the issue of privileged users (P-Users) any more. A compromised P-user (PUPwned) can cause all sorts of damage, and so needs to be actively managed. In the last post we presented the business drivers and threats – now let’s talk about solutions. As most analysts favor some kind of model to describe something, we’ll call ours the Privileged User Lifecycle. In this post we will describe each aspect of the lifecycle at a high level. But before the colorful lifecycle diagram, let’s scope the effort. Our lifecycle starts when the privileged user receives escalated privileges, and ends when they are no longer privileged or leave the organization, whichever comes first. So here is the whole lifecycle: Provisioning Entitlements The Privileged User Management lifecycle starts when you determine someone gets escalated privileges. That means you need both control and an audit trail for granting these entitlements. Identity Management is a science all by itself, so this series won’t tackle it in any depth – we will just point out the connections between (de-)provisioning escalated privileges, and the beginning and end of the lifecycle. And keep in mind that these privileged users have the keys to the kingdom, so you need tight controls over their provisioning process, including separation of duties and a defined workflow which includes adequate authorization. Identity management is repository-centric, so any controls you implement throughout the lifecycle need native integration with the user repository. It doesn’t work well to store user credentials multiple times in multiple places. Another aspect of this provisioning process involves defining the roles and entitlements for each administrator, or more likely for groups of administrators. We favor a default deny model, which basically denies any management capabilities to administrators, assigns capabilities by an explicit authorization to manage device(s), and defines what they can do on each specific device. Although the technology to enforce entitlements can be complicated (we will get to that later in this series), defining the roles and assigning administrators to the proper groups can be even more challenging. This typically involves gaining a significant consensus among the operations team (which is always fun), but is on the critical path for P-User management. Now we get to the fun stuff: actively managing what specific administrators can do. In order to gain administrative rights to a device, an attacker (or rogue administrator) needs access, entitlements, and credentials. So the next aspects of our lifecycle address these issues. Restrict Access Let’s first tackle restricting access to devices. The key is to allow administrators access only to devices they are entitled to manage. Any other device should be blocked to that specific P-User. That’s what default deny means in this context. This is one of the oldest network defense tactics: segmentation. If a P-User can’t logically get to a device, they can’t manage it nefariously. There are quite a few ways to isolate devices, both physically and logically, including proxy gateways and device-based agents. We will discuss a number of these tactics later in the series. When restricting access, you also need to factor in authentication, as logging into a proxy gateway and/or managing particularly sensitive devices should require multiple factors. Obviously integrating private and public cloud instances into the P-User mangement environment requires different tactics, as you don’t necessarily have physical access to the network to govern access. But the attractiveness of the cloud mean you cannot simply avoid it. We will also delve into tactics to restrict access to cloud-specific and hybrid environments later. Protect Credentials Once a P-User has network access to a device, they still need credentials to manage it. Thus administrator credentials need appropriate protection. The next step in the lifecycle typically involves setting up a password vault to store administrator credentials and provide a system for one-time use. There are a number of architectural decisions involved in vaulting administrator passwords that impact the other controls in place: restricting access and enforcing entitlements. Enforce Entitlements If an administrator has access and the credentials, the final aspect of controls involve determining what they can do. Many organizations opt for a carte blanche policy, providing root access and allowing P-Users to do whatever they want. Others take a finer-grained approach, defining the specific commands the P-User can perform on any class of device. For instance, you may allow the administrator to update the device or load software, but not delete a logical volume or load an application. As we mentioned above, the granularity enforced here depends on the granularity you use to provision the entitlements. Technically, this approach requires some kind of agent capability on the managed device, or running sessions through a proxy gateway which can intercept and block commands as necessary. We will discuss architectures later in the series when we dig into this control. Privileged User Monitoring Finally, keep a close eye on what all the P-Users do when they access devices. That’s why we call this series “Watching the Watchers”, as the lifecycle doesn’t end after implementing the controls. Privileged User Monitoring can mean a number of different things, from collecting detailed audit logs on every transaction to actually capturing video of each session. There are multiple benefits to detailed monitoring, including forensics and compliance. We should also mention the deterrent benefits of privileged user monitoring. Human nature dictates that people are more diligent when they know someone is watching. So Rich can be happy that human nature hasn’t changed. Yet. When administrators know they are being watched they are more likely to behave properly – not just from a security standpoint but also from an operational standpoint. No Panacea Of course this privileged user lifecycle is not a panacea. A determined attacker will find a path to compromise your systems, regardless of how tightly you manage privileged users. No control is foolproof, and there are ways to gain access to protected devices, and to defeat password vaults. So we will examine the weaknesses in each of these tactics later in this series. As with

