

It it was easy, everyone would be doing it…

We talk a lot about Big Data Security, and over the next couple years we will talk about it a lot more. But I think articles like Big Goals for Big Data are a bit misleading. But Preston Wood, Zions Bancorporation’s CISO and executive VP of security, finds it puzzling that so many find big data such a struggle. Really? The rest of the article goes through how Zions hit the wall with SIEM and needed to use Hadoop and associated technologies to meet his needs. It’s a good read and they make a number of very good points. The article even quotes Adrian, but we shouldn’t hold that against them. Our pal Alex Hutton weighs in a bit as well. “His advice? Do your homework before rushing in. Take all the necessary time to flesh out a detailed road map for the data you’re looking to process, carefully review how Hadoop will behave with the rest of your network, and develop a clear taxonomy model and strict metrics for it to follow.” That’s the rub. Most practitioners have neither the time or inclination to do the homework, structure the security program, and do things right. It’s all about instant gratification – which is why it’s much easier to get companies to install a magic box (which isn’t really magic) than it is to get them to change process and embrace foundation technology. This is an irritating truth at far too many organizations. But it is what it is. Zions has done a great job of building their security program on analytics, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy for other companies to do likewise. Share:

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No Limits—New York Times Hacked by China

A must-read reported by the Times itself: For the last four months, Chinese hackers have persistently attacked The New York Times, infiltrating its computer systems and getting passwords for its reporters and other employees. The timing of the attacks coincided with the reporting for a Times investigation, published online on Oct. 25, that found that the relatives of Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, had accumulated a fortune worth several billion dollars through business dealings. The article contains many more details than we usually see about these incidents. Pure APT, and I had Mandiant pegged as the responders by the second paragraph. Of greater interest AT&T’s role in initially identifying the attack. Some in the security community, especially researchers, like to dismiss APT, but there is no question that China (and others, including the US) are engaging in massive attack campaigns. The key difference is that China is brazen and appears to target anyone in the public who private sector who comes anywhere near their radar screen. This includes companies far smaller than the Times. Until there are consequences for these actions, don’t expect anything to slow down. Gumming up the Huawei deal doesn’t come close to a material consequence. Update: Looks like the Wall Street Journal is also under persistent attack from China. Share:

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Friday Summary: February 1, 2013

Plan. Build. Run. It’s a pretty straightforward process. One of those things that is so simple we rarely need to even call it out. We tend to structure our research this way, even if we use different terms that are more consistent with the context at hand. This morning my wife gave me one of those looks as I got all excited and mentioned our build phase was nearly over. You see, for the past four-plus years our lives have been in big-time family build mode. We knew we wanted kids, we planned a bit, and then started building the family. What I didn’t realize was the sort of stasis that you get into when you cram build mode into a short timeframe (three kids in under five years for us). Nothing is ever stable when you bring children into the picture, but life sort of goes on hold when you are having kids, in a weird way that’s different from adjusting to the various changes as they grow up. For example, our garage is chock full of strollers, baby clothes, and other accouterments. We can’t even throw away any toys because the next baby will need all the same stuff. Sophie the Giraffe ain’t cheap for a hunk of rubber, and it isn’t even worth pulling it out of rotation with our kids so close. I just know one day I will pull around the block and see a Hoarders film crew in front of my house. Cars? Carseats? Daycare costs? Vacation plans? Even framing family photos is all messed up when you know the next little bugger is on the way. I knew life would be more difficult with children, but I didn’t anticipate the time dilation as you put your life on hold for the build years. And let’s be perfectly clear – it is a hell of a lot easier on me than my wife. I’m not the one who has to plan my wardrobe nine months in advance. As the rest of the Securosis team, and many of you, head out to RSA, I will be back here in Phoenix working on our Build-to-Run transition. Well, more like witnessing – it’s not like I’m doing any of the real work. The Mogull family will be in full production mode, and we can start slowly cleaning out the dev archives. Er… maybe I’m working too much. Anyway, I’m as excited to know that we have three happy and healthy kids, and no more, as I am to meet the new one for the first time (really, they aren’t very exciting for the first six or so months anyway). We can start moving forward and enjoy the few short years we will have them around to wreck our sleep, break our sh**, and otherwise teach us levels of emotional pain we can’t possibly imagine. But damn, they’re cute. And while I miss the freedom of the pre-kid versions of our lives, this is exactly where I want to be at this point in my life. Without question or hesitation. Really, they’re very cute. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Big Data Tweet-jam roundup. Adrian quoted on Big Data. Rich quoted in the Economist on Android security. Rich reviews his favorite fitness gadget for TechHive. Favorite Securosis Posts Adrian Lane: No Limits – New York Times Hacked by China. Mike Rothman: Universal Plug and Play Vulnerable to Remote Code Injection. One of the things Adrian didn’t get in this post is that Rapid7’s tool requires Java. FAIL. David Mortman: IAM for cloud use cases. Rich: It it was easy, everyone would be doing it… Other Securosis Posts Remember, every jailbreak is a security exploit Incite 1/30/2013: Email autoFAIL The Internet is for Pr0n Gartner on Software Defined Security The Graduate: 2013 Style Threatpost on Active Defense The Inside Story of SQL Slammer Java Moving from Ridiculous to Surreal Marketers take the path of least resistance Mobile Commerce Numbers Don’t Lie In through the Barracuda Back Door Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: Symantec Gets A Black Eye In Chinese Hack Of The New York Times. Low effectiveness, but who will remove it? Mike Rothman: Check Point, Juniper, Stonesoft shine in low-end network firewall test. I like the work NSS does to put these products through their paces. It can’t really reflect real world circumstances, but their tests are as close as we are going to get. Rich: Decoding SDN by Juniper. SDN is hitting, and it’s time to get up to speed on the fundamentals. David Mortman: Trust will make or break cloud ID management services. Rich (#2): Jeff Carr asks great questions on the NYT article. Top News and Posts Twitter flaw allowed third party apps to access direct messages Google Tells Cops to Get Warrants for User E-Mail, Cloud Data Backdoors Found in Barracuda Networks Gear serving malvertiseing. How Yahoo allowed hackers to hijack my neighbor’s e-mail account. Wikr updates iOS app. I like Wikr, but don’t have enough people to use it with. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment goes to David, in response to Threatpost on Active Defense. Rich, I am promoting using the term “Active Response Continuum” instead of “active defense” for the reason you cite, which is the term is too vague to be meaningful in discussion. The Active Response Continuum includes everything you list above, using two ranges (one capacity to respond, the other aggressiveness of actions). For more on this concept, see David Dittrich and Kenneth E. Himma. Active Response to Computer Intrusions. Chapter 182 in Vol. III, Handbook of Information Security, 2005. abstract_id=790585 and my Honeynet Project blog post responding to someone promoting “active defense” Share:

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