

FireStarter: IP Breach Disclosure, No-Way, No-How

On Monday March 1st, the Experienced Security Professionals Program (ESPP) was held at the RSA conference, gathering 100+ practitioners to discuss and debate a few topics. The morning session was on “The Changing Face of Cyber-crime”, and discussed the challenges facing law enforcement to prosecute electronic crimes, as well as some of the damage companies face when attackers steal data. As could be expected, the issue of breach disclosure came up, and of course several corporate representatives pulled out the tired argument of “protecting their company” as their reason to not disclose breaches. The FBI and US Department of Justice representatives on the panel referenced several examples where public firms have gone so far as to file an injunction against the FBI and other federal entities to stop investigating breaches. Yes, you read that correctly. Companies sued to stop the FBI from investigating. And we wonder why cyber-attacks continue? It’s hard enough to catch these folks when all relevant data is available, so if you have victims intentionally stopping investigations and burying the evidence needed for prosecution, that seems like a pretty good way to ensure criminals will avoid any penalties, and to encourage attackers to continue their profitable pursuits at shareholder expense. The path of least resistance continues to get easier. Let’s look past the murky grey area of breach disclosure regarding private information (PII) for a moment, and just focus on the theft of intellectual property. If anything, there is much less disclosure of IP theft, thanks to BS arguments like – “It will hurt the stock price,” or “We have to protect the shareholders.” or “Our responsibility is to preserve shareholder value.” Those were the exact phrases I heard at the ESPP event, and they made my blood boil. All these statements are complete cop-outs, motivated by corporate officers’ wish to avoid embarrassment and potential losses of their bonuses, as opposed to making sure shareholders have full and complete information on which to base investment decisions. How does this impact stock price? If IP has been stolen and is being used by competitors, it’s reasonable to expect the company’s performance in the market will deteriorate over time. R&D advances come at significant costs and risks, and if that value is compromised, the shareholders eventually lose. Maybe it’s just me, but that seems like material information, and thus needs to be disclosed. In fact, not disclosing this material information to shareholders and providing sufficient information to understand investment risks runs counter to the fiscal responsibility corporate officers accept in exchange for their 7-figure paychecks. Many, like the SEC and members of Congress, argue that this is exactly the kind of information that is covered by the disclosure controls under Section 302 of Sarbanes-Oxley, which require companies to disclose risks to the business. That said, I understand public companies will not disclose breaches of IP. It’s not going to happen. Despite my strong personal feelings that breach notification is essential to the overall integrity of global financial markets, companies will act in their own best interests over the short term. Looking beyond the embarrassment factor, potential brand impact, and competitive disadvantages, the single question that foils my idealistic goal of full disclosure is: “How does the company benefit from disclosure?” That’s right – it’s not in the company own interest to disclose, and unless they can realize some benefit greater than the estimated loss of IP (Google’s Chinese PR stunt, anyone?), they will not disclose. Public companies need to act according to their own best interests. It’s not noble – in fact it’s entirely selfish – but it’s a fact. Unless there are potential regulatory losses due to not disclosing, since the company will already suffer the losses due to the lost IP, there is no upside to disclosing and disclosure probably only increases the losses. So we are at an impasse between what is right and what is realistic. So how to do we fix this? More legislation? A parade down Wall Street for those admitting IP theft? Financial incentives? Help a brother out here – how can we get IP breach disclosure, and get it now? Share:

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LHF: Quick Wins in DLP, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series on Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins with DLP, we covered how important it is to get your process in place, and the two kinds of violations you should be immediately prepared to handle. Trust us – you will see violations once you turn your DLP tool on. Today we’ll talk about the last two pieces of prep work before you actually flip the ‘on’ switch. Prepare Your Directory Servers One of the single most consistent problems with DLP deployments has nothing to do with DLP, and everything to do with the supporting directory (AD, LDAP, or whatever) infrastructure. Since with DLP we are concerned with user actions across networks, files, and systems (and on the network with multiple protocols), it’s important to know exactly who is committing all these violations. With a file or email it’s usually a straightforward process to identify the user based on their mail or network logon ID, but once you start monitoring anything else, such as web traffic, you need to correlate the user’s network (IP) address back to their name. This is built into nearly every DLP tool, so they can track what network addresses are assigned to users when they log onto the network or a service. The more difficult problem tends to be the business process; correlating these technical IDs back to real human beings. Many organizations fail to keep their directory servers current, and as a result it can be hard to find the physical body behind a login. It gets even harder if you need to figure out their business unit, manager, and so on. For a quick win, we suggest you focus predominantly on making sure you can track most users back to their real-world identities. Ideally your directory will also include role information so you can filter DLP policies violations based on business unit. Someone in HR or Legal usually has authorization for different sensitive information than people in IT and Customer Service, and if you have to manually figure all this out when a violation occurs, it will really hurt your efficiency later. Integrate with Your Infrastructure The last bit of preparation is to integrate with the important parts of your infrastructure. How you do this will vary a bit depending on your initial focus (endpoint, network, or discovery). Remember, this all comes after you integrate with your directory servers. The easiest deployments are typically on the network side, since you can run in monitoring mode without having to do too much integration. This might not be your top priority, but adding what’s essentially an out of band network sniffer is very straightforward. Most organizations connect their DLP monitor to their network gateway using a SPAN or mirror port. If you have multiple locations, you’ll probably need multiple DLP boxes and have to integrate them using the built-in multi-system management features common to most DLP tools. Most organizations also integrate a bit more directly with email, since it is particularly effective without being especially difficult. The store-and-forward nature of email, compared to other real-time protocols, makes many types of analysis and blocking easier. Many DLP tools include an embedded mail server (MTA, or Mail Transport Agent) which you can simply add as another hop in the email chain, just like you probably deployed your spam filter. Endpoint rollouts are a little tougher because you must deploy an agent onto every monitored system. The best way to do this (after testing) is to use whatever software deployment tool you currently use to push out updates and new software. Content discovery – scanning data at rest in storage – can be a bit tougher, depending on how many servers you need to scan and who manages them. For quick wins, look for centralized storage where you can start scanning remotely through a file share, as opposed to widely distributed systems where you have to manually obtain access or install an agent. This reduces the political overhead and you only need an authorized user account for the file share to start the process. You’ll notice we haven’t talked about all the possible DLP integration points, but instead focused on the main ones to get you up and running as quickly as possible. To recap: For all deployments: Directory services (usually your Active Directory and DHCP servers). For network deployments: Network gateways and mail servers. For endpoint deployments: Software distribution tools. For discovery/storage deployments: File shares on the key storage repositories (you generally only need a username/password pair to connect). Now that we are done with all the prep work, in our next post we’ll dig in and focus on what to do when you actually turn DLP on. Share:

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