

Securing Hadoop: Architecture and Composition

Our goal for this post is to succinctly outline what Hadoop (and most NoSQL) clusters look like, how they are assembled, and how they are used. This provides better understanding of the security challenges, and what sort of protections need to be leveraged to secure them. Developers and data scientists continue to stretch system performance and scalability, using customized combinations of open source and commercial products, so there is really no such thing as a ‘standard’ Hadoop deployment. With these considerations in mind, it is time to map out threats to the cluster. NoSQL databases enable companies to collect, manage, and analyze incredibly large data sets. Thousands of firms are working on big data projects, from small startups to large enterprises. Since our original paper in 2012 the rate of adoption has only increased; platforms such as Hadoop, Cassandra, Mongo, and RIAK are now commonplace, with some firms supporting multiple installations. In just a couple years they went from “rogue IT” to “core systems”. Most firms recognized the value of “big data”, acknowledged these platforms are essential, and tasked IT teams with bringing them “under IT governance”. Most firms today are taking their first steps to retrofit security and governance controls onto Hadoop. Let’s dig into how all the pieces fit together: Architecture and Data Flow Hadoop has been wildly successful because it scales well, can be configured to handle a wide variety of use cases, and is very inexpensive compared to relational and data warehouse alternatives. Which is all another way of saying it’s cheap, fast, and flexible. To show why and how it scales, let’s take a look at a Hadoop cluster architecture: There are several things to note here. The architecture promotes scaling and performance. It provides parallel processing, and additional nodes provide ‘horizontal’ scalability. This architecture is also inherently multi-tenant, supporting multiple applications across one or more file groups. But there are a lot of moving parts; each node communicates with its peers to ensure that data is properly replicated, nodes are on-line and functional, storage is optimized, and application requests are being processed. We’ll dig into specific threats to Hadoop clusters later in this series. Hadoop Stack To appreciate Hadoop’s flexibility, you need to understand that a cluster can be fully customized. It is useful to think about the Hadoop framework as a ‘stack’, much like a LAMP stack, but much less standardized. While Pig and Hive are commonly used, the ability to mix and match components makes deployments much more diverse. For example, Sqoop and Yarn are alternative data access services. You can select different big data environments to support columnar, graph, document, XML, or multidimensional data. And over the last couple years MapReduce has largely given way to SQL query engines – with Spark, Drill, Impala, and Hive all accommodating increasing use of SQL-style queries. This modularity offers great flexibility to assemble and tailor clusters to behave and perform exactly as desired. But it also makes security more difficult – each option brings its own security options and issues. The beauty part is that you can set up a cluster to satisfy your usability, scalability, and performance goals. You can tailor it to specific types of data, or add modules to facilitate analysis of certain data sets. But that flexibility brings complexity. Each module runs a specific version of code, has its own configuration, and may require independent authentication to work in the cluster. Many pieces must work in tandem here to process data, so each requires its own security review. Some of you reading this are already familiar with the architecture and component stack of a Hadoop cluster. You may be asking, “Why we are we going through these basics?”. To understand threats and appropriate responses, you need to first understand how all the pieces of the cluster work together. Each component interface is a trust relationship, and each relationships is a target. Each component offers attacker a specific set of potential exploits, and defenders have a corresponding set of options for attack detection and prevention. Understanding architecture and cluster composition is the first step to putting together your security strategy. Our next post will present several strategies used to secure big data. Each model includes basic benefits and requires supplementary security tools. After selecting a strategy, you can put together a collection of security controls to meet your objectives. Share:

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Securing Hadoop: Security Recommendations for NoSQL platforms [New Series]

It’s been three and a half years since we published our research paper on Securing Big Data. That research paper has been one of the more popular papers we’ve ever written. And it’s no wonder as NoSQL adoption was faster than we expected; we see hundreds of new projects popping up, leveraging the scale, analytics and low cost of these platforms. It’s not hyperbole to claim it has revolutionized the database market over the last 5 years, and community support behind these platforms – and especially Hadoop – is staggering. At the time we wrote the last paper security, Hadoop – much less the other platforms – was something of a barren wasteland. They did not include basic controls for data protection, most third party tools could not scale along with NoSQL and thus were of little use to developers, and leaders of NoSQL firms directed resources to improving performance and scalability, not security. Heck, in 2012 the version of Hadoop I evaluated did not even require and administrative password! But when it comes to NoSQL security, and Hadoop specifically, things have changed dramatically. As we advise clients on how to implement security controls, there are many new options to consider. And while there remains some gaps in monitoring and assessment capabilities, Hadoop has (mostly) reached security parity with the relational platforms of old. We can’t call it a barren wasteland any longer, so to accurately advise people on approaches and tools to leverage, we can no longer refer them back to that original paper. So we are kicking off a new research series to refresh this paper. Most of the content will be new. And this time we will do this a little bit differently that the last time. First, we are going to provide less background on what makes NoSQL different than relational databases, as most people in IT are now comfortable with the architectural and functional distinctions between the two. Second, most of our recommendations will still apply to NoSQL platforms in general, but this research will be more focused on Hadoop as we get a majority of questions on Hadoop security despite dozens of alternatives. Finally, as there are lots more aspects to talk about, we’ll weave preventative and detective controls into a more operational (i.e.: day to day management) model for both data and database infrastructure. Here is how we are laying out the series: Hadoop Architecture and Assembly — The goal with this post is to succinctly outline what Hadoop and similar styles of NoSQL clusters look like, how they are assembled and how they are used. In this light we get a better idea of the security challenges and what sort of protections need to be leveraged. As developers and data scientists stretch systems from a performance and scalability standpoint, and custom assemblage of open source and commercial products, there really is no such thing as a standard Hadoop deployment. So with these considerations in mind we will map out threats to the cluster. Use Cases & Security Architectures — This post will discuss the strategic considerations for deploying security for big data. Depending upon which model you choose, you change where certain types of threats are addressed, and consequentially what tools you will rely upon to provide security. Or stated another way, the security model you choose will dictate what security technologies you need to prevent and detect threats. There are several approaches that organizations take to secure Hadoop and other NoSQL clusters. These range from securing the network around the cluster, Identity Management, to maintaining security controls on each node within the cluster, or even taking a data centric approach to security. We’ll go over the major trends we see today, and discuss the advantages and pitfalls of each approach. Building Security Into the Cluster — Here is where we discuss how all of the pieces fit together. There are many security controls available, and each address a specific threat vector an attacker may employ. We’ll focus on security controls you want to build into your cluster from the start: identity, authorization, transport layer security, application security and data encryption. This will focus on the base security controls that allow you to define how the cluster should be used from a security standpoint. Operational Security — Here we will focus on the day to day security controls for monitoring ongoing security and discovering user behavior and ongoing security operations. Aspects like configuration management, patching, logging, monitoring, and node validation. We’ll even discuss integrating a DevOps approach to cluster administration to improve speed and consistency. Commercial Hadoop and NoSQL variants — Hadoop is the dominant flavor of ‘big data’ in use today. In this section we will discuss what the commercial Hadoop platform vendors are doing to promote security for their customers with a blend of open source, home grown and 3rd party security product support. There is no reason to roll you’re own security out of necessity as commercial variants often add on their own products or provide bundles for you. Each offers unique capabilities and each has a vision of what their customers should focus on, so we will cover some of the current offerings. We will also offer some advice on the application of security to non-Hadoop platforms. While Hadoop is the most commonly used platform, there are specialized flavors of NoSQL that are eminently appropriate for certain business challenges and are in wide use. Some even use HDFS or other Hadoop components that allow the use of the same security controls across different clusters. We will close out this section discussing where the security controls we have already discussed can be deployed in non-Hadoop environments where appropriate. As with our original paper, this is not intended to be an exhaustive look at all potential security options, but to get the IT and development teams who run these clusters basic security controls in place. Up next, Hadoop Architecture and Assembly. Share:

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The EIGHTH Annual Disaster Recovery Breakfast: Clouds Ahead

Once again Securosis and friends are hosting our RSA Conference Disaster Recovery Breakfast. It’s really hard to believe this is the eighth year for this event. Regardless of San Francisco’s February weather, we expect to be seeing clouds all week. But we’re happy to help you cut through the fog to grab some grub, drinks, and bacon. Kidding aside, we are grateful that so many of our friends, clients, and colleagues enjoy a couple hours away from the show that is now the RSAC. By Thursday we’re all disasters, and it’s very nice to have a place to kick back, have some conversations at a normal decibel level, and grab a nice breakfast. Did we mention there will be bacon? With the continued support of Kulesa Faul, we’re honored to bring two new supporters in this year. If you don’t know our friends at CHEN PR and LaunchTech, you’ll have a great opportunity to say hello and thank them for helping support your habits. As always the breakfast will be Thursday morning from 8-11 at Jillian’s in the Metreon. It’s an open door – come and leave as you want. We will have food, beverages, and assorted non-prescription recovery items to ease your day. Yes, the bar will be open – Mike has acquired a taste for Bailey’s in his coffee. Please remember what the DR Breakfast is all about. No marketing, no spin, no t-shirts, and no flashing sunglasses – it’s just a quiet place to relax and have muddled conversations with folks you know, or maybe even go out on a limb and meet someone new. After three nights of RSA Conference shenanigans, we are confident you will enjoy the DRB as much as we do. See you there. To help us estimate numbers, please RSVP to rsvp (at) securosis (dot) com. Share:

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Security is Changing. So is Securosis.

Last week Rich sent around Cockroaches Versus Unicorns: The Golden Age Of Cybersecurity Startups, by Mahendra Ramsinghani over at TechCrunch, for us to read. It isn’t an article every security professional needs to read, but it is certainly mandatory reading for anyone who makes buying decisions, tracks the security market, or is on the investment or startup side. It also nearly perfectly describes what we are going through as a company. His premise is that ‘unicorns’ are rare in the security industry. There are very few billion-dollar market cap companies, relative to the overall size of the market. But security companies are better suited to survive downturns and other challenging times. We are basically ‘cockroaches’, which persist through every tech Armageddon, often due to our ability to fall back on services. Many security startups are not unicorns; rather, they are cockroaches – they rarely die, and  in tough times, they can switch into a frugal/consulting mode. Like cockroaches, they can survive long nuclear winters. Security companies can be capital-efficient, and typically consume ~$40 million to reach break-even. This gives them a survival edge – but VCs are looking for a “growth edge.” The security market also appears much smaller than it should be considering the market dynamics, although it is very possible that is changing thanks to the hostile world out there. The article also postulates that the entire environment is shifting, with carriers and managed services providers jumping into acquisitions while large established players struggle. Yet most of the startups VCs see are just more of the same, fail to differentiate, and rely far too much on really poor FUD-based sales dynamics. With increasing hacks, the CISO’s life has just become a lot messier. One CISO told me, “Between my HVAC vendor and my board of directors, I am stretched. And everyday I get a hundred LinkedIn requests from vendors. Their FUD approach to security sales is exhausting.” And “I have seen at least 40 FireEye killers in the past 12 months,” one Palo Alto-based VC told me. Clearly he was exhausted. Some sub-sectors are overheated and investors are treading cautiously. We certainly see the same thing. How many threat intel and security analytics startups does the industry need? We get a few briefing requests a week, from another new company doing exactly the same things. And all our CISO friends hate vendor sales techniques. These senior security folks get upwards of 500 emails and 100 phone calls a week from sales people trying to get meetings. All this security crap looks the same. This combination inevitably leads to a contraction of seed capital, and that is where our story starts. DisruptOPS Most of you have noticed that over the past few years our research has skewed strongly toward cloud security, automation, and DevOps. This started with our initial partnership with the Cloud Security Alliance to build out the CCSK training class around 6 years ago. Rich had to create all the hands-on labs, which augered him down the rabbit hole of Amazon Web Services, OpenStack, Azure, and all the supporting tools. As analysts we like to think it’s our job to have a good sense of what’s coming down the road. We made a bet on the cloud and it paid off, transitioning from a hobby to generate beer money to a major source of ongoing revenue. It also opened us up to a wider client base, especially among end-user organizations. Three years ago Rich realized that in all his cloud security engagements, and all the classes we taught, we heard the same problems over and over. The biggest unsolved problem seemed to be cloud security automation. The next year was spent writing some proof-of-concept code merely to support conference presentations because there were no vendor examples, but at every talk attendees kept asking for “more… faster”. This demand became too great to ignore, and nearly 2 years ago we decided to start building our own platform. And we did … we built our own cloud security platform. Don’t worry, we don’t have anything to sell you – this is where Ramsinghani’s article comes in.   Our initial plan was to self fund development (Securosis is an awesome business) until we had a solid demo/prototype. Then we assumed it would be easy to get seed cash from some of our successful friends and build a new company in parallel with Securosis to focus on the product. We didn’t just want to start up a software company and jettison Securosis because our research is an essential driver to maintain differentiation, and we wanted to build the company without going the traditional VC route. We also have some practical limitations on how we can do things. We are older, have families to support, and have deep roots where we live that preclude relocation. The analogy we use is that we can’t go back to eating ramen for dinner every night in a coding flophouse. The demo killed when we showed it to people, we are really smart, and people like us. Our future was bright. Then we got hit with the reality clue bat. Everything was looking awesome last year at RSA when we started showing people and talking to investors. By summer all our options fell apart. We didn’t fit the usual model. We weren’t going to move to the Bay Area. We couldn’t take pay cuts to ‘normal’ founder levels and still support our families. And to be honest, we still didn’t want to go the normal VC route. We just weren’t going to play that game, given the road rash both Mike and Adrian have from earlier in their careers. Just like the article said, we couldn’t find seed funding. At least not the way we wanted to build the company. We even had a near-miss on an acquisition, but we couldn’t line everything up to hit everyone’s goals and expectations. Yet while this all went on, the Securosis business you see every day continued to boom. We

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Incite 1/20/2016 — Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

