

$50K buys how much FDE?

Feds step up HIPAA enforcement with hospice settlement The Hospice of North Idaho (HONI) in Hayden will pay $50,000 to avoid more costly penalties if it would have been found in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). HONI’s settlement, reached last Friday, stems from a June 2010 incident when an unencrypted laptop containing the electronic protected health information (ePHI) of 441 patients was stolen from an employee’s vehicle. For anyone still agonizing over deploying full disk encryption (FDE) on any device that handles protected data: Stop. It. Now. Just buy it. Yes, maybe the breach will happen to the other guy. Maybe the fines will hit the other guy. But clearly HHS wants to make examples of some folks, and you don’t want them to pick you. By the way, if you are worried about FDE costing a bunch of extra money, I’ll let you in on a little negotiating tactic. If you use Vendor X for endpoint protection, invite the rep in for a visit. Then strategically leave a mug from Competitor Y on you desk. Or maybe even give the rep coffee in the other vendor’s mug. Is that tacky? Sure, but it sends a clear message that you have options for endpoint protection. Which you do. Share:

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Java Sucks. Again.

Zero-day in the wild, in a popular exploit kit. From Brian Krebs: The hackers who maintain Blackhole and Nuclear Pack – competing crimeware products that are made to be stitched into hacked sites and use browser flaws to foist malware — say they’ve added a brand new exploit that attacks a previously unknown and currently unpatched security hole in Java. Alienvault confirms: Earlier this morning @Kafeine alerted us about a new Java zeroday being exploited in the wild. With the files we were able to obtain we reproduced the exploit in a fully patched new installation of Java. As you can see below we tricked the malicious Java applet to execute the calc.exe in our lab. To the best of your ability, disable Java in browsers and keep it that way. Otherwise you need alternate compensating controls. No idea if EMET helps with this, but that’s one place to start looking. Share:

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Most Consumers Don’t Need Mac AV

I can’t believe I forgot to post here when I put the article up on TidBITS, but here you go: Do You Need Mac Antivirus Software in 2013? While Macs aren’t immune to malicious software (malware), and we even experienced one reasonably widespread incident in 2012, malware on Macs is still not nearly common enough to recommend antivirus software for everyone. And while antivirus tools are effective against certain known attacks, they often don’t provide the level of protection people expect. … If Mac antivirus tools offered 100 percent effectiveness – or even 99 percent – I might take a different position. If we ever see massive volumes of malware, as happens in the Windows world, I might change my recommendations. But at this point, there are so few Mac malware infections, and antivirus tools are so limited, that for most users of current versions of OS X, antivirus doesn’t make sense. During the Flashback infection there were accusations that Mac users were too smug, or too ill-informed, to install antivirus software. But the reality is that antivirus tools offer only limited protection, and relying on antivirus for your security is as naive as believing Macs are invulnerable. Enterprises are a different story. Share:

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Integration vs. Segregation

But, he said, segregation of EHR data simply is not feasible or practical for integrated health systems such as Wellstar, … “But I also have to be able to make the information available immediately in an emergency,” he said. “A 90-second delay if you’re waiting at an ATM for your money is an inconvenience. But if it takes 90 seconds figure out if you’re allergic to penicillin, it could be a matter of life and death. Segregated healthcare networks rarely work, expert says Nice to see our friend Martin Fisher give some good quote in the CSO Online article and he’s right. As more integrated business systems become pervasive, they screw up your ability to segment networks. To be clear, segmentation is your friend, but that only works when you can segment. Otherwise you need to provide more access than you’d prefer, and that means the focus turns toward authentication (making sure the right people get on) and security monitoring. If you can’t keep them out, you had better be able to React Faster and Better. Share:

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Friday Summary: January 11, 2013

Tina Slankas presented at the Phoenix ISSA chapter this week on use of patterns for building security programs – slides can be downloaded here (PDF). The thrust of her idea was to use patterns – think design patterns if you like – for putting together control frameworks to define security efforts. Tina stated she was using the definition of ‘pattern’ in a very broad way, but the essence was reusable constructs for managing different aspects of enterprise security. For example: how identity management will function at a high level, and how will it fit with other systems. As a software developer or architect, patterns are invaluable for object-oriented programming, helping model complex ideas as a collection of simple patterns. To be honest, I abandoned the idea of secure design patterns for software architecture pretty much when I first got involved with security. I could not articulate security into the patterns, be they behavioral or structural. Maybe that was just my lack of skill at the time, but it felt like the complexities of how to secure code were beyond pattern descriptions. What was compromised was not as interesting as how it was compromised, and it usually turned out to be a process or protocol that got abused. It was the bits flowing between different patterns, or the ones left undefined, that I worried about. Trust relationships. Assumptions. Identity. Avoiding things like replay attacks. Repudiation. The problem space felt process-oriented, not object-oriented. But in terms of a control or management framework for IT systems, reusable patterns are an interesting idea. They help with consistency across multiple sites/deployments. They offer a layer of abstraction – you don’t care if the problem is solved by a firewall, a WAF, or DLP, so long as the required controls are in place and meet the requirements. Your could represent the entire PCI specification as a set of patterns. Unless you have a huge infrastructure to manage, I’m not clear how practical this is – but I am interested in the idea of security patterns. I remain skeptical of its value for secure code development, but I see its value for security program management. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich’s TidBITS post: Do You Need Mac Antivirus Software in 2013? Gunnar’s Dark Reading post: What Is It You Would Say That You Do Here? Adrian’s Dark Reading Post on DB Threats and Countermeasures. Securosis Posts $50K buys how much FDE? Java Sucks. Again. Most Consumers Don’t Need Mac AV. Integration vs. Segregation. DDoS: Distributed, but not evenly. Incite 1/9/2013: Never Lost. Detection vs. Protection and the Game of Words. ENISA BYOD FTW. Pwn Ur Cisco Phone. Understanding Identity Management for Cloud Service: The Solution Space. Prove It to Use It. Bored? Set up your own CA. Internet Explorer 8 0-Day Bypasses Patch. Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: Hardening Sprints. What are they? Do you need them? I’m a big fan of the occasional hardening sprint to let each developer fix one thing that bugs them, to pull stuff out of the security bucket list, or to otherwise do quality control. James Arlen: Nather’s Law of Policy Management. Mike Rothman: State sponsored attack: a howto guide. For a change, Rob Graham is lampooning the prevailing wisdom. He’s very good that that. Project Quant Posts Malware Analysis Quant: Index of Posts. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Monitor for Reinfection. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Remediate. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Find Infected Devices. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – Define Rules and Search Queries. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – The Malware Profile. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics – – – Dynamic Analysis. Research Reports and Presentations Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Pragmatic Key Management for Data Encryption. The Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide. Pragmatic WAF Management: Giving Web Apps a Fighting Chance. Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions. Top News and Posts Adobe fixes Flash Player and Microsoft patches IE 10 to update its built-in version. Under the hood of the cyber attack on the U.S. Banks. Facebook, Yahoo Fix Valuable $ecurity Hole$. Zero-Day Java Exploit Debuts in Crimeware. Does Your Alarm Have a Default Duress Code? How PCI Standards Will Really Die. Enhancing Certificate Security. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to Bert Knabe, in response to Prove It to Use It. You mean you don’t believe it?! It’s from a government official! They never lie! Share:

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