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How to Read and Act on the 2012 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR)

Verizon just published their excellent 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report, and as usual, it’s full of statistical goodness. (We will link to it once it’s formally released – we are writing this based on our preview copy). As we did last year, we will focus on how to read the DBIR, what it teaches us, and how should it change what you do – we’ll leave the headline fodder for others to rehash. If you happen to check back to our old post you might notice a bit of cut and paste, because once we reach the advice section, many things are unchanged since last year. I also decided to stick with the structure I used last year because it got a lot of positive feedback. How to read the DBIR Before jumping into the trends, there are five key points to keep in mind while reading the report (which covers 855 incidents): This is a breach report, not a generic cybercrime or attack report. The DBIR only includes data from incidents where data was stolen. If no data was exfiltrated it doesn’t count and was not included. All those LOIC attacks DDoSing your servers aren’t in here. Definitions matter. Throughout the DBIR the authors try to be extremely clear on how they define aspects of the data they analyze, such as direct vs. participatory factors. These are really important to understand. Know where the data comes from. The 2012 report includes data from 855 incidents investigated by Verizon, the US Secret Service, the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit, the Australian Federal Police, the Irish Reporting & Information Security Service, and the Police Central e-Crime Unit of the London Metropolitan Police. In some places only Verizon data is used (and the authors are clear when they do this). There is definitely some sample bias, but that doesn’t reduce the value of this report in any way. For example, if we correlate these findings with the Mandiant M-Trends report (registration, unfortunately, required) we see consistency in trends. This is despite the differences in client base, focus, and investigative techniques. Verizon finally broke out large vs. small organizations. This was always my biggest wish, and for many of the numbers we can compare between organizations of more than 1,000 employees and smaller ones. (I actually consider 1,000 to be mid-sized, but it’s still a useful demarcation). And now for my subjective interpretation of the top trends in the report: The industrialization of attacks continues: The majority of breaches targeted smaller organizations, used automated tools, and targeted credit cards. This doesn’t mean these were the most harmful breaches, but they certainly constituted the greatest volume. Hactivism and mega breaches are back, and target larger organizations: Of the 174 million records lost, 100 million were the result of hactivism against large organizations. This was only 21% of breaches against large organizations, but accounted for 61% of records lost. Larger organizations may be better at security, but still get breached: A variety of statistics through the report seem to show that large organizations are less prone to compromise by industrialized, automated attacks… but they are also more likely to be targeted by serious attackers. Remote services are the biggest vector for small organizations, and web applications for large ones: This is on page 32, and should set off alarm bells. Malware is everywhere: 61% of incidents involved malware + hacking, 69% of incidents included malware alone, but that accounted for 95% of lost records. Here are some additional highlights and areas to pay special attention to, in no particular order: Ignore the massive increase in records lost. This is really hard to accurately quantify, and a few outliers always have a big impact. Besides, knowing how many records were lost doesn’t help you defend yourself in any way! Focus on the attack and defense trends, not the incident sizes. Besides, if anything, this trend is a regression to the mean (see page 45). Ignore the fact that 96% of breached organizations weren’t PCI compliant. Most of those were level 4 merchants. This shows a change in targets, not necessarily a change in the value (or lack thereof) of PCI. Outsourcers are a major contributing factor, especially for smaller organizations. There are endless low-end IT services companies, and very few of them appear to follow good security practices, even when PCI compliance is involved. Small businesses don’t run their own payment systems, and these are still being heavily compromised via poorly secured remote access software. I’m sure pcAnywhere being totally pwned had nothing to do with this 🙂 Page 25 provides a good sense of how large organizations face a more diverse range of attacks. This is likely due to both being more targeted, and having better perimeter defenses against automated attacks. It’s hard to have an unsecured remote access server facing the Internet when you are required to get quarterly vulnerability scans (even cheap ones). Attackers always use the minimum effort necessary! If they don’t need to take a lot of time and burn an 0day, why bother? They don’t become bad guys because of a strong work ethic. So the breach statistics naturally skew towards simpler attack techniques. This is particularly important because big data sets like this don’t necessarily reflect either the defenses or attack techniques in sophisticated situations. Larger organizations are better at managing default passwords, but experience higher levels of phishing and credential compromises. This, again, makes a lot of sense. Smaller companies, especially those relying on service providers, are less likely to look for or have processes in place to manage default credentials. Since larger organizations tend to knock off this low-hanging fruit, the bad guys move up a level and focus on attacking the larger employee population to compromise credentials. Small organizations are more likely to be the direct victims of phone-based social engineering (page 33). I have personally received some of these calls and can see how someone could fall for it. Servers are compromised more often than endpoints (user devices), and when endpoints are compromised it’s to jump off and attack servers. Take a look

