

Marketing Skills for Security Wonks: Leveraging Elmer FUDd

At the risk of having Rich yell at me again (like he did early last year) because I’m writing too much high-level stuff, let’s get back to a key soft skill of being a security manager. It’s not like we got a lot better at that in 2010, right? I talked about motivating your team earlier this week, so now let’s turn to marketing and sales. Right – you are a security guy/gal, what do you need to know about sales? Well, unless your senior management comes to you with a blank check and a general understanding of how to protect your stuff, you need to map out a security program and sell it to them. If you end up with about 20% of the budget you need every year, and at layoff time you lose 40% of an already understaffed team, guess what? You have a sales problem. And that means you may have to get your Elmer FUDd on. A post by Dave Shackleford got me thinking about FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) from a user context. It’s a constant presence when dealing with vendors, who are always trying to scare their customers into buying something. But end users can leverage FUD as well. Just be careful – it’s a bit like using live exploits. You might get what you want, but in the process take down the entire system. I’ve been talking for years about the need for security managers to focus on communications and leave the firewall rules to the admins. Part of that communication strategy is about creating urgency. Urgency gets things done. Urgency doesn’t allow folks to debate and get into an analysis/paralysis loop. You need urgency. And used correctly, FUD can create urgency. You are probably thinking about how distasteful this whole discussion seems. You can’t stand it when your sales reps try to throw a FUD balloon at you, and now you need to do the same thing? Just hear me out. The deal with using FUD in an end user context is pretty straightforward – it’s really just about telling the truth, the whole truth. And that’s really the difference. The amount of risk most organizations face can be overwhelming, so most security managers downplay it, or run out of time to tell the entire story. What you want to do is explain to senior management, preferably with examples of how it happened to other folks (who look like your company & managers), all the ways you can be compromised. Yes, the list is long. I recommend you do this within the context of a risk assessment and the associated triage plan to fix the most urgent issues. This process is outlined in Steps 2 and 3 of the Pragmatic CSO. You see, if you show them you can get killed 200 ways, but ask for funding to only fix 50, it’s a win win. The reality is even if you had the resources, you couldn’t fix all 200 anyway, and by the time you are done there will be another 200. But that can stay just between us. The senior folks think you are making tough choices to fix the stuff that’s most important and exposed – which you are. So as you hunt for those wascally wabbits each day, don’t be too scared to break out the Elmer FUDd from time to time. Sometimes the end justifies the means. But don’t tell the vendors I said FUD is OK (sometimes). That needs to remain our little secret. Photo credits: “Elmer Fudd” originally uploaded by Joe Shlabotnik Share:

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Friday Summary: January 7, 2011

Compliance and security have hit the big time, and I have the proof. Okay: all of us who live, eat, and breathe security already know that compliance is a big deal and a pain in the ass – but it isn’t as if “normal” people ever pay attention, right? Other than CEOs and folks who have to pay for our audits, right? And according to the meme that’s been circulating since I started in the business, no one actually cares about security until they’ve been hit, right? Well, today I was sitting at my favorite local coffee shop when the owner came over to make fun of me for having my Mac and iPad out at the same time. We got to talking about their wireless setup (secure, but he doesn’t like the service) and he mentioned he was thinking of dropping the service and running it off his own router. I gave him some security tips, and he informed me that in no way, shape, or form would he connect his open WiFi to the same connection his payment system is on. Because he has to stay PCI compliant. Heck, he even knew what PCI PA-DSS was and talked about buying a secure, compliant point of sale system! He’s not some closet security geek – just a dude running a successful small business (now in two locations). He’s a friggin’ Level 4 merchant, and still knows about PCI and compliant apps. I feel like kissing the sales guy who must have explained it all to him. And security? He never uses anything except his up-to-date Windows 7 computer to access his bank account. Now can we all shut up about not making a difference? Do you really think I could have had that conversation even a few years ago? One last note: RSA is fast approaching. We (well, @geekgrrl) are working hard on the Securosis Guide to RSA 2011, the Recovery Breakfast announcement will go out soon, we’re cramming to finish the CSA training class, and we’ve locked in an awesome lineup for the RSA e10+ program we are running this year. And then there’s our sekret squirrel project. In other words, please forgive us if we are slow responding to email, phone calls, or beatings over the head. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Mort quoted in Incident%20response%20plans%20badly%20lacking,%20experts%20say. Kevin Riggins gives us a shout-out and review. Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Mr. Cranky Faces Reality. Any time Adrian is cranky, you need to highlight that. I guess he is human after all. Adrian Lane: The Evolving Role of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing in Web Application Security. David Mortman: Web Application Firewalls Really Work. Rich: BSIMM meets Joe the Programmer. Other Securosis Posts React Faster and Better: Initial Incident Data. Mobile Device Security: Saying no without saying no. Incite 1/5/2011: It’s a Smaller World, after All. HP(en!s) Envy: Dell Buys SecureWorks. Motivational Skills for Security Wonks: 2011 Edition. Mobile Device Security: I can haz your mobile. Coming Soon…. React Faster and Better Chugging along. React Faster and Better: Alerts & Triggers. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: Quora Essentials for Information Security Professionals. Lenny Z talks about how to use the new new social networking thingy: Quora. I’m a luddite, so maybe I’ll be there in a year or two, but it sounds cool. Adrian Lane: thicknet: starting wars and funny hats. A couple weeks old, but a practical discussion of MinM attacks on Oracle. And Net8 is difficult to decipher. Rich: Slashdot post on how China acquires IP. I suggest the full article linked by Slashdot, but it’s a translation and even the short bits in the post are very revealing. Project Quant Posts NSO Quant: Index of Posts. Research Reports and Presentations The Securosis 2010 Data Security Survey. Monitoring up the Stack: Adding Value to SIEM. Network Security Operations Quant Metrics Model. Network Security Operations Quant Report. Understanding and Selecting a DLP Solution. White Paper: Understanding and Selecting an Enterprise Firewall. Understanding and Selecting a Tokenization Solution. Top News and Posts Researcher breaks Adobe Flash sandbox security feature. He did not actually break anything, but figured out how to bypass the restriction. Windows 0day in the wild. SourceFire buys Immunet. More perspective on Gawker Hack. Chinese hackers dig into new IE bug, says Google researcher. Breaking GSM With a $15 Phone … Plus Smarts. The Dubai Job: Awesome article in GQ on the assasination. Security risks of PDF. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to mokum von Amsterdam, in response to NSA Assumes Security Is Compromised. One can not keep information secret that is accessable by >10 people over years, period. Mind you, ‘systems’ and ‘networks’ are not limited to the typical IT stuff one might think of but includes the people and processes. Trying to secure it is doomed to fail, so what one needs is to adjust the mindset to reality. Sorry, no spend-more-dollars solution from me… Share:

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Mobile Device Security: 5 Tactics to Protect Those Buggers

In this series we’ve tackled the threats these new handheld computers mobile devices present, as well as how we need to deal with folks culturally when they demand access to sensitive corporate information on mobile devices. As we wrap up this short series on mobile device security, let’s jump in and talk about a few things we can do to protect these devices. As we all understand that these mobile devices are really handheld computers, we need to think about the tactics that are successful for securing our more traditional computers. Admittedly, ‘successful’ may be a bit optimistic, but there are still many lessons we can learn from the controls we use to protect laptops. Some of these fall into a traditional security technology bucket, while others tend to be more operational and management oriented. But really, those distinctions are hair-splitting. Things like secure configurations and access policies contribute to the safety of the data on the device, and that’s what’s important. Tactic #1: Good Hygiene I know you hate every time you go to the dentist and see the little sign: Only floss the teeth you want to keep. I certainly do, but it’s true. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s still true. And the same goes for protecting mobile devices. We need to have a strong posture on these devices, in order to have a chance to be secure. These policies won’t make you secure, but without them you have no chance. Strong Passwords: If you have sensitive data on your mobile devices, they need to be password protected. Duh. And the password should be as strong as practical. Not a 40 digit series of random numbers. But something that balances the user’s ability to remember it (and enter it n times per day) against the attackers’ ability to brute force it. And you want to wipe the device after 10 password failures or so. Auto-lock: Along with the password, the device should lock itself after a period of inactivity. Again, finding the right setting is about your users’ threshold for inconvenience, the length of their passwords, and your ability to dictate something secure. 5-10 minutes is usually okay. Data encryption: Make sure the device encrypts data on it. Most mobile devices do this by default, but make sure. Continuous Hygiene With your dentist, doing a good brushing right before your appointment probably won’t going to fool him or her if you haven’t flossed since the last appointment. But unless you are checking constantly whether the mobile device remains in accordance with your configuration policies, you can be fooled. Just because you set up a device correctly doesn’t mean it stays that way. For traditional networks, a technology like Network Access Control (NAC) can be used to check a device when it joins the network. This ensures it has the right patches and right configuration, and has been scanned for malware, etc. You should be doing the same thing for your mobile devices. Upon connecting to your network, you can and should check to make sure nothing is out of compliance with policy. This helps block the user who gets his device from you and promptly jailbreaks it. Or does a hard reset to dump the annoying security controls you put in place. Or the one who turned off the password or auto-lock because it was too hard to deal with. Remember, users aren’t as dumb as we think they are. Well, some aren’t. So some of them will work to get around the security controls. Not maliciously (we hope), but to make things easier. Regardless of the security risks. Part of your job is to make sure they don’t manage it. Tactic 2: Remote Wipe Despite your best efforts, some users will lose their devices. Or their kids will drop them (especially the iDevices). Or they’ll break and be sent in for service. However it happens, the authorized user won’t be in control of their devices, and that introduces risk for you. And of course they won’t tell anyone before sending the device is into the shop, or losing it. So we get a memo asking for a replacement/loaner because they have to access the deal documents in the can. You need the ability to eliminate the data on the device remotely. This doesn’t have to be complicated, right? Authenticate properly and nuke it from orbit. Hopefully your user backed up his/her device, but that’s not your issue. Ultimately if there is sensitive data on the mobile device, you need to be able to wipe it from anywhere in the world. One caveat here is that in order to wipe the device you must be able to connect to it. So if a savvy attacker turns it off, or puts it into airplane mode or something, you won’t be able to wipe it. That’s why having an auto-wipe policy in case of 10 password failures is critical. At some point, someone will try to get into the device, and that’s when you want to be rid of the data. Tactic 3: Lock down Network Access It’s no secret that most public wireless networks are the equivalent of a seedy flea market. There are some legitimate folks there, but most are trying to rip you off. And given the inherent bandwidth limitations of cellular data, most users leverage WiFi whenever and wherever they can. That creates risk for us, who need to protect the data. So what to do? Basically, get a little selective about what networks you allow users to connect to. You can enforce a policy to ensure any WiFi network used offers some kind of encryption (ideally at least WPA2) to avoid snooping the network traffic. Or you can VPN all the devices’ network traffic through your corporate network, so you can apply your web filtering and other protections, with encryption to rebuff sniffers. Unfortunately this isn’t easy to swing in reality. Remember, these devices don’t belong to your organization, so mandating

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
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