

Incite 10/13/2010: the Rise of the Cons

No we aren’t going to talk about jailbreaks or other penal system trials and tribulations. This one is about how the conference circuit is evolving in a really positive way. Most folks attend the big security shows – you know, RSA and BlackHat and maybe some others. Most folks also hate these shows. I hear a lot of complaints about weak content and vendor whoring putting a damper on the experience. Of course, since myself and my ilk tend to speak at most of these shows, we can only point the finger at ourselves. Personally, unless I’m speaking I tend to skip all but the biggest shows, which I attend for networking purposes. But that’s just me. But nature hates a vacuum, and the vacuum of user-oriented conferences is being filled by the BSides movement and a number of regional hacker cons. If the conference you are attending doesn’t do it for you, get some smart folks together (who are there anyway) and put on an unconference of your own. That’s the general concept for BSides. I attended BSides ATL last week, and it was a really great experience. First shout outs need to be sent to the driving forces bringing BSides to ATL, and they were Eric Smith (@infosecmafia), Nick Owen (@wikidsystems), Marisa Fagan (@dewzi) and MC Petermann (@petermannmc). I know there were tons of other folks who put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into making BSides ATL happen, and no offense to anyone I didn’t mention. I can’t thank them all enough. Why is this working? Because it’s about community. I’ve been in Atlanta for over 6 years now, and there isn’t really a cohesive security community. The ISSA meetings are a joke, unless you like vendors to hump your leg for 2 hours every month. We tried to get a CitySec group meeting going (and all three of us who attended enjoyed the beer that I bought), but that fizzled. A new Cloud Security Alliance chapter is forming in the ATL and we are seeing a lot of activity for the NAISG in town as well. Yes, there are other organizations, but it’s generally a small group of folks getting together in an ad hoc fashion. But what’s been missing has been a more technically oriented conference, where smart folks from the Southeast can get together and share what we are seeing. That happened in spades at BSides ATL. Whether talking Google and Bing hacking with Rob Ragan, exfiltration with Dave Shackleford and Rick Hayes, pen testing with Eric Smith and Dave Kennedy, or having Chris Nickerson show how to bring entire companies down (think attacking robots!) – it was just a flood of information. Good information. And those were just the sessions I attended. There were a bunch of others I had to miss. The conference organizers even let me play and talk about what I think will happen in 2011. The short answer is I have no idea. But you already knew that. Yet I did get to use a picture of a guinea pig BBQ, which has to set some low bar for depravity. I’m probably going to get in trouble by talking up BSides because we Securosis folks do a lot of work with the RSA Conference. Next year, we’ll be leading the E10 (CISO-focused) event on Monday at RSA, and Rich is in London and will be in China this month speaking at RSA’s global events. But the writing is on the wall. Content is king, and right now there is a lot of great content being driven through the regional BSides conferences and the other hacker cons. While I’m talking conferences, I also should mention what seemed to be a rousing success for Hoff and friends at the inaugural HacKid conference in Boston last weekend. It’s such a great concept, to teach kids about security, self-defense and other important topics. I can’t wait to get this going in ATL. And with that, just remember – if you don’t take care of your customers someone else will. Mr. Market told me. – Mike. Photo credits: “Pug Shot” originally uploaded by Jerry Reynolds Recent Securosis Posts IT Debt: Real or FUD? FireStarter: Consumer Internet Penalty Box Friday Summary: October 8, 2010 Monitoring up the Stack: User Activity Monitoring Identity Monitoring I should also highlight an article on Application Monitoring in Dark Reading that highlights the Monitoring up the Stack research Adrian and Gunnar are working on right now. I know lots of folks have a hard enough time monitoring their network and security devices, but the application is where the action is, so ignore it at your own peril. Incite 4 U Time for the heavy artillery. What heavy artillery? – Greg Shipley makes the point we’ve all come to grips with. We are outgunned. The bad guys have better tools and more motivation, and all we can do is watch it happen and clean up the mess afterwards. This statement kind of says it all: “Recent events suggest that we are at a tipping point, and the need to reassess and adapt has never been greater. That starts with facing some hard truths and a willingness to change the status quo.” Right. So all is not lost, but we need to start thinking differently. But what does that mean? According to Shipley, it’s focusing on the database and maybe things like application white listing. Best of all is the idea to “stop rewarding ineffectiveness and start rewarding innovation.” Bravo. But how do you do that when the checkbox says you need AV? So basically we are in a quandary, but you already knew that. What to do? Basically what we’ve been saying for years. React Faster (and Better), focus on the fundamentals, and if you are targeted, just understand you can’t stop them. And manage expectations accordingly. He closes the article with “If we remain bound to our relentless commitment to mediocrity, we will be worse off moving ahead. We can and must do better. It’s time to change our way of thinking.” Right. – MR Instructive memory – Ever had

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FireStarter: Consumer Internet Penalty Box

A few weeks back, the fine folks at Microsoft used a healthcare analogy to describe a possible solution to the Internet’s bot infestation. Scott Charney suggested that every PC should have a health certificate which would provide access to the Internet. No health certificate, no access. Kind of like a penalty box for consumer Internet users. It’s an interesting idea, and clearly we need some kind of solution to the reality that Aunt Bessie has no idea her machine has been pwned and is blasting spam and launching DDoS attacks. Unfortunately it won’t work, unless mandated by some kind of regulation. It’s really an economic thing. Comcast will proactively send devices connected to their network exhibiting bad behavior a message telling them they are likely compromised. They call it their Bot Alert program. Then they point to a nice web page where the consumer can get answers. The consumer is then expected to address the issue. If they can’t (or don’t) Comcast will continue to notify the customer until they do. Here’s the rub: if the consumer knew what they were doing in the first place, they wouldn’t have gotten pwned. You can’t blame Comcast (or any other ISP) for drawing a line in the sand. They charge maybe $40 a month for Internet service. The minute a customer picks up the phone and calls for help, they lose money for that month. There is no financial incentive for them to try to fix the compromised device. Sure, a bot does bad things. But bad enough to spend staff time trying to fix every one of them? The constant notifications will definitely push a customer to call and force Comcast to help them address the issue. I guess that worked OK in their pilot test, but we’ll see how well it scales as they roll it out nationwide. And Comcast seems to be out in front on this issue. I’m not familiar with any similar initiatives from the other major ISPs. So let’s tip our hat to Comcast for at least trying to do something. But is it the right approach? Do we just accept the fact that a percentage of consumer devices will be pwned and will exhibit bad behavior. Is it a cost of doing business for the ISPs? Is there some other kind of technical, procedural, or cultural answer? I wish I knew. What do you folks think? Can this health certificate thing work? Am I just stuck in a cycle of cynicism that prevents me from seeing any solution to this problem? Or do we just make sure our families aren’t the path of least resistance and forget the rest? Share:

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IT Debt: Real or FUD?

I just ran across Slashdot’s mention of the Measuring and Monitoring Technical Debt study funded by a research grant. Their basic conclusion is that a failure to modernize software is a form of debt obligation, and companies ultimately must pay off that debt moving forward. And until the modernization process happens, software degrades towards obsolescence or failure. From Andy Kyte at Gartner: “The issue is not just that maintenance keeps on getting deferred, it is that the lack of an application inventory and the absence of a structured review process for the application portfolio. This means the IT management team is simply never aware of the true scale of the problem,” Mr. Kyte said. “This problem, hidden from sight, is getting bigger every year and more difficult to deal with every year.” I am on the fence on the research position – apparently others are as well – and I disagree with many of the assertions because the cost of inaction needs to be weighed against the cost of overhauls. The cost of migration is significant. Retraining users. Retraining IT. New software and maintenance contracts. The necessary testing environments and regression tests. The custom code that needs to be developed in order to work with the software packages. Third party consulting agreements. New workflow and management system integration. Fixing bugs introduced with the new code. And so on. In 2008, 60% of the clients of my former firm were running on Oracle & IBM versions that were 10 years old – or older. They stayed on those version because the databases and applications worked. The business functions operated exactly as they needed them to – after 2-5 years of tweaking them to get them exactly right. A new migration was considered to be another 2-5 year process. So many firms selected bolt-on, perimeter-based security products because there was no way to build security into a platform in pure maintenance mode. And they were fine with that, as the business application was designed to a specification that did not account for changes to the security landscape, and depended on network and platform isolation. But the primary system function it was designed for worked, so overhaul was a non-starter. Yes, the cost of new features and bug fixes on very old software, if needed, was steep. But that’s just it … there were very few features and bug fixes needed. The specifications for business processing were static. Configuration and maintenance costs we at a bare minimum. The biggest reason why “The bulk of the budget cut has fallen disproportionately on maintenance activities –” was because they were not paying for new software and maintenance contracts! Added complexity would have come with new software, rather than keeping the status quo. The biggest motivator to upgrade was that older hardware/OS platforms was either too slow, or began failing. A dozen or so financial firms I spoke with performed this cost analysis and felt that every day they did not upgrade saved them money. It was only in segments that required rapid changes to meet changing market – retail and shipping come to mind – that corporations benefitted from modernization and new functionality to improve customer experience. I’ll be interested to see if this study sways IT organizations to modernize. The “deferred maintenance” message may resonate with some firms, but calling older software a liability is pure FUD. What I hope the study does is prompt firms to compare their current maintenance costs against upgrades and new maintenance – the only meaningful must be performed within a customer environment. That way they can intelligently plan upgrades when appropriate, and be aware of the costs in advance. You can bet every sales organization in the country will be delivering a copy of this research paper to their customers in order to poke and prod them into spending more money. Share:

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Monitoring up the Stack: User Activity Monitoring