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Understanding and Selecting DSP: Technical Architecture

One of the key strengths of DSP is its ability to scan and monitor multiple databases running on multiple database management systems (DBMSs) across multiple platforms (Windows, Unix, etc.). The DSP tool aggregates information from multiple collectors to a secure central server. In some cases the central server/management console also collects information while in other cases it serves merely as a repository for data from collectors. This creates three options for deployment, depending on organizational requirements: Single Server/Appliance: A single server, appliance, or software agent serves as both the sensor/collection point and management console. This mode is typically used for smaller deployments. Two-tier Architecture: This option consists of a central management server and remote collection points/sensors. The central server does no direct monitoring, but aggregates information from remote systems, manages policies, and generates alerts. It may also perform assessment functions directly. The remote collectors may use any of the collection techniques. Hierarchical Architecture: Collection points/sensors/scanners aggregate to business-level or geographically distributed management servers, which in turn report to an enterprise management server. Hierarchical deployments are best suited for large enterprises, which may have different business unit or geographic needs. They can also be configured to only pass certain kinds of data between the tiers to manage large volumes of information or maintain unit/geographic privacy, and to satisfy policy requirements. This can be confusing because each server or appliance can manage multiple assessment scanners, network collectors, or agent-based collectors may also perform some monitoring directly. But a typical deployment includes a central management server (or cluster) handling all the management functions, with collectors spread out to handle activity monitoring on the databases. Blocking architecture options There are two different ways to block queries, depending on your deployment architecture and choice of collection agents. Agent-based Blocking: The software agent is able to directly block queries – the actual technique varies with the vendor’s agent implementation. Agents may block inbound queries, returned results, or both. Proxy-based Blocking: Instead of connecting directly to the database, all connections are to a local or network-based proxy (which can be a separate server/appliance or local software). The proxy analyzes queries before passing them to the database, and can block by policy. We will go into more detail on blocking later in this series, but the important point is that if you want to block, you need to either deploy some sort of software agent or proxy the database connection. Next we will recap the core features of DAM and show the subtle additions to DSP. Share:

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Incite 3/21/2012: Wheel Refresh

It seems like a lifetime ago. June of 1999. Actually it was more than XX1’s lifetime ago. The Boss and I still lived in Northern Virginia. I was close to the top of the world. I started a software company, we raised a bunch of VC money, and the Internet Revolution was booming. The lease on my crappy 1996 Pathfinder was up, and I wanted some spiffy new wheels. Given my unadulterated arrogance at that time in my life, I’m surprised I didn’t go buy a 911, since that’s always been my dream car. But in a fit of logic, I figured there was plenty of time for fancy cars and planes once we took the company public. But I did want something a bit sportier than a truck, so I bought a 1999 Acura TL. It had 225 horses, lots of leather, and cool rims. In fact, I still feel pretty good about it almost 13 years later. I’m still driving my trusty TL. Well, I guess the term driving is relative. I drive about 7,500 miles a year. Maybe. With three kids, we don’t take trips in the TL any more, so basically I use it to go to/from Starbucks and the airport. At almost 100,000 miles, it’s starting to show its age. It’s all dented up from some scrapes with my garage (thanks Grandma!) and countless nights spent in an airport parking lot. But I can’t complain – it’s been a great car. But the TL is at the end of the road and my spidey sense is tingling. That model is notorious for transmission failures. So far I’ve been lucky, but I fear my luck is about to run out. The car just doesn’t feel right, which means it’s probably time for a pre-emptive strike to refresh my wheels. What to buy? I’m not a car guy, but my super-ego (the proverbial devil on my shoulder) looks longingly at a 911 Carrera Convertible. That’s sweet. Or maybe a BMW or Lexus gunship. A man of my stature, at least in my own mind, deserves some hot wheels like that. Then my practical side kicks in (the angel on my other shoulder) and notes that I frequently need to put the 3 kids in the car, and the kids aren’t getting smaller. No SmartCar for me. I also want something that gets decent gas mileage, since it’s clear that gas prices aren’t coming down anytime soon. But it’s so boring and lame to be practical, says the Devil on my shoulder. We know how that ended up for Pinto in Animal House, but what will happen with me? I can’t really pull off the sports car right now, so maybe I should get an ass kicking truck. One of those huge trucks with the Yosemite Sam mud flaps and a gun rack. It will come in handy when I need to cart all that mulch from Home Depot back to my house. Oh right, I don’t cart mulch. My landscaper does that. Again, the practical side kicks in – reminding me that folks needing to make obvious statements about their a badassitude usually have major self-esteem problems. What happened to me? Years ago, this decision would have been easy. I’d get the sports car or the truck and not think twice. Until I got my gas bill or had to tie one of the kids to the roof to get anywhere. But that’s not the way I’m going. I’m (in all likelihood) going to get a Prius V. Really. A hybrid station wagon, and I’ll probably get the wood paneling stickers, just to make the full transformation into Clark Griswold. Though if I tied Grandma to the roof, I wouldn’t be too popular in my house. Even better, the Prius will make a great starter car when XX1 starts to drive 4-5 years from now. That will work out great, as by then it’ll be time for my mid-life crisis and the 911 convertible… -Mike Photo credits: “porsche 911 hot wheels” originally uploaded by Guillermo Vasquez Heavy Research We’re back at work on a variety of blog series. Here is the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can access all our content in its unabridged glory. Defending iOS Data Introduction iOS Security and Data Protection Data Flow on iOS Protecting Data on Unmanaged Devices Secure File Apps for Unmanaged Devices Watching the Watchers (Privileged User Management) Access to the Keys (to the Kingdom) Understanding and Selecting DSP Data and Event Collection Incite 4 U Assuming the worst is not new: It’s pretty funny that our pals at Dark Reading are now talking about Security’s New Reality: Assuming the Worst – meaning you need to assume compromise and act accordingly. Duh. Gosh, I’ve been talking about Reacting Faster since early 2007 (I actually checked and the term first appeared on Security Incite in December of 2006. Praise the Google.), and it’s not like I have been the only one, but it is pretty cool to see everyone else jumping on the you’re screwed bandwagon. I was talking to a freelance writer Monday, and she asked what kind of skills I thought people getting into security need to work on, and I said forensics. Obviously there are a lot of fundamentals that need to be in place to understand how to figure out something is wrong, but it’s clear that capable incident responders will be in high demand for a long time. And even incapable incident responders will be busy, as companies in the middle of coping with breaches can’t afford to be too picky. – MR Password Manager Kinda-fail: Elcomsoft conducted a security review of 17 different personal password managers, examining their encryption and key management. The full report (PDF) contains most of the interesting information. The problem is that the report is not very well written. The attacks they discuss all depend on having physical access to the device, or being able to gain access to the device backups – a power-station hack on

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iOS Data Security: Secure File Apps for Unmanaged Devices

