Network Security Podcast, Episode 81
Martin is on the road starting up his new job as a PCI auditor for Trustwave so I made my best attempt to record the podcast. More than a few technical difficulties later, we finally completed recording. Sorry about the extra reverb, I’m still figuring out my setup and accidentally left it a little high. For the record, Audio Hijack Pro rocks and I regret trying to record without it. The show is shorter tonight to account for Martin’s travel. We spend a fair bit of time talking about Apple products due to the upcoming release of OS X 10.5 and happenings in the world of the iPhone. I also chastise Martin for being in Denver and thinking the Rockies are just the big pointy things in the distance. I lived in Boulder for 16 years, and although I’m in Phoenix now I still tend to root for the old home teams. Except the Nuggets. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go pre-order Leopard for my Mac… Show Notes: OS X Leopard release and security features The Apple Store Rich’s commentary on Leopard iPhone Metasploit package HD Moore: Cracking the iPhone part 2.1 Rich’s commentary on the iPhone exploit Apple opening iphone, still scared of evil hax0rs Russian Business Network Citrix flaws or bad configuration Blame bad Citrix admins for poor site security, experts say Citrix; Owning the legitimate backdoor Sorry, no music tonight Network Security Podcast, Episode 81, October 17, 2007 Share: