

Microsoft Encryption and the Cloud

I was reading PC Magazine’s recap of Ray Ozzie’s announcement of the Azure cloud computing platform. The vision of Azure, said Ozzie, is “… three screens and a cloud,” meaning Internet-based data and software that plays equally well on PCs, mobile devices, and TVs. I am already at a stage where almost everything I want to do on the road I can accomplish with my smartphone. Any heavy lifting on the desktop. I am sure we will quickly reach a point where there is no longer a substantial barrier, and I can perform most tasks (with varying degrees of agility) with whatever device I have handy. “We’re moving into an era of solutions that are experienced by users across PCs, phones and the Web, and that are delivered from datacenters we refer to as private clouds and public clouds. But I read this just after combing through the BitLocker specifications, and the dichotomy of the old school model and new cloud vision seemed at odds. With cloud computing we are going to see data encryption become common. We are going to be pushing data into the cloud, where we do know what security will be provided, and we may not have thoroughly screened the contents prior to moving it. Encryption, especially when the data is stored separately from the keys and encryption engine, is a very good approach to keeping data private and secure. But given the generic nature of the computing infrastructure, the solutions will need to be flexible enough to support many different environments. Microsoft’s data security solution set includes several ways to encrypt data: BitLocker is available for full drive encryption on laptops and workstations. Windows Mobile Device Manager will manage security on your mobile storage and mobile application data encryption. Exchange can manage email and TLS encryption. SQL Server offers transparent and API-level encryption. But BitLocker’s architecture seems a little odd when compared to the others, especially in light of the cloud based vision. It has hardware and BIOS requirements to run. BitLocker has different key management, key recovery, and backup interfaces than laptops and other mobile devices and applications. BitLocker’s architecture does not seem like it could be stretched to support other mobile devices. Given that this is a major new launch, something a little more platform-neutral would make sense. If you are an IT manager, do you care? Is it acceptable to you? Does your device security belong to a different group than platform security? The offerings seem scattered to me. Rich does not see this as an issue, as each solves a specific problem relevant to the device in question and key management is localized. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I also learned that there is no current plan for Transparent Database Encryption with SQL Azure. That means developers using SQL Azure who want data encryption will need to take on the burden at the application level. This is fine, provided your key management and encryption engine is not in the cloud. But as this is being geared to use with the Azure application platform, you will probably have that in the cloud as well. Be careful. Share:

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Three acquisitions, two visions

I had to laugh when I read Alan Shimel’s post “Where does Tipping Point fit in the post-3Com ProCurve”? His comment: I found it insightful that nowhere among all of this did security or Tipping Point get a mention at all. Does HP realize it is part of this deal? Which was exactly what I was thinking when reading the press releases. One of 3Com’s three pillars is completely absent from the HP press clippings I’ve come across in the last couple days. Usually there is some mention of everything, to assuage any fears of the employees and avoid having half the headcount leave for ‘new opportunities’. And the product line does not include the all-important cloud or SaaS based models so many firms are looking for, so selling off is a plausible course of action. It was easy to see why Barracuda purchased Purewire. It filled the biggest hole in their product line. And the entire market has been moving to a hybrid model, outsourcing many of the resource intensive features & functions, and keeping the core email and web security functions in house. This allows customers to reduce cost with the SaaS service and increase the longevity of existing investments. Cisco’s acquisition of ScanSafe is similar in that it provides customers with a hybrid model to keep existing IronPort customers happy, as well as a pure SaaS web security offering. I could see this being a standard security option for cloud-based services, ultimately a cloud component, and part of a much larger vision than Barracuda’s. Which gets me back to Tipping Point and Alan’s question “Will they just spin it out, so as not to upset some of their security partners”? My guess is not. If I was king in charge, I would roll this up with the EDS division acquired earlier this year for a comprehensive managed security services offering. Tipping Point is well entrenched and respected as a product, and both do a lot of business with the government. My guess is this is what they will do. But they need to have the engineering team working on a SaaS offering, and I would like to see them leverage their content analysis capabilities more, and perhaps offer what BlueLane did for VMWare. Share:

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Critical Infrastructure, 60 Minutes, and Missing the Point

Here’s the thing about that 60 Minutes report on cybersecurity from the other week. Yes, some of the facts were clearly wrong. Yes, there are massive political fights under way to see who ‘controls’ cybersecurity, and how much money they get. Some .gov types might have steered the reporters/producers in the wrong direction. The Brazilian power outage probably wasn’t caused by hackers. But so what? Here’s what I do know: A penetration tester I know who works on power systems recently told me he has a 100% success rate. Multiple large enterprises tell me that hackers, quite possibly from China, are all over their networks stealing sensitive data. They keep as many out as they can, but cannot completely get rid of them. Large-scale financial cybercrime is costing us hundreds of millions of dollars – and those are just the ones we know about (some of that is recovered, so I don’t know the true total on an annual basis). Any other security professional with contacts throughout the industry talks to the same people I do, and has the same information. The world isn’t ending, but even though the story has some of the facts wrong, the central argument isn’t that far off the mark. Nick Selby did a great write-up on this, and a bunch of the comments are focused on the nits. While we shouldn’t excuse sloppy journalism, some incorrect facts don’t make the entire story wrong. Share:

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What the Renegotiation Bug Means to You

A few weeks ago a new TLS and SSLv3 renegotiation vulnerability was disclosed, and there’s been a fair bit of confusion around it. When the first reports of the bug hit the wire, my initial impression was that the exploit was too complex to be practical, but as more information comes to light I’m starting to think it’s worth paying attention to. Since every web browser and most other kinds of encrypted Internet connections – such as between mail servers – use TLS or SSLv3 to protect traffic, the potential scope for this is massive. The problem is that TLS and SSLv3 allow renegotiation outside of an established TLS connection, creating a small window of opportunity for an attacker to sit in the middle and, at a particular phase of a connection, inject arbitrary data. The key bits are that the attacker must be in the middle, and there’s only a specific window for data injection. The encryption itself isn’t cracked, and the attacker can’t read the encrypted data, but the attacker now has a hole to inject something which could allow unanticipated actions, such as sending a command to a web application a user is connected to. A lot of people are comparing this to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), where a malicious website tricks the browser into doing something on a trusted site the user is logged into, like changing their password. This is a bit similar because we’re injecting something into a trusted connection, but the main differentiator is where the problem lies. CSRF happens way up at the application layer, and to hit it all we need to do is trick the user (or their browser) to get access. This new flaw is at a networking layer, so we have a lot less context or feedback. For the TLS/SSL attack to work, the attacker has to be within the same local network (broadcast domain) as the victim, because the exploit is at the “transport” layer. This alone decreases the risk significantly right out of the gate. Is this a viable exploit tactic? Absolutely, but within the bounds of a local network, and within the limits of what you can do with injection. This attack vector is most useful in situations where there is easy access to networks: unsecured WiFi and large network segments that aren’t protected from man in the middle (MITM) attacks. The more significant cause for concern is if you are running an Internet facing web application that is: Vulnerable to the TLS/SSL renegotiation vulnerability as described and either… Running a web app that doesn’t have any built in application layer protections (anti-CSRF, session state, etc.). Running a web app that allows users to store and retrieve things using simple POST requests (such as Twitter). Or using TLS/SSLv3 as transport security for something else, such as IMAP/SSL, POP/SSL, or SMTP/TLS… In those cases, if an attacker can get on the same network as one of your users, they can inject data and potentially cause bad things to happen, possibly even redirecting your user to a new, malicious site. One recent example (since fixed) showed how an attacker could trick Twitter into posting the user’s account credentials. Currently the draft of the fix binds a renegotiation handshake to a particular already established TLS channel, which closes the hole. Unfortunately, since SSLv3 does not support extensions there is no possible way for a secure renegotiation to happen; thus the death of SSL is nigh, and long live (a fixed) TLS. Share:

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