To finish our discussion of securing data on unmanaged devices, let’s focus on three categories of apps designed for secure file access: Sandboxed file browsers and mobile file gateways While messaging apps generally do a good job of handling email, they don’t necessarily link into file servers or integrate into enterprise encryption. Secure file management apps skip messaging and focus on access to enterprise file repositories. They support the following core features: Use of either iOS Data Protection or their own embedded encryption. A secure connection to the file repository (which may require a VPN for remote access to internal sources). Support for the iOS document viewer to view supported document types (iWork, Microsoft Office, PDF, etc.). Authentication and authorization to enable or restrict access on a per-user, per-device basis. Ability to restrict or allow “Open In…” to control file movement to other apps. There are a few different flavors. Most require server components or plugins to repositories like Microsoft SharePoint. If the tool doesn’t isolate documents by restricting the “Open In…” feature, it is not suitable for enterprise use. Sandboxed file browser: These allow connections to enterprise file shares using standard connections and store the downloaded documents in an encrypted container. Most use Data Protection rather than to their own encryption scheme. They are usually read-only, although some support annotation of PDF files. Sandboxed cloud file browser: Instead of relying on direct network connections to enterprise file stores, these apps access cloud storage repositories and are specific to their cloud service. Mobile file management gateway: This is a more refined extension of the sandboxed file browser. Rather than allowing access directly to file repositories, mobile devices connect to the gateway using a sandboxed app and are then given access to files through the gateway. These support more granular policies, monitoring, and directory integration. They often also support multiple mobile platforms (yes, there is a world outside Apple). Document management system extensions: These are similar to a mobile file management gateway, but instead of a separate server they run as plugins to an existing document management system. Users connect directly to the document management system (such as SharePoint) via the extension/plugin, which might be centrally managed. Some of these tools support commenting and annotating files (usually restricted to PDFs) but we know expanded document editing is on the roadmap. Sandboxed mobile file encryption apps Mobile computing is one of the big drivers of cloud computing, and cloud storage is, in turn, expanding use of encryption. Encryption apps extend on the sandboxed file browser by integrating with enterprise encryption. They expand on the file browser by: Maintaining file and document isolation in the sandbox. Transparently decrypting files accessed by the app (when integrated into an enterprise encryption scheme and key management server). Accepting files from other apps via “Open In…” and keeping them encrypted in private storage, then enabling protected access to such files. Support for connections to common cloud storage platforms such as and Dropbox. The big division in this category is between apps designed to open files passed to them by other applications, such as encrypted mail attachments, versus those that integrate directly into cloud storage or other file browsers. Some tools also support decryption of password protected files versus those managed using centralized enterprise keys. When integrated with enterprise key management, the entire process of accessing encrypted files on iOS is completely transparent to the user. They go into the app, which connects to the file store, and files are stored within the app’s secure data store and decrypted as needed. The documents can then be restricted so they are only usable within the app, as with our other sandboxing examples. Some apps also support encryption of files from other apps. This actually provides more protection than normal desktop encryption because it’s far easier to isolate documents and keep them within the app. Mobile Enterprise Digital Rights Management The next option for handling files securely on unmanaged devices expands on encryption into Digital Rights Management. EDRM provides more granular controls that travel with the documents, getting closer to information-centric security. The easiest way to distinguish between an encryption app and EDRM on iOS is: An encrypted document opened in a sandbox may be isolated in that app, but isn’t generally protected when accessed on other systems which also have access (such as a laptop or desktop). Protection is binary, like a lockbox – controlling only who can access the file. We rely on the sandbox app for additional controls, such as restricting movement into other apps – usually on an all-or-nothing basis). An EDRM protected document stays encrypted, but can only be opened by applications that respect the more granular controls applied to the file (including compatible mobile apps). This allows a wide range of control – including who can open the file, who can edit it, who can forward it via email, which devices can access it, and even time limits for access. Encryption is for trusted users and environments, while EDRM also supports untrusted environments. In the mobile space EDRM is better for protecting files you want to share externally and still protect – while encryption is generally only suitable for internal use, or securely transmitting documents, but unable to restrict what they can do once they have it. EDRM is very oriented towards office documents, while encryption is better for arbitrary files. Mobile EDRM requires a server or service to manage the keys. The rights themselves are embedded in the documents. There are a variety of potential deployment models, including: Mobile file gateway File server/SharePoint integration Email client integration Email server integration Microsoft Office integration To simplify this a bit: documents can either be manually protected when you create them in Office or email them, when you upload them to an EDRM-enabled file gateway/storage platform, or automatically when you save them into a protected directory or email them to a certain destination. The documents can only be read using the vendor’s proprietary solution (app), which enforces all the

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iOS Data Security: Protecting Data on Unmanaged Devices