The previous Monitoring up the Stack post examined Identity Monitoring, which is a set of processes to monitor events around provisioning and managing accounts. The Identity Monitor is typically blind to one very important aspect of accounts: how they are used at runtime. So you know who the user is, but not what they are doing. User Activity Monitoring addresses this gap through reporting not on how the accounts were created and updated in the directory, but by examining user actions on systems and applications, and linking them to assigned roles. Implementing User Activity Monitoring User Activity Monitors can be deployed to monitor access patterns and system usage. The collected data regarding how the system is being used, and by who, is then sent to the SIEM/Log Management system. This gives the SIEM/Log Management system data that is particularly helpful for attribution purposes. Implementing User Activity Monitoring rests on four key decisions. First, what constitutes a user? Next, what activities are worth monitoring? Third, what does typical activity look like, and how do we define policies to scope acceptable use? And finally, where and how should the monitor be deployed? The question about what constitutes a user seems simple, and on one level it is. Most likely a user is an account in the corporate or customer directory, such as Active Directory or LDAP. But sometimes there are accounts for non-human system users, such as service accounts and machine accounts. In many systems service accounts, machine accounts, and other forms of automated batch processing can do just as much damage as any other account/function. After all, these features were programmed and configured by humans, and are subject to misuse like any other accounts, so likely are worth monitoring as well. Drilling down further into users, how are they identified? To start with, there is probably a username. But remember the data that the User Activity Monitor sends to the SIEM/Log Management system is will be used after the fact. What user data will help a security analyst understand the user’s actions and whether they were malicious or harmful? Several data elements are useful for building a meaningful user record: Username: The basic identifier for a user in the system, including the namespace or other protocol-specific data. Identity Provider: The name of the directory or database that authenticated the user. Group/Role Membership: Any group or role information assigned to the user account, or other data used for authorization purposes. Attributes: Was the user account assigned any privileges or capabilities? Are there time of day or location attributes that are important for verifying user authenticity? Authentication Information: If available, information around how the user was authenticated can be helpful. Was the user dialed in from a remote location? Did they log in from the office? When did they log in? And so on. A log entry that reads user=rajpatel; is far less useful than one that contains “user=rajpatel; identityprovider=ExternalCORPLDAP; Group=Admin; Authenticated=OTP”. The more detailed the information around the user and their credential, the more precsion the analyst has to work with. Usually this data is easy to get at runtime – it is available in security tokens such as SAML and Kerberos – but the monitor must be configured to collect it. Now that we see how to identify a user, what activities are of interest to the SIEM/Log Management system? The types of activities mentioned in other Monitoring up the Stack posts can all be enriched through the user data model described above; in addition there are some user-specific events worth tracking, including: User Session Activities: events that create, use, and terminate sessions; such as login and logout events. Security Token Activities: events that issue, validate, exchange and terminate security tokens. System Activities: events based around system exceptions, startups, shutdowns, and availability issues. Platform Activities: events from specific ports or interfaces, such as USB drive access. Inter-Application Activities: events performed by more than one application on behalf of the user, all linked to the same business function. Now that we know what kind of events that we are looking for, what do we want to do with these events? If we are monitoring we need to specify policies to define appropriate use, and what should be done when an event – or in some cases a series of events – occurs. Policy set up and administration is a giant hurdle with SIEM systems today, and adding user activity monitoring – or any other form of monitoring – will require the same time to set up and adjust over time. Based on an event type listed above, you select the behavior type you want to monitor and define what users can & cannot do. User monitoring systems, at minimum, offer attribute-based analysis. More advanced systems offer heuristics and behavioral analysis; these provide flexibility in how users are monitored, and reduce false positives as the analysis adapts to user actions over time. The final step is deployment of the User Activity Monitor; and the logical place to start is the Identity repository because repositories can write auditable log events when they issue, validate, and terminate sessions and security tokens; thus the Identity repository can report to the SIEM/Log Management system on what users were issued what sessions and tokens. This location can be made more valuable by adding User Activity Monitors closer to the monitored resources, such as Web Application Firewalls and Web Access Managers. These systems can enhance visibility beyond simply what tokens and sessions were issued (from the Identity repository), adding information on how were they used and what the user accessed. Correlation: Putting the Data to Work With monitors situated to report on User Activity, the next step is to use the data. The data and event models described above provide an enriched model that enables the analyst to trace events back upstream. For example, the analyst can set up rules that identify known good and bad behavior patterns to reflect authorized usage and potentially malicious patterns. Authorized usage patterns generally reflect the use case flows that users follow. In most cases these do

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Friday Summary: October 8, 2010

Chris Pepper was kind enough to forward this interview with James Gosling on the Basement Coders blog earlier in the week. I seldom laugh out loud when reading blogs, but his “Java, Just Free It” & “Set Java Free” t-shirts that were pissing off Oracle got me going. And the “Google is kind of a funny company because a lot of them have this peace love and happiness version of evil” quote had me rolling on the floor. In fact I found the entire article entertaining, so I recommend reading it all the way through if you have a chance. James Gosling is an interesting guy, and for someone I have never met, he has had more impact on my career than any other person on the planet. Around Christmas 1995 I downloaded the Java white paper. At the time I was a porting engineer for Oracle, so my job was to get Oracle and Oracle apps to run on different flavors of Unix. The paper hit me like a ton of bricks. It was the first time I had seen a really good object model, one which could allow good object oriented techniques. But most importantly, being a porting engineer, Java code could run anywhere without the need to be ported. The writing was on the wall that my particular skill set would be decreasing in value every day from then on. As soon as I could, I downloaded the JDK and started programming in Java. At the first Java One developers conference in 1996 – and seeing the ‘Green Project’ handheld Gosling described in the interview – I was beyond sold. I was more excited about the possibilities in computer science than ever before. I scripted my Oracle porting job, literally, in Perl and Expect scripts, to free up more time to program Java. I spent my days not-so-clandestinely programming whatever Java projects interested me. Within months I left Oracle just so I could go somewhere, anywhere, and program Java. The startup I landed at happened to be a security start-up. But that white paper was the major catalyst in my career and pretty much shaped my professional direction for the next 10 years. And so it is again – Gosling’s views on NoSQL actually got me to go back and reconsider some of my negative opinions on the movement. I am still not sold, but there are a handful of people I have so much respect for, that their vision is enough to prompt me to reinvestigate my beliefs. I hope Mr. Gosling gets another chance to research new technologies … the last time he set the industry on its ear. – Adrian On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian’s Dark reading article on Data Security: You’re Doing It Wrong. Rich gets snarky with the Scwartz PR folks when they profile him. Mike’s Endpoint Security Fundamentals: Part 3 Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Index of NSO Quant Posts. Yeah, pimping out my own research again. But NSOQ was a monumental amount of work, and this provides quick links to all of it. Adrian Lane: Monitoring up the Stack: Identity Monitoring. Gunnar has an excellent grasp of Identity Monitoring, and it shows in this post. Gunnar Peterson: Monitoring up the Stack: Identity Monitoring. Rich: This week’s Incite. In which Mike admits to thousands of people it’s his birthday this week! Other Securosis Posts Monitoring up the Stack: Identity Monitoring. Incite 10/6/2010: The Answer is 42. Monitoring up the Stack: App Monitoring, Part 2. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: Why Wesabe Lost to Mint. Not security related, but important nonetheless. The one that makes things easier on the user wins. Sound familiar, Dr. No? If users have to work too hard, they’ll find ways around your controls. Count on it. Adrian Lane: AT&T, Voice Encryption and Trust. Rich: Verizon releases their big PCI compliance report. Seriously good – this actually ties compliance to breaches. Gunnar Peterson: OAuth Bearer Tokens are a Terrible Idea. This is a sad story, because OAuth gained a ton of traction in version 1.0 (many major sites like Twitter & Netflix are using it), and then in the process of moving OAuth to a full-blown IETF standard the primary security protections were dropped! Project Quant Posts NSO Quant: Index of Posts. NSO Quant: Health Metrics – Device Health. Research Reports and Presentations Understanding and Selecting a Tokenization Solution. Security + Agile = FAIL Presentation. Data Encryption 101: A Pragmatic Approach to PCI. White Paper: Understanding and Selecting SIEM/Log Management. Top News and Posts Dennis’s awesome article on Rethinking Stuxnet. FBI Caught Spying. Then they want their toy back? Dumbasses. Record Breaking Patch Tuesday. eBanking Security Guarantees for Gov Institutions. Things are getting bad! LinkedIn Drive-by Malware Attack. Share:

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Monitoring up the Stack: Identity Monitoring