I have always gotten great meaning from music. I can point back to times in my life when certain songs totally resonate. Like when I was a geeky teen and Rush’s Signals spoke to me. I saw myself as the awkward kid in Subdivisions who had a hard time fitting in. Then I went through my Pink Floyd stage in college, where “The Wall” dredged up many emotions from a challenging childhood and the resulting distance I kept from people. Then Guns ‘n Roses spoke to me when I was partying and raging, and to this day I remain shocked I escaped largely unscathed (though my liver may not agree). But I never really understood David Bowie. I certainly appreciated his music. And his theatrical nature was entertaining, but his music never spoke to me. In fact I’m listening to his final album (Blackstar) right now and I don’t get it. When Bowie passed away last week, I did what most people my age did. I busted out the Ziggy Stardust album (OK, I searched for it on Apple Music and played it) and once again gained a great appreciation for Bowie the musician. Bowie Changes Then I queued up one of the dozens of Bowie Greatest Hits albums. I really enjoyed reconnecting with Space Oddity, Rebel Rebel, and even some of the songs from “Let’s Dance”, if only for nostalgia’s sake. Then Changes came on. I started paying attention to the lyrics. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes Don’t want to be a richer man Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes Just gonna have to be a different man Time may change me But I can’t trace time – David Bowie, “Changes” I felt the wave of meaning wash over me. Changes resonates for me at this moment in time. I mean really resonates. I’ve alluded that I have been going through many changes in my life the past few years. A few years ago I reached a crossroads. I remembered there are people who stay on shore, and others who set sail without any idea what lies ahead. Being an explorer, I jumped aboard the SS Uncertain, and embarked upon the next phase of my life. Yet I leave shore today a different man than 20 years ago. As the song says, time has changed me. I have more experience, but I’m less jaded. I’m far more aware of my emotions, and much less judgmental about the choices others make. I have things I want to achieve, but no attachment to achieving them. I choose to see the beauty in the world, and search for opportunities to connect with people of varied backgrounds and interests, rather than hiding behind self-imposed walls. I am happy, but not satisfied, because there is always another place to explore, more experiences to have, and additional opportunities for growth and connection. Bowie is right. I can’t trace time and I can’t change what has already happened. I’ve made mistakes, but I have few regrets. I have learned from it all, and I take those lessons with me as I move forward. I do find it interesting that as I complete my personal transformation, it’s time to evolve Securosis. You’ll learn more about that next week, but it underscores the same concept. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Nothing stays the same. Not me. Not you. Nothing. You can turn and face the strange, or you can rue for days gone by from your chair on the shore. You know how I choose. –Mike Photo credit: “Chchchange” from Cole Henley The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! January 26 – 2015 Trends January 15 – Toddler Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. SIEM Kung Fu Fundamentals Building a Threat Intelligence Program Success and Sharing Using TI Gathering TI Introduction Network Security Gateway Evolution Introduction Recently Published Papers Threat Detection Evolution Building Security into DevOps Pragmatic Security for Cloud and Hybrid Networks EMV Migration and the Changing Payments Landscape Applied Threat Intelligence Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security The Future of Security Incite 4 U Everyone is an insider: Since advanced threat detection is still very shiny, it’s not a surprise that attention has swung back to the insider threat. It seems that every 4-5 years people remember that insiders have privileged access and can steal things if they so desire. About the same time, some new technology appears that promises to identify those malicious employees and save your bacon. Then it turns out finding the insiders is hard and everyone focuses on the latest shiny attack

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Summary: Impossible

Rich here. When I hurt my knee running right before Thanksgiving everyone glanced at my brace and felt absolutely compelled to tell me how much “getting old sucks”. Hell, even my doctor commiserated as he discussed his recent soccer injury. The only problem is I first hurt me knee around junior high, and in many way’s it’s been better since I hit my 40’s than any other time I can remember. As a kid my mom didn’t want me playing football because of my knees (I tried soccer for a year in 10th grade, hurt it worse, then swapped to football to finish up high school). I wore a soft brace for most of my martial arts career. I’ve been in physical therapy so many times over the past three decades that I could write a book on the changing treatment modalities of chondromalacia patellae. I had surgery once, but it didn’t help. As a lifetime competitive athlete, running has always been part of my training, but distance running was always a problem. For a long time I thought a 10K race was my physical limit. Training for more than that really stressed the knee. Then I swapped triathlon for martial arts, and realized the knee did much better when it wasn’t smashing into things nearly every day.   Around that time my girlfriend (now wife) signed us up for a half-marathon (13.1 miles). I nearly died, but I made it. Over the subsequent decade I’ve run more of them and shaved 45 minutes off my PR. The older I get, the better my times for anything over a couple miles, and the longer distances I can run. But there’s one goal that seemed impossible – the full marathon. 26.2 miles of knee pounding awesomesauce. Twice as far as the longest race I ever ran. My first attempt, last year, didn’t go so well. Deep into my training program I developed plantar fasciitis, which is a fancy way of saying “my foot was f-ed up”. So I pushed my plans back to a later race, rehabilitated my foot… and got stomach flu the week before the last race of the year before Phoenix weather went “face of the sun” hot. A seriously disheartening setback after 6 months training. I made up for it with beer. Easier on the foot. A few months later an email popped up in my inbox letting me know registration for the Walt Disney World Marathon opened the next day. My wife and I looked at it, looked at each other, and signed up before the realistic parts of our brains could stop us. Besides, the race was only a month after we would be there with the kids, so we felt justified leaving them at home for the long weekend. I built up a better base and then started a 15-week custom program. Halfway through, on a relatively modest 8-mile run in new shoes, I injured my achilles tendon and had to swap to the bike for a couple weeks. Near the peak of my program, on a short 2-mile run and stretch day, I angled my knee just the wrong way, and proceeded to enjoy the pleasure of reliving my childhood pain. Three weeks later the knee wasn’t better, but I could at least run again. But now I was training in full-on panic mode, trying to make up for missing some of the most important weeks of my program. My goal time went out the window, and I geared down into a survival mindset. Yes, by the time I lined up at the race start I had missed 5 of 15 weeks of my training program. Even my wife missed a few weeks thanks to strep throat (which I also caught). To add insult to injury, it was nearly 70F with 100% humidity. In December. At 5:35am. You know what happened next? We ran a friggin’ marathon. Yes, at times things hurt. I got one nasty blister I patched up at an aid station. My headphones crapped out. I stopped at every single water station thanks to the humidity, and probably should have worn a bathing suit instead of running shorts. But overall it wasn’t bad. Heck, I enjoyed most of the race. I didn’t really start hurting until mile 17, and my pace didn’t fully crack until mile 22. Disney puts on a hell of a race, with distracting entertainment along the entire course. Thanks to the humidity it was the slowest Disney marathon in the 23-year history of the event. Even then, my time wasn’t embarrassing, and I finished in the top 20% or so (at a time that isn’t even close to getting into Boston or New York). I didn’t feel terrible. My wife also finished up in the front third of the pack, and we spent the afternoon walking around Disney World (slowly). We felt really good the next day, other than my darn knee. The one that held up for all 26.2 miles. The one that will be better in a week or two. I checked off a bucket list item and completed something I thought was impossible. Something I told myself my entire life I couldn’t do. There is nothing more satisfying than proving yourself wrong. Except, perhaps, doing it again. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences It isn’t security related, but Rich participated in Apple in 2015: The Six Colors report card. Securosis Posts Incite 1/13/2016: Permitted. SIEM Kung Fu: Fundamentals [New Series]. Incite 1/6/2016 – Recharging. Incite 12/15/2015: Looking Forward. Building a TI Program: Success and Sharing. Threat Detection Evolution [New Paper]. Building Security Into DevOps [New Paper]. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: How Hackers Took Down a Power Grid. A well-balanced article that points to the Ukraine as another canary in a coal mine. Mike: Dave Barry’s 2015 Year in Review: Dave Barry has a pretty good gig. Write one column a year, and it better be funny. Good thing it always is, and the 2015 edition

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Incite 1/13/2016: Permitted

I’m not sure how it happened, but XX1 turned 15 in November and got her driver’s permit. Wait, what?!?! That little girl can now drive. Like, legally? WTF? Clearly it is now January, and I am still in shock that 15 years has passed by in the blink of an eye. Now it’s on me to teach her to drive. She’ll take a driver’s ed course in February, so that will help and give her some practical experience with someone who actually drives with teenagers for a living. Is that on the list of worst jobs? Second to elephant cage cleaner at the zoo, driving with inexperienced drivers seems like my version of hell on earth. Then I remembered back to when I learned to drive. My Dad had a ‘72 Bug for me that he drove around. He picked me up and drove me to the local town pool parking lot. He taught me how to balance the clutch (yes, it was a stick shift) and start, stop, drive in a straight line, and turn. I recall him being extraordinarily patient as I smoked the clutch and stalled out 10 times. But after a while I got the hang of it.   Then he said, “OK Mike. Drive home.” WHAT? I was kind of in shock. It was maybe 3 miles to my house, but it was 3 miles of real road. Road with other drivers on it. I almost crapped my pants, but we got home in one piece. Dad would let me drive most places after that, even on the highway and on bridges. He remained incredibly patient, even when I stalled 10 times on a slight incline with about 50 cars behind me sitting on their horns. Yup, crapped my pants that time too. I remember that like it was yesterday, but it was 31 years ago. Damn. So before winter break I took XX1 out to the parking lot of the library. She got into the driver’s seat and I almost crapped my pants. You getting the recurring theme here? She had no idea what she was doing. I have an automatic transmission, so she didn’t have to worry about the clutch, but turning the car is a learned skill, and stopping without giving me whiplash was challenging for a little while. She did get the hang of it, but seeing her discomfort behind the wheel convinced me that my plan of having her drive home (like my Dad did to me) wouldn’t be a great idea. Neither for her self-esteem nor my blood pressure. She’ll get the hang of it, and I have to remember that she’s different than me and I’m a different teacher than my Dad. We’ll get her driving at her pace. After she takes the driver’s ed class I’ll have her start driving when she’s with me. Before we know it, she’ll have 25-30 hours behind the wheel. But I’m not taking any chances. I plan on sending her to an advanced driving school. My cousin sent me a link to this great program in NC called B.R.A.K.E.S, which provides a 4-hour defensive driving workshop specifically for teens. I’m also going to take her to a Skip Barber racing class or something similar, so she can learn how to really handle the car. Sure it’s expensive, but she’s important cargo, commanding a two-ton vehicle, so I want to make sure she’s prepared. But I have to understand this is a metaphor for the rest of her life. As parents we can prepare her to the best of our ability. Then we need to let her loose to have her own experiences and learn her lessons. She can count on our support through the inevitable ups and downs. My little girl is growing up. –Mike Photo credit: “International Driving Permit” from Tony Webster The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our new video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! January 26 – 2015 Trends January 15 – Toddler Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. SIEM Kung Fu Fundamentals Building a Threat Intelligence Program Success and Sharing Using TI Gathering TI Introduction Network Security Gateway Evolution Introduction Recently Published Papers Threat Detection Evolution Building Security into DevOps Pragmatic Security for Cloud and Hybrid Networks EMV Migration and the Changing Payments Landscape Applied Threat Intelligence Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security The Future of Security Incite 4 U Security as a business problem: The more things change, the more they stay the same. NetworkWorld’s Overcoming stubborn execs for security sake took me back to 2006, right before I wrote the Pragmatic CSO. Senior management doesn’t get it? Yup. Mid-managers want to circumvent the rules? Yup. On and on it goes, and we run on the hamster wheel for

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SIEM Kung Fu: Fundamentals [New Series]