There are a whole spectrum of options available for securing enterprise data on iOS, depending on how much you want to manage the device and the data. ‘Spectrum’ isn’t quite the right word, though, because these options aren’t on a linear continuum – instead they fall into three major buckets: Options for unmanaged devices Options for partially managed devices Options for fully managed devices Here’s how we define these categories: Unmanaged devices are fully in the control of the end user. No enterprise polices are enforced, and the user can install anything and otherwise use the device as they please. Partially managed devices use a configuration profile or Exchange ActiveSync policies to manage certain settings, but the user is otherwise still in control of the device. The device is the user’s, but they agreed to some level of corporate management. They can install arbitrary applications and change most settings. Typical policies require them to use a strong passcode and enable remote wipe by the enterprise. They may also need to use an on-demand VPN for at least some network traffic (e.g., to the enterprise mail server and intranet web services), but the user’s other traffic goes unmonitored through whatever network connection they are currently using. Fully managed devices also use a configuration profile, but are effectively enterprise-owned. The enterprise controls what apps can be installed, enforces an always-on VPN that the user can’t disable, and has the ability to monitor and manage all traffic to and from the device. Some options fall into multiple categories, so we will start with the least protected and work our way up the hierarchy. We will indicate which options carry forward and will work in the higher (tighter) buckets. Note: This series is focused exclusively on data security. We will not discuss mobile device management in general, or the myriad of other device management options! With that reminder, let’s start with a brief discussion of your data protection options for the first bucket: Unmanaged Devices Unmanaged devices are completely under the user’s control, and the enterprise is unable to enforce any device polices. This means no configuration profiles and no Exchange ActiveSync policies to enforce device settings such as passcode requirements. User managed security with written policies Under this model you don’t restrict data or devices in any way, but institute written policies requiring users to protect data on the devices themselves. It isn’t the most secure option, but we are nothing if not comprehensive. Basic policies should include the following: Require Passcode: After n minutes Simple Passcode: OFF Erase Data: ON Additionally we highly recommend you enable some form of remote wipe – either the free Find My iPhone, Exchange ActiveSync, or a third-party app. These settings enable data protection and offer the highest level of device security possible without additional tools, but they aren’t generally sufficient for an enterprise or anything other than the smallest businesses. We will discuss policies in more detail later, but make sure the user signs a mobile device policy saying they agree to these settings, then help them get the device configured. But, if you are reading this paper, this is not a good option for you. No access to enterprise data While it might seem obvious, your first choice is to completely exclude iOS devices. Depending on how your environment is set up, this might actually be difficult. There are a few key areas you need to check, to ensure an iOS device won’t slip through: Email server: if you support IMAP/POP or even Microsoft Exchange mailboxes, if the user knows the right server settings and you haven’t implemented any preventative controls, they will be able to access email from their iPhone or iPad. There are numerous ways to prevent this (too many to cover in this post), but as a rule of thumb if the device can access the server, and you don’t have per-device restrictions, there is usually nothing to prevent them from getting email on the iDevice. File servers: like email servers, if you allow the device to connect to the corporate network and have open file shares, the user can access the content. There are plenty of file access clients in the App Store capable of accessing most server types. If you rely on username and password protection (as opposed to network credentials) then the user can fetch content to their device. Remote access: iOS includes decent support for a variety of VPNs. Unless you use certificate or other device restrictions, and especially if your VPN is based on a standard like IPSec, there is nothing to prevent the end user from configuring the VPN on their device. Don’t assume users won’t figure out how to VPN in, even if you don’t provide direct support. To put this in perspective, in the Securosis environment we allow extensive use of iOS. We didn’t have to configure anything special to support iOS devices – we simply had to not configure anything to block them. Email access with server-side data loss prevention (DLP) With this option you allow users access to their enterprise email, but you enforce content-based restrictions using DLP to filter messages and attachments before they reach the devices. Most DLP tools filter at the mail gateway (MTA) – not at the mail server (e.g., Exchange). Unless your DLP tool offers explicit support for filtering based on content and device, you won’t be able to use this option. If your DLP tool is sufficiently flexible, though, you can use the DLP tool to prevent sensitive content from going to the device, while allowing normal communications. You can either build this off existing DLP policies or create completely new device-specific ones. Sandboxed messaging app / walled garden One of the more popular options today is to install a sandboxed app for messaging and file access, to isolate and control enterprise data. These apps do not use the iOS mail client, and handle all enterprise emails and attachments internally. They also typically manage calendars and contacts, and some include access to intranet web pages. The app may use iOS Data Protection, implement its own

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Talkin’ Tokenization

I want to announce a couple webcasts I’ll be on this week regarding tokenization: one will focus on the grey areas of compliance with tokenization, and the other will offer buyers a list of key evaluation criteria. The first will be Tuesday March 20th, Selecting a Tokenization Solution – a Tokenization Buyer’s Guide. This is the last of a three-part series, and I will focus on all the questions you need to ask vendors. As with most security technologies, there are plenty of little ‘gotchas’ to look out for, and pricing options that are not always apparent. There will be a ton of content – some covered in the research paper, some completely new. On Thursday March 22nd, it will be What the Task Force Did Not Say, focusing on critical compliance issues which the PCI Council’s Tokenization Guidelines skirted. I will highlight key issues left dangling by the council, as well as specific areas merchants need to consider when using tokenization for PCI scope reduction. I will include advice on how to comply and address the most common questions I get from merchants considering tokenization. And bring your questions – we’ll leave time for your specific inquires about the official Guidance or the white paper. Share:

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Friday Summary: March 16, 2011 (a little late)

Sorry, folks, I wrote the Summary yesterday and got so caught up in CU beating UNLV for our first NCAA Tournament win in 15 years that I forgot to actually post this. Rich here. I’m going to pull a Rothman this week and go a little personal. I have not only been a competitive athlete my entire life, but most of you have probably noticed that I have a somewhat competitive and achievement-oriented personality overall. Life may not be a video game, but I’m sure going to grab as many power ups as I can just in case. From a certain perspective it’s selfish, because it’s all about what I can achieve, but for me it has always been more about exploring and challenging myself than beating others. I don’t mind losing as long as I played a good game. But I despise losing or doing poorly because I failed to perform. I have tempered a bit with age, but I’m still a competitive SOB. Almost always against the unrealistic goals I set for myself. But earlier this week that all went out the window. My daughter turned 3 recently, which meant it was time for her to move up to the next swimming class. Phoenix is loaded with pools and open water, and childhood drownings are a big problem. We started her in swimming lessons when she was a little over a year old, and for the past 18+ months I have dutifully taken her (and later our younger daughter) to the insanely chlorinated pool where I jumped in, carried her around, and sang all the kiddie songs while she tried to drown herself when I wasn’t looking. Until they’re 3, the parents are in the water with the kids. I really don’t want to think too much about why that pool has more chlorine in it than a chemical weapons plant. I was a bit nervous this past week as I took her in for her first class where she wouldn’t have me in the water with her. You know how kids get attached to patterns, and this was certainly a big break. I dropped her off with the instructor and sat on the other side of the pool in the parent’s seats. Holy crap did she kick ass. Aside from listening better to the instructor than she ever does to me (annoying), it took all of 15 minutes for them to get her to jump in, roll over, and float on her back without help. I assumed I’d be bored out of my mind while she crawled along the edge of the pool for 30 minutes, but I sat there and couldn’t stop watching. Nearly 2 years of training (and play) came together all at once. She probably won’t be in that class very long. And I figure by the time she’s 8 she will easily destroy my pathetic swim times. When the kids pass major milestones they announce it to the entire school at the end of class and hand them ribbons for the achievements. Riley walked away with 3 that night. And as I tried to avoid tearing up, I realized those 3 ribbons meant more to me than nearly anything I have achieved in my own life. For someone who is kind of an antisocial, competitive a-hole… that was entirely unexpected. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian’s Token Buyer’s Guide, next week. Rich quoted in the New York Times on protecting tax documents. A small quote from Rich on Anonymous hacking Panda security. Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Defending Enterprise Data on iOS: Introduction. This is starting out to be a very good series. Mike Rothman: Mr. Market Says Security is Winning. Love being a contrarian, and Rich goes contrary to most convention (read echo chamber) thinking in this post… Mike’s Watching the Watchers post. Start of a new series on Privileged User Management, which is warming up. Other Securosis Posts Defending Enterprise Data on iOS: Introduction. Defending iOS Data: iOS Security and Data Protection. Data Flow on iOS. Incite 3/14/2012: My Kind of People. Mr. Market Says Security Is Winning. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: Let’s look these gift horses in the mouth. The “ungrateful bastard” who wrote this and I agree on many things, this one included. But where I keep my mouth shut and simply accept what I get, Jack does the right thing and points to where we need to be. Mike Rothman: My Networking Beliefs. As an old networking guy, I definitely appreciate this post by Greg Ferro. Lots of truth in here. Rich: Mozilla knew of Pwn2Own bug before CanSecWest. This is really funny, in a terribly geeky way. Research Reports and Presentations Network-Based Malware Detection: Filling the Gaps of AV. Tokenization Guidance Analysis: Jan 2012. Applied Network Security Analysis: Moving from Data to Information. Tokenization Guidance. Security Management 2.0: Time to Replace Your SIEM? Fact-Based Network Security: Metrics and the Pursuit of Prioritization. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Top News and Posts Patch Windows NOW!!! Major wormable vulnerability out. BBC attacked by Iran? How MAPP may help bad guys (due to lazy vendors). TSA Pre-Check lets you travel like it’s the year 2000. Talk about the ultimate proof that it’s all security theater. Someone leaked proof of concept code for the Microsoft RDP vulnerability. Windows Azure Outage. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to Rory and Dre (they both contributed so much), in response to Defending iOS Data: iOS Security and Data Protection . @dre so it sounds like we’re talking about the difference between practical and theoretical here. I’d agree that theoretically iPad2/3/iPhone 4S are vulnerable to a DFU mode exploit if one is found but that currently there is no publicly available DFU mode exploit for iOS 5 running on an A5 based device (iPad 2/iPhone 4S) and that current publicly available jailbreaks can’t be done from a locked/powered off device. @ Rory: Yes, but the EMF and Dkey keys are

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Data Flow on iOS

Continuing our series on iOS data security, we need to take some time to understand how data moves onto and around iOS devices before delving into security and management options. Data on iOS devices falls into one of a few categories, each with different data protection properties. For this discussion we assume that Data Protection is enabled, because otherwise iOS provides no real data security. Emails and email attachments. Calendars, contacts, and other non-email user information. Application data When the iOS Mail app downloads mail, message contents and attachments are stored securely and encrypted using Data Protection (under the user’s passphrase). If the user doesn’t set a passcode, the data is stored along with all the rest of user data, and only encrypted with the device key. Reports from forensics firms indicate that Data Protection on an iPad 2 or iPhone 4S (or later, we presume) running iOS 5 cannot currently be cracked, by other than brute force. Data Protection on earlier devices can be cracked. Assuming the user properly uses Data Protection, mail attachments viewed with the built-in viewer app are also safe. But once a user uses “Open In…”, the document/file is moved into the target application’s storage sandbox, and may thus be exposed. When a user downloads an email and an attachment, and views them in the Mail app, both are encrypted twice (once by the underlying FDE and once by Dat Protection). But when the user opens the document with Pages to edit it, a copy stored in the Pages store, which does not use Data Protection – and the data can be exposed. This workflow is specific to email – calendars, contacts, photos, and other system-accessible user information is not similarly protected, and is generally recoverable by a reasonably sophisticated attacker who has physical possession of the device. Data in these apps is also available system-wide to any application. It is a special class of iOS data using a shared store, unlike third-party app data. Other (third party) application data may or may not utilize Data Protection – this is up to the app developer – and is always sandboxed in the application’s private store. Data in each application’s local store is encrypted with the user’s passcode. This data may include whatever the programmer chooses – which means some data may be exposed, although documents are nearly always protected when Data Protection is enabled. The programmer can also restrict what other apps a given document is allowed to open in, although this is generally an all or nothing affair. If Data Protection isn’t enabled, all data is protected only with the device’s default hardware encryption. But sandboxing stil prevents apps from accessing each other’s data. The only exception is files stored in a shared service like Dropbox. Apps which access dropbox still store their local copies in their own private document stores, but other apps can access the same data from the online service to retrieve their own (private) copies. So application data (files) may be exposed despite Data Protection if the app supports “Open In…”. Otherwise data in applications is well protected. If a network storage service is used, the data is still protected and isolated within the app, but becomes accessible to other compatible apps once it is stored on a server. This isn’t really a fault of iOS, but this possibility needs to be considered when looking at the big picture. Especially if a document is opened in a Data Protection enabled app (where it’s secure), but then saved to a storage service that allows insecure apps to access it and store unencrypted copies. Thus iOS provides both protected and unprotected data flows. A protected data flow places content in a Data Protection encrypted container and only allows it to move to other encrypted containers (apps). An unprotected flow allows data to move into unencrypted apps. Some kinds of data (iOS system calendars, contacts, photos, etc.) cannot be protected and are always exposed. On top of this, some apps use their own internal encryption, which isn’t tied to the device hardware or the user’s passcode. Depending on implementation, this could be more or less secure than using the Data Protection APIs. The key, from a security perspective, is to understand how enterprise data moves onto the device (what app pulls it in), whether that app uses Data Protection or some other form of encryption, and what other apps that data can move into. If the data ever moves into an app that doesn’t encrypt, it is exposed. I can already see I will need some diagrams for the paper! But no time for that now – I need to get to work on the next post, where we start digging into data security options… Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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