

Ur C0de Sux

I was working at Unisys two decades ago when I first got into the discussion of what traits, characteristics, or skills to look for in programmer candidates we interviewed. One of the elder team members shocked me when he said he tried to hire musicians regardless of prior programming experience. His feeling was that anyone could learn a language, but people who wrote music understood composition and flow, far harder skills to teach. At the time I thought I understood what he meant, that good code has very little to do with individual statements or programing language used. And the people he hired did make mistakes with the language, but their applications were well thought out. Still, it took 10 years before I fully grasped why this approach worked. I got to thinking about this today when Rich forwarded me the link to Esther Schindler’s post “If the comments are ugly, the code is ugly”. Perhaps my opinion is colored by my own role as a writer and editor, but I firmly believe that if you can’t take the time to learn the syntax rules of English (including “its” versus “it’s” and “your” versus “you’re”), I don’t believe you can be any more conscientious at writing code that follows the rules. If you are sloppy in your comments, I expect sloppiness in the code. Thoughtful and well written, but horseshit none the less! Worse, this is a red herring. The quality of code lies in its suitability to perform the task it was designed to do. The goal should not be to please a spell checker. Like it or not, there are very good coders who are terrible at putting comments into the code, and what comments they provide are gibberish. They think like coders. They don’t think like English majors. And yes, I am someone who writes like English was my second language, and code like Java was my first. I am just more comfortable with the rules and uses. We call Java and C++ ‘languages’, which seems to invite comparison or cause some to equate these two things. But make no mistake: trying to extrapolate some common metric of quality is simply nuts. It is both a terrible premise, and the wrong perspective for judging a software developer’s skills. Any relevance of human language skill to code quality is purely accidental. I have gotten to the point in my career where a lack of comments in code can mean the code is of higher quality, not lower. Why? Likely the document first, code later process was followed. When I started working with seasoned architects for the first time, we documented everything long before any code was written. And we had an entire hierarchy of documents, with the first layer covering the goals of the project, the second layer covering the major architectural components and data flow, the third layer covering design issues and choices, and finally documentation at the object level. These documents were checked into the source code control system along with the code objects for reference during development. There were fewer comments in the code, but a lot more information was readily available. Good programs may have spelling errors in the comments. They may not have comments at all. They may have one or two logic flaws. Mostly irrelevant. I call the above post a red herring because it tries to judge software quality using spelling as a metric, as opposed to more relevant attributes such as: The number of bugs in any given module (on a per-developer basis if I can tell). The complexity or effort required to fix these bugs. How closely the code matches the design specifications. Uptime during stress testing. How difficult it is to alter or add functionality not provided for in the original design. The inclusion of debugging flags and tools. The inclusion of test cases with source code. The number of bugs is far more likely to be an indicator of sloppiness, mis-reading the design specification, bad assumptions, or bogus use cases. The complexity of the fix usually tells me, especially with new code, if the error was a simple mistake or a major screw-up. Logic errors need to be viewed in the same way. Finally, test cases and debugging built into the code are a significant indicator that the coder was thinking about the important data points in the code. Witnessing code behavior has been far more helpful for debugging code than inline comments. Finding ‘breadcrumbs’ and debugging flags is a better indication of a skilled coder than concise grammatically correct comments. I know some very good architects whose code and comments are sloppy. There are a number of reasons for this, primarily that coding is no longer their primary job. Most follow coding practices because heck, they wrote them. And if they are responsible for peer review this is a form of self preservation and education for their reviewees. But their most important skill is an understanding of business goals, architecture, and 4GL design. These are the people I want laying out my object models. These are the people I want stubbing out objects and prototyping workflow. These are the people I want choosing tools and platforms. Attention to detail is a prized attribute, but some details are more important than others. The better code I have seen comes from those who have the big picture in mind, not those who fuss over coding standards. Comments save time if professional code review (outsourced or peer) is being used, but a design specification is more important than inline comments. There is another angle to consider here, and that is coding in the open source community is a bit different than working for “The Man”. This is because the eyes of your peers are on you. Not just one or two co-workers, but an entire community. Peer pressure is a great way to get better quality code. Misspellings will earn you a few private email messages pointing out your error,

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The Anonymization of Losses: A Market Forces Failure

We talk a lot about the role of anonymization on the Internet. On one hand, it’s a powerful tool for freedom of speech. On the other, it creates massive security challenges by greatly reducing attackers’ risk of apprehension. The more time I spend in security, the more I realize that economics plays a far larger role than technology in what we do. Anonymization, combined with internationalization, shifts the economics of online criminal activity. In the old days to rob or hurt someone you needed a degree of physical access. The postal and phone systems reduced the need for this access, but also contain rate-limiters that reduce scalability of attacks. Physical access corresponds to physical risk – particularly the risk of apprehension. A lack of sufficient international cooperation (or even consistent international laws), combined with anonymity, and the scope and speed of the Internet, skew the economics in favor of the bad guys. There is a lower risk of capture, a lower risk of prosecution, limited costs of entry, and a large (global) scope for potential operations. Heck, with economics like that, I feel like an idiot for not being a cybercriminal. In security circles we spend a lot of time talking about the security issues of anonymity and internationalization, but these really aren’t the problem. The real problem isn’t the anonymity of users, but the anonymity of losses. When someone breaks into your house, you know it. When a retailer loses inventory to shrinkage, the losses are directly attributable to that part of the supply chain, and someone’s responsible. But our computer security losses aren’t so clear, and in fact are typically completely hidden from the asset owner. Banking losses due to hacking are spread throughout the system, with users rarely paying the price. Actually, that statement is completely wrong. We all pay for this kind of fraud, but it’s hidden from us by being spread throughout the system, rather than tied to specific events. We all pay higher fees to cover these losses. Thus we don’t notice the pain, don’t cry out for change, and don’t change our practices. We don’t even pick our banks or credit cards based on security any more, since they all appear the same. Losses are also anonymized on the corporate side. When an organization suffers a data breach, does the business unit involved suffer any losses? Do they pay for the remediation out of their departmental budget? Not in any company I’ve ever worked with – the losses are absorbed by IT/security. Our system is constructed in a manner that completely disrupts the natural impact of market forces. Those most responsible for their assets suffer minimal or no direct pain when they experience losses. Damages are either spread through the system, or absorbed by another cost center. Now imagine a world where we reverse this situation. Where consumers are responsible for the financial losses associated with illicit activity in their accounts. Where business unit managers have to pay for remediation efforts when they are hacked. I guarantee that behavior would quickly change. The economics of security fail because the losses are invisibly transfered away from those with the most responsibility. They don’t suffer the pain of losses, but they do suffer the pain/inconvenience of security. On top of that, many of the losses are nearly impossible to measure, even if you detect them (non-regulated data loss). No wonder they don’t like us. Security professionals ask me all the time when users will “get it”, and management will “pay attention”. We don’t have a hope of things changing until those in charge of the purse strings start suffering the pain associated with security failures. It’s just simple economics. Share:

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Mobile Phone Worms Don’t Need Carriers Anymore

I just read about some Georgia Tech researchers working on remote security techniques that carriers could use to help manage attacks on cell phones. Years ago I used to focus on a similar issue: how mobile malware was something that carriers would eventually be responsible for stopping, and that’s why we wouldn’t really need AV on our phones. That particular prediction was clearly out of date before the threat ever reared its ugly head. These days our phones are connected nearly as much to WiFi, Bluetooth, and other networks as they are to the carrier’s network. Thus it isn’t hard to see malware that checks to see which network interface is active before sending out any bad packets (DDOS is much more effective over WiFi than EDGE/3G anyway). This could circumvent the carrier, leaving malware to propagate over local networks. Then again, perhaps we’ll all have super-high-speed carrier-based networks on some 6G technology before phone malware is prevalent, and we’ll be back on carrier networks again for most of our connectivity. In which case, if it’s AT&T, the network won’t be reliable enough for any malware to spread anyway. Share:

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Layman’s view of X.509

A couple weeks ago, we began an internal discussion about DNS security and X.509 certificates. It dawned on me that those of you who have never worked with certificates may not understand what they are or what they are for. Sure, you can go to the X.509 Wiki, where you get the rules for usage and certificate structure, but that’s a little like trying to figure out football by reading the rule book. If you are asking, “What the heck is it and what is it used for?”, you are not alone. An X.509 certificate is used to make an authoritative statement about something. A real life equivalent would be “Hi, I’m David, and I live at 555 Main Street.” The certificate holder presents it to someone/something in order to prove they are who they say they are, in order to establish trust. X.509 and other certificates are useful because the certificate provides the necessary information to validate the presenter’s claim and the authenticate the certificate itself. Like a driver’s license with a hologram, but much better. The recipient examines the certificate’s contents to decide if the presenter is who they say they are, and them whether to trust them with some privilege. Certificates are used primarily to establish trust on the web, and rely heavily on cryptography to provide the built-in validation. Certificates are always signed with a chain of authority. If the root of the chain is trusted, the user or application can extend that level of trust to some other domain/server/user. If the recipient doesn’t already trust the top signing authority, the certificate is ignored and no trust is established. In a way, an x.509 certificate is a basic embodiment of data centric security, as it contains both information and some rules of use. Most certificates state within themselves what they are used for, and yes, they can be used for purposes other than validating web site identity/ownership, but in practice we don’t see diverse uses of X.509 certificates. You will hear that X.509 is an old format, that it’s not particularly flexible or adaptable. All of which is true and why we don’t see it used very often in different contexts. Considering that X.509 certificates are used primarily for network security, but were designed a decade before most people had even heard of the Internet, they have worked considerably better than we had any right to expect. Share:

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Always Assume

How often have you heard the phrase, “Never assume” (insert the cheesy catch phrase that was funny in 6th grade here)? For the record, it’s wrong. When designing our security, disaster recovery, or whatever, the problem isn’t that we make assumptions, it’s that we make the wrong assumptions. To narrow it down even more, the problem is when we make false assumptions, and typically those assumptions skew towards the positive, leaving us unprepared for the negative. Actually, I’ll narrow this down even more… the one assumption to avoid is a single phrase: “That will never happen.” There’s really no way to perform any kind of forward-looking planning without some basis for assumptions. The trick to avoiding problems is that these assumptions should generally skew to the negative, and must always be justified, rather than merely accepted. It’s important not to make all your decisions based on worst cases because that leads to excessive costs. Expose all the the assumptions helps you examine the corresponding risk tolerance. For example, in mountain rescue we engaged in non-stop scenario planning, and had to make certain assumptions. We assumed that a well cared for rope under proper use would only break at its tested breaking strength (minus knots and other calculable factors). We didn’t assume said breaking strength was what was printed on the label by the manufacturer, but was our own internal breaking strength value, determined through testing. We would then build in a minimum of a 3:1 safety factor to account for unexpected dynamic strains/wear/whatever. In the field we were constantly calculating load levels in our heads, and would even occasionally break out a dynamometer to confirm. We also tested every single component in our rescue systems – including the litter we’d stick the patient into, just in case someone had to hang off the end of it. Our team was very heavy with engineers, but that isn’t the case with other rescue teams. Most of them used a 10:1 safety factor, but didn’t perform the same kinds of testing or calculations we did. There’s nothing wrong with that… although it did give our team a little more flexibility. I was recently explaining the assumptions I used to derive our internal corporate security, and realized that I’ve been using a structured assumptions framework that I haven’t ever put in writing (until now). Since all scenario planning is based on assumptions, and the trick is to pick the right assumptions, I formalized my approach in the shower the other night (an image that has likely scarred all of you for life). It consists of four components: Assumption Reasoning: The basis for the assumption. Indicators: Specific cues that indicate whether the assumption is accurate or if there’s a problem in that area. Controls: The security/recovery/safety controls to mitigate the issue. Here’s how I put it in practice when developing our security: Assumption: Securosis in general, and myself specifically, are a visible target. Reasoning: We are extremely visible and vocal in the security community, and as such are not only a target of opportunity. We also have strong relationships within the vulnerability research community, where directed attacks to embarrass individuals are not uncommon. That said, we aren’t at the top of an attacker’s list – there is no financial incentive to attack us, nor does any of our work directly interfere with the income of cybercriminal organizations. While we deal with some non-public information, it isn’t particularly valuable in a financial context. Thus we are a target, but the motivation would be to embarrass us and disrupt our operations, not to generate income. Indicators: A number of our industry friends have been targeted and successfully attacked. Last year one of my private conversations with one such victim was revealed as part of an attack. For this particular assumption, no further indicators are really needed. Controls: This assumption doesn’t drive specific controls, but does reinforce a general need to invest heavily in security to protect against a directed attack by someone willing to take the time to compromise myself or the company. You’ll see how this impacts things with the other assumptions. Assumption: While we are a target, we are not valuable enough to waste a serious zero-day exploit on. Reasoning: A zero-day capable of compromising our infrastructure will be too financially valuable to waste on merely embarrassing a gaggle of analysts. This is true for our internal infrastructure, but not necessarily for our web site. Indicators: If this assumption is wrong, it’s possible one of our outbound filtering layers will register unusual activity, or we will see odd activity from a server. Controls: Outbound filtering is our top control here, and we’ve minimized our external surface area and compartmentalized things internally. The zero-day would probably have to target our individual desktops, or our mail server, since we don’t really have much else. Our web site is on a less common platform, and I’ll talk more about that in a second. There are other possible controls we could put in place (from DLP to HIPS), but unless we have an indication someone would burn a valuable exploit on us, they aren’t worth the cost. Assumption: Our website will be hacked. Reasoning: We do not have the resources to perform full code analysis and lockdown on the third party platform we built our site on. Our site is remotely co-hosted, which also opens up potential points of attack. It is the weakest link in our infrastructure, and the easiest point to attack short of developing some new zero-day against our mail server or desktops. Indicators: Unusual activity within the site, or new administrative user accounts. We periodically review the back-end management infrastructure for indicators of an ongoing compromise, including both the file system and the content management system. For example, if HTML rendering in comments was suddenly turned on, that would be an indicator. Controls: We deliberately chose a service provider and platform with better than average security records, and security controls not usually available for a co-hosted site. We’ve disabled any HTML rendering in comments/forum posts, and promote use of NoScript when visiting our site to reduce user exposure when it’s compromised. On