Another SIEM blog series? Really? Why are we still talking about SIEM? Isn’t that old technology? Hasn’t it been subsumed by new and shiny security analytics products and services? Be honest – those thoughts crossed your mind, especially because we have published a lot of SIEM related research over the past few years. We previously worked through the basics of the technology and how to choose the right SIEM for your needs. A bit over a year ago we looked into how to monitor hybrid cloud environments. The fact is SIEM has become somewhat of a dirty word, but that’s ridiculous. Security monitoring needs to be a core, fundamental, aspect of every security program. SIEM – in various flavors, using different technologies and deployment architectures – is how you do security monitoring. So it’s not about getting rid of the technology – it’s more about how to get the most out of your existing investment, and ensuring you can handle the advanced threats facing organizations today. But we understand how SIEM got its bad name. Early versions of the technology were hard to use, and required significant integration just to get up and running. You needed to know what attacks you were looking for, and unfortunately most adversaries don’t send attack playbooks ahead of time. Operating an early SIEM required a ninja DBA, and even then queries could take hours (or days for full reports) to complete. Adding a new use case with additional searches and correlations required an act of Congress and a truckload of consultants. It’s not surprising organizations lost their patience with SIEM. So the technology was relegated to generating compliance reports and some very simple alerts, while other tools were used to do ‘real’ security monitoring. But as with most other areas of security technology, SIEM has evolved. Security monitoring platforms now support a bunch of additional data types, including network packets. The architectures have evolved to scale more efficiently and have integrated fancy new ‘Big Data’ analytics engines to improve detection accuracy, even for attacks you haven’t seen before. Threat intelligence is integrated into the SIEM directly, so you can look for attacks on other organizations before they are launched at you. So our new SIEM Kung Fu series will streamline our research to focus on what you need to know to get the most out of your SIEM, and solve the problems you face today by increasing your capabilities (the promised Kung Fu). But first let’s revisit the key use cases for SIEM and what is typically available out of the box with SIEM tools.     Alerting The original use case for SIEM was security alert reduction. IDS and firewall devices were pumping out too many alerts, and you needed a way to figure out which of them required attention. That worked for a little while, but then adversaries got a lot better and learned to evade many of the simple correlations available with first-generation SIEM. Getting actionable alerts from your SIEM is the most important use case for the technology. Many different techniques are used to detect these attacks. You can hunt for anomalies that kinda-sorta look like they could be an attack or you can do very sophisticated analytics on a wide variety of data sources to detect known attack patterns. What you cannot do any more is depend on simple file-based detection, because modern attacks are far more complicated. You need to analyze inbound network traffic (to find reconnaissance), device activity (for signs of compromise), and outbound network traffic (for command and control / botnet communications) as well. And that’s a simplified view of how a multi-faceted attack works. Sophisticated attacks require sophisticated analysis to detect and verify. Out of the box a SIEM offer a number of different patterns to detect attacks. These run the gamut from simple privilege escalation to more sophisticated botnet activity and lateral movement. Of course these built-in detections are generic and need to be tuned to your specific environment, but they can give you a head start for finding malicious activity in your environment. This provides the quick win which has historically eluding many SIEM projects, and builds momentum for continued investment in SIEM technology. SIEM technology has advanced to the point where it can find many attacks without a lot of integration and customization. But to detect advanced and targeted attacks by sophisticated adversaries, a tool can only get you so far. You need to evolve how you use security monitoring tools. You cannot just put a shiny new tool in place and expect advanced adversaries to go away. That will be our area of focus for the later posts in this series. Forensics Once you have determined an attack is under way – or more accurately, once you have detected one of the many attacks happening in your environment – you need to investigate the attack and figure out the extent of the damage. We have documented the incident response process, especially within the context of integrating threat intelligence, and SIEM is a critical tool to aggregate data and provide a platform for search and investigation. Out of the box a SIEM will enable responders to search through aggregated security data. Some tools offer visualizations to help users see anomalous activity, and figure out where certain events happened in the timeline. But you will still need a talented responder to really dig into an attack and figure out what’s happening. No tool can take an incident response from cradle to grave. So the SIEM is not going to be the only tool your incident responders use. But in terms of efficiently figuring out what’s been compromised, the extent of the damage, and an initial damage assessment, the SIEM should be a keystone of your process. Especially given the ability of a SIEM to capture and analyze network packets, providing more granularity and the ability to build a timeline of what really happened during the attack. Compliance Finally, the SIEM remains instrumental for generating compliance reports, which are still a

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Incite 1/6/2016 — Recharging