As we continue up the Monitoring stack, we get to Identity Monitoring, which is a distinct set of concerns from User Activity Monitoring (the subject of the next post). In Monitoring Identity, the SIEM/Log Management systems gain visibility into the provisioning and Identity Management processes that enterprise use to identify, store and process user accounts to prepare the user to use the system. Contrast that with User Activity Monitoring, where SIEM/Log Management systems focus on monitoring how the user interacts with the system at runtime and looks for examples of bad behavior. As an example, do you remember when you got your driver’s license? All the processes that you went through at the DMV: Getting your picture taken, verifying your address, and taking the driving tests. All of those activities are related to provisioning an account, getting credentials created; that’s Identity Management. When you are asked to provide your driver’s license, say when checking in at a hotel, or by a police officer for driving too fast; that’s User Activity Monitoring. Identity Monitoring is an important first step because we need to associate a user’s identity with network events and system usage in order to perform User Activity Monitoring. Each requires a different type of Monitoring and different type of report, today we tackle Identity Management (and no, we won’t make you wait in line like the DMV). To enable Identity Monitoring, the SIEM/Log Management project inventories the relevant Identity Management processes (such as Provisioning), data stores (such as Active Directory and LDAP) and technologies (such as Identity Management suites). The inventory should include the Identity repositories that store accounts used for access to the business’ critical assets. In the old days it was as simple as going to RACF and examining the user accounts and rules for who was allowed to access what. Nowadays, there can be many repositories that store and manage account credentials, so inventorying the critical account stores is the first step. Process The next step is to identify the Identity Management processes that govern the Identity repositories. How did the accounts get into LDAP or Active Directory? Who signs off on them? Who updates them? There are many facets to consider in the Identity management lifecycle. The basic Identity Management process includes the following steps: Provisioning: account creation and registration Propagating: synchronizing or replicating the account to the account directory or database Access: accessing the account at runtime Maintenance: changing account data End of Life: Deleting and disabling accounts The Identity Monitoring system should verify events at each process step, record the events, and write the audit log messages in a way that they can be correlated for security incident response and compliance purposes. This links the event to the account(s) that initiated and authorized the action. For example, who authorized the account that were Provisioned? What manager(s) authorized the account updates? As we saw in the recent Societe Generale case, Jerome Kerviel (the trader who lost billions of the bank’s money) was originally an IT employee who moved over to the trading desk. When he made the move from IT to trading, his account retained his IT privileges and gained new trading privileges. Snowball entitlements enabled him to both execute trades and remove logs and hide evidence. It seems likely there was a process mishap in the account update and maintenance rules that allowed this to happen, and it shows how important the identity management processes are to access control. In complex systems, the Identity Management process is often automated using an Identity Management suite. These suites generate reports for Compliance and Security purposes, these reports can be published to the SIEM/Log Management system for analysis. Whether automated with a big name suite or not, its important to start Identity Monitoring by understanding the lifecycle that governs the account data for the accounts in your critical systems. To fully close the loop, some processes also reconcile the changes with change requests (and authorizations) to ensure every change is requested and authorized. Data In addition to identifying the Identity repositories and the management processes around them, the data itself is useful to inform the auditable messages that are published to the SIEM/Log Management systems. The data aspects for collection typically include the following: User Subject (or entity) which could be a person, an organization, or a host or application. Resource Object which could be a database, a URL, component, queue or a Web Service, Attributes such as Roles, Groups and other information that is used to make authorization decisions. The identity data should be monitored to record any lifecycle events such as Create, Read, Update, Delete, and Usage events. This is important to give the SIEM/Log Management system an end to end view of the both the account lifecycle and the account data. Challenges One challenge in Identity Monitoring is that the systems that are to be monitored (such as authentication systems) sport byzantine protocols and are not easy to get data and reports out of. This may require some extra spelunking to find the optimal protocol to use to communicate with the Identity repository. The good news is this is a one-time effort during implementation. These protocols do not change frequently. Another challenge is the accuracy of associating the user identity with the activity that a SIEM collects. Simply matching user ID to IP or MAC address is limited, so heuristic and deterministic algorithms are used to help associate users with events. The association can be performed by the collector, but more commonly this feature is integrated within the SIEM engine as an log/event enrichment activity. The de-anonymization occurs as data is normalized, and stored with the events. Federated identity systems that separate the authentication, authorization and attribution create additional challenges, because the end to end view of the account in both the Identity Provider and in the Relying Party is not usually easy to attain. Granted this is the point of Federation, which resolves the relationship at runtime, but it’s worth pointing out the difficulty this presents to end to end

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Incite 10/6/2010: The Answer is 42

One of my favorite passages in literature is when Douglas Adams proclaims the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything to be 42 in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Of course, we don’t know the Ultimate Question. Details. This week I plan to discover he was right as I finish my 42nd year on the planet. That seems old. It’s a big number. But I don’t feel old. In fact, I feel like a big kid. Sometimes I look at my own kids and my house and snicker a bit. Can you believe they’ve entrusted any responsibility to me? These kids think I actually know something? Ha, that’s a laugher… Since I’m trying not to look forward and plan, I figure I should look backward and try to appreciate the journey. As I look back, I can kind of break things up into a couple different phases. My childhood was marked by anger. Yeah, I know you are shocked. But I took everything bad that happened personally, and as a result, I was a pretty angry kid. College was a blur. I know I drank a lot of beer. I think I studied a bit. When I graduated I entered the unbreakable phase. Right, like the Oracle database. I could do little wrong. I had a pretty quick progression through the corporate ranks. In hindsight it was too quick. I didn’t screw anything up, so I felt invincible. I also didn’t learn a hell of a lot, but thought I did. Sound familiar? Then I started a software company in 1998 to chase the Internet bubble IPO money. I learned pretty quickly that I wasn’t invincible, as I heard the sound of $30 million of someone else’s money being flushed down the toilet. Crash. Big time. Then I entered the striving stage throughout my 30’s. Striving for more and never being satisfied. From there I proceeded to jump from job to job every 15 months, chasing some shiny object and trying to catch the brass ring. Again, that didn’t work out too well and I found myself getting angry again. Then I started Incite and was a lot happier. I managed to remember what I liked to do and then start to address some of my deeply buried issues. No, I’m not going to bare my soul like Bill Brenner, but we all have demons to face and at that point I started facing my own. I took a detour back into the vendor world for 15 months, and then sold Rich and Adrian a bill of goods to let me hang my shingle at Securosis. 10 months in, I’m having the time of my life. I’m thinking this is the contented phase. I’ve been working hard, at everything. Physically, I’m in the best shape I’ve been in since my early 20’s. Mentally I’m making progress, working to accept what’s happening and stop looking forward at the expense of being present. I’m happy with what I do and what I have. My family loves me and I love them. What else does a guy need? I’m still fighting demons, and I probably always will. The hope is that my epic battles will be fewer and farther between over time. I’m still screwing things up, and I’ll probably always do that too. That’s an entrepreneur’s curse. I’m also learning new things almost every day, and when that stops it’s time to move on to the Great Unknown. As I look back, I figured out what my Ultimate Question is: “When do you realize it’s a game and you should enjoy the ride, both the ups and the downs?” Right. For me, the answer is 42. – Mike. Photo credits: “42” originally uploaded by cszar Recent Securosis Posts Friday Summary: September 30, 2010 Monitoring up the Stack: DAM, Part 2 App Monitoring, Part 1 App Monitoring, Part 2 Understanding and Selecting a DLP Solution A Wee Bit on DLP SaaS “DLP Light” and DLP Features NSO Quant Posts The End is Near! Comprehensive Index of Posts Incite 4 U Get on the (security incident) cycle – Good summary here by Lenny Zeltser covering a presentation from our hero Richard Bejtlich about how he’s built the Incident Response team at GE to deal with things like well-funded patient attackers (note I didn’t use the a(blank)t acronym). Of course there will always be failures, but the question is about organizational commitment to detecting adversaries and putting the right capabilities in place to protect your organization. And to look at security as a process and – dare I say it – a lifecycle. That means you need to focus on all aspects – before, during, and after the attack. Amazingly enough, Rich and I are starting another blog series on exactly this topic in about a week. – MR Save the children… with robots – The state of technology education in this country is simply embarrassing. Everyone talks about how kids use a mouse before they can read, but how many of them understand how a computer works? You’d think today’s teenagers would know a hard drive from RAM, but not if they rely on their (standard) school to teach them. However, they are pretty good at putting cats in PowerPoints. Our friend Chris Hoff is trying to change this with a hacking conference dedicated to kids… called, appropriately enough, HacKid. It’s an amazing idea, with everything from Lego robots to online safety covered, and if you have kids of the right age, or just want to support it, I highly recommend attending or getting involved. – RM No trust for you! – Despite being a big fan of monitoring technologies, I thought the Trust No One, Monitor Everything position was a bit over the top. The “monitor everything” approach fails for exactly the same reasons “encrypt everything” fails: a single technology cannot solve every problem. Monitoring is just another security tool, and before you try to saw wood with a hammer, remember attacks that bypass WAF, IDS, App Monitoring, and DAM are well documented. Don’t

