

NAC Isn’t About User Authentication

I was reading a NAC post by Alan Shimel (gee, what a shock), and it brought up one of my pet peeves about NAC. Now I will fully admit that NAC isn’t an area I spend nearly as much time on as data and application security, but I still consider it one of our more fundamental security technologies that’s gotten a bad rap for the wrong reasons, and will eventually be widely deployed. The last time I talked about NAC in detail I focused on why it came to exist in the first place. Basically, we had no way to control what systems were connecting to our network, or monitor/verify the health of those systems. We, of course, also want to control which users end up on our network, and there’s been growing recognition for many years now that we need to do that lower on the OSI stack to protect ourselves from various kinds of attacks. Here’s how I’ve always seen it: We use 802.1x to authenticate which users we want to allow to connect to our network. We use NAC to decide which systems we want to allow to connect to our network. I realize 802.1x is often ‘confused’ with NAC, but it’s a separate technology that happens to complement NAC. Alan puts it well: Authentication is where we screwed up. Who said NAC was about authentication? Listening yesterday you would think that 802.1x authentication was a direct result of NAC needing a secure authentication process. Guys lets not put the cart in front of the horse. 802.1x offers a lot of other features and advantages besides NAC authentication. In fact it is the other way around. NAC vendors adopted 802.1x because it offered some distinct advantages. It was widespread in wireless networks. However, JJ is right. It is complex. There are a lot of moving parts. If you have not done everything right to implement 802.1x on your network, don’t bother trying to use it for NAC. But if you had, it does work like a charm. As I have said before it is not for the faint of heart. Hopefully JJ and Alan won’t take too much umbrage from this post, but when looking at NAC I suggest to keeping your goals in mind, as well as an understanding of NAC’s relationship with 802.1x. The two are not the same thing, and you can implement either without the other. Share:

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I Heart Creative Spam

I hate to admit it, but I often delight in the sometimes brilliant creativity of those greedy assholes trying to sell me various products to improve the functioning of my rod or financial portfolio. I used to call this “spam haiku” and kept a running file to entertain audiences during presentations. Lately I’ve noticed some improvements in the general quality of this digital detritus, at least on the top end. While the bulk of spam lacks even the creativity of My Pet Goat, and targets a similar demographic, the best almost contain a self awareness and internal irony more reminiscent of fine satire. Even messages that seem unintelligible on the surface make a wacky kind of poetry when viewed from a distance. Here are a few, all collected within the past few days: Make two days nailing marathon semipellucid pigeonhearted (Semipellucid should be added to a dictionary someplace.) Girls will drop underwear for you banyan speechmaker (Invokes images of steamy romance in the tropics… assuming you aren’t afraid of talking penises.) How too Satisfy a Woman in Bed – Part 1 (No poetry, but simple and to the point (ignoring the totally unnecessary-for-filter-evasion spelling error. I’m still waiting anxiously for Part 2, since Part 1 failed to provide details on what to do after taking the blue pill. Do I simply wait? Am I supposed to engage in small talk? When do we actually move to the bed? Is a lounge chair acceptable, or do I have to pay extra for that? Part 1 is little more than a teaser, I think I should buy the full series.) Read it, you freak (Shows excellent demographic research!) When the darkness comes your watch will still show you the right time (This is purely anti-Semitic. I realize us Jews will be left in the darkness after the Rapture, but there’s no reason to flaunt it. At least my watch will work.) Your virility will never disappear as long as you remain with us (Comforting, but this was the header of an AARP newsletter.) Shove your giant and give her real tension. (Is it me, or does this conjure images of battling a big ass biker as “she” nervously bites her nails in anticipation of your impending demise?) You can look trendy as a real dandy. (Er..) Real men don’t check the clock, they check the watch. (Damn straight! And they shove giants. Can’t forget the giants.) Your rocket will fly higher aiguille campanulate runes relapse Get a watch that was sent you from heaven above. (Well, if it’s from heaven, I can’t say no.) Empower your fleshy thing (Excellent. Its incubation in the lab is nearly complete, and I’ve been searching for a suitable power source to support its mission of world domination.) Your male stamina will return to you like a boomerang. (It will go flying off to the far corner of the park where my neighbor’s dog shreds it to pieces? Perhaps evoking the wrong image here.) Your wang will reach ceiling (I do have a vintage Wang in my historical computer collection. Is this a robotic arm or some sort of ceiling mount? I must find out. If it’s in reference to my friend’s cousin Wang, I’m not sure I’d call him “mine”, and he already owns a ladder.) Your stiff wang = her moans (Wang isn’t dead, but I’m sure his wife would moan in agony at her loss if he was. What’s with the obsession with my friend’s cousin?) Be more than a man with a Submariner SS watch. (Like… a cyborg?!?!) Your account has been disabled (I guess we’re done then.) Share:

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The Network Security Podcast, Episode 151

We probably more the doubled the number of stories we talked about this week, but we only added about 8 minutes to the length of the podcast. You can consider this the “death by a thousand cuts” podcasts as we cover a string of shorter stories, ranging from a major IIS vulnerability, through breathalyzer spaghetti code, to how to get started in security. We also spend a bit of time talking about Black Hat and Defcon, and celebrate hitting 500,000 downloads on episode 150. Someone call a numerologist! Network Security Podcast, Episode 151, May 19, 2009 Show Notes: Breathalyzer source code released as part of a DUI defense… and it’s a mess. A DHS system was hacked, but only a little information made it out. Secret questions for password resets are often weaker than passwords, and easy to guess. Does tokenization solve anything? Yep. Kaspersky finds malware installed on a brand new netbook. Malware inserts malicious links into Google searches. Google Chrome was vulnerable to Safari Pwn2Own bug. Both are WebKit-based, so we shouldn’t be too surprised. Information on the IIS 6 vulnerability/0day. How to get started in information security by Paul Asadoorian. Tonight’s Music: Liberate Your Mind by The Ginger Ninjas Share:

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The Pragmatic Data (Information-Centric) Security Cycle

Way back when I started Securosis, I came up with something called the Data Security Lifecycle, which I later renamed the Information-Centric Security Cycle. While I think it does a good job of capturing all the components of data security, it’s also somewhat dense. That lifecycle was designed to be a comprehensive outline of protective controls and information management, but I’ve since realized that if you have a specific data security problem, it isn’t the best place to start. In a couple weeks I’ll be speaking at the TechTarget Financial Information Security Decisions conference in New York, where I’m presenting Pragmatic Data Security. By “pragmatic” I mean something you can implement as soon as you get home. Where the lifecycle answers the question, “How can I secure all my data throughout its entire lifecycle?” pragmatic data security answers, “How can I protect this specific data at this point in time, in my existing environment?” It starts with a slimmed down cycle: Define what information you want to protect (specifically, not general data classification) Discover where it’s located (various tools/techniques, preferably automated, like DLP, rather than manual) Secure the data where it’s stored, and/or eliminate data where it shouldn’t be (access controls, encryption) Monitor data usage (various tools, including DLP, DAM, logs, SIEM) Protect the data from exfiltration (DLP, USB control, email security, web gateways, etc.) For example, if you want to protect credit card numbers you’d define them in step 1, use DLP content discovery in step 2 to locate where they are stored, remove it or lock the repositories down in step 3, use DAM and DLP to monitor where they’re going in step 4, and use blocking technologies to keep them from leaving the organization in step 5. All too often I’m seeing people get totally wrapped up in complex “boil the ocean” projects that never go anywhere, vs. defining and solving a specific problem. You don’t need to start your entire data security program with some massive data classification program. Pick one defined type of data/information, and just go protect it. Find it, lock it down, watch how it’s being used, and stop it from going where you don’t want. Yeah, parts are hard, but hard != impossible. If you keep your focus, any hard problem is just a series of smaller, defined steps. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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