The last time I took 2 weeks off was probably 20 years ago. As I write that down, it makes me sad. I’ve been been running pretty hard for a long time. Even when I had some forced vacations (okay, when I got fired), I took maybe a couple days off before I started focusing on the next thing. Whether it was a new business or a job, I got consumed by what was next almost immediately. I didn’t give myself any time to recharge and heal from the road rash that accumulated from one crappy job after another. Even when things are great, like the past 6 years working with Rich and Adrian, I didn’t take a block of time off. I was engaged and focused and I couldn’t wait to jump into the next thing. So I would. I spent day after day during the winter holidays as the only person banging away at their laptop at the coffee shop while everyone else was enjoying catching up with friends over Peppermint Mocha lattes. recharge I rationalized that I could be more productive because my phone wasn’t ringing off the hook and I wasn’t getting my normal flow of email. There wasn’t much news being announced and my buddies weren’t blogging at all. So I could just bang away at the projects I didn’t have time for during the year. Turns out that was nonsense. I was largely unproductive during winter break. I read a lot, spent time thinking, and it was fine. But it didn’t give me a chance to recharge because there was no separation. The truth is I didn’t know how to relax. Maybe I was worried I wouldn’t be able to start back up again if I took that much time away. It turns out the projects that didn’t get done during the year didn’t get done over break because I didn’t want to do them. So they predictably dragged on through winter break and then into the next year. That changed this year. I’m just back from two weeks pretty much off the grid. I took a week away with my kids. We went to Florida and checked out a Falcons game in Jacksonville, the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, and Universal Studios in Orlando. We were able to work in some family time in South Florida for Xmas before heading back to Atlanta. I stayed on top of email, but only to respond to the most urgent requests. All two of them. I didn’t bring my laptop, so if I couldn’t take care of it on my iPad, it wasn’t getting done. Then I took a week of adult R&R on the beach in Belize. I’m too cheap to pay for international cellular roaming, so my connectivity was restricted to when I could connect to crappy WiFi service. It was hard to check email or hang out in our Slack room during a snorkeling trip or an excursion down the Monkey River. So I didn’t. And the world didn’t end. The projects that dragged through the year didn’t get done. But they weren’t going to get done anyway and it was a hell of a lot more fun to be in Belize than a crappy coffee shop pretending to work. I came back from the time off recharged and ready to dive into 2016. We’ve got a lot of strategic decisions to make as the technology business evolves towards cloud-everything and we have to adapt with it. I don’t spend a lot of time looking backwards and refuse to judge myself for not unplugging for all those years. But I’ll tell you, there will be more than one period of time where I’ll be totally unplugged in 2016. And I’ll be a hell of a lot more focused and productive when I return. –Mike Photo credit: “Recharging Danbo Power” from Takashi Hososhima The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our new video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! January 26 – 2015 Trends January 15 – Toddler Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Building a Threat Intelligence Program Success and Sharing Using TI Gathering TI Introduction Network Security Gateway Evolution Introduction Recently Published Papers Threat Detection Evolution Building Security into DevOps Pragmatic Security for Cloud and Hybrid Networks EMV Migration and the Changing Payments Landscape Applied Threat Intelligence Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security The Future of Security Incite 4 U Cloud vs. on-prem. Idiotic discussions continue: Do me a favor and don’t read this article trying to get to the bottom of whether the public cloud or on-prem

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Incite 12/15/2015: Looking Forward

In last week’s Incite I looked backwards at 2015. As we close out this year (this will be the last Incite in 2015), let me take a look forward at what’s in store for 2016. Basically I don’t have any clue. I could lie to you and say I’ve got it all figured out, but I don’t. I fly by the seat of my pants pretty much every day of my life. And any time I think I have things figured out, I get a reminder (usually pretty harsh) that I don’t know squat. One thing I’m comfortable predicting is that things will be changing. Because they always do. Some years the change is very significant, like in 2015. Other years less so. But all the same, change is constant in my world. We’re going to do some different things at Securosis next year. We are very pleased with how we have focused our research toward cloud security, and plan to double down on that in 2016. We’ll roll out some new offerings, though I’m not exactly sure when or what they’ll be. We have a ton of ideas, and now we have to figure out which of them make the most sense, because we have more ideas than time or resources. Rich, Adrian, and I will get together in January and make those decisions – and it will involve beer. Personally, I’ll continue my path of growth because well, growth. That includes trying new things, traveling to new places, and making new friends. I’m not going to set any goals besides that I want to wake up every morning, maintain my physical health, and continue my meditation and spiritual practices. My kids are at an age where they need my presence and guidance, even though they will likely not listen, because teenagers know everything. Which basically means I’ll also need to be there to pick them up when they screw things up (and they will), and try to not say I told you so too many times. I’ll also tell my story of transformation through the year. I’m not ready to do that yet, but I will because it’s an interesting story and I think it will resonate with some of you. It also ensures that I will remember as time marches on. I spent some time earlier in the year reading through old Incites and it was a great reminder of my journey. Overall I’m very excited about 2016 and continuing to live with a view toward potential and not limitations. I’m focused on making sure those I love know they are special every single day. I’m committed to being happy where I am, grateful for how I got here, and excited for what is to come. I’ll ring in the New Year in a tropical paradise, and play the rest by ear. All of us at Securosis are grateful for your support, and we wish you a healthy and happy 2016. –Mike Photo credit: “looking forward to” from Elizabeth M The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the 2014 conference. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour. Your emails, alerts, and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our new video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and… hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. Dec 8 – 2015 Wrap Up and 2016 Non-Predictions Nov 16 – The Blame Game Nov 3 – Get Your Marshmallows Oct 19 – re:Invent Yourself (or else) Aug 12 – Karma July 13 – Living with the OPM Hack May 26 – We Don’t Know Sh–. You Don’t Know Sh– May 4 – RSAC wrap-up. Same as it ever was. March 31 – Using RSA March 16 – Cyber Cash Cow March 2 – Cyber vs. Terror (yeah, we went there) February 16 – Cyber!!! February 9 – It’s Not My Fault! January 26 – 2015 Trends January 15 – Toddler Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Building a Threat Intelligence Program Success and Sharing Using TI Gathering TI Introduction Network Security Gateway Evolution Introduction Recently Published Papers Threat Detection Evolution Building Security into DevOps Pragmatic Security for Cloud and Hybrid Networks EMV Migration and the Changing Payments Landscape Applied Threat Intelligence Endpoint Defense: Essential Practices Cracking the Confusion: Encryption & Tokenization for Data Centers, Servers & Applications Security and Privacy on the Encrypted Network Monitoring the Hybrid Cloud Best Practices for AWS Security The Future of Security Incite 4 U Good deed for the holidays: You too can help make software security better! OWASP, the Open Web Application Security Project, is developing a new set of secure coding guidelines for software developers. This document will be a great aid to developers who want to get up to speed on secure coding. It offers a succinct set of code examples – in most of the widely used programming languages – which address the top ten security coding flaws. And what developer doesn’t love easy to understand code examples? But wait, there’s more! This effort is truly open, so you get to participate in building the guidelines: the document I referenced is open for public comments and direct editing! So if you think the document is missing something, or there are better examples to be offered, or you think something is wrong, you can improve it. Do a good deed for the holidays and contribute. – AL Happy Holidays. Let’s make some crap up… It’s the holiday season. So obviously we will be subjected to everyone’s predictions of what’s in store for 2016. As you can tell from our last FireStarter of the year, we don’t buy into predictions. But the IDC folks don’t have any issue making things up. Their

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
  • Comments are enabled for posts. All comments are kept except for spam, personal insults of a clearly inflammatory nature, and completely off-topic content that distracts from the discussion. We welcome comments critical of the work, even if somewhat insulting to the authors. Really.
  • Anyone can comment, and no registration is required. Vendors or consultants with a relevant product or offering must properly identify themselves. While their comments won’t be deleted, the writer/moderator will “call out”, identify, and possibly ridicule vendors who fail to do so.
  • Vendors considering licensing the content are welcome to provide feedback, but it must be posted in the comments - just like everyone else. There is no back channel influence on the research findings or posts.
    Analysts must reply to comments and defend the research position, or agree to modify the content.
  • At the end of the post series, the analyst compiles the posts into a paper, presentation, or other delivery vehicle. Public comments/input factors into the research, where appropriate.
  • If the research is distributed as a paper, significant commenters/contributors are acknowledged in the opening of the report. If they did not post their real names, handles used for comments are listed. Commenters do not retain any rights to the report, but their contributions will be recognized.
  • All primary research will be released under a Creative Commons license. The current license is Non-Commercial, Attribution. The analyst, at their discretion, may add a Derivative Works or Share Alike condition.
  • Securosis primary research does not discuss specific vendors or specific products/offerings, unless used to provide context, contrast or to make a point (which is very very rare).
    Although quotes from published primary research (and published primary research only) may be used in press releases, said quotes may never mention a specific vendor, even if the vendor is mentioned in the source report. Securosis must approve any quote to appear in any vendor marketing collateral.
  • Final primary research will be posted on the blog with open comments.
  • Research will be updated periodically to reflect market realities, based on the discretion of the primary analyst. Updated research will be dated and given a version number.
    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
    Only the free primary research released on our site can be licensed. We will not accept licensing fees on research we charge users to access.
  • All licensed research will be clearly labeled with the licensees. No licensed research will be released without indicating the sources of licensing fees. Again, there will be no back channel influence. We’re open and transparent about our revenue sources.

In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
  • Analysts produce research according to their own research agendas, and may offer licensing under the same objectivity requirements.
  • The potential licensee will be provided an outline of our research positions and the potential research product so they can determine if it is likely to meet their objectives.
  • Once the licensee agrees, development of the primary research content begins, following the Totally Transparent Research process as outlined above. At this point, there is no money exchanged.
  • Upon completion of the paper, the licensee will receive a release candidate to determine whether the final result still meets their needs.
  • If the content does not meet their needs, the licensee is not required to pay, and the research will be released without licensing or with alternate licensees.
  • Licensees may host and reuse the content for the length of the license (typically one year). This includes placing the content behind a registration process, posting on white paper networks, or translation into other languages. The research will always be hosted at Securosis for free without registration.

Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

Content will be created independently of LICENSEE with no obligations for payment. Once content is complete, LICENSEE will have a 3 day review period to determine if the content meets corporate objectives. If the content is unsuitable, LICENSEE will not be obligated for any payment and Securosis is free to distribute the whitepaper without branding or with alternate licensees, and will not complete any associated webcasts for the declining LICENSEE. Content licensing, webcasts and payment are contingent on the content being acceptable to LICENSEE. This maintains objectivity while limiting the risk to LICENSEE. Securosis maintains all rights to the content and to include Securosis branding in addition to any licensee branding.

Even this process itself is open to criticism. If you have questions or comments, you can email us or comment on the blog.