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Friday Summary: November 13, 2009

I have to be honest. I’m getting tired of this whole “security is failing, security professionals suck” meme. If the industry was failing that badly all our bank accounts would be empty, we’d be running on generators, our kids would all be institutionalized due to excessive exposure to porn, email would be dead, and all our Amazon orders would be rerouted to Liberia… but would never show up because of all the falling planes crashing into sinking cargo ships. I’m not going to say we don’t have serious problems! We do, but we are also far from complete failure. Just as any retail supply chain struggles with shrinkage (theft), any organization of sufficient size will struggle with data shrinkage and security penetrations. Are we suffering losses? Hell, yes. Are they bad? Most definitely. But these losses clearly haven’t hit the point where the pain to society has sufficiently exceeded our tolerance. Partially I think this is because the losses are unevenly distributed and hidden within the system, but that’s another post. I don’t know where the line is that will kick the world into action, but suspect it might involve sudden unavailability of Internet porn and LOLCats email. Those of us deeply embedded within the security industry forget that the vast majority of people responsible for IT security across the world aren’t necessarily in dedicated positions within large enterprises. I’d venture a bet that if we add up all the 1-2 person security teams in SMB (many only doing security part-time), and other IT professionals with some security responsibilities, that number would be a pretty significant multiple of all the CISSPs and SANS graduates in the world. It’s ridiculous for us to tell these folks that they are failing. They are slammed with day to day operational tasks, with no real possibility of ever catching up. I heard someone say at Gartner once that if we froze the technology world today, buying no new systems and approving no new projects, it would still take us 5 years to catch up. Security professionals have evolved… they just have far too much to deal with on a daily basis. We also forget that, as with any profession, most of the people in it just want to do their jobs and go home at night, perhaps 10% are really good and always thinking about it, and at least 30% are lazy and suck. I might be too generous with that 30% number. Security, and security professionals, aren’t failing. We lose some battles and win others, and life goes on. At some point the world feels enough pain and we get more resources to respond. Then we reduce that pain to an acceptable level, and we’re forgotten again. That said, I do think life will be more interesting once losses aren’t hidden within the system (and I mean inside all kinds of businesses, not just the financial world). Once we can tie data loss to pain, perhaps priorities will shift. But that’s for another post… On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Adrian and Martin on Network Security Podcast 173. Adrian’s Dark Reading post on Database Cell Encryption. Some of Rich’s work is in the brand new Macworld Snow Leopard Superguide. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Dave Meier’s post on security and location based services. This challenged my existing beliefs and forced me to separate the issues of security and privacy. Can’t ask for much more out of a post (or an intern). Adrian and Meier: Compliance vs. Security. Mort: Always Assume Other Securosis Posts 2010 Services Update Mobile Phone Worms Don’t Need Carriers Anymore Two Random Security Rules Google Dashboard Comments Layman’s view of X.509 Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Andy the IT Guy on building a program from the ground up. I think I might have to do a full response to this one. Adrian: SDL for Agile Development on the Microsoft Security Development blog. Chris: Paul Vixie on the subversion of DNS. Mort: Practices: Proven vs. Standard? Meier: Unpatched Windows 7 Bug Crashes Windows – Microsoft needs to give up the backwards compatibility and stick a fork in it – it’s done! Top News and Posts WordPress security patches out. HP buys 3Com – does this make them a security vendor now? (On the networking side – they already had application security). Mike Bailey discovers a flaw in Flash same origin policy enforcement. The Dark Side of the Cloud. Shocker: None of 16 AV products tested rated Very Good. Awesome: Hacked Roombas Used to Play Pac-Man. Where do they find the time? Apple Fixes User Account Bug. Marcus Ranum at TED. Martin on the ethics of spilled COFEE. Adam O’Donnell joins Immunet. A Security Catalyst post on what it’s like for new people entering the security profession. Researchers pushing smartphone security to the carrier. Google Latitude Gets Creepy with Location History and Alerts – Goes with Meier’s theme this week. Animated Network Packet Structure Visualization – Not security related exactly, but interesting. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment comes from Mike Rothman in response to Compliance vs. Security: Wow. Hard to know where to start here. There is a lot to like and appreciate about Corman’s positions. Security innovation has clearly suffered because organizations are feeding the compliance beast. Yes, there is some overlap – but it’s more being lucky than good when a compliance mandate actually improves security. The reality is BOTH security and compliance do not add value to an organization. I’ve heard the “enabling” hogwash for years and still don’t believe it. That means organizations will spend the least amount possible to achieve a certain level of “risk” mitigation – whether it’s to address security threats or compliance mandates. That is not going to change. What Josh is really doing is challenging all of us to break out of this death spiral, where we are beholden to the compliance gods and that means we cannot actually protect much of anything. Compliance is and will remain years behind the real threats. Share:

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2010 Services Update

You can ignore this post if you aren’t interested in the for-pay side of Securosis (in other words, if you don’t want to give us any cash). I try not to put too much of the business side here in the blog feed, but we’re doing our 2010 planning and have made some changes to our services. Since we continue to grow, we needed to formalize things a little more than we have in the past. Being transparent, we don’t have to hide any of this. So if you are looking for some independent analysis, here’s what’s on our plate for 2010. For anything that’s public facing (whitepapers, webcasts, speaking) it has to comply with our objectivity standards (Totally Transparent Research). All of our services are open to users, vendors or the investment community, but I doubt any of you user types wants to sponsor a whitepaper. Retainer Programs: For 2010 we’ve split this into 2 levels – Basic and Premier. Basic is defined and priced based on the number of dedicated hours you think you might want per quarter (the lowest is 3), and includes unlimited “short” contact (quick emails/calls). Premier is our new program, priced at the level our largest retainer clients tended to go with ($7,500/quarter), but now includes unlimited hour-long calls, and up to 5 “extended inquiries” for deeper work. All retainer programs include discounts for all our other services, especially on-site days, which vary based on the tier of the retainer. Advisory Projects: These are custom scoped projects to meet specific objectives. Yes, pretty much just like consulting, even though we give it a fancy analyst name. On-Site Advisory Days: These are for on-site strategy work, although we can combine them with speaking engagements. White Papers/Published Research: We are formalizing our research agenda for the year and many of our papers are open for sponsorship. Sponsors cannot influence the content of the paper, but they also don’t have to pay if the paper ends up not meeting their needs. We do accept proposals for paper/research ideas, but if they don’t match our coverage agenda, or are biased by the nature of the topic, we can’t be involved. We do not do any ghostwriting. Right now we have a couple slots open on our database encryption and vulnerability assessment papers, and topics for 2010 include cloud computing (specifically a paper on data security in the cloud, and another on cloud-based security services), some data and application security topics we’re trying to narrow down, and additional work on patch management and Project Quant. There will be a bunch more, but we haven’t fully planned out our 2010 agenda yet. Webcasts/Speaking/Presentations: The usual – topics must be in our coverage areas and meet objectivity requirements, but we are otherwise pretty open on topics. Videocasts: Within the next few weeks we will be releasing our first in a series of short videos designed to supplement our other research. We’ve invested a lot of time and resources to be able to produce something a heck of a lot better than blurry talking heads, and some of these will be open for sponsorship. The first two should be ready within the next couple weeks – one on content analysis techniques, and the other on database activity monitoring collection techniques. They will average 5-15 minutes long, with laser focus on a specific topic. And that’s it. We have some other exciting stuff in the works (all for the user community), but nothing we’re ready to announce yet. Share:

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Welcome to Oceania

At lunch last week, location-based privacy came up. I actively opt in to a monitoring service, which gets me a discount on insurance for a vehicle I own. My counterpart stated that they would never agree to anything of the sort because of the inherent breach of personal privacy and security. I responded that the privacy statement explicitly reads that the device does not contain GPS, nor does the company track the vehicle’s location. But even if the privacy statement said the opposite – should I care? Is location directly tied to some aspect of my life that might negatively impact me? And ultimately is security really tied to privacy in this context? In a paper by Janice Tsai, Who’s Viewed You? The Impact of Feedback in a Mobile Location-Sharing Application (PDF) the abstract’s last line states, “…our study suggests that peer opinion and technical savviness contribute most to whether or not participants thought they would continue to use a mobile location technology.” This makes sense as I would self-qualify my ability to understand the technology enough to be able to control and measure the level of exposure I may create. Although the paper’s focus is ultimately on the feedback (or lack thereof) that these location-based services provide, it still contains interesting information. The thing that most intrigued me is that it never actually correlated privacy to security. I expected there to be a definitive point where users complained about being less secure somehow because they were being tracked. But nothing like that appeared. I continued on my journey, looking to tie location-based privacy to security, and ran across another paper with a more promising title: “Location-Based Services and the Privacy-Security Dichotomy” by K. Michael, L. Perusco, and M. G. Michael. The paper provides much more warning of “security compromise” and “privacy risk”, but the problem remains – again, this paper doesn’t provide any hard evidence of how these location-based services actually create a security risk. In fact it’s more the opposite – they state that if we are willing to give up privacy, then our personal security may be increased. The authors mention the obvious risks, including lack of control and data leakage, but at this point, I’m still unsatisfied and have yet to find a clear understanding of how or why using a location-based service might ultimately make me less secure. So maybe it’s simply not so, and perhaps the real problem is outlined in section 3.2 of the paper: “The Human Need for Autonomy”. Let’s be honest – it’s more psychological than anything with a placeholder for obvious exceptions, the most notable being stalker scenarios that are linked to domestic abuse of sorts. Even in this scenario it may be a stretch to say that location-based services are really the root cause of decreased personal security. Sure an angry ex may guess or even know a password to a webmail account and skim location data from communications, but the same could be done by lock picking a place of residence and stealing a daily planner. It’s a particular area that can easily be argued from either side because of different interpretations of what it is in the end. We’d like to think that nobody is tracking us, but we all carry mobile phones, we’re all recorded daily by countless cameras, we all badge in at work using RFID, we all swipe payment cards, and we all use the Internet (I’m generalizing “we” based on content distribution here, but flame if you must). The addition of things like Google Latitude, Skyhook Wireless, and Yahoo! Fire Eagle are adding a level of usability but in the grand scheme of things do they really impact your personal security? Probably not. In the meantime, my fellow netizens, we can at least make light of the situation while we discuss what it is and isn’t. It’s a place, no matter where we are, that can mockingly be referred to as: Oceania – because try as you might, someone is watching. Share:

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Google Dashboard Comments

I was playing around with Google Dashboard this morning. After reading the cnet post on Google’s Data Liberation Project, and Google’s announcement of, I could not help but get a excited about what they were doing. Trying to be ‘open’ and ‘liberate’ data sounds great! Many web services make it difficult to leave their services – you have to pay them for exporting your data, or jump through all sorts of technical hoops – for example, exporting your photos one by one, versus all at once. We believe that users – not products – own their data, and should be able to quickly and easily take that data out of any product without a hassle. We’d rather have loyal users who use Google products because they’re innovative – not because they lock users in. You can think of this as a long-term strategy to retain loyal users, rather than the short-term strategy of making it hard for people to leave. We’ve already liberated over half of all Google products, from our popular blogging platform Blogger, to our email service Gmail, and Google developer tools including App Engine. In the upcoming months, we also plan to liberate Google Sites and Google Docs (batch-export). Awesome! I jumped right in as I had two very specific things to address. I wanted to see if I could remove some information from Google that would change Google search behavior. Those issues are: 1. After I responded to a friend’s email inquiry a few months ago (sent to my Gmail account) regarding a piece of electronics equipment, I started to see ads for that product in my search results. I have no interest in the product and it does not belong in my search results. 2. I do a lot of driving and I use Google and Amazon maps. Google has started altering my route endpoints arbitrarily. I own a home, but the address is not registered as my home address anywhere except tax records, and has never been used in any online search, much less a Google map search (for very specific reasons). But Google Maps has been altering the endpoints of my routes to direct me to this property; it’s not an address I want to travel to and I did not enter it. How Google found it and then associated it with me is a interesting in and of itself, but to arbitrarily assume I want to go there is both annoying and disconcerting. So I plunged right and and found: zero. Nothing that showed any of that data, nor how it was being used. Oh well. I guess my expectations were far too high. So I took a step back and looked at exactly what Google is offering. Digging in, what does the concept of “liberated” data get me? To “… easily take that data out of any product without a hassle” is a nice idea. Medical records, photos, and social media site contents would be great to have copies of. But making digital copies is trivial, and I don’t think Google is talking about removal from products or services, but taking a copy and importing that copy into another app or service. Looking at the Dashboard, control and management is absent. To put this into context, when I think of data management, I think of the Data Security Lifecycle concept that Rich and I present at conferences. Data ownership and management is totally different than getting a copy. Most people will read this ‘take’ in a non-digital, real-world analog sense, meaning to ‘remove’. Google is using the digital sense, where ‘take’ is closer to ‘propagate’. Furthermore, I am not sure just what exactly they mean by an “an open web run on open standards”. Is Google offering an open data format? An open API to control or manage data? Or do they mean all web data being open to web search (Google), and available to as many applications (Google) and services (Google) as you care to use? It sounded so good, but unfortunately there does not seem to be anything of substance behind the press releases! That’s why I think this is all window dressing. Call me a skeptical security guy, but it looks like Google is taking a page out of Microsoft’s handbook, in that they are creating a tool to combat user fears and concerns, but data storage and management become tied more closely to Google, not less. Taking data from one place to another provides additional attributes and context that increases its value. Google remains in control and it will be very difficult to argue who owns that data. Share:

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Two Random Security Rules

Do not expect human behavior to change. You can affect habits, but not behavior. No security problem ever goes away. People have always hit each other over the heads with rocks and cracked safes since they existed (which is why safes were invented, of course), and will continue to hit each other with rocks and crack safes. Problems get better or worse, but never disappear. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
  • Comments are enabled for posts. All comments are kept except for spam, personal insults of a clearly inflammatory nature, and completely off-topic content that distracts from the discussion. We welcome comments critical of the work, even if somewhat insulting to the authors. Really.
  • Anyone can comment, and no registration is required. Vendors or consultants with a relevant product or offering must properly identify themselves. While their comments won’t be deleted, the writer/moderator will “call out”, identify, and possibly ridicule vendors who fail to do so.
  • Vendors considering licensing the content are welcome to provide feedback, but it must be posted in the comments - just like everyone else. There is no back channel influence on the research findings or posts.
    Analysts must reply to comments and defend the research position, or agree to modify the content.
  • At the end of the post series, the analyst compiles the posts into a paper, presentation, or other delivery vehicle. Public comments/input factors into the research, where appropriate.
  • If the research is distributed as a paper, significant commenters/contributors are acknowledged in the opening of the report. If they did not post their real names, handles used for comments are listed. Commenters do not retain any rights to the report, but their contributions will be recognized.
  • All primary research will be released under a Creative Commons license. The current license is Non-Commercial, Attribution. The analyst, at their discretion, may add a Derivative Works or Share Alike condition.
  • Securosis primary research does not discuss specific vendors or specific products/offerings, unless used to provide context, contrast or to make a point (which is very very rare).
    Although quotes from published primary research (and published primary research only) may be used in press releases, said quotes may never mention a specific vendor, even if the vendor is mentioned in the source report. Securosis must approve any quote to appear in any vendor marketing collateral.
  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.