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Monitoring up the Stack: App Monitoring, Part 2

In the last post on application monitoring, we looked at why applications are an essential “context provider” and interesting data source for SIEM/Log Management analysis. In this post, we’ll examine how to get started with the application monitoring process, and how to integrate that data into your existing SIEM/Log Management environment. Getting Started with Application Monitoring As with any new IT effort, its important to remember that it’s People, Process and Technology – in that order. If your organization has a Build Security in software security regime in place, then you can leverage those resources and tools for building visibility in. If not, application monitoring provides a good entree into the software security process, so here are some basics to get started with Application Monitoring. Application Monitors can be deployed as off the shelf products (like WAFs), and they can be delivered as custom code. However they are delivered, the design of the Application Monitor must address these issues: Location: Where application monitors may be deployed; what subjects, objects, and events are to be monitored. Audit Log Messages: How the Audit Log Observers collect and report events; these messages must be useful to the human(!) analysts who use them for incident response, event, management and compliance. Publishing: The way the Audit Log Observer publishes data to a SIEM/Log Manager must be robust and implement secure messaging to provide the analyst with high-quality data to review, and to avoid creating YAV (Yet Another Vulnerability). Systems Management: Making sure the monitoring system itself is working and can respond to faults. Process The process of integrating your application monitoring data into the SIEM/Log Management platform has two parts. First identify where and what type of Application Monitor to deploy. Similar to the discovery activity required for any data security initiative, you need to figure out what needs to be monitored before you can do anything else. Second, select the way to communicate from the Application Monitor to the SIEM/Log Management platform. This involves tackling data formats and protocols, especially for homegrown applications where the communication infrastructure may not exist. The most useful Application Monitor provides a source of event data not available elsewhere. Identify key interfaces to high priority assets such as message queues, mainframes, directories, and databases. For those interfaces, the Application Monitor should give visibility into the message exchanges to and from the interfaces, session data, and the relevant metadata and policy information that guides its use. For applications that pass user content, the interception of messages and files provides the visibility you need. In terms of form factor for Application Monitor deployment (in specialized hardware, in the application itself, or in an Access Manager), performance and manageability are key aspects, but less important than what subjects, objects, and events the Application Monitor can access to collect and verify data. Typically the customer of the Application Monitor is a security incident responder, an auditor, or other operations staff. The Application Monitor domain model described below provides guidance on how to communicate in a way that enables this customer to rely on the information found in the log in a timely way. Application Monitor Domain Model The Application Monitor model is fairly simple to understand. The core parts of the Application Monitor include: Observer: A component that listens for events Event Model: Describes the set of events the Observer listens for, such as Session Created and User Account Created Audit Log Record Format: The data model for messages that the Observer writes to the SIEM/Log Manager, based on Event Type Audit Log Publisher: The message exchange patterns, such as publish and subscribe, that are used to communicate the Audit Log Records to the SIEM/Log Manager These areas should be specified in some detail with the development and operations teams to make sure there is no confusion during the build process (building visibility in), but the same information is needed when selecting off-the-shelf monitoring products. For the Event Model and Audit Log Record, there are several standard log/event formats which can be leveraged, including CEE (from Mitre and ArcSight), XDAS (from Open Group), and PCI DSS (from you-know-who). CEE and XDAS give general purpose frameworks for types of events the observer should listen for and which data should be recorded; the PCI DSS standard is more specific to credit card processing. All these models are worth reviewing to find the most cost-effective way to integrate monitoring into your applications, and to make sure you aren’t reinventing the wheel. To tailor the standards to your specific deployment, avoid the “drinking from the firehose” effect, where the speed and volume of incoming data make the signal-to-noise ratio unacceptable. As we like to say at Securosis: just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Or think about phasing in the application monitoring process, where you collect the most critical data initially and then expand the scope of monitoring over time to gain a broader view of application activity. The Event Model and Audit Records should collect and report on the areas described in the previous post (Access Control, Threats, Compliance, and Fraud). However, if your application is smart enough to detect malice or misuse, why wouldn’t you just block it in the application anyway? Ay, there’s the rub. The role of the monitor is to collect and report, not to block. This gets into a philosophical discussion beyond the scope of this research, but for now suffice it to say that figuring out if and what to block is a key next step beyond monitoring. The Event Model and Audit Records collected should be configureable (not hard-coded) in a rule or other configuration engine. This enables the security team to flexibly turn logging events up and down, data gathering, and other actions as needed without recompiling and redeploying the application. The two main areas the standards do not address are the Observer and the Audit Log Publisher. The optimal placement of the Observer is often a choke point with visibility into a boundary’s (for example, crossing technical boundaries like Java to .NET or from the web to a mainframe) inputs and outputs. Choke points

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Monitoring up the Stack: Application Monitoring, Part 1

As we continue to investigate additional data sources to make our monitoring more effective, let’s now turn our attention to applications. At first glance, many security practitioners may think applications have little to offer SIEM and Log Management systems. After all, applications are built on mountains of custom code and security and development teams often lack a shared collaborative approach for software security. However, application monitoring for security should not be dismissed out of hand. Closed-minded security folks miss the fact that applications offer an opportunity to resolve some of the key challenges to monitoring. How? It comes back to a key point we’ve been making through this series, the need for context. If knowing that Node A talked to Node B helps pinpoint a potential attack, then network monitoring is fine. But both monitoring and forensics efforts can leverage information about what transaction executed, who signed off on it, who initiated it, and what the result was – and you need to tie into to the application to get that context. In real estate, it’s all about location, location, location. By climbing the stack and monitoring the application, you collect data located closer to the core enterprise assets like transactions, business logic, rules, and policies. This proximity to valuable assets make the application an ideal place to see and report on what is happening at the level of user and system behavior, which can (and does) establish patterns of good and bad behavior that can provide additional indications of attacks. The location of the application monitor is critical for tracking both authorized users and threats, as Adrian pointed out in his post on Threat Monitoring: This challenge is compounded by the clear focus on application-oriented attacks. For the most part, our detection only pays attention to the network and servers, while the attackers are flying above that. It’s kind of like repeatedly missing the bad guys because they are flying at 45,000 feet, but you cannot get above 20,000 feet. You aren’t looking where the attacks are actually happening, which obviously presents problems. Effective monitoring requires access to the app, the data, and the system’s identity layers. They are the core assets of interest for both legitimate users and attackers trying to compromise your data. So how can we get there? We can look to software security efforts for some clues. The discipline of software engineering has made major strides in building security into applications over the last ten years. From static analysis, to threat modeling, to defensive programming, to black box scanners, to stronger identity standards like SAML, we have seen the software engineering community make real progress on improving overall application security. From the current paradigm of building security in, the logical next step is building visibility in, meaning the next step is to instrument applications with monitoring capabilities that collect and report on application use and abuse. Application Monitoring delivers several essential layers of visibility to SIEM and Log Management: Access control: Access control protects applications (including web applications) from unauthorized usage. But the access control container itself is often attacked via methods such as Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and spoofing. Security architects rely heavily on access control infrastructure to enforce security at runtime and this data should be pumped into the SIEM/Log Management platform to monitor and report on its efficacy. Threat monitoring: Attackers specialize in crafting unpredictable SQL, LDAP, and other commands that are injected into servers and clients to troll through databases and other precious resources. The attacks are often not obviously attacks, until they are received and processed by the application – after all “DROP TABLE” is a valid string. The Build Security In school has led software engineers to build input validation, exception management, data encoding, and data escaping routines into applications to protect against injection attacks, but it’s crucial to collect and report on a possible attack, even as the application is working to limit its impact. Yes, it’s best to repel the attack from within the application, but you also need to know about it, both to provide a warning to more closely monitor other applications, and in case the application is successfully compromised – the logs must be securely stored elsewhere, so even in the event of a complete application compromise, the alert is still received. Transaction monitoring: Applications are increasingly built in tiers, components, and services, where the application is composed dynamically at runtime. So the transaction messages’ state is assembled from a series of references and remote calls, which obviously can’t be monitored from an infrastructure view. The solution is to trigger an alert within the SIEM/Log Management platform when the application hits a crucial limit or other indication of malfeasance in the system; then by collecting critical information about the transaction record and history, the time required to investigate potential issues can be reduced. Fraud detection: In some systems, particularly financial systems, the application monitoring practice includes velocity and throttles to record behaviors that indicate the likelihood of fraud. In more sophisticated systems, the monitors are active participants (not strictly monitors) and change the data and behavior of the system, such as through automatically flagging accounts as untrustworthy and sending alerts to the fraud group to start an investigation based on monitored behavior. Application monitoring represents a logical progression from “build security in” practices. For security teams actively involved in building in security the organizational contacts, domain knowledge, and tooling should already be in place to execute on an effective application monitoring regime. In organizations where this model is still in early days, building visibility in through application monitoring can be an effective first step, but more work is required to set up people, process, and technologies that will work in the environment. In the next post, we’ll dig deeper into how to get started with this application monitoring process, and how to integrate the data into your existing SIEM/Log Management environment. Share:

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Friday Summary: September 30, 2010

So you might have heard there’s this thing called ‘Stuxnet’. I was thinking it’s like the new Facebook or something. Or maybe more like Twitter, since the politicians seem to like it, except Sarah Palin who is totally more into Facebook. Anyway, that’s what I thought until I realized Stuxnet must be a person. Some really bad dude with some serious frequent flier miles – they seem to be all over Iran, China, and India. (Which isn’t easy – I had to get visas for the last two and even a rush job takes 2-3 days unless you live next to the embassy). I know this because earlier today I tweeted: Crap. I just watched stuxnet drive off with my car flipping me the bird. Knew I should have gotten lojack. Then a bunch of people responded: @kdawson: @rmogull Funny, though I would have pictured Stuxnet as more the Studebaker type. @akraut: @rmogull The downside is, Stuxnet can still get your car even after you disable the starter. @st0rmz: @rmogull I heard Stuxnet was running for president with drop database as his running mate. @geoffbelknap: @rmogull Haven’t you seen Fight Club? Turns out you and stuxnet are the same person… That would explain a lot. Especially why my soap smells so bad. But I don’t know how I could pull it off… some random company that promises visas for China has my passport, so it isn’t like I’m able to leave the country. I’m pretty sure I can trust them – the site looked pretty professional, it only crashed once, and there’s a 1-800 number. Besides, it was one of the top 3 Bing results for “China visa” so it has to be safe. And don’t forget to attend the SearchSecurity/Securosis Data Security Event in San Francisco on Oct 26th! On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences James Arlen spoke at the EnergySec conference last week. Rich was mentioned by Alex Williams on ReadWriteWeb about the chance the government will mandate CALEA-type backdoors in any communications or encryption software. Rich also quoted on the same thing at Federal Computer Week Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: Application Monitoring, Part 1. David Mortman: A Wee Bit on DLP SaaS. Mike Rothman: DLP Light and DLP Features. DLP is evolving and Rich walks you through it. Rich: Proposed Internet Wiretapping Law Fundamentally Incompatible with Security. (Yep, I picked my own. Live with it.) Other Securosis Posts Monitoring up the Stack: Application Monitoring, Part 1. Monitoring up the Stack: DAM, part 2. Incite 9/29/2010: Reading Is Fundamental. NSO Quant: The End is Near! Attend the Securosis/SearchSecurity Data Security Event on Oct 26. Monitoring up the Stack: DAM, Part 1. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: I know what the law says. Or do I? Interested to see if this holds up to scrutiny. And using the same disclaimer Jack did, the AG’s interpretation does not make sense. David Mortman: Feel the dark side of Intellectual Property Rights. You know you want to… Mike Rothman: Things I hate about security reports, a rant. Most technical folks don’t write very well. It’s a problem and some of these tips are useful. Chris Pepper: CIA Drones May Have Used Illegal, Inaccurate Code. Crazy story & accusations! James Arlen: Good food for thought on the ‘whys’ of the battle: CIO/CSO disconnect. Rich: Why Russia and China think we are fighting cyberwar now. Project Quant Posts NSO Quant: Index of Posts. NSO Quant: Health Metrics – Device Health. Research Reports and Presentations Understanding and Selecting a Tokenization Solution. Security + Agile = FAIL Presentation. Data Encryption 101: A Pragmatic Approach to PCI. White Paper: Understanding and Selecting SIEM/Log Management. White Paper: Endpoint Security Fundamentals. Understanding and Selecting a Database Encryption or Tokenization Solution. Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins with Data Loss Prevention. Top News and Posts LinkedIn Drive-by Malware Attack. 19 Arrested in Zeus Malware Bank Heists. More Stuxnet Details. Tahoe Least Authority File System looks interesting. Microsoft pushes emergency patch for the padding oracle attack. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to Paul, in response to Understanding DLP Solutions, “DLP Light”, and DLP Features. Rich, nice update! It seems worth amplifying that DLP Light is going to give you multiple reporting points, requiring you to work with each product’s reporting output or console to see what’s going on. SIEM is a solution, but to provide the simplicity the typical DLP Light user might need, the SIEMs are going to need to provide pre-built correlation rules across the DLP Light components. Share:

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